예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// 添加函数
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (frmAddFunction frmaddf = new frmAddFunction())
         frmaddf.Function = textBox1.Text;
         if (frmaddf.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
             textBox1.Text = frmaddf.Function;
             if (textBox1.Text.ToLower().Contains('x') && !textBox1.Text.ToLower().Contains('y') && !textBox1.Text.ToLower().Contains('z'))
                 UnaryFunction func = (new SyntaxManager().ParseUnaryFunction(textBox1.Text));
                 unaryFunctionDrawingBoard1.Function = func;
                 tabControl1.SelectedIndex           = 0;
             else if (textBox1.Text.ToLower().Contains('x') && textBox1.Text.ToLower().Contains('y') && !textBox1.Text.ToLower().Contains('z'))
                 BinaryFunction func = (new SyntaxManager().ParseBinaryFunction(textBox1.Text));
                 binaryFunctionDrawingBoard1.BinaryFunction = func;
                 tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1;
                 MultiFunction func = (new SyntaxManager().ParseMultiFunction(textBox1.Text));
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ScalarFunction x = "x";
            ScalarFunction y = "y";
            ScalarFunction a = "a";
            ScalarFunction b = "b";
            ScalarFunction c = "c";
            ScalarFunction d = "d";
            ScalarFunction i = "i";
            ScalarFunction j = "j";
            MatrixFunction m = NewMatrix(new Matrix <ScalarFunction>(
                                             new[] {
                new ScalarFunction[] { a, b },
                new ScalarFunction[] { c, d }
            VectorFunction v = NewColumnVector(new ScalarFunction[] { x, y });
            VectorFunction r = NewColumnVector(new ScalarFunction[] { i, j });
            BinaryFunction k = MatrixMethods.RotationMethod(m, v, r);

            k = k.Calculate();
            //Console.WriteLine(((a * i + c * j) / (a * a + c * c)).Calculate());
            //var sqrt = op_Exponentiation(op_Exponentiation(a, 2) + op_Exponentiation(c, 2), 0.5);
            //var d_y = ((a * j - c * i) / (a * d - c * b)) * (a * b + c * d);
            //var gg = ((x * (a * a + c * c)) + y) / sqrt == (a * i + c * j) / sqrt;
            //var gg2 = NewScalarFind(x, gg).Calculate();
            //var gg3 = gg2.Calculate(NewScalarFind(y, y == d_y));
예제 #3
        // Normal functions
        private static Value Transform(Value a, Value b, BinaryFunction accum, BinaryFunction f)
            Value ret = new Value(a.Size);

            if (ret.Size == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Size; ++i)
                if (a.Size == b.Size)
                    ret[i] = f(a[i], b[i]);

                ret[i] = 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < b.Size; ++j)
                    if (j == 0)
                        ret[i] = f(a[i], b[j]);
                        ret[i] = accum(ret[i], f(a[i], b[j]));

예제 #4
파일: Binder.cs 프로젝트: ggeurts/nhive
 public static BinaryFunction <Arg1, Arg2, bool> Not2 <Arg1, Arg2>(BinaryFunction <Arg1, Arg2, bool> func)
     return(delegate(Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2)
         return !func(arg1, arg2);
예제 #5
파일: Rule.cs 프로젝트: vkristijan/NENR
        public Rule(IFuzzySet[] antecedent, IFuzzySet consequent, BinaryFunction tNorm, BinaryFunction implication)
            this.antecedent = antecedent;
            this.consequent = consequent;

            this.tNorm       = tNorm;
            this.implication = implication;
예제 #6
        static void Main()
            DynamicMethod method = new DynamicMethod("MyFirst", null, null, typeof(Test));
            ILGenerator   gen    = method.GetILGenerator();

            gen.EmitWriteLine((string)"Hello World");

            method.Invoke(null, null);

            // Now use delegates
            DynamicMethod method2 = new DynamicMethod("MySecond", typeof(int), new[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) }, typeof(void));
            ILGenerator   gen2    = method2.GetILGenerator();

            // Put arguments onto evaluation stack

            BinaryFunction f2 = (BinaryFunction)method2.CreateDelegate(typeof(BinaryFunction));

