public void InqPropertyInner(BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction emoteAction, bool inRange, WorldObject sourceObject, WorldObject targetObject, ActionChain actionChain) { var category = inRange ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestFailure; var useRNG = !inRange; // ?? InqCategory(category, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain, useRNG); }
public void InqProperty(string prop, BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction emoteAction, WorldObject sourceObject, WorldObject targetObject, ActionChain actionChain) { if (prop == null) { return; } InqPropertyInner(emoteAction, true, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); }
public void InqCategory(EmoteCategory categoryId, BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction emoteAction, WorldObject sourceObject, WorldObject targetObject, ActionChain actionChain, bool useRNG = false) { var rng = useRNG ? Physics.Common.Random.RollDice(0.0f, 1.0f) : 0.0f; var result = sourceObject.Biota.BiotaPropertiesEmote.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Category == (uint)categoryId && e.Quest == emoteAction.Message && rng <= e.Probability); if (result == null) { return; } foreach (var action in result.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction) { actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { ExecuteEmote(result, action, actionChain, sourceObject, targetObject); }); } }
public static Biota CreateCopyAsBiota(this Weenie weenie, uint id) { var biota = new Biota(); biota.Id = id; biota.WeenieClassId = weenie.ClassId; biota.WeenieType = weenie.Type; if (weenie.WeeniePropertiesBook != null) { biota.BiotaPropertiesBook = new BiotaPropertiesBook(); biota.BiotaPropertiesBook.ObjectId = biota.Id; biota.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumPages = weenie.WeeniePropertiesBook.MaxNumPages; biota.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumCharsPerPage = weenie.WeeniePropertiesBook.MaxNumCharsPerPage; } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesAnimPart) { biota.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart.Add(new BiotaPropertiesAnimPart { ObjectId = biota.Id, Index = value.Index, AnimationId = value.AnimationId }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesAttribute) { biota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute.Add(new BiotaPropertiesAttribute { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, InitLevel = value.InitLevel, LevelFromCP = value.LevelFromCP, CPSpent = value.CPSpent, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesAttribute2nd) { biota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd.Add(new BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, InitLevel = value.InitLevel, LevelFromCP = value.LevelFromCP, CPSpent = value.CPSpent, CurrentLevel = value.CurrentLevel, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesBodyPart) { biota.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart.Add(new BiotaPropertiesBodyPart { ObjectId = biota.Id, Key = value.Key, DType = value.DType, DVal = value.DVal, DVar = value.DVar, BaseArmor = value.BaseArmor, ArmorVsSlash = value.ArmorVsSlash, ArmorVsPierce = value.ArmorVsPierce, ArmorVsBludgeon = value.ArmorVsBludgeon, ArmorVsCold = value.ArmorVsCold, ArmorVsFire = value.ArmorVsFire, ArmorVsAcid = value.ArmorVsAcid, ArmorVsElectric = value.ArmorVsElectric, ArmorVsNether = value.ArmorVsNether, BH = value.BH, HLF = value.HLF, MLF = value.MLF, LLF = value.LLF, HRF = value.HRF, MRF = value.MRF, LRF = value.LRF, HLB = value.HLB, MLB = value.MLB, LLB = value.LLB, HRB = value.HRB, MRB = value.MRB, LRB = value.LRB, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesBookPageData) { biota.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData.Add(new BiotaPropertiesBookPageData { ObjectId = biota.Id, PageId = value.PageId, AuthorId = value.AuthorId, AuthorName = value.AuthorName, AuthorAccount = value.AuthorAccount, IgnoreAuthor = value.IgnoreAuthor, PageText = value.PageText, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesBool) { biota.BiotaPropertiesBool.Add(new BiotaPropertiesBool { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesCreateList) { biota.BiotaPropertiesCreateList.Add(new BiotaPropertiesCreateList { ObjectId = biota.Id, DestinationType = value.DestinationType, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, StackSize = value.StackSize, Palette = value.Palette, Shade = value.Shade, TryToBond = value.TryToBond, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesDID) { biota.BiotaPropertiesDID.Add(new BiotaPropertiesDID { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesEmote) { var emote = new BiotaPropertiesEmote { ObjectId = biota.Id, Category = value.Category, Probability = value.Probability, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, Style = value.Style, Substyle = value.Substyle, Quest = value.Quest, VendorType = value.VendorType, MinHealth = value.MinHealth, MaxHealth = value.MaxHealth, }; foreach (var value2 in value.WeeniePropertiesEmoteAction) { var action = new BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction { // EmoteId is a foreign key to Emote.Id. // If we don't set this to a non-zero number, EF will not auto-set this for us when we add this biota to the database. // We set it to uint.MaxValue instead of 1 because 1 is more likely to be a valid foreign key. We don't want to enter a valid foreign key. // We just want to enter a value that forces EF to update the record with the correft foreign key. If this behavior changes in the future and we set it to 1, // we're more likely to run into an unnoticed issue (because 1 would not throw an exception and uint.MaxValue probably would). // We put this here instead of in ShardDatabase for efficiency. // It's possible this might be fixable with a attribute in the Emote or EmoteAction classes. // It's also possible we don't have the schema defined in a way that helps scaffolding identify the relationship. // Mag-nus 2018-08-04 EmoteId = uint.MaxValue, Order = value2.Order, Type = value2.Type, Delay = value2.Delay, Extent = value2.Extent, Motion = value2.Motion, Message = value2.Message, TestString = value2.TestString, Min = value2.Min, Max = value2.Max, Min64 = value2.Min64, Max64 = value2.Max64, MinDbl = value2.MinDbl, MaxDbl = value2.MaxDbl, Stat = value2.Stat, Display = value2.Display, Amount = value2.Amount, Amount64 = value2.Amount64, HeroXP64 = value2.HeroXP64, Percent = value2.Percent, SpellId = value2.SpellId, WealthRating = value2.WealthRating, TreasureClass = value2.TreasureClass, TreasureType = value2.TreasureType, PScript = value2.PScript, Sound = value2.Sound, DestinationType = value2.DestinationType, WeenieClassId = value2.WeenieClassId, StackSize = value2.StackSize, Palette = value2.Palette, Shade = value2.Shade, TryToBond = value2.TryToBond, ObjCellId = value2.ObjCellId, OriginX = value2.OriginX, OriginY = value2.OriginY, OriginZ = value2.OriginZ, AnglesW = value2.AnglesW, AnglesX = value2.AnglesX, AnglesY = value2.AnglesY, AnglesZ = value2.AnglesZ, }; emote.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction.Add(action); } biota.BiotaPropertiesEmote.Add(emote); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesEventFilter) { biota.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter.Add(new BiotaPropertiesEventFilter { ObjectId = biota.Id, Event = value.Event, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesFloat) { biota.BiotaPropertiesFloat.Add(new BiotaPropertiesFloat { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesGenerator) { biota.BiotaPropertiesGenerator.Add(new BiotaPropertiesGenerator { ObjectId = biota.Id, Probability = value.Probability, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, Delay = value.Delay, InitCreate = value.InitCreate, MaxCreate = value.MaxCreate, WhenCreate = value.WhenCreate, WhereCreate = value.WhereCreate, StackSize = value.StackSize, PaletteId = value.PaletteId, Shade = value.Shade, ObjCellId = value.ObjCellId, OriginX = value.OriginX, OriginY = value.OriginY, OriginZ = value.OriginZ, AnglesW = value.AnglesW, AnglesX = value.AnglesX, AnglesY = value.AnglesY, AnglesZ = value.AnglesZ, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesIID) { biota.BiotaPropertiesIID.Add(new BiotaPropertiesIID { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesInt) { biota.BiotaPropertiesInt.Add(new BiotaPropertiesInt { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesInt64) { biota.BiotaPropertiesInt64.Add(new BiotaPropertiesInt64 { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesPalette) { biota.BiotaPropertiesPalette.Add(new BiotaPropertiesPalette { ObjectId = biota.Id, SubPaletteId = value.SubPaletteId, Offset = value.Offset, Length = value.Length, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesPosition) { biota.BiotaPropertiesPosition.Add(new BiotaPropertiesPosition { ObjectId = biota.Id, PositionType = value.PositionType, ObjCellId = value.ObjCellId, OriginX = value.OriginX, OriginY = value.OriginY, OriginZ = value.OriginZ, AnglesW = value.AnglesW, AnglesX = value.AnglesX, AnglesY = value.AnglesY, AnglesZ = value.AnglesZ, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesSkill) { biota.BiotaPropertiesSkill.Add(new BiotaPropertiesSkill { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, LevelFromPP = value.LevelFromPP, SAC = value.SAC, PP = value.PP, InitLevel = value.InitLevel, ResistanceAtLastCheck = value.ResistanceAtLastCheck, LastUsedTime = value.LastUsedTime, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesSpellBook) { biota.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook.Add(new BiotaPropertiesSpellBook { ObjectId = biota.Id, Spell = value.Spell, Probability = value.Probability, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesString) { biota.BiotaPropertiesString.Add(new BiotaPropertiesString { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesTextureMap) { biota.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap.Add(new BiotaPropertiesTextureMap { ObjectId = biota.Id, Index = value.Index, OldId = value.OldId, NewId = value.NewId, }); } return(biota); }
public void ExecuteEmote(BiotaPropertiesEmote emote, BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction emoteAction, ActionChain actionChain, WorldObject sourceObject = null, WorldObject targetObject = null) { var player = targetObject as Player; var creature = sourceObject as Creature; var targetCreature = targetObject as Creature; var emoteType = (EmoteType)emoteAction.Type; //if (emoteType != EmoteType.Motion && emoteType != EmoteType.Turn && emoteType != EmoteType.Move) //Console.WriteLine($"{WorldObject.Name}.ExecuteEmote({emoteType})"); var text = emoteAction.Message; switch ((EmoteType)emoteAction.Type) { case EmoteType.Act: // short for 'acting' text var message = Replace(text, sourceObject, targetObject); sourceObject?.EnqueueBroadcast(new GameMessageSystemChat(message, ChatMessageType.Broadcast), 30.0f); break; case EmoteType.Activate: actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { if (creature != null && (creature.ActivationTarget ?? 0) > 0) { var activationTarget = creature.CurrentLandblock?.GetObject(creature.ActivationTarget ?? 0); activationTarget?.ActOnUse(creature); } }); break; case EmoteType.AddCharacterTitle: // emoteAction.Stat == null for all EmoteType.AddCharacterTitle entries in current db? if (player != null) { player.AddTitle((CharacterTitle)emoteAction.Stat); } break; case EmoteType.AddContract: //if (player != null) //Contracts werent in emote table //player.AddContract(emoteAction.Stat); break; case EmoteType.AdminSpam: var players = WorldManager.GetAll(); foreach (var onlinePlayer in players) { onlinePlayer.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(text, ChatMessageType.AdminTell)); } break; case EmoteType.AwardLevelProportionalSkillXP: if (player != null) { player.GrantLevelProportionalSkillXP((Skill)emoteAction.Stat, emoteAction.Percent ?? 0, (ulong)emoteAction.Max); } break; case EmoteType.AwardLevelProportionalXP: if (player != null) { player.GrantLevelProportionalXp(emoteAction.Percent ?? 0, (ulong)emoteAction.Max); } break; case EmoteType.AwardLuminance: if (player != null) { player.GrantLuminance((long)emoteAction.Amount); } break; case EmoteType.AwardNoShareXP: actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { if (player != null) { player.EarnXP((long)emoteAction.Amount64); player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat("You've earned " + emoteAction.Amount64 + " experience.", ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); } }); break; case EmoteType.AwardSkillPoints: if (player != null) { player.AwardSkillPoints((Skill)emoteAction.Stat, (uint)emoteAction.Amount, true); } break; case EmoteType.AwardSkillXP: if (player != null) { player.RaiseSkillGameAction((Skill)emoteAction.Stat, (uint)emoteAction.Amount, true); } break; case EmoteType.AwardTrainingCredits: if (player != null) { player.AddSkillCredits((int)emoteAction.Amount, true); } break; case EmoteType.AwardXP: actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { if (player != null) { player.EarnXP((long)emoteAction.Amount64); player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat("You've earned " + emoteAction.Amount64 + " experience.", ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); } }); break; case EmoteType.BLog: // only one test drudge used this emoteAction. break; case EmoteType.CastSpell: if (WorldObject is Player) { (WorldObject as Player).CreatePlayerSpell((uint)emoteAction.SpellId); } else if (WorldObject is Creature) { (WorldObject as Creature).CreateCreatureSpell(player.Guid, (uint)emoteAction.SpellId); } break; case EmoteType.CastSpellInstant: var spellTable = DatManager.PortalDat.SpellTable; var spell = spellTable.Spells[(uint)emoteAction.SpellId]; actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { if (spell.TargetEffect > 0) { creature.CreateCreatureSpell(targetObject.Guid, (uint)emoteAction.SpellId); } else { creature.CreateCreatureSpell((uint)emoteAction.SpellId); } }); break; case EmoteType.CloseMe: targetObject.Close(WorldObject); break; case EmoteType.CreateTreasure: break; case EmoteType.DecrementIntStat: var id = (PropertyInt)emoteAction.Stat; var prop = player.GetProperty(id); if (prop != null) { player.SetProperty(id, prop.Value - 1); } break; case EmoteType.DecrementMyQuest: break; case EmoteType.DecrementQuest: // Used as part of the test drudge for events break; case EmoteType.DeleteSelf: sourceObject.CurrentLandblock?.RemoveWorldObject(sourceObject.Guid, false); break; case EmoteType.DirectBroadcast: text = Replace(emoteAction.Message, WorldObject, targetObject); if (player != null) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(text, ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); } break; case EmoteType.EraseMyQuest: break; case EmoteType.EraseQuest: if (player != null) { player.QuestManager.Erase(emoteAction.Message); } break; case EmoteType.FellowBroadcast: text = emoteAction.Message; if (player != null) { var fellowship = player.Fellowship; if (fellowship == null) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(text, ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); } else { foreach (var fellow in fellowship.FellowshipMembers) { fellow.