예제 #1
        public void ElementHasOffset()
            string template = @"
                pe :
                    /** The magic file header */
                    magic (2 bytes as ASCII)
                    moreMagic (2 bytes as ASCII)

            byte[] content = { 0x4d, 0x5a, 97, 98 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            string parsed = result["magic"] as string;
            int    offset = (int)result["magic_offset"];

            Assert.AreEqual("MZ", parsed, "Should have parsed as ASCII");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, offset, "Should have proper offset");

            parsed = result["moreMagic"] as string;
            offset = (int)result["moreMagic_offset"];
            Assert.AreEqual("ab", parsed, "Should have parsed as ASCII");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, offset, "Should have proper offset");

            string comment = result["magic_description"] as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("The magic file header", comment, "Should have comment");
예제 #2
        public void ElementDynamicBytePadding()
            string template = @"
                pe :
                    paddingRequirement (4 bytes as INT32)
                    rows (2 items);
                rows :                    
                    data (2 bytes as ASCII)
                    (padding to multiple of pe.paddingRequirement bytes);

            byte[] content = { 0x4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 65, 66, 0x02, 0x03, 67, 68, 0x04, 0x05, };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            // Check the captured data
            List <object> items = (List <object>)result["rows"];

            Assert.AreEqual("AB", ((OrderedDictionary)items[0])["data"], "Should have got proper value");
            Assert.AreEqual("CD", ((OrderedDictionary)items[1])["data"], "Should have got proper value");

            // Check the padding
            Assert.AreEqual(0x2, ((byte[])((OrderedDictionary)items[0])["padding"])[0], "Should have got proper padding");
            Assert.AreEqual(0x3, ((byte[])((OrderedDictionary)items[0])["padding"])[1], "Should have got proper padding");
            Assert.AreEqual(0x4, ((byte[])((OrderedDictionary)items[1])["padding"])[0], "Should have got proper padding");
            Assert.AreEqual(0x5, ((byte[])((OrderedDictionary)items[1])["padding"])[1], "Should have got proper padding");
예제 #3
        public void ElementTwoBytePadding()
            string template = @"
                pe :
                    rows (2 items);
                rows :
                    data (2 bytes as ASCII)
                    (padding to multiple of 4 bytes);

            byte[] content = { 65, 66, 0x02, 0x03, 67, 68, 0x04, 0x05, };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Keys.Count, "Should have one key");

            // Check the captured data
            object[] items = (object[])result["rows"];
            Assert.AreEqual("AB", ((OrderedDictionary)items[0])["data"], "Should have got proper value");
            Assert.AreEqual("CD", ((OrderedDictionary)items[1])["data"], "Should have got proper value");

            // Check the padding
            Assert.AreEqual(0x2, ((byte[])((OrderedDictionary)items[0])["padding"])[0], "Should have got proper padding");
            Assert.AreEqual(0x3, ((byte[])((OrderedDictionary)items[0])["padding"])[1], "Should have got proper padding");
            Assert.AreEqual(0x4, ((byte[])((OrderedDictionary)items[1])["padding"])[0], "Should have got proper padding");
            Assert.AreEqual(0x5, ((byte[])((OrderedDictionary)items[1])["padding"])[1], "Should have got proper padding");
예제 #4
        public void ElementNoPaddingNeeded()
            string template = @"
                pe :
                    rows (2 items);
                rows :
                    data (2 bytes as ASCII)
                    (padding to multiple of 2 bytes);

            byte[] content = { 65, 66, 67, 68 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            // Check the captured data
            List <object> items = (List <object>)result["rows"];

            Assert.AreEqual("AB", ((OrderedDictionary)items[0])["data"], "Should have got proper value");
            Assert.AreEqual("CD", ((OrderedDictionary)items[1])["data"], "Should have got proper value");

            // Check the padding
            byte[] padding = (byte[])((OrderedDictionary)items[0])["padding"];
            Assert.AreEqual(0, padding.Length);

            padding = (byte[])((OrderedDictionary)items[1])["padding"];
            Assert.AreEqual(0, padding.Length);

