public HelpScene() : base() { int size = (int)(90 * GameView.scaleFactor); Bitmap backBitmap = BitmapLoader.LoadAndResize(Resource.Drawable.back, size, size); BitmapContent backContent = new BitmapContent(backBitmap, null); int hb = (int)(80 * GameView.scaleFactor); backButton = new Button(backContent, new Rect(-hb, -hb, hb, hb), pivot, -265 * GameView.scaleFactor, -380 * GameView.scaleFactor); backButton.Pressed += () => { MenuScene.Instance.Show(Side.Left); Hide(Side.Right); }; titleText = new TextContent("GAME RULES", ColorBank.Red, 64 * GameView.scaleFactor, pivot, 0, -160 * GameView.scaleFactor); int yStart = -70, yDelta = 60; rulesText = new TextContent[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { float y = (yStart + yDelta * i) * GameView.scaleFactor; rulesText[i] = new TextContent(rules[i], ColorBank.Red, 36 * GameView.scaleFactor, pivot, 0, y); } }
Button CreateHexagonButton(int size, int id, float x, float y) { int hsize = (int)(0.85 * size); int vsize = (int)(0.9 * size); Rect bounds = new Rect(-hsize / 2, -vsize / 2, hsize / 2, vsize / 2); Bitmap bitmap = BitmapLoader.LoadAndResize(id, size, size); BitmapContent content = new BitmapContent(bitmap, null); return(new Button(content, bounds, pivot, x, y)); }
Button CreateItem(int bitmap_id, string text, Rect bounds, float x, float y) { ComplexContent cc = new ComplexContent(null); int size = (int)(110 * GameView.scaleFactor); Bitmap bitmap = BitmapLoader.LoadAndResize(bitmap_id, size, size); BitmapContent bContent = new BitmapContent(bitmap, cc.pivot); TextContent tContent = new TextContent(text, ColorBank.Red, 50 * GameView.scaleFactor, cc.pivot, 0, 120 * GameView.scaleFactor); cc.contents.Add(bContent); cc.contents.Add(tContent); return(new Button(cc, bounds, pivot, x, y)); }
Button CreateDifficultyButton(int res_id, string text, float x, float y) { int size = (int)(128 * GameView.scaleFactor); Bitmap b = BitmapLoader.LoadAndResize(res_id, size, size); BitmapContent bc = new BitmapContent(b, null, 0, 0); TextContent tc = new TextContent(text, ColorBank.Red, 44 * GameView.scaleFactor, null, 0, 110 * GameView.scaleFactor); ComplexContent cc = new ComplexContent(null, 0, 0); cc.contents.Add(bc); cc.contents.Add(tc); int h = (int)(100 * GameView.scaleFactor); int vup = (int)(-90 * GameView.scaleFactor); int vdown = (int)(150 * GameView.scaleFactor); Rect bounds = new Rect(-h, vup, h, vdown); return(new Button(cc, bounds, pivot, x, y)); }
public ChoiceScene() : base() { linePaint = new Paint(); linePaint.Color = ColorBank.GetColor(ColorBank.Red); linePaint.StrokeWidth = 6 * GameView.scaleFactor; lineLR = 308 * GameView.scaleFactor; lineX = 80 * GameView.scaleFactor; Rect bounds = new Rect((int)(-310 * GameView.scaleFactor), (int)(-90 * GameView.scaleFactor), (int)(310 * GameView.scaleFactor), (int)(235 * GameView.scaleFactor)); spButton = CreateItem(Resource.Drawable.choice_singleplayer, "SINGLEPLAYER", bounds, 0, -170 * GameView.scaleFactor); spButton.Pressed += () => { Hide(Side.Left); SingleGameRunupScene.Instance.Show(Side.Right); }; bounds = new Rect(bounds); bounds.Top = (int)(-130 * GameView.scaleFactor); mpButton = CreateItem(Resource.Drawable.choice_multiplayer, "MULTIPLAYER", bounds, 0, 240 * GameView.scaleFactor); int size = (int)(90 * GameView.scaleFactor); Bitmap backBitmap = BitmapLoader.LoadAndResize(Resource.Drawable.back, size, size); BitmapContent backContent = new BitmapContent(backBitmap, null); int hb = (int)(80 * GameView.scaleFactor); backButton = new Button(backContent, new Rect(-hb, -hb, hb, hb), pivot, -265 * GameView.scaleFactor, -380 * GameView.scaleFactor); backButton.Pressed += () => { MenuScene.Instance.Show(Side.Left); Hide(Side.Right); }; }
