예제 #1
    // Method creates meshes of all objects per biome
    List <BiomeMesh> BuildMeshes()
        // Create a new list of all meshes on the terrain
        List <BiomeMesh> biomeMeshes = new List <BiomeMesh>();

        // Loop through all biomes
        for (int i = 0; i < biomes.Length; i++)
            // For each new biome, add a new 2 dimensional list of gameobjects (for each terrainobject their exists a list of gameobject holding meshes of that object)
            worldObjects.Add(new List <List <GameObject> >());

            // Create a new biomemesh which holds the meshes and other details for the current biome
            BiomeMesh biomeMesh = new BiomeMesh();

            // Loop through each of the objects added to the biome
            for (int j = 0; j < biomes[i].biomeObjects.Length; j++)
                // Get all parameters that were set on that specific terrain object
                GameObject obj       = biomes[i].biomeObjects[j].prefab;
                float      occurance = biomes[i].biomeObjects[j].occurance;
                float      minScale  = biomes[i].biomeObjects[j].minScale;
                float      maxScale  = biomes[i].biomeObjects[j].maxScale;
                float      minRot    = biomes[i].biomeObjects[j].minRotation;
                float      maxRot    = biomes[i].biomeObjects[j].maxRotation;

                Mesh[] subMeshes = GetSubmeshes(obj);
                // Add a mesh to the current biome adding also its details
                biomeMesh.AddMesh(GetSubmeshes(obj), occurance, objectPerTile, minScale, maxScale, minRot, maxRot);

                // Add to the worldObjects list a new list of GameObjects that holds on the first place the prefab mesh. (Is used to instantiate new ones from)
                worldObjects[i].Add(new List <GameObject>());
                biomes[i].biomeObjects[j].emptyPrefab.GetComponent <TerrainObject>().numVerticesPerObject = new List <int>();

                for (int k = 0; k < subMeshes.Length; k++)
                    biomes[i].biomeObjects[j].emptyPrefab.GetComponent <TerrainObject>().numVerticesPerObject.Add(subMeshes[k].vertexCount);

            // Add the biomeMesh to the list of all biomeMeshes

예제 #2
    // Method that generates each of the Objects on the terrain
    IEnumerator GenerateBiomeAttributes()
        // Index to keep track of how much time it takes
        float timeSinceUpdate = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        // Loop through each grid tile in the world
        for (int i = 0; i < chunks.Count; i++)
            for (int k = 0; k < chunks[i].tiles.Count; k++)
                GridTile tile = chunks[i].tiles[k];
                // If the grid tile is under the water level, don't do anything.
                if (tile == null)
                if (tile.position.y < waterLevel)

                // Get all Meshes with parameters of the biome
                BiomeMesh    curBiomeMesh   = biomeMeshes[Mathf.FloorToInt(tile.biome)];
                List <float> occurances     = curBiomeMesh.occurance;
                int          objectsPerTile = curBiomeMesh.objectsPerTile * tileSize / 20;

                if (objectsPerTile < 1)
                    objectPerTile = 1;

                List <float> minScale = curBiomeMesh.minScale;
                List <float> maxScale = curBiomeMesh.maxScale;
                List <float> minRot   = curBiomeMesh.minRot;
                List <float> maxRot   = curBiomeMesh.maxRot;

                for (int l = 0; l < objectsPerTile; l++)
                    // create a random variable between 0 and 1
                    float choice = (float)rand.NextDouble();

                    // Create a lower and upper limit
                    float lower = 0;
                    float upper = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < occurances.Count; j++)
                        // Add the occurance of the current object to the upper limit
                        upper += occurances[j];

                        // If the random variable is between upper and lower limit generate that object
                        if (choice < upper * tileSize / 20 && choice > lower * tileSize / 20)
                            // Determine a random scale and rotation, based on the min and max set by the user
                            float scale = minScale[j] + (float)rand.NextDouble() * (maxScale[j] - minScale[j]);
                            float rot   = minRot[j] + (float)rand.NextDouble() * (maxRot[j] - minRot[j]);

                            Vector3 pos = tile.position + Vector3.right * tileSize * ((float)rand.NextDouble() - 0.5f) + Vector3.forward * tileSize * ((float)rand.NextDouble() - 0.5f);

                            // Generate the object
                            GenerateObject(pos, Quaternion.Euler(0, rot, 0), Vector3.one * scale, Mathf.FloorToInt(tile.biome), j, tile, chunks[i]);

                            // Break the loop for this grid tile

                        // Set the current upper to the lower limit
                        lower = upper;

                // index is bigger than the set value wait for one frame update
                if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - timeSinceUpdate > 1f / 10)
                    yield return(null);

                    timeSinceUpdate = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            for (int biome = 0; biome < biomes.Length; biome++)
                for (int objs = 0; objs < worldObjects[biome].Count; objs++)
                    List <GameObject> curGameObjectList = worldObjects[biome][objs];

                    if (curGameObjectList.Count < 2 && !curGameObjectList[curGameObjectList.Count - 1].GetComponent <TerrainObject>().hasReloaded)

                    curGameObjectList[curGameObjectList.Count - 1].GetComponent <TerrainObject>().verticesNow = 65001;

        // When done, be sure the check if all meshes have been updated