public void It_Raises_Property_Change_Evento_On_The_Correct_Property()
            BindableClass bc = new BindableClass();

            string expected = "MyProp";
            string actual = string.Empty;


            bc.MyProp = "Value";

            actual = GetInfoRegardingPropertyName();

            Assert.AreEqual<string>(expected, actual, "Property invoqued must have different name");
        public void It_Must_Not_Raise_If_Value_Does_Not_Change()
            BindableClass bc = new BindableClass();
            string value = "My Property Test";

            bc.MyProp = value;

            // [Jdmv] Esto es innecesario pero lo hice por practicar
            Func<string, bool> expected = delegate (string s)
                return string.IsNullOrEmpty(s);


            bc.MyProp = value;

            string actual = GetInfoRegardingPropertyName();

            Assert.IsTrue(expected(actual), "INotifyPropertyChanged must not be called if value has not change");