            // Check the casing of the padding key
            string[] keys = new string[4];
            ((OrderedDictionary)items[0]).Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual("padding", keys[3]);
예제 #5
        public void MultipleByteExtraction()
            string template = @"
                bitmap :
                    data1 (2 bytes)
                    data2 (2 bytes as ascii)

            byte[] content = { 0, 1, 65, 66, 4 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            byte[] parsed1 = result["data1"] as byte[];
            string parsed2 = result["data2"] as string;

            Assert.IsNotNull(parsed1, "Should have data1 key");
            Assert.IsNotNull(parsed2, "Should have data2 key");

            Assert.AreEqual("AB", parsed2, "Should have parsed second string");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, parsed1.Length);

            for (int counter = 0; counter < parsed1.Length; counter++)
                Assert.AreEqual(content[counter], parsed1[counter], "Parsed data not equal at index {0}", counter);
예제 #6
        public void MemberDefinitionWithByteLookupElementNotFound()
            string template = @"
                pe :
                    item (1 byte)
                    (additional properties identified by item from lookupTable);
                lookupTable :
                    0 : helper;
                helper :
                    rest (3 bytes as ASCII);";

            byte[] content = { 0x4d, 0x5a, 98, 97 };

            ParseException exceptionThrown = null;

                BinShred.Shred(content, template);
            catch (ParseException e)
                exceptionThrown = e;

            Assert.IsNotNull(exceptionThrown, "Should have thrown exception for missing lookup table element.");
예제 #7
        public void ElementOneBytePadding()
            string template = @"
                Pe :
                    Rows (2 items);
                Rows :
                    Data (2 bytes as ASCII)
                    (padding to multiple of 3 bytes);

            byte[] content = { 65, 66, 0x02, 67, 68, 0x04 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            // Check the captured data
            List <object> items = (List <object>)result["rows"];

            Assert.AreEqual("AB", ((OrderedDictionary)items[0])["data"], "Should have got proper value");
            Assert.AreEqual("CD", ((OrderedDictionary)items[1])["data"], "Should have got proper value");

            // Check the padding
            Assert.AreEqual(0x2, ((byte[])((OrderedDictionary)items[0])["padding"])[0], "Should have got proper padding");
            Assert.AreEqual(0x4, ((byte[])((OrderedDictionary)items[1])["padding"])[0], "Should have got proper padding");

            // Check the casing of the padding key
            string[] keys = new string[4];
            ((OrderedDictionary)items[0]).Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual("Padding", keys[3]);
예제 #8
        public void MemberNestingDoesntInterfereDouble()
            string template = @"
                pe :
                header : magic (2 bytes as ASCII);
                moreheader :
                    firstLetter (1 byte as ASCII)
                    secondLetter (1 byte as ASCII);

            byte[] content = { 0x4d, 0x5a, 98, 97 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            OrderedDictionary header = result["header"] as OrderedDictionary;

            Assert.AreEqual("MZ", header["magic"] as String, "Should have parsed as ASCII");

            OrderedDictionary moreheader = result["moreheader"] as OrderedDictionary;

            Assert.AreEqual("b", moreheader["firstLetter"] as String, "Should have parsed as ASCII");
            Assert.AreEqual("a", moreheader["secondLetter"] as String, "Should have parsed as ASCII");
예제 #9
        public void LabeledNotLocalItemReference()
            string template = @"
                root :
                pe :
                    itemCount (4 bytes as Int32)
                    stuff (root.pe.itemCount items);
                stuff :
                    value (2 bytes as ASCII);

            byte[] content = { 3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Keys.Count, "Should have one key");