            Console.WriteLine("Using delegate: {0}", f2(1, 2));   // 3

            int result = (int)method2.Invoke(null, new object[] { 2, 4 });

            // Now invoke the dynamically generated method
            Console.WriteLine("Using delegate: {0}", f2(2, 6));       // 8
            Console.WriteLine("Using delegate: {0}", f2(12, 8));      // 20
            Console.WriteLine("Using delegate: {0}", f2(-12, 8));     // -4

            // Using a delegate with 3 input parameters; compute n1*n2*n3
            DynamicMethod method3 = new DynamicMethod("MyThird", typeof(int), new[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int) }, typeof(void));
            ILGenerator   gen3    = method3.GetILGenerator();

            // Put arguments onto evaluation stack

            TernaryFunction f3 = (TernaryFunction)method3.CreateDelegate(typeof(TernaryFunction));

            Console.WriteLine("Using delegate: {0}", f3(1, 2, 2));   // 3

            int result3 = (int)method3.Invoke(null, new object[] { 2, 4, 6 });

            // Now invoke the dynamically generated method
            Console.WriteLine("Using delegate: {0}", f3(2, 6, 1));       // 12
            Console.WriteLine("Using delegate: {0}", f3(12, 8, 2));      // 192
            Console.WriteLine("Using delegate: {0}", f3(-12, 2, 2));     // -48
예제 #7
        public Object ExecuteBinaryFunction(string id, BinaryFunction action, Object a, Object b, string pos)
            // Called with two doubles
            if (a.GetType() == typeof(double) && b.GetType() == typeof(double))
                return(action((double)a, (double)b));

            // Called with a list and a double
            else if (a.GetType() == typeof(Object[]) && b.GetType() == typeof(double))
                Object[] list    = (Object[])a;
                Object[] newList = new Object[list.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                    newList[i] = ExecuteBinaryFunction(id, action, list[i], b, pos);

                // Called with a double and a list
            else if (a.GetType() == typeof(double) && b.GetType() == typeof(Object[]))
                Object[] list    = (Object[])b;
                Object[] newList = new Object[list.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                    newList[i] = ExecuteBinaryFunction(id, action, a, list[i], pos);

                // Called with two lists
            else if (a.GetType() == typeof(Object[]) && b.GetType() == typeof(Object[]))
                Object[] listA = (Object[])a;
                Object[] listB = (Object[])b;
                if (listA.Length != listB.Length)
                    throw new Exception(pos + "cannot apply " + id + " to lists of different length (got " + listA.Length + " and " + listB.Length + ")");
                Object[] newList = new Object[listA.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < listA.Length; i++)
                    newList[i] = ExecuteBinaryFunction(id, action, listA[i], listB[i], pos);

                // Called with something else
                throw new Exception(pos + "cannot apply " + id + " to variables of type " + a.GetType().ToString() + " and " + b.GetType().ToString());
예제 #8
        // Randomizes the ViewOrder of all the enabled, unplayed/playing songs
        public void Shuffle()
            if (!Populate)
                if (current_track == null)

                int enabled_count    = EnabledCount;
                int first_view_order = (int)CurrentTrackViewOrder;
                int last_view_order  = first_view_order + enabled_count;

                // If the current track is playing, don't shuffle it
                if (ServiceManager.PlayerEngine.IsPlaying(current_track))

                // Nothing to do if less than 2 tracks
                if (last_view_order - first_view_order < 2)

                // Save the current_track index, so we can update the current track
                // to be whatever one is at that position after we shuffle them -- assuming
                // the current_track isn't already playing.
                int current_index = TrackModel.IndexOf(current_track);

                // Setup a function that will return a random ViewOrder in the range we want
                var rand        = new Random();
                var func_id     = "play-queue-shuffle-order-" + rand.NextDouble().ToString();
                var view_orders = Enumerable.Range(first_view_order, last_view_order)
                                  .OrderBy(a => rand.NextDouble())
                int i = 0;
                BinaryFunction.Add(func_id, (f, b) => view_orders[i++]);

                    "UPDATE CorePlaylistEntries SET ViewOrder = HYENA_BINARY_FUNCTION (?, NULL, NULL) WHERE PlaylistID = ? AND ViewOrder >= ?",
                    func_id, DbId, first_view_order