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(text, ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); } } } break; case EmoteType.Generate: uint wcid = (uint)emoteAction.WeenieClassId; var item = WorldObjectFactory.CreateNewWorldObject((wcid)); break; case EmoteType.Give: bool success = false; if (player != null && emoteAction.WeenieClassId != null) { actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { item = WorldObjectFactory.CreateNewWorldObject((uint)emoteAction.WeenieClassId); var stackSize = emoteAction.StackSize ?? 1; var stackMsg = ""; if (stackSize > 1) { item.StackSize = (ushort)stackSize; stackMsg = stackSize + " "; // pluralize? } success = player.TryCreateInInventoryWithNetworking(item); // transaction / rollback on failure? if (success) { var msg = new GameMessageSystemChat($"{WorldObject.Name} gives you {stackMsg}{item.Name}.", ChatMessageType.Broadcast); var sound = new GameMessageSound(player.Guid, Sound.ReceiveItem, 1); player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msg, sound); } }); } break; case EmoteType.Goto: var rng = Physics.Common.Random.RollDice(0.0f, 1.0f); var firstEmote = sourceObject.Biota.BiotaPropertiesEmote.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Category == (uint)EmoteCategory.GotoSet && rng < e.Probability); foreach (var action in firstEmote.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction) { actionChain.AddAction(player, () => { ExecuteEmote(firstEmote, action, actionChain, sourceObject, targetObject); }); } break; case EmoteType.IncrementIntStat: if (player == null || emoteAction.Stat == null) { break; } id = (PropertyInt)emoteAction.Stat; prop = player.GetProperty(id); if (prop != null) { player.SetProperty(id, prop.Value + 1); } break; case EmoteType.IncrementMyQuest: break; case EmoteType.IncrementQuest: if (player != null) { player.QuestManager.Increment(emoteAction.Message); } break; case EmoteType.InflictVitaePenalty: if (player != null) { player.VitaeCpPool++; // TODO: full path } break; case EmoteType.InqAttributeStat: if (targetCreature != null) { var attr = targetCreature.GetCreatureAttribute((PropertyAttribute)emoteAction.Stat); success = attr != null && attr.Ranks >= emoteAction.Min && attr.Ranks <= emoteAction.Max; InqCategory(success ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestFailure, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); } break; case EmoteType.InqBoolStat: // This is only used with NPC's 24944 and 6386, which are dev tester npc's. Not worth the current effort. // Could also be post-ToD break; case EmoteType.InqContractsFull: // not part of the game at PY16? //if (player != null) //{ // var contracts = player.TrackedContracts; // InqCategory(contracts.Count != 0 ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestFailure, emote); //} break; case EmoteType.InqEvent: var started = EventManager.IsEventStarted(emoteAction.Message); InqCategory(started ? EmoteCategory.EventSuccess : EmoteCategory.EventFailure, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); break; case EmoteType.InqFellowNum: InqCategory(player != null && player.Fellowship != null ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestNoFellow, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); break; case EmoteType.InqFellowQuest: // focusing on 1 person quests to begin with break; case EmoteType.InqFloatStat: //InqProperty(target.GetProperty((PropertyFloat)emote.Stat), emote); break; case EmoteType.InqInt64Stat: //InqProperty(target.GetProperty((PropertyInt64)emote.Stat), emote); break; case EmoteType.InqIntStat: if (emoteAction.Stat != 25) { break; // ?? } success = player.Level >= emoteAction.Min && player.Level <= emoteAction.Max; // rng for failure case? var useRNG = !success; InqCategory(success ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestFailure, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain, useRNG); break; case EmoteType.InqMyQuest: break; case EmoteType.InqMyQuestBitsOff: break; case EmoteType.InqMyQuestBitsOn: break; case EmoteType.InqMyQuestSolves: break; case EmoteType.InqNumCharacterTitles: //if (player != null) //InqCategory(player.NumCharacterTitles != 0 ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestFailure, emote); break; case EmoteType.InqOwnsItems: //if (player != null) //InqCategory(player.Inventory.Count > 0 ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestFailure, emote); break; case EmoteType.InqPackSpace: //if (player != null) //{ // var freeSpace = player.ContainerCapacity > player.ItemCapacity; // InqCategory(freeSpace ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestFailure, emote); //} break; case EmoteType.InqQuest: if (player != null) { var hasQuest = player.QuestManager.HasQuest(emoteAction.Message); InqCategory(hasQuest ? EmoteCategory.QuestSuccess : EmoteCategory.QuestFailure, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); } break; case EmoteType.InqQuestBitsOff: break; case EmoteType.InqQuestBitsOn: break; case EmoteType.InqQuestSolves: // should this be different from InqQuest? if (player != null) { var hasQuest = player.QuestManager.HasQuest(emoteAction.Message); InqCategory(hasQuest ? EmoteCategory.QuestSuccess : EmoteCategory.QuestFailure, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); } break; case EmoteType.InqRawAttributeStat: if (targetCreature != null) { var attr = targetCreature.GetCreatureAttribute((PropertyAttribute)emoteAction.Stat); success = attr != null && attr.Base >= emoteAction.Min && attr.Base <= emoteAction.Max; InqCategory(success ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestFailure, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); } break; case EmoteType.InqRawSecondaryAttributeStat: if (targetCreature != null) { var vital = targetCreature.GetCreatureVital((PropertyAttribute2nd)emoteAction.Stat); success = vital != null && vital.Base >= emoteAction.Min && vital.Base <= emoteAction.Max; InqCategory(success ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestFailure, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); } break; case EmoteType.InqRawSkillStat: if (targetCreature != null) { var skill = targetCreature.GetCreatureSkill((Skill)emoteAction.Stat); success = skill != null && skill.Base >= emoteAction.Min && skill.Base <= emoteAction.Max; InqCategory(success ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestFailure, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); } break; case EmoteType.InqSecondaryAttributeStat: if (targetCreature != null) { var vital = targetCreature.GetCreatureVital((PropertyAttribute2nd)emoteAction.Stat); success = vital != null && vital.Ranks >= emoteAction.Min && vital.Ranks <= emoteAction.Max; InqCategory(success ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestFailure, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); } break; case EmoteType.InqSkillSpecialized: if (targetCreature != null) { var skill = targetCreature.GetCreatureSkill((Skill)emoteAction.Stat); //InqProperty(skill.Status == SkillStatus.Specialized, emoteAction); } break; case EmoteType.InqSkillStat: if (targetCreature != null) { var skill = targetCreature.GetCreatureSkill((Skill)emoteAction.Stat); success = skill != null && skill.Ranks >= emoteAction.Min && skill.Ranks <= emoteAction.Max; InqCategory(success ? EmoteCategory.TestSuccess : EmoteCategory.TestFailure, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); } break; case EmoteType.InqSkillTrained: if (targetCreature != null) { var skill = targetCreature.GetCreatureSkill((Skill)emoteAction.Stat); // TestNoQuality? InqProperty(skill.AdvancementClass == SkillAdvancementClass.Trained || skill.AdvancementClass == SkillAdvancementClass.Specialized, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); } break; case EmoteType.InqStringStat: //InqProperty(targetCreature.GetProperty((PropertyString)emoteAction.Stat), emote); break; case EmoteType.InqYesNo: ConfirmationManager.ProcessConfirmation((uint)emoteAction.Stat, true); break; case EmoteType.Invalid: break; case EmoteType.KillSelf: if (targetCreature != null) { targetCreature.Smite(targetCreature); } break; case EmoteType.LocalBroadcast: if (actionChain != null) { actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { sourceObject?.EnqueueBroadcast(new GameMessageCreatureMessage(emoteAction.Message, sourceObject.Name, sourceObject.Guid.Full, ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); }); } else { sourceObject.EnqueueBroadcast(new GameMessageCreatureMessage(emoteAction.Message, sourceObject.Name, sourceObject.Guid.Full, ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); } break; case EmoteType.LocalSignal: break; case EmoteType.LockFellow: if (player != null && player.Fellowship != null) { player.HandleActionFellowshipChangeOpenness(false); } break; case EmoteType.ForceMotion: // TODO: figure out the difference case EmoteType.Motion: if (sourceObject == null || sourceObject.CurrentMotionState == null) { break; } if (emote.Category != (uint)EmoteCategory.Vendor && emote.Style != null) { var startingMotion = new UniversalMotion((MotionStance)emote.Style, new MotionItem((MotionCommand)emote.Substyle)); var motion = new UniversalMotion((MotionStance)emote.Style, new MotionItem((MotionCommand)emoteAction.Motion, emoteAction.Extent)); if (sourceObject.CurrentMotionState.Stance != startingMotion.Stance) { if (sourceObject.CurrentMotionState.Stance == MotionStance.Invalid) { actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { //Console.WriteLine($"{sourceObject.Name} running starting motion {(MotionStance)emote.Style}, {(MotionCommand)emote.Substyle}"); sourceObject.ExecuteMotion(startingMotion); }); } } else { if (sourceObject.CurrentMotionState.Commands.Count > 0 && sourceObject.CurrentMotionState.Commands[0].Motion == startingMotion.Commands[0].Motion) { actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { //Console.WriteLine($"{sourceObject.Name} running motion {(MotionStance)emote.Style}, {(MotionCommand)emoteAction.Motion}"); float?maxRange = ClientMaxAnimRange; if (MotionQueue.Contains((MotionCommand)emoteAction.Motion)) { maxRange = null; } sourceObject.ExecuteMotion(motion, true, maxRange); }); actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(DatManager.PortalDat.ReadFromDat <DatLoader.FileTypes.MotionTable>(sourceObject.MotionTableId).GetAnimationLength((MotionCommand)emoteAction.Motion)); if (motion.Commands[0].Motion != MotionCommand.Sleeping && motion.Commands[0].Motion != MotionCommand.Sitting) // this feels like it can be handled better, somehow? { actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { //Console.WriteLine($"{sourceObject.Name} running starting motion again {(MotionStance)emote.Style}, {(MotionCommand)emote.Substyle}"); sourceObject.ExecuteMotion(startingMotion); }); } } } } else { var motion = new UniversalMotion(MotionStance.NonCombat, new MotionItem((MotionCommand)emoteAction.Motion, emoteAction.Extent)); actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { //Console.WriteLine($"{sourceObject.Name} running motion (block 2) {(MotionStance)emote.Style}, {(MotionCommand)emoteAction.Motion}"); sourceObject.ExecuteMotion(motion); }); } break; case EmoteType.Move: // what is the difference between this and MoveToPos? // using MoveToPos logic for now... if (targetCreature != null) { var currentPos = targetCreature.Location; var newPos = new Position(); newPos.LandblockId = new LandblockId(currentPos.LandblockId.Raw); newPos.Pos = new Vector3(emoteAction.OriginX ?? currentPos.Pos.X, emoteAction.OriginY ?? currentPos.Pos.Y, emoteAction.OriginZ ?? currentPos.Pos.Z); if (emoteAction.AnglesX == null || emoteAction.AnglesY == null || emoteAction.AnglesZ == null || emoteAction.AnglesW == null) { newPos.Rotation = new Quaternion(currentPos.Rotation.X, currentPos.Rotation.Y, currentPos.Rotation.Z, currentPos.Rotation.W); } else { newPos.Rotation = new Quaternion(emoteAction.AnglesX ?? 0, emoteAction.AnglesY ?? 0, emoteAction.AnglesZ ?? 0, emoteAction.AnglesW ?? 1); } if (emoteAction.ObjCellId != null) { newPos.LandblockId = new LandblockId(emoteAction.ObjCellId.Value); } targetCreature.MoveTo(newPos, targetCreature.GetRunRate()); } break; case EmoteType.MoveHome: // TODO: call MoveToManager on server if (targetCreature != null) { targetCreature.MoveTo(targetCreature.Home, targetCreature.GetRunRate()); } break; case EmoteType.MoveToPos: if (targetCreature != null) { var currentPos = targetCreature.Location; var newPos = new Position(); newPos.LandblockId = new LandblockId(currentPos.LandblockId.Raw); newPos.Pos = new Vector3(emoteAction.OriginX ?? currentPos.Pos.X, emoteAction.OriginY ?? currentPos.Pos.Y, emoteAction.OriginZ ?? currentPos.Pos.Z); if (emoteAction.AnglesX == null || emoteAction.AnglesY == null || emoteAction.AnglesZ == null || emoteAction.AnglesW == null) { newPos.Rotation = new Quaternion(currentPos.Rotation.X, currentPos.Rotation.Y, currentPos.Rotation.Z, currentPos.Rotation.W); } else { newPos.Rotation = new Quaternion(emoteAction.AnglesX ?? 0, emoteAction.AnglesY ?? 0, emoteAction.AnglesZ ?? 0, emoteAction.AnglesW ?? 