            Assert.AreEqual(2, ((OrderedDictionary)result["pe"]).Keys.Count, "Should have correct count");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, (int)((OrderedDictionary)result["pe"])["itemCount"], "Should have correct count");

            object[] items = (object[])((OrderedDictionary)result["pe"])["stuff"];
            Assert.AreEqual("AB", (string)((OrderedDictionary)items[0])["Value"], "Should have got first entry");
            Assert.AreEqual("CD", (string)((OrderedDictionary)items[1])["Value"], "Should have got second entry");
            Assert.AreEqual("EF", (string)((OrderedDictionary)items[2])["Value"], "Should have got third entry");
예제 #10
        public void ByteExtractionCSharpWithLocalProperty()
            string template = @"
                pe :
                    byteCount (4 bytes as INT32)
                    magic (
                        if(byteCount > 0)
                            return (byteCount / 2);
                            return 0;
                    } bytes as ASCII);

            byte[] content = { 0x4, 0, 0, 0, 0x4d, 0x5a };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);
            string            parsed = result["magic"] as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("MZ", parsed, "Should have parsed as ASCII");
예제 #11
        public void ByteExtractionCSharp()
            string template = "pe : magic ( { return 2; } bytes as ASCII);";

            byte[] content = { 0x4d, 0x5a };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);
            string            parsed = result["magic"] as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("MZ", parsed, "Should have parsed as ASCII");
예제 #12
        public void TypedByteExtractionUint16()
            string template = "pe : magic (2 bytes as UINT16);";

            byte[] content = { 22, 219 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            UInt16 parsed = (UInt16)result["magic"];

            Assert.AreEqual((UInt16)56086, parsed, "Should have parsed as UInt16");
예제 #13
 private void ParseContent(string templateContent, string currentPath, byte[] fileContent)
         OrderedDictionary results = BinShred.Shred(fileContent, templateContent);
     catch (ParseException e)
         WriteError(new ErrorRecord(e, "ParseError", ErrorCategory.ParserError, currentPath));
예제 #14
        public void TypedByteExtractionDouble()
            string template = "pe : magic (8 bytes as DOUBLE);";

            byte[] content = { 217, 10, 68, 84, 251, 33, 9, 64 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            double parsed = (double)result["magic"];

            Assert.AreEqual((double)3.1415926535859, parsed, "Should have parsed as Single / Float");
예제 #15
        public void TypedByteExtractionUTF8()
            string template = "pe : magic (8 bytes as UTF8);";

            byte[] content = { 76, 97, 200, 157, 97, 109, 111, 110 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            string parsed = result["magic"] as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("Laȝamon", parsed, "Should have parsed as Unicode");
예제 #16
        public void TypedByteExtractionInt64()
            string template = "pe : magic (8 bytes as INT64);";

            byte[] content = { 255, 144, 67, 255, 22, 219, 104, 255 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            Int64 parsed = (Int64)result["magic"];

            Assert.AreEqual(-42543304641638145, parsed, "Should have parsed as Int64");
예제 #17
        public void TypedByteExtractionUint64()
            string template = "pe : magic (8 bytes as UINT64);";

            byte[] content = { 255, 219, 104, 7, 22, 219, 104, 255 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            UInt64 parsed = (UInt64)result["magic"];

            Assert.AreEqual(18404200764909607935, parsed, "Should have parsed as UInt64");
예제 #18
        public void TypedByteExtractionInt32()
            string template = "pe : magic (4 bytes as INT32);";

            byte[] content = { 108, 144, 67, 255 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            int parsed = (int)result["magic"];

            Assert.AreEqual(-12349332, parsed, "Should have parsed as Int32");
예제 #19
        public void TypedByteExtractionUint32()
            string template = "pe : magic (4 bytes as UINT32);";

            byte[] content = { 22, 219, 104, 7 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            UInt32 parsed = (UInt32)result["magic"];

            Assert.AreEqual((UInt32)124312342, parsed, "Should have parsed as UInt32");
예제 #20
        public void TypedByteExtractionInt16()
            string template = "pe : magic (2 bytes as INT16);";

            byte[] content = { 108, 144 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            Int16 parsed = (Int16)result["magic"];

            Assert.AreEqual(-28564, parsed, "Should have parsed as Int16");
예제 #21
        public void TypedByteExtractionUnicode()
            string template = "pe : magic (6 bytes as Unicode);";

            byte[] content = { 76, 0, 101, 0, 101, 0 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            string parsed = result["magic"] as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("Lee", parsed, "Should have parsed as Unicode");
예제 #22
        public void TypedByteExtractionFloat()
            string template = "pe : magic (4 bytes as FLOAT);";

            byte[] content = { 195, 245, 72, 64 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            float parsed = (float)result["magic"];