                // Update the current track unless it was playing (and therefore wasn't moved)
                if (!ServiceManager.PlayerEngine.IsPlaying(current_track))
                    SetCurrentTrack(TrackModel[current_index] as DatabaseTrackInfo);
 public void RotateMethod()
     MatrixFunction m = NewMatrix(new Matrix <ScalarFunction>(
                                      new[] {
         new ScalarFunction[] { "a", "b" },
         new ScalarFunction[] { "c", "d" }
     VectorFunction v = NewColumnVector(new ScalarFunction[] { "x", "y" });
     VectorFunction r = NewColumnVector(new ScalarFunction[] { "i", "j" });
     BinaryFunction b = MatrixMethods.RotationMethod(m, v, r);
예제 #10
        public static IFuzzySet BinaryOperation(IFuzzySet set1, IFuzzySet set2, BinaryFunction function)
            var result = new MutableFuzzySet(set1.GetDomain());

            foreach (var element in set1.GetDomain())
                var x = set1.GetValueAt(element);
                var y = set2.GetValueAt(element);
                result.Set(element, function(x, y));

예제 #11
        public AlbumDuplicateSolver()
            Id          = "dupe-album";
            Name        = Catalog.GetString("Duplicate Albums");
            Description = Catalog.GetString("Displayed are albums that should likely be merged.  For each row, click the desired title to make it bold, or uncheck it to take no action.");

                "Title", "AlbumID", "CoreAlbums, CoreArtists",
                "CoreAlbums.ArtistID = CoreArtists.ArtistID AND Title IS NOT NULL AND Name IS NOT NULL AND " +
                String.Format("AlbumID IN (SELECT DISTINCT(AlbumID) FROM CoreTracks WHERE PrimarySourceID = {0})", ServiceManager.SourceManager.MusicLibrary.DbId),
                "HYENA_BINARY_FUNCTION ('dupe-album', Title, Name)"

            BinaryFunction.Add(Id, NormalizedGroup);
예제 #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var         dynMeth = new DynamicMethod("Foo", null, null, typeof(Program));
            ILGenerator gen     = dynMeth.GetILGenerator();

            gen.EmitWriteLine("Hello World");
            dynMeth.Invoke(null, null);

            dynMeth = new DynamicMethod("Foo", null, null, typeof(Program));
            gen     = dynMeth.GetILGenerator();
            MethodInfo privateMethod = typeof(Program).GetMethod("HelloWorld", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

            gen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, privateMethod);
            dynMeth.Invoke(null, null);

            dynMeth = new DynamicMethod("Foo", null, null, typeof(Program));
            gen     = dynMeth.GetILGenerator();
            MethodInfo WriteLineInt = typeof(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", new Type[] { typeof(int) });

            gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 123);
            gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 123);
            gen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, WriteLineInt);
            dynMeth.Invoke(null, null);

            dynMeth = new DynamicMethod("Foo",
                                        typeof(int),                        // Return type = int
                                        new[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) }, // Parameter types = int, int
            gen = dynMeth.GetILGenerator();
            gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); // Push first arg onto eval stack
            gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); // Push second arg onto eval stack
            gen.Emit(OpCodes.Add);     // Add them together (result on stack)
            gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);     // Return with stack having 1 value
            BinaryFunction       f1 = (BinaryFunction)dynMeth.CreateDelegate(typeof(BinaryFunction));
            Func <int, int, int> f2 = (Func <int, int, int>)dynMeth.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <int, int, int>));
            int result = (int)dynMeth.Invoke(null, new object[] { 123, 123 });

            Console.WriteLine(f1(123, 124));
            Console.WriteLine(f2(123, 125));
예제 #13
        public ArtistDuplicateSolver()
            Id          = "dupe-artist";
            Name        = Catalog.GetString("Duplicate Artists");
            Description = Catalog.GetString("Displayed are artists that should likely be merged.  For each row, click the desired name to make it bold, or uncheck it to take no action.");

