예제 #1
        public static void ChangeDemoDir(SourceDemo demo, Stream s, string newDir)
            void Write(byte[] buf) => s.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);

            string old = demo.Header.GameDirectory;

            if (old == newDir)
                // no difference
            int             lenDiff = newDir.Length - old.Length;
            BitStreamReader bsr     = demo.Reader;

            byte[] dirBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(newDir);

            Write(dirBytes);             // header doesn't matter but I change it anyway
            Write(new byte[260 - newDir.Length]);
            byte[] tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)(bsr.ReadUInt() + lenDiff));
            if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                tmp = tmp.Reverse().ToArray();

            foreach (SignOn signOn in demo.FilterForPacket <SignOn>().Where(signOn => signOn.FilterForMessage <SvcServerInfo>().Any()))
                // catch up to signOn packet
                int byteCount = (signOn.Reader.AbsoluteBitIndex - bsr.AbsoluteBitIndex) / 8;

                BitStreamWriter bsw          = new BitStreamWriter();
                BitStreamReader signOnReader = signOn.Reader;
                signOnReader = signOnReader.FromBeginning();
                int bytesToMessageStreamSize = demo.DemoInfo.MaxSplitscreenPlayers * 76 + 8;
                // edit the message stream length - read uint, and edit at index before the reading of said uint
                bsw.EditIntAtIndex((int)(signOnReader.ReadUInt() + lenDiff), signOnReader.CurrentBitIndex - 32, 32);

                // actually change the game dir
                SvcServerInfo serverInfo = signOn.FilterForMessage <SvcServerInfo>().Single();
                int           editIndex  = serverInfo.GameDirBitIndex - signOn.Reader.AbsoluteBitIndex;
                bsw.RemoveBitsAtIndex(editIndex, old.Length * 8);
                bsw.InsertBitsAtIndex(dirBytes, editIndex, newDir.Length * 8);
        // src_main/common/netmessages.cpp  SVC_ServerInfo::WriteToBuffer
        protected override void Parse(ref BitStreamReader bsr)
            NetworkProtocol = bsr.ReadUShort();
            ServerCount     = bsr.ReadUInt();
            IsHltv          = bsr.ReadBool();
            IsDedicated     = bsr.ReadBool();
            if (DemoInfo.IsLeft4Dead() && DemoInfo.Game >= SourceGame.L4D2_2147)
                UnknownBit = bsr.ReadBool();
            ClientCrc = bsr.ReadSInt();
            if (DemoInfo.NewDemoProtocol)             // unknown field, could be before ClientCrc
                Unknown = bsr.ReadUInt();
            MaxServerClasses = bsr.ReadUShort();
            if (NetworkProtocol == 24)
                MapMD5 = bsr.ReadBytes(16);
                MapCrc = bsr.ReadUInt();                 // network protocol < 18 according to p2 leak, but doesn't add up for l4d2 and p2
            PlayerCount     = bsr.ReadByte();
            MaxClients      = bsr.ReadByte();
            TickInterval    = bsr.ReadFloat();
            Platform        = (char)bsr.ReadByte();
            GameDirBitIndex = bsr.AbsoluteBitIndex;
            GameDir         = bsr.ReadNullTerminatedString();
            MapName         = bsr.ReadNullTerminatedString();
            SkyName         = bsr.ReadNullTerminatedString();
            HostName        = bsr.ReadNullTerminatedString();
            if (DemoInfo.IsLeft4Dead() && DemoInfo.Game >= SourceGame.L4D2_2147)
                MissionName  = bsr.ReadNullTerminatedString();
                MutationName = bsr.ReadNullTerminatedString();
            if (NetworkProtocol == 24)
                HasReplay = bsr.ReadBool();                 // protocol version >= 16
            // there's a good change that the first SvcServerInfo parsed is parsed correctly
            // prevent the interval from being overwritten by subsequent, incorrectly detected, SvcServerInfo messages
            // TODO: check if changing tickrate mid game sends another SvcServerInfo
            if (!DemoInfo.HasParsedTickInterval)
                DemoInfo.TickInterval          = TickInterval;
                DemoInfo.HasParsedTickInterval = true;
            // this packet always(?) appears before the creation of any tables


            // init baselines here
            DemoRef.EntBaseLines = new EntityBaseLines(DemoRef, MaxServerClasses);
        public void Test_ByteArray()
            BitStreamWriter writer = new BitStreamWriter(stream);
            BitStreamReader reader = new BitStreamReader(stream);

            byte[] array = new byte[] { 255, 254, 251, 250 };
            byte[] result = reader.ReadBytes(_fixture.index, array.Length);
            _fixture.index += array.Length * 8;

            Assert.Equal(array, result);
예제 #4
 protected override void Parse(ref BitStreamReader bsr)
     SignOnState = (SignOnState)bsr.ReadByte();
     SpawnCount  = bsr.ReadSInt();
     if (DemoInfo.NewDemoProtocol)
         NumServerPlayers = bsr.ReadUInt();
         int length = (int)bsr.ReadUInt();
         if (length > 0)
             PlayerNetworkIds = bsr.ReadBytes(length);
         length = (int)bsr.ReadUInt();
         if (length > 0)                 // the string still seams to be null terminated (sometimes?)
             MapName = bsr.ReadStringOfLength(length).Split(new char[] { '\0' }, 2)[0];
     if (SignOnState == SignOnState.PreSpawn)
         DemoRef.ClientSoundSequence = 1;                 // reset sound sequence number after receiving SignOn sounds
예제 #5
 protected override void Parse(ref BitStreamReader bsr)
     Arr = bsr.ReadBytes((int)bsr.ReadUInt());