            Assert.AreEqual((float)3.14000010490417, parsed, "Should have parsed as Single / Float");
예제 #23
        public void TypedByteExtractionCSharp()
            string template = @"pe : magic ( 2 bytes as {
                return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(_content, _contentPosition, _byteCount); } );";

            byte[] content = { 0x4d, 0x5a };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);
            string            parsed = result["magic"] as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("MZ", parsed, "Should have parsed as ASCII");
예제 #24
        public void TypedByteExtractionAscii()
            string template = "pe : magic (2 bytes as ASCII);";

            byte[] content = { 0x4d, 0x5a };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Keys.Count, "Should have one key");
            string parsed = result["magic"] as string;

            Assert.AreEqual("MZ", parsed, "Should have parsed as ASCII");
예제 #25
        public void MemberNesting()
            string template = @"
                pe : header;
                header : magic (2 bytes as ASCII);

            byte[] content = { 0x4d, 0x5a };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);
            OrderedDictionary header = result["header"] as OrderedDictionary;

            Assert.AreEqual("MZ", header["magic"] as String, "Should have parsed as ASCII");
예제 #26
        public void BytesFromExistingProperty()
            string template = @"
                pe :
                    length (4 bytes as Int32)
                    string (length bytes as ASCII);";

            byte[] content = { 2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 72, 101, 108, 108, 111 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, (int)result["Length"], "Should have parsed length");
            Assert.AreEqual("He", result["string"] as String, "Should have parsed runtime-length string");
예제 #27
        public void MemberNestingDoesntInterfere()
            string template = @"
                pe : header other (2 bytes as ASCII);
                header : magic (2 bytes as ASCII);

            byte[] content = { 0x4d, 0x5a, 98, 97 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);
            OrderedDictionary header = result["header"] as OrderedDictionary;

            Assert.AreEqual("MZ", header["magic"] as String, "Should have parsed as ASCII");
            Assert.AreEqual("ba", result["other"] as String, "Should have header remainder bytes");
예제 #28
        public void LabelsWithKeywords()
            string template = @"
                pe :
                    bytes (4 bytes as Int32)
                    items (1 byte)
                    as (1 bytes);

            byte[] content = { 3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 65, 66 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            Assert.AreEqual(6, result.Keys.Count, "Should have right number of keys");
예제 #29
        protected override void BeginProcessing()
            ProviderInfo        provider      = null;
            Collection <string> templatePaths = this.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(TemplatePath, out provider);

            if (
                (!String.Equals("FileSystem", provider.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ||
                (templatePaths.Count != 1)
                    new ErrorRecord(
                        new ArgumentException(
                            String.Format("Could not load template {0}. The path must represent a single FileSystem path.", TemplatePath),
                            "TemplatePath"), "TemplateMustBeFileSystemPath", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, TemplatePath));

            Collection <string> filePaths = this.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(Path, out provider);

            if (!String.Equals("FileSystem", provider.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    new ErrorRecord(
                        new ArgumentException(
                            String.Format("Could not load file {0}. The path must represent a FileSystem path.", Path),
                            "Path"), "PathMustBeFileSystemPath", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, Path));

            string templateContent = File.ReadAllText(templatePaths[0]);

            foreach (string currentPath in filePaths)
                byte[] fileContent = File.ReadAllBytes(currentPath);

                    OrderedDictionary results = BinShred.Shred(fileContent, templateContent);
                catch (ParseException e)
                    WriteError(new ErrorRecord(e, "ParseError", ErrorCategory.ParserError, currentPath));
예제 #30
        public void MemberDefinitionWithHexLookup()
            string template = @"
                pe :
                    item (8 bytes as Int64)
                    (additional properties identified by item from lookupTable);
                lookupTable :
                    0x4D : helper;
                helper :
                    rest (3 bytes as ASCII);";

            byte[] content = { 0x4d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 98, 97 };

            OrderedDictionary result = BinShred.Shred(content, template);

            Assert.AreEqual((Int64)77, (Int64)result["item"], "Should have parsed first as Int64");
            Assert.AreEqual("Zba", result["rest"] as String, "Should have picked up from lookup table");