                "Name", "ArtistID", "CoreArtists",
                    @"(Name IS NOT NULL AND ArtistID IN (SELECT DISTINCT(ArtistID) FROM CoreTracks WHERE PrimarySourceID = {0})
                        OR ArtistID IN (SELECT DISTINCT(a.ArtistID) FROM CoreTracks t, CoreAlbums a WHERE t.AlbumID = a.AlbumID AND t.PrimarySourceID = {0}))",
                    EnableUnitTests ? 0 : ServiceManager.SourceManager.MusicLibrary.DbId
                "HYENA_BINARY_FUNCTION ('dupe-artist', Name, NULL)"

            BinaryFunction.Add(Id, NormalizeArtistName);
예제 #14
        public GenreDuplicateSolver()
            Id          = "dupe-genre";
            Name        = Catalog.GetString("Duplicate Genres");
            Description = Catalog.GetString("Displayed are genres that should likely be merged.  For each row, click the desired genre to make it bold, or uncheck it to take no action.");

                "Genre", "TrackID", "CoreTracks",
                    TrackID IN (SELECT TrackID FROM CoreTracks
                        WHERE PrimarySourceID = {0} GROUP BY Genre
                    ) AND Genre IS NOT NULL",
                "HYENA_BINARY_FUNCTION ('dupe-genre', Genre, NULL)"

            BinaryFunction.Add(Id, NormalizedGroup);
예제 #15
        private static double Accumulate(Value[] vals, BinaryFunction f)
            bool   first = true;
            double ret   = 0;

            ForallValues(vals, (v) => {
                if (first)
                    ret = v;
                    ret = f(ret, v);

                first = false;

예제 #16
        public static List <Pixel2> FindStabilityExtremums(double[,] data, double sigmaFactor, BinaryFunction predicate)
            List <Pixel2> result = new List <Pixel2>();

            bool[,] region = FindStabilityRegion(data, sigmaFactor, predicate);

            for (; ;)
                int  row    = -1;
                int  column = -1;
                bool status = NumericalMethods.FindConditionalExtremum(data, region, predicate, out row, out column);
                if (!status)
                result.Add(new Pixel2(column, row));
                region = Morphology.Erosion(region, row, column);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// The method looks for a stability region.
        /// threshold value = limitValue + sigmaCoefficient * sigma;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">can't be null</param>
        /// <param name="limitValue"></param>
        /// <param name="sigmaCoefficient">defines filter amplitude and direction; see threshold value calculation</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true cells defines stability region
        /// false cells defines instability region
        /// </returns>
        public static bool[,] FindStabilityRegion(double[,] data, double sigmaFactor, BinaryFunction predicate, double limitValue = 1)
            int rows    = data.GetLength(0);
            int columns = data.GetLength(1);

            List <double> deviations = new List <double>();

            for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
                for (int column = 0; column < columns; ++column)
                    double value = data[row, column];
                    if (row - 1 >= 0)
                        double delta = data[row - 1, column] - value;
                    if (row < rows - 1)
                        double delta = data[row + 1, column] - value;
                    if (column - 1 >= 0)
                        double delta = data[row, column - 1] - value;
                    if (column < columns - 1)
                        double delta = data[row, column + 1] - value;
            double sigma = Statistics.CalculateSampleVariance(deviations.ToArray());

            sigma  = NumericalMethods.Sqrt(sigma);
            sigma *= sigmaFactor;
            double threshold = predicate(1, 0) ? (limitValue - sigma) : (limitValue + sigma);

            bool[,] result = new bool[rows, columns];

            for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
                for (int column = 0; column < columns; ++column)
                    result[row, column] = predicate(data[row, column], threshold);

            double ry = NumericalMethods.Sqrt(rows);
            double rx = NumericalMethods.Sqrt(columns);
            int    r  = (int)Math.Min(rx, ry) - 1;

