private void tmrReadInputs_Tick(object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs) /* Handles tmrReadInputs.Tick */ { MccDaq.DigitalPortType BitPort; string PortName, BitName; tmrReadInputs.Stop(); // read a single bit status from the digital port // Parameters: // PortNum :the digital I/O port type (must be // AUXPORT or FIRSTPORTA for bit read) // BitNum :the bit to read // BitValue :the value read from the port BitPort = DigitalPortType.AuxPort; if (PortNum > BitPort) { BitPort = DigitalPortType.FifthPortA; } MccDaq.DigitalLogicState BitValue; MccDaq.ErrorInfo ULStat = DaqBoard.DBitIn(BitPort, FirstBit, out BitValue); PortName = BitPort.ToString(); BitName = FirstBit.ToString(); lblBitNum.Text = "The state of " + PortName + " bit " + BitName + " is " + BitValue.ToString(); tmrReadInputs.Start(); }
private void tmrReadInputs_Tick(object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs) /* Handles tmrReadInputs.Tick */ { tmrReadInputs.Stop(); // read a single bit status from the digital port // Parameters: // PortType :the digital I/O port type // BitNum :the bit to read // BitValue :the value read from the port MccDaq.DigitalLogicState BitValue; MccDaq.ErrorInfo ULStat = DaqBoard.DBitIn(PortType, BitNum, out BitValue); lblBitNum.Text = "Bit number " + BitNum + " state is " + BitValue.ToString(); tmrReadInputs.Start(); }