예제 #1
        public static void CreateExplosion(Vector3 position, float tntMassEquivalent, string explModelPath, string soundPath, bool isMissile = true, float caliber = 0, Part explosivePart = null, Vector3 direction = default(Vector3))
            if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)

            var go        = GameDatabase.Instance.GetModel(explModelPath);
            var soundClip = GameDatabase.Instance.GetAudioClip(soundPath);

            Quaternion rotation;

            if (direction == default(Vector3))
                rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(VectorUtils.GetUpDirection(position));
                rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction);

            GameObject  newExplosion = (GameObject)Instantiate(go, position, rotation);
            ExplosionFx eFx          = newExplosion.AddComponent <ExplosionFx>();

            eFx.ExSound                  = soundClip;
            eFx.AudioSource              = newExplosion.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            eFx.AudioSource.minDistance  = 200;
            eFx.AudioSource.maxDistance  = 5500;
            eFx.AudioSource.spatialBlend = 1;
            eFx.Range = BlastPhysicsUtils.CalculateBlastRange(tntMassEquivalent);
            eFx.AudioSource.maxDistance = eFx.Range;
            eFx.Position      = position;
            eFx.Power         = tntMassEquivalent;
            eFx.IsMissile     = isMissile;
            eFx.Caliber       = caliber;
            eFx.ExplosivePart = explosivePart;
            eFx.Direction     = direction;

            if (tntMassEquivalent <= 5)
                eFx.AudioSource.minDistance = 4f;
                eFx.AudioSource.maxDistance = 3000;
                eFx.AudioSource.priority    = 9999;
            IEnumerator <KSPParticleEmitter> pe = newExplosion.GetComponentsInChildren <KSPParticleEmitter>().Cast <KSPParticleEmitter>()

            while (pe.MoveNext())
                if (pe.Current == null)
                pe.Current.emit = true;
예제 #2
 protected void SetInitialDetonationDistance()
     if (this.detonationRange == -1)
         if (tntMass != 0)
             detonationRange = (BlastPhysicsUtils.CalculateBlastRange(tntMass) * 0.66f);
예제 #3
        private void CalculateBlast()
            if (part.Resources.Contains("HighExplosive"))
                if (part.Resources["HighExplosive"].amount == previousMass)

                tntMass = (float)(part.Resources["HighExplosive"].amount * part.Resources["HighExplosive"].info.density * 1000) * 1.5f;
                part.explosionPotential = tntMass / 10f;
                previousMass            = part.Resources["HighExplosive"].amount;

            blastRadius = BlastPhysicsUtils.CalculateBlastRange(tntMass);
예제 #4
        public static void CreateExplosion(Vector3 position, float tntMassEquivalent, string explModelPath, string soundPath, ExplosionSourceType explosionSourceType, float caliber = 0, Part explosivePart = null, string sourceVesselName = null, string sourceWeaponName = null, Vector3 direction = default(Vector3), bool isfx = false)
            CreateObjectPool(explModelPath, soundPath);

            Quaternion rotation;

            if (direction == default(Vector3))
                rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(VectorUtils.GetUpDirection(position));
                rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction);

            GameObject newExplosion = explosionFXPools[explModelPath + soundPath].GetPooledObject();

            newExplosion.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(position, rotation);
            ExplosionFx eFx = newExplosion.GetComponent <ExplosionFx>();

