public override void Initialize() { NodeDemo(); CreateNodeUsingExistingClasses(); SubclassExistingClasses(); ComposeOtherNodes(); CreateCustomNode(); Canvas.RemoveInputEventListener(Canvas.PanEventHandler); Canvas.AddInputEventListener(new PDragEventHandler()); // This will create the actual BirdsEyeView and put it in a Form. BirdsEyeView bev = new BirdsEyeView(); bev.Connect(Canvas, new PLayer[] { Canvas.Layer }); Form bird = new Form(); bird.Controls.Add(bev); bird.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; bird.Bounds = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(this.Location.X + this.Width, this.Location.Y, 150, 150); bev.Size = bird.ClientSize; bev.Anchor = bev.Anchor | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom; bird.Show(); // Make sure the BirdsEyeView gets an initial update. Canvas.Camera.InvalidatePaint(); }
public override void Initialize() { NodeDemo(); CreateNodeUsingExistingClasses(); SubclassExistingClasses(); ComposeOtherNodes(); CreateCustomNode(); Canvas.RemoveInputEventListener(Canvas.PanEventHandler); Canvas.AddInputEventListener(new PDragEventHandler()); // This will create the actual BirdsEyeView and put it in a Form. BirdsEyeView bev = new BirdsEyeView(); bev.Connect(Canvas, new PLayer[]{Canvas.Layer}); Form bird = new Form(); bird.Controls.Add(bev); bird.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; bird.Bounds = new Rectangle(this.Location.X+this.Width, this.Location.Y, 150, 150); bev.Size = bird.ClientSize; bev.Anchor = bev.Anchor | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom; bird.Show(); // Make sure the BirdsEyeView gets an initial update. Canvas.Camera.InvalidatePaint(); }
public BEVDragEventHandler(BirdsEyeView bev) { this.bev = bev; }