1); } if (emoteAction.ObjCellId != null) { newPos.LandblockId = new LandblockId(emoteAction.ObjCellId.Value); } targetCreature.MoveTo(newPos, targetCreature.GetRunRate()); } break; case EmoteType.OpenMe: sourceObject.Open(sourceObject); break; case EmoteType.PetCastSpellOnOwner: if (creature != null) { creature.CreateCreatureSpell(targetObject.Guid, (uint)emoteAction.SpellId); } break; case EmoteType.PhysScript: // TODO: landblock broadcast if (sourceObject != null) { sourceObject.PhysicsObj.play_script((PlayScript)emoteAction.PScript, 1.0f); } break; case EmoteType.PopUp: if (player != null) { if ((ConfirmationType)emoteAction.Stat == ConfirmationType.Undefined) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventPopupString(player.Session, emoteAction.Message)); } else { Confirmation confirm = new Confirmation((ConfirmationType)emoteAction.Stat, emoteAction.Message, sourceObject.Guid.Full, targetObject.Guid.Full); ConfirmationManager.AddConfirmation(confirm); player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventConfirmationRequest(player.Session, (ConfirmationType)emoteAction.Stat, confirm.ConfirmationID, confirm.Message)); } } break; case EmoteType.RemoveContract: if (player != null) { player.HandleActionAbandonContract((uint)emoteAction.Stat); } break; case EmoteType.RemoveVitaePenalty: if (player != null) { player.VitaeCpPool = 0; // TODO: call full path } break; case EmoteType.ResetHomePosition: //creature = sourceObject as Creature; //if (creature != null) // creature.Home = emoteAction.Position; break; case EmoteType.Say: actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { sourceObject?.EnqueueBroadcast(new GameMessageCreatureMessage(emoteAction.Message, sourceObject.Name, sourceObject.Guid.Full, ChatMessageType.Emote)); }); break; case EmoteType.SetAltRacialSkills: break; case EmoteType.SetBoolStat: targetObject.SetProperty((PropertyBool)emoteAction.Stat, emoteAction.Amount == 0 ? false : true); break; case EmoteType.SetEyePalette: if (creature != null) { creature.EyesPaletteDID = (uint)emoteAction.Display; } break; case EmoteType.SetEyeTexture: if (creature != null) { creature.EyesTextureDID = (uint)emoteAction.Display; } break; case EmoteType.SetFloatStat: targetObject.SetProperty((PropertyFloat)emoteAction.Stat, (float)emoteAction.Amount); break; case EmoteType.SetHeadObject: if (creature != null) { creature.HeadObjectDID = (uint)emoteAction.Display; } break; case EmoteType.SetHeadPalette: break; case EmoteType.SetInt64Stat: player.SetProperty((PropertyInt)emoteAction.Stat, (int)emoteAction.Amount); break; case EmoteType.SetIntStat: player.SetProperty((PropertyInt)emoteAction.Stat, (int)emoteAction.Amount); break; case EmoteType.SetMouthPalette: break; case EmoteType.SetMouthTexture: creature = sourceObject as Creature; if (creature != null) { creature.MouthTextureDID = (uint)emoteAction.Display; } break; case EmoteType.SetMyQuestBitsOff: break; case EmoteType.SetMyQuestBitsOn: break; case EmoteType.SetMyQuestCompletions: break; case EmoteType.SetNosePalette: break; case EmoteType.SetNoseTexture: creature = sourceObject as Creature; if (creature != null) { creature.NoseTextureDID = (uint)emoteAction.Display; } break; case EmoteType.SetQuestBitsOff: break; case EmoteType.SetQuestBitsOn: break; case EmoteType.SetQuestCompletions: break; case EmoteType.SetSanctuaryPosition: //if (player != null) //player.Sanctuary = emote.Position; break; case EmoteType.Sound: targetObject.EnqueueBroadcast(new GameMessageSound(targetObject.Guid, (Sound)emoteAction.Sound, 1.0f)); break; case EmoteType.SpendLuminance: if (player != null) { player.SpendLuminance((long)emoteAction.Amount); } break; case EmoteType.StampFellowQuest: break; case EmoteType.StampMyQuest: break; case EmoteType.StampQuest: // work needs to be done here if (player != null) { player.QuestManager.Add(emoteAction.Message); } break; case EmoteType.StartBarber: break; case EmoteType.StartEvent: EventManager.StartEvent(emoteAction.Message); break; case EmoteType.StopEvent: EventManager.StopEvent(emoteAction.Message); break; case EmoteType.TakeItems: if (player != null && emoteAction.WeenieClassId != null) { item = WorldObjectFactory.CreateNewWorldObject((uint)emoteAction.WeenieClassId); if (item == null) { break; } success = player.TryRemoveItemFromInventoryWithNetworking(item, (ushort)emoteAction.Amount); } break; case EmoteType.TeachSpell: if (player != null) { player.LearnSpellWithNetworking((uint)emoteAction.SpellId); } break; case EmoteType.TeleportSelf: //if (WorldObject is Player) //(WorldObject as Player).Teleport(emote.Position); break; case EmoteType.TeleportTarget: //if (player != null) //player.Teleport(emote.Position); break; case EmoteType.Tell: actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageHearDirectSpeech(sourceObject, emoteAction.Message, player, ChatMessageType.Tell)); }); break; case EmoteType.TellFellow: text = emoteAction.Message; if (player != null) { var fellowship = player.Fellowship; if (fellowship == null) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(text, ChatMessageType.Tell)); } else { foreach (var fellow in fellowship.FellowshipMembers) { fellow.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(text, ChatMessageType.Tell)); } } } break; case EmoteType.TextDirect: if (player != null) { // should these delays be moved to 1 place?? actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); text = emoteAction.Message; // no known instances of replace tokens in current text, but could be added in future actionChain.AddAction(player, () => { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(text, ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); }); } break; case EmoteType.Turn: if (creature != null) { actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); var pos = new Position(creature.Location.Cell, creature.Location.PositionX, creature.Location.PositionY, creature.Location.PositionZ, emoteAction.AnglesX ?? 0, emoteAction.AnglesY ?? 0, emoteAction.AnglesZ ?? 0, emoteAction.AnglesW ?? 0); actionChain.AddAction(creature, () => { creature.TurnTo(pos); }); var rotateTime = creature.GetRotateDelay(pos); actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(rotateTime); } break; case EmoteType.TurnToTarget: if (creature != null && targetCreature != null) { actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(creature, () => { creature.Rotate(targetCreature); }); var rotateTime = creature.GetRotateDelay(targetCreature); actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(rotateTime); } break; case EmoteType.UntrainSkill: if (player != null) { player.UntrainSkill((Skill)emoteAction.Stat, 1); } break; case EmoteType.UpdateFellowQuest: break; case EmoteType.UpdateMyQuest: break; case EmoteType.UpdateQuest: // only delay seems to be with test NPC here // still, unsafe to use any emotes directly outside of a chain, // as they could be executed out-of-order if (player != null) { var questName = emoteAction.Message; player.QuestManager.Add(questName); var hasQuest = player.QuestManager.HasQuest(questName); InqCategory(hasQuest ? EmoteCategory.QuestSuccess : EmoteCategory.QuestFailure, emoteAction, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); } break; case EmoteType.WorldBroadcast: if (player != null) { actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageHearDirectSpeech(sourceObject, emoteAction.Message, player, ChatMessageType.WorldBroadcast)); }); } break; default: log.Debug($"EmoteManager.Execute - Encountered Unhandled EmoteType {(EmoteType)emoteAction.Type} for {sourceObject.Name} ({sourceObject.WeenieClassId})"); break; } }
public void InqProperty(double?prop, BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction emoteAction, WorldObject sourceObject, WorldObject targetObject, ActionChain actionChain) { var inRange = prop != null && (prop.Value >= emoteAction.MinDbl && prop.Value <= emoteAction.MaxDbl); InqPropertyInner(emoteAction, inRange, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); }
public void InqProperty(bool?prop, BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction emoteAction, WorldObject sourceObject, WorldObject targetObject, ActionChain actionChain) { var inRange = prop != null && prop.Value; InqPropertyInner(emoteAction, inRange, sourceObject, targetObject, actionChain); }
public static ACE.Database.Models.Shard.Biota ConvertFromEntityBiota(ACE.Entity.Models.Biota biota, bool includeDatabaseRecordIds = false) { var result = new ACE.Database.Models.Shard.Biota(); result.Id = biota.Id; result.WeenieClassId = biota.WeenieClassId; result.WeenieType = (int)biota.WeenieType; if (biota.PropertiesBool != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesBool) { result.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } if (biota.PropertiesDID != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesDID) { result.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } if (biota.PropertiesFloat != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesFloat) { result.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } if (biota.PropertiesIID != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesIID) { result.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } if (biota.PropertiesInt != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesInt) { result.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } if (biota.PropertiesInt64 != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesInt64) { result.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } if (biota.PropertiesString != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesString) { result.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } if (biota.PropertiesPosition != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesPosition) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesPosition { ObjectId = biota.Id, PositionType = (ushort)kvp.Key, ObjCellId = kvp.Value.ObjCellId, OriginX = kvp.Value.PositionX, OriginY = kvp.Value.PositionY, OriginZ = kvp.Value.PositionZ, AnglesW = kvp.Value.RotationW, AnglesX = kvp.Value.RotationX, AnglesY = kvp.Value.RotationY, AnglesZ = kvp.Value.RotationZ }; result.BiotaPropertiesPosition.Add(entity); } } if (biota.PropertiesSpellBook != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesSpellBook) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesSpellBook { ObjectId = biota.Id, Spell = kvp.Key, Probability = kvp.Value }; result.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook.Add(entity); } } if (biota.PropertiesAnimPart != null) { for (int i = 0; i < biota.PropertiesAnimPart.Count; i++) { var value = biota.PropertiesAnimPart[i]; var entity = new BiotaPropertiesAnimPart { ObjectId = biota.Id, Index = value.Index, AnimationId = value.AnimationId, Order = (byte)i }; result.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart.Add(entity); } } if (biota.PropertiesPalette != null) { for (int i = 0; i < biota.PropertiesPalette.Count; i++) { var value = biota.PropertiesPalette[i]; var entity = new BiotaPropertiesPalette { ObjectId = biota.Id, SubPaletteId = value.SubPaletteId, Offset = value.Offset, Length = value.Length, Order = (byte)i }; result.BiotaPropertiesPalette.Add(entity); } } if (biota.PropertiesTextureMap != null) { for (int i = 0; i < biota.PropertiesTextureMap.Count; i++) { var value = biota.PropertiesTextureMap[i]; var entity = new BiotaPropertiesTextureMap { ObjectId = biota.Id, Index = value.PartIndex, OldId = value.OldTexture, NewId = value.NewTexture, Order = (byte)i }; result.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap.Add(entity); } } // Properties for all world objects that typically aren't modified over the original weenie if (biota.PropertiesCreateList != null) { foreach (var value in biota.PropertiesCreateList) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesCreateList { ObjectId = biota.Id, DestinationType = (sbyte)value.DestinationType, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, StackSize = value.StackSize, Palette = value.Palette, Shade = value.Shade, TryToBond = value.TryToBond }; if (includeDatabaseRecordIds) { entity.Id = value.DatabaseRecordId; } result.BiotaPropertiesCreateList.Add(entity); } } if (biota.PropertiesEmote != null) { foreach (var value in biota.PropertiesEmote) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesEmote { ObjectId = biota.Id, Category = (uint)value.Category, Probability = value.Probability, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, Style = (uint?)value.Style, Substyle = (uint?)value.Substyle, Quest = value.Quest, VendorType = (int?)value.VendorType, MinHealth = value.MinHealth, MaxHealth = value.MaxHealth, }; if (includeDatabaseRecordIds) { entity.Id = value.DatabaseRecordId; } foreach (var value2 in value.PropertiesEmoteAction) { var entity2 = new BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction { // EmoteId is a foreign key to Emote.Id. // If we don't set this to a non-zero number, EF will not auto-set this for us when we add this biota to the database. // We set it to uint.MaxValue instead of 1 because 1 is more likely to be a valid foreign key. We don't want to enter a valid foreign key. // We just want to enter a value that forces EF to update the record with the correct foreign key. If this behavior changes in the future and we set it to 1, // we're more likely to run into an unnoticed issue (because 1 would not throw an exception and uint.MaxValue probably would). // We put this here instead of in ShardDatabase for efficiency. // It's possible this might be fixable with a attribute in the Emote or EmoteAction classes. // It's also possible we don't have the schema defined in a way that helps scaffolding identify the relationship. // Mag-nus 2018-08-04 EmoteId = uint.MaxValue, Order = (uint)value.PropertiesEmoteAction.IndexOf(value2), Type = value2.Type, Delay = value2.Delay, Extent = value2.Extent, Motion = (uint?)value2.Motion, Message = value2.Message, TestString = value2.TestString, Min = value2.Min, Max = value2.Max, Min64 = value2.Min64, Max64 = value2.Max64, MinDbl = value2.MinDbl, MaxDbl = value2.MaxDbl, Stat = value2.Stat, Display = value2.Display, Amount = value2.Amount, Amount64 = value2.Amount64, HeroXP64 = value2.HeroXP64, Percent = value2.Percent, SpellId = value2.SpellId, WealthRating = value2.WealthRating, TreasureClass = value2.TreasureClass, TreasureType = value2.TreasureType, PScript = (int?)value2.PScript, Sound = (int?)value2.Sound, DestinationType = value2.DestinationType, WeenieClassId = value2.WeenieClassId, StackSize = value2.StackSize, Palette = value2.Palette, Shade = value2.Shade, TryToBond = value2.TryToBond, ObjCellId = value2.ObjCellId, OriginX = value2.OriginX, OriginY = value2.OriginY, OriginZ = value2.OriginZ, AnglesW = value2.AnglesW, AnglesX = value2.AnglesX, AnglesY = value2.AnglesY, AnglesZ = value2.AnglesZ, }; if (includeDatabaseRecordIds) { entity2.Id = value2.DatabaseRecordId; } entity.