            for (int index = 0; index < r; ++index)
                result = Morphology.Erosion(result);
예제 #18
파일: Binder.cs 프로젝트: ggeurts/nhive
 public static UnaryFunction <Arg, Result> Bind1st <Arg, Result>(BinaryFunction <Arg, Arg, Result> func, Arg arg1)
     return(new Binder1st <Arg, Arg, Result>(func, arg1).Execute);
예제 #19
 private static Value Transform(Value a, Value b, BinaryFunction f)
     return(Transform(a, b, (la, lb) => la + lb, f));
예제 #20
파일: Binder.cs 프로젝트: ggeurts/nhive
 public static UnaryFunction <Arg, Result> Bind2nd <Arg, Result>(BinaryFunction <Arg, Arg, Result> func, Arg arg2)
     return(new Binder2nd <Arg, Arg, Result>(func, arg2).Execute);
예제 #21
 public override void Dispose()
예제 #22
 public Expression AddBinaryFunction(string Name, Expression TypeA, Expression TypeB, Expression ReturnType, BinaryFunction Handler)
     return this.AddRootVariable(Name, Expression.FunctionType(this.NextFreeIndex, Expression.Tuple(TypeA, TypeB), ReturnType),
         new BinaryFunctionValue() { Function = Handler });
예제 #23
        private Variable ApplyBinaryFunction(Variable a, Variable b, BinaryFunction action)
            if(a.type == VarType.NUMBER && b.type == VarType.NUMBER)
                return new Variable("", VarType.NUMBER, action(a.val, b.val));

            else if(a.type == VarType.NUMBER && b.type == VarType.LIST) {
                List<Variable> newElements = new List<Variable>(b.elements.Count);
                foreach(Variable e in b.elements)
                    newElements.Add(ApplyBinaryFunction(a, e, action));
                return new Variable("", VarType.LIST, newElements);

            else if(a.type == VarType.LIST && b.type == VarType.NUMBER) {
                List<Variable> newElements = new List<Variable>(a.elements.Count);
                foreach(Variable e in a.elements)
                    newElements.Add(ApplyBinaryFunction(e, b, action));
                return new Variable("", VarType.LIST, newElements);

            else if(a.type == VarType.LIST && b.type == VarType.LIST) {
                if(a.elements.Count != b.elements.Count)
                    throw new Exception("Trying to perform a binary operation on lists of unequal size.");

                List<Variable> newElements = new List<Variable>(a.elements.Count);
                for(int i=0; i<a.elements.Count; i++)
                    newElements.Add(ApplyBinaryFunction(a.elements[i], b.elements[i], action));
                return new Variable("", VarType.LIST, newElements);

            throw new Exception("Trying to perform an operation on invalid types.");
예제 #24
파일: Binder.cs 프로젝트: ggeurts/nhive
 public Binder1st(BinaryFunction <Arg1, Arg2, Result> func, Arg1 arg1)
     m_Arg1     = arg1;
     m_Function = func;
예제 #25
        //How the value of an AutoExpression is decided
        //If the AutoExpression is the parameter to a higher order function
        // - Return the input
        //If we are inside a higher-order function
        // - The 'parameter variables' are 斯,成,它,感,干,法
        // - They are placed upon a stack
        // - Based on how many is needed, that number is popped from the stack
        // - E.g some higher-order functions require 3 parameters, some only need 2 or 1
        // - If there are at least two parameter variables, the first one will be designated as the first autofill
        // - and the second will be designated as the second autofill
        //Else if we are not inside a higher-order function
        // - The first autofill will be the first input passed to the program
        // - The second autofill will be the second input passed to the program
        //Now we have our first and second autofill
        // - If there are zero autofill, just use 0
        // - If there is only one autofill, use that one autofill
        // - If there are at least two autofills defined:
        //   - If the expression is an argument to a function, use the first autofill
        //   - Use the second autofill
        //   - Else just use the first

        VObject Evaluate(Expression ast)
            switch (ast)
            case NumericLiteralExpression number:
                return(new VObject(number.Value));

            case StringLiteralExpression str:
                return(new VObject(str.Value));

            case VariableReferenceExpression variable:

            case ConditionalExpression conditional:
                if (Evaluate(conditional.Condition).IsTruthy())

            //Use the first input as autofill by default
            case AutoExpression _:

            case FunctionInvocationExpression funcExpr:
                VObject caller;
                if (funcExpr.Caller is AutoExpression)
                    caller = programState.Autofill_1;
                    caller = Evaluate(funcExpr.Caller);

                if (Function.IsHigherOrder(funcExpr.Function, caller.ObjectType))
                    HigherOrderFunction func = (HigherOrderFunction)Function.Get(funcExpr.Function, caller.ObjectType);
                    Lambda lambda;
                    bool   createdLambda = false;
                    // If an autoexpression is submitted as a lambda, then either use the default lambda or if not available, a lambda that returns the first input
                    if (funcExpr.Argument is AutoExpression)
                        lambda = func.DefaultLambda ?? (x => x[0]);
                        lambda        = CreateLambda(funcExpr.Argument, func.LambdaParameters);
                        createdLambda = true;