            eFx.Range            = BlastPhysicsUtils.CalculateBlastRange(tntMassEquivalent);
            eFx.Position         = position;
            eFx.Power            = tntMassEquivalent;
            eFx.ExplosionSource  = explosionSourceType;
            eFx.SourceVesselName = sourceVesselName != null ? sourceVesselName : explosionSourceType == ExplosionSourceType.Missile ? (explosivePart != null && explosivePart.vessel != null ? explosivePart.vessel.GetName() : null) : null; // Use the sourceVesselName if specified, otherwise get the sourceVesselName from the missile if it is one.
            eFx.SourceWeaponName = sourceWeaponName;
            eFx.Caliber          = caliber;
            eFx.ExplosivePart    = explosivePart;
            eFx.Direction        = direction;
            eFx.isFX             = isfx;
            eFx.pEmitters        = newExplosion.GetComponentsInChildren <KSPParticleEmitter>();
            eFx.audioSource      = newExplosion.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
            if (tntMassEquivalent <= 5)
                eFx.audioSource.minDistance = 4f;
                eFx.audioSource.maxDistance = 3000;
                eFx.audioSource.priority    = 9999;
예제 #5
 private void CalculateBlast()
     foreach (PartResource resource in GetResources())
         var resources = part.Resources.ToList();
         using (IEnumerator <PartResource> ammo = resources.GetEnumerator())
             while (ammo.MoveNext())
                 if (ammo.Current == null)
                 if (ammo.Current.resourceName == resource.resourceName)
                     ammoMass            = ammo.Current.info.density;
                     ammoQuantity        = ammo.Current.amount;
                     ammoExplosionYield += (((ammoMass * 1000) * ammoQuantity) / 6);
     blastRadius = BlastPhysicsUtils.CalculateBlastRange(ammoExplosionYield);
예제 #6
        void Detonate()
            if (!parentPart.partName.Contains("exploding"))
                bool excessFuel = false;
                parentPart.partName += "exploding";
                PartResource fuel = parentPart.Resources.Where(pr => pr.resourceName == "LiquidFuel").FirstOrDefault();
                PartResource ox   = parentPart.Resources.Where(pr => pr.resourceName == "Oxidizer").FirstOrDefault();
                if (fuel != null)
                    tntMassEquivilent += Mathf.Clamp((float)fuel.amount, ((float)fuel.maxAmount * 0.05f), ((float)fuel.maxAmount * 0.2f));
                    if (fuel != null && ox != null)
                        tntMassEquivilent += Mathf.Clamp((float)ox.amount, ((float)ox.maxAmount * 0.1f), ((float)ox.maxAmount * 0.3f));
                        tntMassEquivilent *= 1.3f;
                    if (fuel.amount > fuel.maxAmount * 0.3f)
                        excessFuel = true;
                PartResource mp = parentPart.Resources.Where(pr => pr.resourceName == "MonoPropellant").FirstOrDefault();
                if (mp != null)
                    tntMassEquivilent += Mathf.Clamp((float)mp.amount, ((float)mp.maxAmount * 0.1f), ((float)mp.maxAmount * 0.3f));
                    if (mp.amount > mp.maxAmount * 0.3f)
                        excessFuel = true;
                PartResource ec = parentPart.Resources.Where(pr => pr.resourceName == "ElectricCharge").FirstOrDefault();
                if (ec != null)
                    tntMassEquivilent += ((float)ec.maxAmount / 5000); //fix for cockpit batteries weighing a tonne+
                    ec.maxAmount       = 0;
                    ec.isVisible       = false;
                    parentPart.RemoveResource(ec);//destroy battery. not calling part.destroy, since some batteries in cockpits.
                if (excessFuel)
                    float blastRadius = BlastPhysicsUtils.CalculateBlastRange(tntMassEquivilent);
                    using (var blastHits = Physics.OverlapSphere(parentPart.transform.position, blastRadius, 9076737).AsEnumerable().GetEnumerator())
                        while (blastHits.MoveNext())
                            if (blastHits.Current == null)
                                Part partHit = blastHits.Current.GetComponentInParent <Part>();
                                if (partHit != null && partHit.mass > 0)
                                    Rigidbody rb       = partHit.Rigidbody;
                                    Vector3   distToG0 = parentPart.transform.position - partHit.transform.position;

                                    Ray        LoSRay = new Ray(parentPart.transform.position, partHit.transform.position - parentPart.transform.position);
                                    RaycastHit hit;
                                    if (Physics.Raycast(LoSRay, out hit, distToG0.magnitude, 9076737))
                                        KerbalEVA eva = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponentUpwards <KerbalEVA>();
                                        Part      p   = eva ? eva.part : hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Part>();
                                        if (p == partHit)
                                            if (rb == null)
                                            BulletHitFX.AttachFire(hit, p, 1, SourceVessel, 20);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Debug.LogWarning("[BDArmory.FireFX]: Exception thrown in Detonate: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
                ExplosionFx.CreateExplosion(parentPart.transform.position, tntMassEquivilent, explModelPath, explSoundPath, ExplosionSourceType.Bullet, 0, null, parentPart.vessel != null ? parentPart.vessel.name : null, null);
                // needs to be Explosiontype Bullet since missile only returns Module MissileLauncher