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction.Add(entity2); } result.BiotaPropertiesEmote.Add(entity); } } if (biota.PropertiesEventFilter != null) { foreach (var value in biota.PropertiesEventFilter) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesEventFilter { ObjectId = biota.Id, Event = value }; result.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter.Add(entity); } } if (biota.PropertiesGenerator != null) { foreach (var value in biota.PropertiesGenerator) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesGenerator { ObjectId = biota.Id, Probability = value.Probability, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, Delay = value.Delay, InitCreate = value.InitCreate, MaxCreate = value.MaxCreate, WhenCreate = (uint)value.WhenCreate, WhereCreate = (uint)value.WhereCreate, StackSize = value.StackSize, PaletteId = value.PaletteId, Shade = value.Shade, ObjCellId = value.ObjCellId, OriginX = value.OriginX, OriginY = value.OriginY, OriginZ = value.OriginZ, AnglesW = value.AnglesW, AnglesX = value.AnglesX, AnglesY = value.AnglesY, AnglesZ = value.AnglesZ, }; if (includeDatabaseRecordIds) { entity.Id = value.DatabaseRecordId; } result.BiotaPropertiesGenerator.Add(entity); } } // Properties for creatures if (biota.PropertiesAttribute != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesAttribute) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesAttribute { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = (ushort)kvp.Key, InitLevel = kvp.Value.InitLevel, LevelFromCP = kvp.Value.LevelFromCP, CPSpent = kvp.Value.CPSpent }; result.BiotaPropertiesAttribute.Add(entity); } } if (biota.PropertiesAttribute2nd != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesAttribute2nd) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = (ushort)kvp.Key, InitLevel = kvp.Value.InitLevel, LevelFromCP = kvp.Value.LevelFromCP, CPSpent = kvp.Value.CPSpent, CurrentLevel = kvp.Value.CurrentLevel }; result.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd.Add(entity); } } if (biota.PropertiesBodyPart != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesBodyPart) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesBodyPart { ObjectId = biota.Id, Key = (ushort)kvp.Key, DType = (int)kvp.Value.DType, DVal = kvp.Value.DVal, DVar = kvp.Value.DVar, BaseArmor = kvp.Value.BaseArmor, ArmorVsSlash = kvp.Value.ArmorVsSlash, ArmorVsPierce = kvp.Value.ArmorVsPierce, ArmorVsBludgeon = kvp.Value.ArmorVsBludgeon, ArmorVsCold = kvp.Value.ArmorVsCold, ArmorVsFire = kvp.Value.ArmorVsFire, ArmorVsAcid = kvp.Value.ArmorVsAcid, ArmorVsElectric = kvp.Value.ArmorVsElectric, ArmorVsNether = kvp.Value.ArmorVsNether, BH = kvp.Value.BH, HLF = kvp.Value.HLF, MLF = kvp.Value.MLF, LLF = kvp.Value.LLF, HRF = kvp.Value.HRF, MRF = kvp.Value.MRF, LRF = kvp.Value.LRF, HLB = kvp.Value.HLB, MLB = kvp.Value.MLB, LLB = kvp.Value.LLB, HRB = kvp.Value.HRB, MRB = kvp.Value.MRB, LRB = kvp.Value.LRB, }; result.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart.Add(entity); } } if (biota.PropertiesSkill != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesSkill) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesSkill { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = (ushort)kvp.Key, LevelFromPP = kvp.Value.LevelFromPP, SAC = (uint)kvp.Value.SAC, PP = kvp.Value.PP, InitLevel = kvp.Value.InitLevel, ResistanceAtLastCheck = kvp.Value.ResistanceAtLastCheck, LastUsedTime = kvp.Value.LastUsedTime, }; result.BiotaPropertiesSkill.Add(entity); } } // Properties for books if (biota.PropertiesBook != null) { result.BiotaPropertiesBook = new BiotaPropertiesBook { ObjectId = biota.Id, MaxNumPages = biota.PropertiesBook.MaxNumPages, MaxNumCharsPerPage = biota.PropertiesBook.MaxNumCharsPerPage }; } if (biota.PropertiesBookPageData != null) { foreach (var value in biota.PropertiesBookPageData) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesBookPageData { ObjectId = biota.Id, PageId = (uint)biota.PropertiesBookPageData.IndexOf(value), AuthorId = value.AuthorId, AuthorName = value.AuthorName, AuthorAccount = value.AuthorAccount, IgnoreAuthor = value.IgnoreAuthor, PageText = value.PageText }; result.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData.Add(entity); } } // Biota additions over Weenie if (biota.PropertiesAllegiance != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.PropertiesAllegiance) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesAllegiance { AllegianceId = biota.Id, CharacterId = kvp.Key, Banned = kvp.Value.Banned, ApprovedVassal = kvp.Value.ApprovedVassal }; result.BiotaPropertiesAllegiance.Add(entity); } } if (biota.PropertiesEnchantmentRegistry != null) { foreach (var value in biota.PropertiesEnchantmentRegistry) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry { ObjectId = biota.Id, EnchantmentCategory = value.EnchantmentCategory, SpellId = value.SpellId, LayerId = value.LayerId, HasSpellSetId = value.HasSpellSetId, SpellCategory = (ushort)value.SpellCategory, PowerLevel = value.PowerLevel, StartTime = value.StartTime, Duration = value.Duration, CasterObjectId = value.CasterObjectId, DegradeModifier = value.DegradeModifier, DegradeLimit = value.DegradeLimit, LastTimeDegraded = value.LastTimeDegraded, StatModType = (uint)value.StatModType, StatModKey = value.StatModKey, StatModValue = value.StatModValue, SpellSetId = (uint)value.SpellSetId, }; result.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry.Add(entity); } } if (biota.HousePermissions != null) { foreach (var kvp in biota.HousePermissions) { var entity = new ACE.Database.Models.Shard.HousePermission { HouseId = biota.Id, PlayerGuid = kvp.Key, Storage = kvp.Value }; result.HousePermission.Add(entity); } } return(result); }
public static void UpdateDatabaseBiota(ShardDbContext context, ACE.Entity.Models.Biota sourceBiota, ACE.Database.Models.Shard.Biota targetBiota) { targetBiota.WeenieClassId = sourceBiota.WeenieClassId; targetBiota.WeenieType = (int)sourceBiota.WeenieType; if (sourceBiota.PropertiesBool != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesBool) { targetBiota.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBool) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesBool == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesBool.ContainsKey((PropertyBool)value.Type)) { context.BiotaPropertiesBool.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesDID != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesDID) { targetBiota.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesDID) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesDID == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesDID.ContainsKey((PropertyDataId)value.Type)) { context.BiotaPropertiesDID.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesFloat != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesFloat) { targetBiota.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesFloat) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesFloat == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesFloat.ContainsKey((PropertyFloat)value.Type)) { context.BiotaPropertiesFloat.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesIID != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesIID) { targetBiota.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesIID) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesIID == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesIID.ContainsKey((PropertyInstanceId)value.Type)) { context.BiotaPropertiesIID.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesInt != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesInt) { targetBiota.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesInt) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesInt == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesInt.ContainsKey((PropertyInt)value.Type)) { context.BiotaPropertiesInt.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesInt64 != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesInt64) { targetBiota.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesInt64) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesInt64 == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesInt64.ContainsKey((PropertyInt64)value.Type)) { context.BiotaPropertiesInt64.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesString != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesString) { targetBiota.SetProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesString) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesString == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesString.ContainsKey((PropertyString)value.Type)) { context.BiotaPropertiesString.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesPosition != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesPosition) { BiotaPropertiesPosition existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesPosition.FirstOrDefault(r => r.PositionType == (ushort)kvp.Key); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesPosition { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesPosition.Add(existingValue); } existingValue.PositionType = (ushort)kvp.Key; existingValue.ObjCellId = kvp.Value.ObjCellId; existingValue.OriginX = kvp.Value.PositionX; existingValue.OriginY = kvp.Value.PositionY; existingValue.OriginZ = kvp.Value.PositionZ; existingValue.AnglesW = kvp.Value.RotationW; existingValue.AnglesX = kvp.Value.RotationX; existingValue.AnglesY = kvp.Value.RotationY; existingValue.AnglesZ = kvp.Value.RotationZ; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesPosition) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesPosition == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesPosition.ContainsKey((PositionType)value.PositionType)) { context.BiotaPropertiesPosition.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesSpellBook != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesSpellBook) { BiotaPropertiesSpellBook existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Spell == (ushort)kvp.Key); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesSpellBook { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook.Add(existingValue); } existingValue.Spell = kvp.Key; existingValue.Probability = kvp.Value; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesSpellBook == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesSpellBook.ContainsKey(value.Spell)) { context.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesAnimPart != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceBiota.PropertiesAnimPart.Count; i++) { var value = sourceBiota.PropertiesAnimPart[i]; BiotaPropertiesAnimPart existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Order == i); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesAnimPart { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart.Add(existingValue); } existingValue.Index = value.Index; existingValue.AnimationId = value.AnimationId; existingValue.Order = (byte)i; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesAnimPart == null || value.Order == null || value.Order >= sourceBiota.PropertiesAnimPart.Count) { context.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesPalette != null) { foreach (var value in sourceBiota.PropertiesPalette) { BiotaPropertiesPalette existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesPalette.FirstOrDefault(r => r.SubPaletteId == value.SubPaletteId && r.Offset == value.Offset && r.Length == value.Length); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesPalette { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id, SubPaletteId = value.SubPaletteId, Offset = value.Offset, Length = value.Length }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesPalette.Add(existingValue); } } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesPalette) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesPalette == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesPalette.Any(p => p.SubPaletteId == value.SubPaletteId && p.Offset == value.Offset && p.Length == value.Length)) { context.BiotaPropertiesPalette.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesTextureMap != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceBiota.PropertiesTextureMap.Count; i++) { var value = sourceBiota.PropertiesTextureMap[i]; BiotaPropertiesTextureMap existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Order == i); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesTextureMap { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap.Add(existingValue); } existingValue.Index = value.PartIndex; existingValue.OldId = value.OldTexture; existingValue.NewId = value.NewTexture; existingValue.Order = (byte)i; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesTextureMap == null || value.Order == null || value.Order >= sourceBiota.PropertiesTextureMap.Count) { context.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap.Remove(value); } } // Properties for all world objects that typically aren't modified over the original Biota // This is a cluster... because there is no key per record, just the record id. // That poses a problem because when we add a new record to be saved, we don't know what the record id is yet. // It's not until we try to save the record a second time that we will then have the database persisted record (with a valid id), and the entity record (that still has a DatabaseRecordId of 0) // We then need to match up the record that was saved with it's entity counterpart var processedSourceCreateList = new HashSet <ACE.Entity.Models.PropertiesCreateList>(); var usedTargetCreateList = new HashSet <BiotaPropertiesCreateList>(); if (sourceBiota.PropertiesCreateList != null) { // Process matched up records first foreach (var value in sourceBiota.PropertiesCreateList) { if (value.DatabaseRecordId == 0) { continue; } // Source record should already exist in the target BiotaPropertiesCreateList existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesCreateList.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.DatabaseRecordId); // If the existingValue was not found, the database was likely modified outside of ACE after our last save if (existingValue == null) { continue; } CopyValueInto(value, existingValue); processedSourceCreateList.Add(value); usedTargetCreateList.Add(existingValue); } foreach (var value in sourceBiota.PropertiesCreateList) { if (processedSourceCreateList.Contains(value)) { continue; } // For simplicity, just find the first unused target BiotaPropertiesCreateList existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesCreateList.FirstOrDefault(r => !usedTargetCreateList.Contains(r)); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesCreateList { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesCreateList.Add(existingValue); } value.DatabaseRecordId = existingValue.Id; CopyValueInto(value, existingValue); //processedSourceCreateList.Add(value); usedTargetCreateList.Add(existingValue); } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesCreateList) { if (!usedTargetCreateList.Contains(value)) { context.BiotaPropertiesCreateList.Remove(value); } } // This is a cluster... because there is no key per record, just the record id. // That poses a problem because when we add a new record to be saved, we don't know what the record id is yet. // It's not until we try to save the record a second time that we will then have the database persisted record (with a valid id), and the entity record (that still has a DatabaseRecordId of 0) // We then need to match up the record that was saved with it's entity counterpart var emoteMap = new Dictionary <ACE.Entity.Models.PropertiesEmote, BiotaPropertiesEmote>(); if (sourceBiota.PropertiesEmote != null) { // Process matched up records first foreach (var value in sourceBiota.PropertiesEmote) { if (value.DatabaseRecordId == 0) { continue; } // Source record should already exist in the target BiotaPropertiesEmote existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesEmote.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.DatabaseRecordId); // If the existingValue was not found, the database was likely modified outside of ACE after our last save if (existingValue == null) { continue; } CopyValueInto(value, existingValue); emoteMap[value] = existingValue; } foreach (var value in sourceBiota.PropertiesEmote) { if (emoteMap.Keys.Contains(value)) { continue; } // For simplicity, just find the first unused target BiotaPropertiesEmote existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesEmote.FirstOrDefault(r => !emoteMap.Values.Contains(r)); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesEmote { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesEmote.Add(existingValue); } value.DatabaseRecordId = existingValue.Id; CopyValueInto(value, existingValue); emoteMap[value] = existingValue; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesEmote) { if (!emoteMap.Values.Contains(value)) { context.BiotaPropertiesEmote.Remove(value); } } // Now process the emote actions foreach (var kvp in emoteMap) { for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Key.PropertiesEmoteAction.Count; i++) { BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction existingValue = kvp.Value.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Order == i); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction { EmoteId = kvp.Value.Id }; kvp.Value.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction.Add(existingValue); } CopyValueInto(kvp.Key.PropertiesEmoteAction[i], existingValue, (uint)i); } foreach (var value in kvp.Value.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction) { if (value.Order >= kvp.Key.PropertiesEmoteAction.Count) { context.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction.Remove(value); } } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesEventFilter != null) { foreach (var value in sourceBiota.PropertiesEventFilter) { BiotaPropertiesEventFilter existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Event == value); if (existingValue == null) { var entity = new BiotaPropertiesEventFilter { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id, Event = value }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter.Add(entity); } } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesEventFilter == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesEventFilter.Any(p => p == value.Event)) { context.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter.Remove(value); } } // This is a cluster... because there is no key per record, just the record id. // That poses a problem because when we add a new record to be saved, we don't know what the record id is yet. // It's not until we try to save the record a second time that we will then have the database persisted record (with a valid id), and the entity record (that still has a DatabaseRecordId of 0) // We then need to match up the record that was saved with it's entity counterpart var processedSourceGenerators = new HashSet <ACE.Entity.Models.PropertiesGenerator>(); var usedTargetGenerators = new HashSet <BiotaPropertiesGenerator>(); if (sourceBiota.PropertiesGenerator != null) { // Process matched up records first foreach (var value in sourceBiota.PropertiesGenerator) { if (value.DatabaseRecordId == 0) { continue; } // Source record should already exist in the target BiotaPropertiesGenerator existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesGenerator.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.DatabaseRecordId); // If the existingValue was not found, the database was likely modified outside of ACE after our last save if (existingValue == null) { continue; } CopyValueInto(value, existingValue); processedSourceGenerators.Add(value); usedTargetGenerators.Add(existingValue); } foreach (var value in sourceBiota.PropertiesGenerator) { if (processedSourceGenerators.Contains(value)) { continue; } // For simplicity, just find the first unused target BiotaPropertiesGenerator existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesGenerator.FirstOrDefault(r => !usedTargetGenerators.Contains(r)); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesGenerator { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesGenerator.Add(existingValue); } value.DatabaseRecordId = existingValue.Id; CopyValueInto(value, existingValue); //processedSourceGenerators.Add(value); usedTargetGenerators.Add(existingValue); } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesGenerator) { if (!usedTargetGenerators.Contains(value)) { context.BiotaPropertiesGenerator.Remove(value); } } // Properties for creatures if (sourceBiota.PropertiesAttribute != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesAttribute) { BiotaPropertiesAttribute existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Type == (ushort)kvp.Key); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesAttribute { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute.Add(existingValue); } existingValue.Type = (ushort)kvp.Key; existingValue.InitLevel = kvp.Value.InitLevel; existingValue.LevelFromCP = kvp.Value.LevelFromCP; existingValue.CPSpent = kvp.Value.CPSpent; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesAttribute == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesAttribute.ContainsKey((PropertyAttribute)value.Type)) { context.BiotaPropertiesAttribute.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesAttribute2nd != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesAttribute2nd) { BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Type == (ushort)kvp.Key); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd.Add(existingValue); } existingValue.Type = (ushort)kvp.Key; existingValue.InitLevel = kvp.Value.InitLevel; existingValue.LevelFromCP = kvp.Value.LevelFromCP; existingValue.CPSpent = kvp.Value.CPSpent; existingValue.CurrentLevel = kvp.Value.CurrentLevel; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesAttribute2nd == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesAttribute2nd.ContainsKey((PropertyAttribute2nd)value.Type)) { context.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesBodyPart != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesBodyPart) { BiotaPropertiesBodyPart existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Key == (uint)kvp.Key); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesBodyPart { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart.Add(existingValue); } existingValue.Key = (ushort)kvp.Key; existingValue.DType = (int)kvp.Value.DType; existingValue.DVal = kvp.Value.DVal; existingValue.DVar = kvp.Value.DVar; existingValue.BaseArmor = kvp.Value.BaseArmor; existingValue.ArmorVsSlash = kvp.Value.ArmorVsSlash; existingValue.ArmorVsPierce = kvp.Value.ArmorVsPierce; existingValue.ArmorVsBludgeon = kvp.Value.ArmorVsBludgeon; existingValue.ArmorVsCold = kvp.Value.ArmorVsCold; existingValue.ArmorVsFire = kvp.Value.ArmorVsFire; existingValue.ArmorVsAcid = kvp.Value.ArmorVsAcid; existingValue.ArmorVsElectric = kvp.Value.ArmorVsElectric; existingValue.ArmorVsNether = kvp.Value.ArmorVsNether; existingValue.BH = kvp.Value.BH; existingValue.HLF = kvp.Value.HLF; existingValue.MLF = kvp.Value.MLF; existingValue.LLF = kvp.Value.LLF; existingValue.HRF = kvp.Value.HRF; existingValue.MRF = kvp.Value.MRF; existingValue.LRF = kvp.Value.LRF; existingValue.HLB = kvp.Value.HLB; existingValue.MLB = kvp.Value.MLB; existingValue.LLB = kvp.Value.LLB; existingValue.HRB = kvp.Value.HRB; existingValue.MRB = kvp.Value.MRB; existingValue.LRB = kvp.Value.LRB; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesBodyPart == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesBodyPart.ContainsKey((CombatBodyPart)value.Key)) { context.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesSkill != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesSkill) { BiotaPropertiesSkill existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesSkill.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Type == (ushort)kvp.Key); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesSkill { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesSkill.Add(existingValue); } existingValue.Type = (ushort)kvp.Key; existingValue.LevelFromPP = kvp.Value.LevelFromPP; existingValue.SAC = (uint)kvp.Value.SAC; existingValue.PP = kvp.Value.PP; existingValue.InitLevel = kvp.Value.InitLevel; existingValue.ResistanceAtLastCheck = kvp.Value.ResistanceAtLastCheck; existingValue.LastUsedTime = kvp.Value.LastUsedTime; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesSkill) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesSkill == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesSkill.ContainsKey((Skill)value.Type)) { context.BiotaPropertiesSkill.Remove(value); } } // Properties for books if (sourceBiota.PropertiesBook != null) { if (targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBook == null) { targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBook = new BiotaPropertiesBook { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id, } } ; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumPages = sourceBiota.PropertiesBook.MaxNumPages; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumCharsPerPage = sourceBiota.PropertiesBook.MaxNumCharsPerPage; } else { if (targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBook != null) { context.BiotaPropertiesBook.Remove(targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBook); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesBookPageData != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceBiota.PropertiesBookPageData.Count; i++) { var value = sourceBiota.PropertiesBookPageData[i]; BiotaPropertiesBookPageData existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData.FirstOrDefault(r => r.PageId == i); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesBookPageData { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData.Add(existingValue); } existingValue.PageId = (uint)i; existingValue.AuthorId = value.AuthorId; existingValue.AuthorName = value.AuthorName; existingValue.AuthorAccount = value.AuthorAccount; existingValue.IgnoreAuthor = value.IgnoreAuthor; existingValue.PageText = value.PageText; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesBookPageData == null || value.PageId >= sourceBiota.PropertiesBookPageData.Count) { context.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData.Remove(value); } } // Biota additions over Weenie if (sourceBiota.PropertiesAllegiance != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.PropertiesAllegiance) { BiotaPropertiesAllegiance existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesAllegiance.FirstOrDefault(r => r.CharacterId == kvp.Key); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesAllegiance { AllegianceId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesAllegiance.Add(existingValue); } existingValue.CharacterId = kvp.Key; existingValue.Banned = kvp.Value.Banned; existingValue.ApprovedVassal = kvp.Value.ApprovedVassal; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesAllegiance) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesAllegiance == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesAllegiance.ContainsKey(value.CharacterId)) { context.BiotaPropertiesAllegiance.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.PropertiesEnchantmentRegistry != null) { foreach (var value in sourceBiota.PropertiesEnchantmentRegistry) { BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry existingValue = targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry.FirstOrDefault(r => r.SpellId == value.SpellId && r.LayerId == value.LayerId && r.CasterObjectId == value.CasterObjectId); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry { ObjectId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry.Add(existingValue); } existingValue.EnchantmentCategory = value.EnchantmentCategory; existingValue.SpellId = value.SpellId; existingValue.LayerId = value.LayerId; existingValue.HasSpellSetId = value.HasSpellSetId; existingValue.SpellCategory = (ushort)value.SpellCategory; existingValue.PowerLevel = value.PowerLevel; existingValue.StartTime = value.StartTime; existingValue.Duration = value.Duration; existingValue.CasterObjectId = value.CasterObjectId; existingValue.DegradeModifier = value.DegradeModifier; existingValue.DegradeLimit = value.DegradeLimit; existingValue.LastTimeDegraded = value.LastTimeDegraded; existingValue.StatModType = (uint)value.StatModType; existingValue.StatModKey = value.StatModKey; existingValue.StatModValue = value.StatModValue; existingValue.SpellSetId = (uint)value.SpellSetId; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry) { if (sourceBiota.PropertiesEnchantmentRegistry == null || !sourceBiota.PropertiesEnchantmentRegistry.Any(p => p.SpellId == value.SpellId && p.LayerId == value.LayerId && p.CasterObjectId == value.CasterObjectId)) { context.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry.Remove(value); } } if (sourceBiota.HousePermissions != null) { foreach (var kvp in sourceBiota.HousePermissions) { HousePermission existingValue = targetBiota.HousePermission.FirstOrDefault(r => r.PlayerGuid == kvp.Key); if (existingValue == null) { existingValue = new HousePermission { HouseId = sourceBiota.Id }; targetBiota.HousePermission.Add(existingValue); } existingValue.PlayerGuid = kvp.Key; existingValue.Storage = kvp.Value; } } foreach (var value in targetBiota.HousePermission) { if (sourceBiota.HousePermissions == null || !sourceBiota.HousePermissions.ContainsKey(value.PlayerGuid)) { context.HousePermission.Remove(value); } } }