                    //We pass the lambda that we created into the function
                    var res = func.Invoke(caller, lambda);

                    //Re-rotate the parameter variables back
                    //We rotated them in the CreateLambda method
                    //Note this only triggers if CreateLambda was called
                    if (createdLambda)
                        for (int i = 0; i < PARAMETER_VARIABLES.Length - func.LambdaParameters; i++)


                if (Function.IsUnary(funcExpr.Function))
                    UnaryFunction func = (UnaryFunction)Function.Get(funcExpr.Function, caller.ObjectType);
                    if (func is UnaryFunctionWithProgramState funcWithProgState)
                        return(funcWithProgState.Invoke(caller, programState));
                    VObject        arg  = funcExpr.Argument is AutoExpression ? programState.Autofill_2 : Evaluate(funcExpr.Argument);
                    BinaryFunction func = (BinaryFunction)Function.Get(funcExpr.Function, caller.ObjectType, arg.ObjectType);
                    return(func.Invoke(caller, arg));
                throw new Exception();

            case InterpolatedStringExpression intpStr:
                return(string.Concat(intpStr.Expressions.Select(x => Evaluate(x).ToString())));

                ErrorHandler.InternalError("This shouldn't happen.");
                throw new Exception();
예제 #26
파일: Binder.cs 프로젝트: ggeurts/nhive
 public static UnaryFunction <T, T> Bind2nd <T>(BinaryFunction <T, T, T> func, T arg2)
     return(new Binder2nd <T, T, T>(func, arg2).Execute);
예제 #27
파일: Binder.cs 프로젝트: ggeurts/nhive
 public Binder2nd(BinaryFunction <Arg1, Arg2, Result> func, Arg2 arg2)
     m_Arg2     = arg2;
     m_Function = func;
예제 #28
파일: Binary.cs 프로젝트: ufcpp/UfcppSample
		public Binary(BinaryFunction func, Function inner0, Function inner1)
			this.func = func;
			this.inner0 = inner0;
			this.inner1 = inner1;
예제 #29
 private static double Accumulate(Value vals, BinaryFunction f)
     return(Accumulate(new Value[] { vals }, f));
예제 #30
 public Binary(BinaryFunction func, Function inner0, Function inner1)
     this.func   = func;
     this.inner0 = inner0;
     this.inner1 = inner1;
예제 #31
파일: Binder.cs 프로젝트: ggeurts/nhive
 public static UnaryFunction <T, T> Bind1st <T>(BinaryFunction <T, T, T> func, T arg1)
     return(new Binder1st <T, T, T>(func, arg1).Execute);
예제 #32
        public static bool FindConditionalExtremum(double[,] data, bool[,] condition, BinaryFunction predicate, out int row, out int column)
            if (null == data)
                throw new NullReferenceException("data cannot be null");
            if (null == condition)
                throw new NullReferenceException("condition cannot be null");
            int rows    = data.GetLength(0);
            int columns = data.GetLength(1);

            if ((rows != condition.GetLength(0)) || (columns != condition.GetLength(1)))
                throw new ArgumentException("data and condition have different sizes");

            row    = -1;
            column = -1;

            bool result = false;

            double extremum = predicate(1, 0) ? double.NegativeInfinity : double.PositiveInfinity;

            for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r)
                for (int c = 0; c < columns; ++c)
                    if (!condition[r, c])
                    double value = data[r, c];
                    if (predicate(value, extremum))
                        extremum = value;
                        row      = r;
                        column   = c;
                        result   = true;
예제 #33
 public BinaryOperator(string token, BinaryFunction function, Precedence precedence, bool leftAssociative = true) :
     base(token, (c, ctx) => function(c[0].Eval(ctx), c[1].Eval(ctx)), 2, precedence, leftAssociative)