// Return +1 (BUY), -1 (SELL), or 0 (NO TRADE)
        int CheckIndicator(iMACD macd, bool displayIndicator = true)
            if (!macd.isPrimed())
                return(0);                                          // indicator is not primed, so return zero (NO TRADE)
            // indicator is "primed" when it has enough data to calculate values
            double MACD, signal, hist;

            macd.Value(out MACD, out signal, out hist);                                 // calculate MACD values
                                                                                        //if (display) cout("---MACD:{0} signal:{1} hist:{2}", MACD, signal, hist);   // display the values
            if (displayIndicator)
                var ticker = m_exch.GetTicker(m_pair);
                cout("{0}>---MACD:{1:0.00000000}--- [{2}]  slow:{3:0.00000000} fast:{4:0.00000000}     {5} x {6} -- {7} x {8}   (b/a={9})  vol={10}", PairId, hist, DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(), MACD, signal, ticker.BidSize, ticker.Bid, ticker.Ask, ticker.AskSize, ticker.BidAskSpread, ticker.Volume); // display only the histMACD value
            m_indicator.Add(new double[] { MACD, signal, hist });                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                // add the values to the m_indicator List
            //if (m_pos > 0 && hist < 0)                                                  // CHECK TO SEE IF WE CROSSED pos-to-neg or neg-to-pos
            if (hist < 0)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        // CHECK TO SEE IF WE CROSSED pos-to-neg or neg-to-pos
                //if (isCompleteBar) TradeSell();                                         // long position and histMACD negative = SELL
            //else if (m_pos < 0 && hist > 0)
            else if (hist > 0)
                //if (isCompleteBar) TradeBuy();                                          // short position and histMACD positive = BUY