/// <summary> /// copied from Biota.Clone extension method and modified /// </summary> /// <param name="biota"></param> /// <param name="guid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Biota SetGuidAndScrubPKs(Biota biota, uint guid) { Biota result = new Biota { Id = guid, WeenieClassId = biota.WeenieClassId, WeenieType = biota.WeenieType, PopulatedCollectionFlags = biota.PopulatedCollectionFlags }; if (biota.BiotaPropertiesBook != null) { result.BiotaPropertiesBook = new BiotaPropertiesBook { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid }; result.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumPages = biota.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumPages; result.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumCharsPerPage = biota.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumCharsPerPage; } foreach (BiotaPropertiesAnimPart value in biota.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart) { result.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart.Add(new BiotaPropertiesAnimPart { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Index = value.Index, AnimationId = value.AnimationId, Order = value.Order, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesAttribute value in biota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute) { result.BiotaPropertiesAttribute.Add(new BiotaPropertiesAttribute { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Type = value.Type, InitLevel = value.InitLevel, LevelFromCP = value.LevelFromCP, CPSpent = value.CPSpent, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd value in biota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd) { result.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd.Add(new BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Type = value.Type, InitLevel = value.InitLevel, LevelFromCP = value.LevelFromCP, CPSpent = value.CPSpent, CurrentLevel = value.CurrentLevel, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesBodyPart value in biota.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart) { result.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart.Add(new BiotaPropertiesBodyPart { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Key = value.Key, DType = value.DType, DVal = value.DVal, DVar = value.DVar, BaseArmor = value.BaseArmor, ArmorVsSlash = value.ArmorVsSlash, ArmorVsPierce = value.ArmorVsPierce, ArmorVsBludgeon = value.ArmorVsBludgeon, ArmorVsCold = value.ArmorVsCold, ArmorVsFire = value.ArmorVsFire, ArmorVsAcid = value.ArmorVsAcid, ArmorVsElectric = value.ArmorVsElectric, ArmorVsNether = value.ArmorVsNether, BH = value.BH, HLF = value.HLF, MLF = value.MLF, LLF = value.LLF, HRF = value.HRF, MRF = value.MRF, LRF = value.LRF, HLB = value.HLB, MLB = value.MLB, LLB = value.LLB, HRB = value.HRB, MRB = value.MRB, LRB = value.LRB, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesBookPageData value in biota.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData) { result.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData.Add(new BiotaPropertiesBookPageData { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, PageId = value.PageId, AuthorId = value.AuthorId, AuthorName = value.AuthorName, AuthorAccount = value.AuthorAccount, IgnoreAuthor = value.IgnoreAuthor, PageText = value.PageText, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesBool value in biota.BiotaPropertiesBool) { result.BiotaPropertiesBool.Add(new BiotaPropertiesBool { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesCreateList value in biota.BiotaPropertiesCreateList) { result.BiotaPropertiesCreateList.Add(new BiotaPropertiesCreateList { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, DestinationType = value.DestinationType, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, StackSize = value.StackSize, Palette = value.Palette, Shade = value.Shade, TryToBond = value.TryToBond, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesDID value in biota.BiotaPropertiesDID) { result.BiotaPropertiesDID.Add(new BiotaPropertiesDID { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesEmote value in biota.BiotaPropertiesEmote) { BiotaPropertiesEmote emote = new BiotaPropertiesEmote { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Category = value.Category, Probability = value.Probability, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, Style = value.Style, Substyle = value.Substyle, Quest = value.Quest, VendorType = value.VendorType, MinHealth = value.MinHealth, MaxHealth = value.MaxHealth, }; foreach (BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction value2 in value.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction) { BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction action = new BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction { Id = 0, EmoteId = value2.EmoteId, Order = value2.Order, Type = value2.Type, Delay = value2.Delay, Extent = value2.Extent, Motion = value2.Motion, Message = value2.Message, TestString = value2.TestString, Min = value2.Min, Max = value2.Max, Min64 = value2.Min64, Max64 = value2.Max64, MinDbl = value2.MinDbl, MaxDbl = value2.MaxDbl, Stat = value2.Stat, Display = value2.Display, Amount = value2.Amount, Amount64 = value2.Amount64, HeroXP64 = value2.HeroXP64, Percent = value2.Percent, SpellId = value2.SpellId, WealthRating = value2.WealthRating, TreasureClass = value2.TreasureClass, TreasureType = value2.TreasureType, PScript = value2.PScript, Sound = value2.Sound, DestinationType = value2.DestinationType, WeenieClassId = value2.WeenieClassId, StackSize = value2.StackSize, Palette = value2.Palette, Shade = value2.Shade, TryToBond = value2.TryToBond, ObjCellId = value2.ObjCellId, OriginX = value2.OriginX, OriginY = value2.OriginY, OriginZ = value2.OriginZ, AnglesW = value2.AnglesW, AnglesX = value2.AnglesX, AnglesY = value2.AnglesY, AnglesZ = value2.AnglesZ, }; emote.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction.Add(action); } result.BiotaPropertiesEmote.Add(emote); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry value in biota.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry) { result.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry.Add(new BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry { //Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, EnchantmentCategory = value.EnchantmentCategory, SpellId = value.SpellId, LayerId = value.LayerId, HasSpellSetId = value.HasSpellSetId, SpellCategory = value.SpellCategory, PowerLevel = value.PowerLevel, StartTime = value.StartTime, Duration = value.Duration, CasterObjectId = value.CasterObjectId,//perhaps this needs foreign PK to be scrubbed out as well DegradeModifier = value.DegradeModifier, DegradeLimit = value.DegradeLimit, LastTimeDegraded = value.LastTimeDegraded, StatModType = value.StatModType, StatModKey = value.StatModKey, StatModValue = value.StatModValue, SpellSetId = value.SpellSetId, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesEventFilter value in biota.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter) { result.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter.Add(new BiotaPropertiesEventFilter { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Event = value.Event, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesFloat value in biota.BiotaPropertiesFloat) { result.BiotaPropertiesFloat.Add(new BiotaPropertiesFloat { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesGenerator value in biota.BiotaPropertiesGenerator) { result.BiotaPropertiesGenerator.Add(new BiotaPropertiesGenerator { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Probability = value.Probability, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, Delay = value.Delay, InitCreate = value.InitCreate, MaxCreate = value.MaxCreate, WhenCreate = value.WhenCreate, WhereCreate = value.WhereCreate, StackSize = value.StackSize, PaletteId = value.PaletteId, Shade = value.Shade, ObjCellId = value.ObjCellId, OriginX = value.OriginX, OriginY = value.OriginY, OriginZ = value.OriginZ, AnglesW = value.AnglesW, AnglesX = value.AnglesX, AnglesY = value.AnglesY, AnglesZ = value.AnglesZ, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesIID value in biota.BiotaPropertiesIID) { result.BiotaPropertiesIID.Add(new BiotaPropertiesIID { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesInt value in biota.BiotaPropertiesInt) { result.BiotaPropertiesInt.Add(new BiotaPropertiesInt { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesInt64 value in biota.BiotaPropertiesInt64) { result.BiotaPropertiesInt64.Add(new BiotaPropertiesInt64 { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesPalette value in biota.BiotaPropertiesPalette) { result.BiotaPropertiesPalette.Add(new BiotaPropertiesPalette { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, SubPaletteId = value.SubPaletteId, Offset = value.Offset, Length = value.Length, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesPosition value in biota.BiotaPropertiesPosition) { result.BiotaPropertiesPosition.Add(new BiotaPropertiesPosition { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, PositionType = value.PositionType, ObjCellId = value.ObjCellId, OriginX = value.OriginX, OriginY = value.OriginY, OriginZ = value.OriginZ, AnglesW = value.AnglesW, AnglesX = value.AnglesX, AnglesY = value.AnglesY, AnglesZ = value.AnglesZ, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesSkill value in biota.BiotaPropertiesSkill) { result.BiotaPropertiesSkill.Add(new BiotaPropertiesSkill { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Type = value.Type, LevelFromPP = value.LevelFromPP, SAC = value.SAC, PP = value.PP, InitLevel = value.InitLevel, ResistanceAtLastCheck = value.ResistanceAtLastCheck, LastUsedTime = value.LastUsedTime, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesSpellBook value in biota.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook) { result.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook.Add(new BiotaPropertiesSpellBook { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Spell = value.Spell, Probability = value.Probability, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesString value in biota.BiotaPropertiesString) { result.BiotaPropertiesString.Add(new BiotaPropertiesString { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (BiotaPropertiesTextureMap value in biota.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap) { result.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap.Add(new BiotaPropertiesTextureMap { Id = 0, ObjectId = guid, Index = value.Index, OldId = value.OldId, NewId = value.NewId, Order = value.Order, }); } return(result); }