public LogoScene() : base() { int fcsDiameter = (int)(330 * GameView.scaleFactor); Bitmap fcsBitmap = BitmapLoader.LoadAndResize(Resource.Drawable.logo_fcs, fcsDiameter, fcsDiameter); fcsLogo = new BitmapContent(fcsBitmap, pivot, 0, 80 * GameView.scaleFactor); int hseDiameter = (int)(128 * GameView.scaleFactor); Bitmap hseBitmap = BitmapLoader.LoadAndResize(Resource.Drawable.logo_hse, hseDiameter, hseDiameter); hseLogo = new BitmapContent(hseBitmap, pivot, 0, 350 * GameView.scaleFactor); supbyText = new TextContent("SUPPORTED BY", ColorBank.Red, 70 * GameView.scaleFactor, pivot, 0, -330 * GameView.scaleFactor); fcsText = new TextContent("THE FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE", ColorBank.Red, 38 * GameView.scaleFactor, pivot, 0, -230 * GameView.scaleFactor); hseText = new TextContent("HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS", ColorBank.Red, 38 * GameView.scaleFactor, pivot, 0, -150 * GameView.scaleFactor); }
public TopBar() : base() { int size = (int)(110 * GameView.scaleFactor); int vSize = (int)(size / 1.2); Rect bounds = new Rect(-vSize, -vSize, vSize, vSize); vSize = (int)(size / 1.5); float x = 360 * GameView.scaleFactor - vSize; float y = -640 * GameView.scaleFactor + vSize; Bitmap nightmodeBitmap = BitmapLoader.LoadAndResize(Resource.Drawable.top_nightmode, size, size); Bitmap daymodeBitmap = BitmapLoader.LoadAndResize(Resource.Drawable.top_daymode, size, size); BitmapContent nightmode = new BitmapContent(nightmodeBitmap, null); BitmapContent daymode = new BitmapContent(daymodeBitmap, null); int s = (ColorBank.CurrentBgCoef < 0.5) ? 0 : 1; dayNightSwitch = new SwitchButton(s, new DrawablePart[] { nightmode, daymode }, bounds, pivot, x, y); dayNightSwitch.StateChanged += (state) => ColorBank.ChangeBackgroundColor(state == 0); x = -x; Bitmap soundOffBitmap = BitmapLoader.LoadAndResize(Resource.Drawable.top_soundoff, size, size); Bitmap soundOnBitmap = BitmapLoader.LoadAndResize(Resource.Drawable.top_soundon, size, size); BitmapContent soundOff = new BitmapContent(soundOffBitmap, null); BitmapContent soundOn = new BitmapContent(soundOnBitmap, null); int st = (SoundMaster.Volume < 0.5) ? 0 : 1; soundSwitch = new SwitchButton(st, new DrawablePart[] { soundOff, soundOn }, bounds, pivot, x, y); soundSwitch.StateChanged += (state) => SoundMaster.SetVolume(state); }
public SingleGameRunupScene() : base() { int rw = (int)(170 * GameView.scaleFactor); int rh = (int)(80 * GameView.scaleFactor); Rect r = new Rect(-rw, -rh, rw, rh); RectContent rect = new RectContent(r); TextContent startText = new TextContent("START", ColorBank.Red, 70 * GameView.scaleFactor, null); ComplexContent startCC = new ComplexContent(null); startCC.contents.Add(rect); startCC.contents.Add(startText); startButton = new Button(startCC, r, pivot); startButton.Pressed += () => { SingleGameScene.Instance.InitGame(logic); SingleGameScene.Instance.Show(Side.Right); Hide(Side.Left); }; processingText = new TextContent("PROCESSING...", ColorBank.Red, 50 * GameView.scaleFactor, pivot, 0, -250 * GameView.scaleFactor); loading = new LoadingIndicator((int)(100 * GameView.scaleFactor), pivot, 0, 0); easyButton = CreateDifficultyButton(Resource.Drawable.brain_easy, "EASY", -240 * GameView.scaleFactor, 300 * GameView.scaleFactor); easyButton.Pressed += () => { lineSwitch.CurrentState = 0; SingleGameLogic.BotDepth = 0; }; normalButton = CreateDifficultyButton(Resource.Drawable.brain_normal, "NORMAL", 0 * GameView.scaleFactor, 300 * GameView.scaleFactor); normalButton.Pressed += () => { lineSwitch.CurrentState = 1; SingleGameLogic.BotDepth = 2; }; hardButton = CreateDifficultyButton(Resource.Drawable.brain_hard, "HARD", 240 * GameView.scaleFactor, 300 * GameView.scaleFactor); hardButton.Pressed += () => { lineSwitch.CurrentState = 2; SingleGameLogic.BotDepth = 4; }; lineSwitch = new HLineSwitch((int)(720 * GameView.scaleFactor), (int)(200 * GameView.scaleFactor), 3, SingleGameLogic.BotDepth / 2, pivot, 0, 460 * GameView.scaleFactor); int size = (int)(90 * GameView.scaleFactor); Bitmap backBitmap = BitmapLoader.LoadAndResize(Resource.Drawable.back, size, size); BitmapContent backContent = new BitmapContent(backBitmap, null); int hb = (int)(80 * GameView.scaleFactor); backButton = new Button(backContent, new Rect(-hb, -hb, hb, hb), pivot, -265 * GameView.scaleFactor, -380 * GameView.scaleFactor); backButton.Pressed += () => { ChoiceScene.Instance.Show(Side.Left); Hide(Side.Right); }; }