예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws circles that decrease in size to build a flower that is animated
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawEllipsesFlower(BitmapBuffer writeableBmp)
            // Init some size vars
            int w = writeableBmp.PixelWidth - 2;
            int h = writeableBmp.PixelHeight - 2;

            // Wrap updates in a GetContext call, to prevent invalidation and nested locking/unlocking during this block
            using (writeableBmp.GetBitmapContext())
                // Increment frame counter
                if (++frameCounter >= int.MaxValue || frameCounter < 1)
                    frameCounter = 1;
                double s = Math.Sin(frameCounter * 0.01);
                if (s < 0)
                    s *= -1;

                // Clear

                // Draw center circle
                int xc = w >> 1;
                int yc = h >> 1;
                // Animate base size with sine
                int r0 = (int)((w + h) * 0.07 * s) + 10;

                BitmapBufferEx.ColorInt color_brown = BitmapBufferEx.ColorInt.FromArgb(
                    255, System.Drawing.Color.Brown.R, System.Drawing.Color.Brown.G, System.Drawing.Color.Brown.B);

                writeableBmp.DrawEllipseCentered(xc, yc, r0, r0, color_brown);

                // Draw outer circles
                int dec    = (int)((w + h) * 0.0045f);
                int r      = (int)((w + h) * 0.025f);
                int offset = r0 + r;
                for (int i = 1; i < 6 && r > 1; i++)
                    for (double f = 1; f < 7; f += 0.7)
                        // Calc postion based on unit circle
                        int xc2 = (int)(Math.Sin(frameCounter * 0.002 * i + f) * offset + xc);
                        int yc2 = (int)(Math.Cos(frameCounter * 0.002 * i + f) * offset + yc);
                        int col = (int)(0xFFFF0000 | (uint)(0x1A * i) << 8 | (uint)(0x20 * f));
                        writeableBmp.DrawEllipseCentered(xc2, yc2, r, r, col);
                    // Next ring
                    offset += r;
                    r      -= dec;
                    offset += r;

                // Invalidates on exit of using block
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// A Fast Bresenham Type Algorithm For Drawing Ellipses http://homepage.smc.edu/kennedy_john/belipse.pdf
        /// x2 has to be greater than x1 and y2 has to be greater than y1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">The WriteableBitmap.</param>
        /// <param name="x1">The x-coordinate of the bounding rectangle's left side.</param>
        /// <param name="y1">The y-coordinate of the bounding rectangle's top side.</param>
        /// <param name="x2">The x-coordinate of the bounding rectangle's right side.</param>
        /// <param name="y2">The y-coordinate of the bounding rectangle's bottom side.</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color for the line.</param>
        public static void DrawEllipse(this BitmapBuffer bmp, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)
            // Calc center and radius
            int xr = (x2 - x1) >> 1;
            int yr = (y2 - y1) >> 1;
            int xc = x1 + xr;
            int yc = y1 + yr;

            bmp.DrawEllipseCentered(xc, yc, xr, yr, color);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the different types of shapes.
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawStaticShapes(BitmapBuffer writeableBmp)
            // Wrap updates in a GetContext call, to prevent invalidation and nested locking/unlocking during this block
            using (writeableBmp.GetBitmapContext())
                // Init some size vars
                int w    = writeableBmp.PixelWidth - 2;
                int h    = writeableBmp.PixelHeight - 2;
                int w3rd = w / 3;
                int h3rd = h / 3;
                int w6th = w3rd >> 1;
                int h6th = h3rd >> 1;

                // Clear

                // Draw some points
                for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                    writeableBmp.SetPixel(rand.Next(w3rd), rand.Next(h3rd), GetRandomColor());

                // Draw Standard shapes
                writeableBmp.DrawLine(rand.Next(w3rd, w3rd * 2), rand.Next(h3rd), rand.Next(w3rd, w3rd * 2), rand.Next(h3rd),
                writeableBmp.DrawTriangle(rand.Next(w3rd * 2, w - w6th), rand.Next(h6th), rand.Next(w3rd * 2, w),
                                          rand.Next(h6th, h3rd), rand.Next(w - w6th, w), rand.Next(h3rd),

                writeableBmp.DrawQuad(rand.Next(0, w6th), rand.Next(h3rd, h3rd + h6th), rand.Next(w6th, w3rd),
                                      rand.Next(h3rd, h3rd + h6th), rand.Next(w6th, w3rd),
                                      rand.Next(h3rd + h6th, 2 * h3rd), rand.Next(0, w6th), rand.Next(h3rd + h6th, 2 * h3rd),
                writeableBmp.DrawRectangle(rand.Next(w3rd, w3rd + w6th), rand.Next(h3rd, h3rd + h6th),
                                           rand.Next(w3rd + w6th, w3rd * 2), rand.Next(h3rd + h6th, 2 * h3rd),

                // Random polyline
                int[] p = new int[rand.Next(7, 10) * 2];
                for (int j = 0; j < p.Length; j += 2)
                    p[j]     = rand.Next(w3rd * 2, w);
                    p[j + 1] = rand.Next(h3rd, 2 * h3rd);
                writeableBmp.DrawPolyline(p, GetRandomColor());

                // Random closed polyline
                p = new int[rand.Next(6, 9) * 2];
                for (int j = 0; j < p.Length - 2; j += 2)
                    p[j]     = rand.Next(w3rd);
                    p[j + 1] = rand.Next(2 * h3rd, h);
                p[p.Length - 2] = p[0];
                p[p.Length - 1] = p[1];
                writeableBmp.DrawPolyline(p, GetRandomColor());

                // Ellipses
                writeableBmp.DrawEllipse(rand.Next(w3rd, w3rd + w6th), rand.Next(h3rd * 2, h - h6th),
                                         rand.Next(w3rd + w6th, w3rd * 2), rand.Next(h - h6th, h), GetRandomColor());
                writeableBmp.DrawEllipseCentered(w - w6th, h - h6th, w6th >> 1, h6th >> 1, GetRandomColor());

                // Draw Grid
                writeableBmp.DrawLine(0, h3rd, w, h3rd, Colors.Black);
                writeableBmp.DrawLine(0, 2 * h3rd, w, 2 * h3rd, Colors.Black);
                writeableBmp.DrawLine(w3rd, 0, w3rd, h, Colors.Black);
                writeableBmp.DrawLine(2 * w3rd, 0, 2 * w3rd, h, Colors.Black);

                // Invalidates on exit of using block
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// A Fast Bresenham Type Algorithm For Drawing Ellipses http://homepage.smc.edu/kennedy_john/belipse.pdf
 /// Uses a different parameter representation than DrawEllipse().
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bmp">The WriteableBitmap.</param>
 /// <param name="xc">The x-coordinate of the ellipses center.</param>
 /// <param name="yc">The y-coordinate of the ellipses center.</param>
 /// <param name="xr">The radius of the ellipse in x-direction.</param>
 /// <param name="yr">The radius of the ellipse in y-direction.</param>
 /// <param name="color">The color for the line.</param>
 public static void DrawEllipseCentered(this BitmapBuffer bmp, int xc, int yc, int xr, int yr, ColorInt color)
     bmp.DrawEllipseCentered(xc, yc, xr, yr, color.ToPreMultAlphaColor());