public void ExecuteEmote(BiotaPropertiesEmote emote, BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction emoteAction, ActionChain actionChain, WorldObject sourceObject = null, WorldObject targetObject = null) { var player = targetObject as Player; switch ((EmoteType)emoteAction.Type) { case EmoteType.Say: actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { sourceObject.CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcast(sourceObject.Location, new GameMessageCreatureMessage(emoteAction.Message, sourceObject.Name, sourceObject.Guid.Full, ChatMessageType.Emote)); }); break; case EmoteType.Motion: if (emote.Category != (uint)EmoteCategory.Vendor && emote.Style != null) { var startingMotion = new UniversalMotion((MotionStance)emote.Style, new MotionItem((MotionCommand)emote.Substyle)); var motion = new UniversalMotion((MotionStance)emote.Style, new MotionItem((MotionCommand)emoteAction.Motion, emoteAction.Extent)); if (sourceObject.CurrentMotionState.Stance != startingMotion.Stance) { if (sourceObject.CurrentMotionState.Stance == MotionStance.Invalid) { actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { sourceObject.DoMotion(startingMotion); sourceObject.CurrentMotionState = startingMotion; }); } } else { if (sourceObject.CurrentMotionState.Commands.Count > 0 && sourceObject.CurrentMotionState.Commands[0].Motion == startingMotion.Commands[0].Motion) { actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { sourceObject.DoMotion(motion); sourceObject.CurrentMotionState = motion; }); actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(DatManager.PortalDat.ReadFromDat <DatLoader.FileTypes.MotionTable>(sourceObject.MotionTableId).GetAnimationLength((MotionCommand)emoteAction.Motion)); if (motion.Commands[0].Motion != MotionCommand.Sleeping && motion.Commands[0].Motion != MotionCommand.Sitting) // this feels like it can be handled better, somehow? { actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { sourceObject.DoMotion(startingMotion); sourceObject.CurrentMotionState = startingMotion; }); } } } } else { var motion = new UniversalMotion(MotionStance.Standing, new MotionItem((MotionCommand)emoteAction.Motion, emoteAction.Extent)); actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { sourceObject.DoMotion(motion); sourceObject.CurrentMotionState = motion; }); } break; case EmoteType.Tell: actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageHearDirectSpeech(sourceObject, emoteAction.Message, player, ChatMessageType.Tell)); }); break; case EmoteType.TurnToTarget: actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); var creature = sourceObject is Creature ? (Creature)sourceObject : null; actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { creature.Rotate(player); }); actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(creature.GetRotateDelay(player)); break; case EmoteType.AwardXP: actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { if (player != null) { player.EarnXP((long)emoteAction.Amount64); player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat("You've earned " + emoteAction.Amount64 + " experience.", ChatMessageType.System)); } }); break; case EmoteType.Give: actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { if (player != null) { uint weenie = (uint)emoteAction.WeenieClassId; WorldObject item = WorldObjectFactory.CreateNewWorldObject(weenie); if (emoteAction.WeenieClassId != null) { if (emoteAction.StackSize > 1) { item.StackSize = (ushort)emoteAction.StackSize; player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(WorldObject.Name + " gives you " + emoteAction.StackSize + " " + item.Name + ".", ChatMessageType.System)); } else { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(WorldObject.Name + " gives you " + item.Name + ".", ChatMessageType.System)); } var success = player.TryCreateInInventoryWithNetworking(item); } } }); break; case EmoteType.UpdateQuest: //This is for the quest NPC's. This will be filled out when quests are added. break; case EmoteType.Turn: actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); creature = sourceObject is Creature ? (Creature)sourceObject : null; var pos = new Position(creature.Location.Cell, creature.Location.PositionX, creature.Location.PositionY, creature.Location.PositionZ, emoteAction.AnglesX ?? 0, emoteAction.AnglesY ?? 0, emoteAction.AnglesZ ?? 0, emoteAction.AnglesW ?? 0); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { creature.TurnTo(pos); }); actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(creature.GetTurnToDelay(pos)); break; case EmoteType.Activate: creature = sourceObject is Creature ? (Creature)sourceObject : null; actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(emoteAction.Delay); actionChain.AddAction(sourceObject, () => { if ((creature.ActivationTarget ?? 0) > 0) { var activationTarget = creature.CurrentLandblock.GetObject(new ObjectGuid(creature.ActivationTarget ?? 0)); activationTarget.ActOnUse(creature); } }); break; default: log.Debug($"EmoteManager.Execute - Encountered Unhandled EmoteType {(EmoteType)emoteAction.Type} for {sourceObject.Name} ({sourceObject.WeenieClassId})"); break; } }
private void UpdateBiota(ShardDbContext context, Biota existingBiota, Biota biota) { // This pattern is described here: // You'll notice though that we're not using the recommended: context.Entry(existingEntry).CurrentValues.SetValues(newEntry); // It is EXTREMLY slow. 4x or more slower. I suspect because it uses reflection to find the properties that the object contains // Manually setting the properties like we do below is the best case scenario for performance. However, it also has risks. // If we add columns to the schema and forget to add those changes here, changes to the biota may not propegate to the database. // Mag-nus 2018-08-18 context.Entry(existingBiota).CurrentValues.SetValues(biota); foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart) { BiotaPropertiesAnimPart existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Index = value.Index; existingValue.AnimationId = value.AnimationId; existingValue.Order = value.Order; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute) { BiotaPropertiesAttribute existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Type = value.Type; existingValue.InitLevel = value.InitLevel; existingValue.LevelFromCP = value.LevelFromCP; existingValue.CPSpent = value.CPSpent; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesAttribute.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd) { BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Type = value.Type; existingValue.InitLevel = value.InitLevel; existingValue.LevelFromCP = value.LevelFromCP; existingValue.CPSpent = value.CPSpent; existingValue.CurrentLevel = value.CurrentLevel; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart) { BiotaPropertiesBodyPart existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Key = value.Key; existingValue.DType = value.DType; existingValue.DVal = value.DVal; existingValue.DVar = value.DVar; existingValue.BaseArmor = value.BaseArmor; existingValue.ArmorVsSlash = value.ArmorVsSlash; existingValue.ArmorVsPierce = value.ArmorVsPierce; existingValue.ArmorVsBludgeon = value.ArmorVsBludgeon; existingValue.ArmorVsCold = value.ArmorVsCold; existingValue.ArmorVsFire = value.ArmorVsFire; existingValue.ArmorVsAcid = value.ArmorVsAcid; existingValue.ArmorVsElectric = value.ArmorVsElectric; existingValue.ArmorVsNether = value.ArmorVsNether; existingValue.BH = value.BH; existingValue.HLF = value.HLF; existingValue.MLF = value.MLF; existingValue.LLF = value.LLF; existingValue.HRF = value.HRF; existingValue.MRF = value.MRF; existingValue.LRF = value.LRF; existingValue.HLB = value.HLB; existingValue.MLB = value.MLB; existingValue.LLB = value.LLB; existingValue.HRB = value.HRB; existingValue.MRB = value.MRB; existingValue.LRB = value.LRB; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart.Remove(value); } } if (biota.BiotaPropertiesBook != null) { if (existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBook == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBook = biota.BiotaPropertiesBook; } else { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumPages = biota.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumPages; existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumCharsPerPage = biota.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumCharsPerPage; } } else { if (existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBook != null) { context.BiotaPropertiesBook.Remove(existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBook); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData) { BiotaPropertiesBookPageData existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData.Add(value); } else { existingValue.PageId = value.PageId; existingValue.AuthorId = value.AuthorId; existingValue.AuthorName = value.AuthorName; existingValue.AuthorAccount = value.AuthorAccount; existingValue.IgnoreAuthor = value.IgnoreAuthor; existingValue.PageText = value.PageText; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesBool) { BiotaPropertiesBool existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBool.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBool.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Type = value.Type; existingValue.Value = value.Value; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesBool) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesBool.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesBool.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesCreateList) { BiotaPropertiesCreateList existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesCreateList.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesCreateList.Add(value); } else { existingValue.DestinationType = value.DestinationType; existingValue.WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId; existingValue.StackSize = value.StackSize; existingValue.Palette = value.Palette; existingValue.Shade = value.Shade; existingValue.TryToBond = value.TryToBond; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesCreateList) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesCreateList.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesCreateList.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesDID) { BiotaPropertiesDID existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesDID.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesDID.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Type = value.Type; existingValue.Value = value.Value; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesDID) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesDID.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesDID.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesEmote) { BiotaPropertiesEmote existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesEmote.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesEmote.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Category = value.Category; existingValue.Probability = value.Probability; existingValue.WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId; existingValue.Style = value.Style; existingValue.Substyle = value.Substyle; existingValue.Quest = value.Quest; existingValue.VendorType = value.VendorType; existingValue.MinHealth = value.MinHealth; existingValue.MaxHealth = value.MaxHealth; foreach (var value2 in value.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction) { BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction existingValue2 = (value2.Id == 0 ? null : existingValue.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value2.Id)); if (existingValue2 == null) { existingValue.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction.Add(value2); } else { existingValue2.EmoteId = value2.EmoteId; existingValue2.Order = value2.Order; existingValue2.Type = value2.Type; existingValue2.Delay = value2.Delay; existingValue2.Extent = value2.Extent; existingValue2.Motion = value2.Motion; existingValue2.Message = value2.Message; existingValue2.TestString = value2.TestString; existingValue2.Min = value2.Min; existingValue2.Max = value2.Max; existingValue2.Min64 = value2.Min64; existingValue2.Max64 = value2.Max64; existingValue2.MinDbl = value2.MinDbl; existingValue2.MaxDbl = value2.MaxDbl; existingValue2.Stat = value2.Stat; existingValue2.Display = value2.Display; existingValue2.Amount = value2.Amount; existingValue2.Amount64 = value2.Amount64; existingValue2.HeroXP64 = value2.HeroXP64; existingValue2.Percent = value2.Percent; existingValue2.SpellId = value2.SpellId; existingValue2.WealthRating = value2.WealthRating; existingValue2.TreasureClass = value2.TreasureClass; existingValue2.TreasureType = value2.TreasureType; existingValue2.PScript = value2.PScript; existingValue2.Sound = value2.Sound; existingValue2.DestinationType = value2.DestinationType; existingValue2.WeenieClassId = value2.WeenieClassId; existingValue2.StackSize = value2.StackSize; existingValue2.Palette = value2.Palette; existingValue2.Shade = value2.Shade; existingValue2.TryToBond = value2.TryToBond; existingValue2.ObjCellId = value2.ObjCellId; existingValue2.OriginX = value2.OriginX; existingValue2.OriginY = value2.OriginY; existingValue2.OriginZ = value2.OriginZ; existingValue2.AnglesW = value2.AnglesW; existingValue2.AnglesX = value2.AnglesX; existingValue2.AnglesY = value2.AnglesY; existingValue2.AnglesZ = value2.AnglesZ; } } foreach (var value2 in value.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction) { if (!existingValue.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction.Any(p => p.Id == value2.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction.Remove(value2); } } } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesEmote) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesEmote.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesEmote.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry) { BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry existingValue = (value.ObjectId == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry.FirstOrDefault(r => r.ObjectId == value.ObjectId && r.SpellId == value.SpellId && r.LayerId == value.LayerId && r.CasterObjectId == value.CasterObjectId)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry.Add(value); } else { existingValue.EnchantmentCategory = value.EnchantmentCategory; existingValue.SpellId = value.SpellId; existingValue.LayerId = value.LayerId; existingValue.HasSpellSetId = value.HasSpellSetId; existingValue.SpellCategory = value.SpellCategory; existingValue.PowerLevel = value.PowerLevel; existingValue.StartTime = value.StartTime; existingValue.Duration = value.Duration; existingValue.CasterObjectId = value.CasterObjectId; existingValue.DegradeModifier = value.DegradeModifier; existingValue.DegradeLimit = value.DegradeLimit; existingValue.LastTimeDegraded = value.LastTimeDegraded; existingValue.StatModType = value.StatModType; existingValue.StatModKey = value.StatModKey; existingValue.StatModValue = value.StatModValue; existingValue.SpellSetId = value.SpellSetId; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry.Any(p => p.ObjectId == value.ObjectId && p.SpellId == value.SpellId && p.LayerId == value.LayerId && p.CasterObjectId == value.CasterObjectId)) { context.BiotaPropertiesEnchantmentRegistry.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter) { BiotaPropertiesEventFilter existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Event = value.Event; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesFloat) { BiotaPropertiesFloat existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesFloat.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesFloat.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Type = value.Type; existingValue.Value = value.Value; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesFloat) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesFloat.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesFloat.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesGenerator) { BiotaPropertiesGenerator existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesGenerator.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesGenerator.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Probability = value.Probability; existingValue.WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId; existingValue.Delay = value.Delay; existingValue.InitCreate = value.InitCreate; existingValue.MaxCreate = value.MaxCreate; existingValue.WhenCreate = value.WhenCreate; existingValue.WhereCreate = value.WhereCreate; existingValue.StackSize = value.StackSize; existingValue.PaletteId = value.PaletteId; existingValue.Shade = value.Shade; existingValue.ObjCellId = value.ObjCellId; existingValue.OriginX = value.OriginX; existingValue.OriginY = value.OriginY; existingValue.OriginZ = value.OriginZ; existingValue.AnglesW = value.AnglesW; existingValue.AnglesX = value.AnglesX; existingValue.AnglesY = value.AnglesY; existingValue.AnglesZ = value.AnglesZ; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesGenerator) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesGenerator.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesGenerator.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesIID) { BiotaPropertiesIID existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesIID.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesIID.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Type = value.Type; existingValue.Value = value.Value; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesIID) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesIID.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesIID.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesInt) { BiotaPropertiesInt existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesInt.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesInt.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Type = value.Type; existingValue.Value = value.Value; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesInt) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesInt.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesInt.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesInt64) { BiotaPropertiesInt64 existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesInt64.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesInt64.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Type = value.Type; existingValue.Value = value.Value; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesInt64) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesInt64.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesInt64.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesPalette) { BiotaPropertiesPalette existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesPalette.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesPalette.Add(value); } else { existingValue.SubPaletteId = value.SubPaletteId; existingValue.Offset = value.Offset; existingValue.Length = value.Length; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesPalette) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesPalette.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesPalette.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesPosition) { BiotaPropertiesPosition existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesPosition.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesPosition.Add(value); } else { existingValue.PositionType = value.PositionType; existingValue.ObjCellId = value.ObjCellId; existingValue.OriginX = value.OriginX; existingValue.OriginY = value.OriginY; existingValue.OriginZ = value.OriginZ; existingValue.AnglesW = value.AnglesW; existingValue.AnglesX = value.AnglesX; existingValue.AnglesY = value.AnglesY; existingValue.AnglesZ = value.AnglesZ; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesPosition) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesPosition.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesPosition.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesSkill) { BiotaPropertiesSkill existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesSkill.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesSkill.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Type = value.Type; existingValue.LevelFromPP = value.LevelFromPP; existingValue.SAC = value.SAC; existingValue.PP = value.PP; existingValue.InitLevel = value.InitLevel; existingValue.ResistanceAtLastCheck = value.ResistanceAtLastCheck; existingValue.LastUsedTime = value.LastUsedTime; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesSkill) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesSkill.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesSkill.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook) { BiotaPropertiesSpellBook existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Spell = value.Spell; existingValue.Probability = value.Probability; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesString) { BiotaPropertiesString existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesString.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesString.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Type = value.Type; existingValue.Value = value.Value; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesString) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesString.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesString.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap) { BiotaPropertiesTextureMap existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap.Add(value); } else { existingValue.Index = value.Index; existingValue.OldId = value.OldId; existingValue.NewId = value.NewId; existingValue.Order = value.Order; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap) { if (!biota.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap.Remove(value); } } foreach (var value in biota.HousePermission) { HousePermission existingValue = (value.Id == 0 ? null : existingBiota.HousePermission.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == value.Id)); if (existingValue == null) { existingBiota.HousePermission.Add(value); } else { existingValue.PlayerGuid = value.PlayerGuid; existingValue.Storage = value.Storage; } } foreach (var value in existingBiota.HousePermission) { if (!biota.HousePermission.Any(p => p.Id == value.Id)) { context.HousePermission.Remove(value); } } }
public static Biota CreateCopyAsBiota(this Weenie weenie, uint id) { var biota = new Biota(); biota.Id = id; biota.WeenieClassId = weenie.ClassId; biota.WeenieType = weenie.Type; if (weenie.WeeniePropertiesBook != null) { biota.BiotaPropertiesBook = new BiotaPropertiesBook(); biota.BiotaPropertiesBook.ObjectId = biota.Id; biota.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumPages = weenie.WeeniePropertiesBook.MaxNumPages; biota.BiotaPropertiesBook.MaxNumCharsPerPage = weenie.WeeniePropertiesBook.MaxNumCharsPerPage; } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesAnimPart) { biota.BiotaPropertiesAnimPart.Add(new BiotaPropertiesAnimPart { ObjectId = biota.Id, Index = value.Index, AnimationId = value.AnimationId }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesAttribute) { biota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute.Add(new BiotaPropertiesAttribute { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, InitLevel = value.InitLevel, LevelFromCP = value.LevelFromCP, CPSpent = value.CPSpent, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesAttribute2nd) { biota.BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd.Add(new BiotaPropertiesAttribute2nd { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, InitLevel = value.InitLevel, LevelFromCP = value.LevelFromCP, CPSpent = value.CPSpent, CurrentLevel = value.CurrentLevel, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesBodyPart) { biota.BiotaPropertiesBodyPart.Add(new BiotaPropertiesBodyPart { ObjectId = biota.Id, Key = value.Key, DType = value.DType, DVal = value.DVal, DVar = value.DVar, BaseArmor = value.BaseArmor, ArmorVsSlash = value.ArmorVsSlash, ArmorVsPierce = value.ArmorVsPierce, ArmorVsBludgeon = value.ArmorVsBludgeon, ArmorVsCold = value.ArmorVsCold, ArmorVsFire = value.ArmorVsFire, ArmorVsAcid = value.ArmorVsAcid, ArmorVsElectric = value.ArmorVsElectric, ArmorVsNether = value.ArmorVsNether, BH = value.BH, HLF = value.HLF, MLF = value.MLF, LLF = value.LLF, HRF = value.HRF, MRF = value.MRF, LRF = value.LRF, HLB = value.HLB, MLB = value.MLB, LLB = value.LLB, HRB = value.HRB, MRB = value.MRB, LRB = value.LRB, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesBookPageData) { biota.BiotaPropertiesBookPageData.Add(new BiotaPropertiesBookPageData { ObjectId = biota.Id, PageId = value.PageId, AuthorId = value.AuthorId, AuthorName = value.AuthorName, AuthorAccount = value.AuthorAccount, IgnoreAuthor = value.IgnoreAuthor, PageText = value.PageText, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesBool) { biota.BiotaPropertiesBool.Add(new BiotaPropertiesBool { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesCreateList) { biota.BiotaPropertiesCreateList.Add(new BiotaPropertiesCreateList { ObjectId = biota.Id, DestinationType = value.DestinationType, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, StackSize = value.StackSize, Palette = value.Palette, Shade = value.Shade, TryToBond = value.TryToBond, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesDID) { biota.BiotaPropertiesDID.Add(new BiotaPropertiesDID { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesEmote) { var emote = new BiotaPropertiesEmote { ObjectId = biota.Id, Category = value.Category, Probability = value.Probability, EmoteSetId = value.EmoteSetId, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, Style = value.Style, Substyle = value.Substyle, Quest = value.Quest, VendorType = value.VendorType, MinHealth = value.MinHealth, MaxHealth = value.MaxHealth, }; biota.BiotaPropertiesEmote.Add(emote); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesEmoteAction) { var action = new BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction { ObjectId = biota.Id, EmoteCategory = value.EmoteCategory, EmoteSetId = value.EmoteSetId, Type = value.Type, Order = value.Order, Delay = value.Delay, Extent = value.Extent, Motion = value.Motion, Message = value.Message, TestString = value.TestString, Min = value.Min, Max = value.Max, Min64 = value.Min64, Max64 = value.Max64, MinDbl = value.MinDbl, MaxDbl = value.MaxDbl, Stat = value.Stat, Display = value.Display, Amount = value.Amount, Amount64 = value.Amount64, HeroXP64 = value.HeroXP64, Percent = value.Percent, SpellId = value.SpellId, WealthRating = value.WealthRating, TreasureClass = value.TreasureClass, TreasureType = value.TreasureType, PScript = value.PScript, Sound = value.Sound, DestinationType = value.DestinationType, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, StackSize = value.StackSize, Palette = value.Palette, Shade = value.Shade, TryToBond = value.TryToBond, ObjCellId = value.ObjCellId, OriginX = value.OriginX, OriginY = value.OriginY, OriginZ = value.OriginZ, AnglesW = value.AnglesW, AnglesX = value.AnglesX, AnglesY = value.AnglesY, AnglesZ = value.AnglesZ, }; biota.BiotaPropertiesEmoteAction.Add(action); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesEventFilter) { biota.BiotaPropertiesEventFilter.Add(new BiotaPropertiesEventFilter { ObjectId = biota.Id, Event = value.Event, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesFloat) { biota.BiotaPropertiesFloat.Add(new BiotaPropertiesFloat { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesGenerator) { biota.BiotaPropertiesGenerator.Add(new BiotaPropertiesGenerator { ObjectId = biota.Id, Probability = value.Probability, WeenieClassId = value.WeenieClassId, Delay = value.Delay, InitCreate = value.InitCreate, MaxCreate = value.MaxCreate, WhenCreate = value.WhenCreate, WhereCreate = value.WhereCreate, StackSize = value.StackSize, PaletteId = value.PaletteId, Shade = value.Shade, ObjCellId = value.ObjCellId, OriginX = value.OriginX, OriginY = value.OriginY, OriginZ = value.OriginZ, AnglesW = value.AnglesW, AnglesX = value.AnglesX, AnglesY = value.AnglesY, AnglesZ = value.AnglesZ, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesIID) { biota.BiotaPropertiesIID.Add(new BiotaPropertiesIID { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesInt) { biota.BiotaPropertiesInt.Add(new BiotaPropertiesInt { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesInt64) { biota.BiotaPropertiesInt64.Add(new BiotaPropertiesInt64 { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesPalette) { biota.BiotaPropertiesPalette.Add(new BiotaPropertiesPalette { ObjectId = biota.Id, SubPaletteId = value.SubPaletteId, Offset = value.Offset, Length = value.Length, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesPosition) { biota.BiotaPropertiesPosition.Add(new BiotaPropertiesPosition { ObjectId = biota.Id, PositionType = value.PositionType, ObjCellId = value.ObjCellId, OriginX = value.OriginX, OriginY = value.OriginY, OriginZ = value.OriginZ, AnglesW = value.AnglesW, AnglesX = value.AnglesX, AnglesY = value.AnglesY, AnglesZ = value.AnglesZ, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesSkill) { biota.BiotaPropertiesSkill.Add(new BiotaPropertiesSkill { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, LevelFromPP = value.LevelFromPP, AdjustPP = value.AdjustPP, SAC = value.SAC, PP = value.PP, InitLevel = value.InitLevel, ResistanceAtLastCheck = value.ResistanceAtLastCheck, LastUsedTime = value.LastUsedTime, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesSpellBook) { biota.BiotaPropertiesSpellBook.Add(new BiotaPropertiesSpellBook { ObjectId = biota.Id, Spell = value.Spell, Probability = value.Probability, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesString) { biota.BiotaPropertiesString.Add(new BiotaPropertiesString { ObjectId = biota.Id, Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value, }); } foreach (var value in weenie.WeeniePropertiesTextureMap) { biota.BiotaPropertiesTextureMap.Add(new BiotaPropertiesTextureMap { ObjectId = biota.Id, Index = value.Index, OldId = value.OldId, NewId = value.NewId, }); } return(biota); }