예제 #1
        public static List <Bill> GetAllBillingRecords()
            BillTableAdapter taBilling = new BillTableAdapter();
            var         dtBilling      = taBilling.GetData();
            List <Bill> allBilling     = new List <Bill>();

            foreach (dsUltimateMedDB.BillRow billingRow in dtBilling.Rows)
                Bill currentBill = new Bill
                    PatientType      = billingRow.PatientType,
                    DoctorCharge     = billingRow.DoctorCharge,
                    LabCharge        = billingRow.LabCharge,
                    OperationCharge  = billingRow.OperationCharge,
                    RoomCharge       = billingRow.RoomCharge,
                    MedicineCharge   = billingRow.MedicineCharge,
                    NursingCharge    = billingRow.NursingCharge,
                    InsuranceCarrier = billingRow.InsuranceCarrier
                decimal total = currentBill.DoctorCharge + currentBill.LabCharge + currentBill.OperationCharge + currentBill.NursingCharge
                                + currentBill.MedicineCharge + currentBill.RoomCharge;
                currentBill.BillTotal = total;
예제 #2
        public static void AssignNewBill(Bill newBill, string Name)
            PatientTableAdapter taBill = new PatientTableAdapter();
            int pid = (int)taBill.GetPatientID(Name);
            BillTableAdapter taNewBill = new BillTableAdapter();
            //Returns the Bill_id so that we may assign it in the Patient_Bill Connector Table.
            var ScopeID = taNewBill.AddBillReturnScopeID(newBill.PatientType, newBill.MedicineCharge, newBill.DoctorCharge,
                                                         newBill.RoomCharge, newBill.OperationCharge, newBill.NursingCharge,
                                                         newBill.LabCharge, newBill.BillTotal, newBill.InsuranceCarrier);

            //Add row to Patient_Bill table using PID and Bill_id
            taNewBill.InsertBillByPidScopeID(pid, Convert.ToInt32(ScopeID));

            //Add Bill to our Bills list
예제 #3
        public static List <Bill> GetBillsByPid(int pid)
            List <Bill>      PatientBills = new List <Bill>();
            BillTableAdapter taBills      = new BillTableAdapter();
            var dtBills = taBills.GetBillingByPID(pid);

            foreach (dsUltimateMedDB.BillRow billingRow in dtBills)
                Bill currentBill = new Bill
                    PatientType      = billingRow.PatientType,
                    DoctorCharge     = billingRow.DoctorCharge,
                    LabCharge        = billingRow.LabCharge,
                    OperationCharge  = billingRow.OperationCharge,
                    RoomCharge       = billingRow.RoomCharge,
                    MedicineCharge   = billingRow.MedicineCharge,
                    NursingCharge    = billingRow.NursingCharge,
                    InsuranceCarrier = billingRow.InsuranceCarrier
예제 #4
        protected void btn_confirm_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Connect connect = new Connect();
            string  sql;

            string[] book  = new string[200];
            string[] cbook = new string[200];

            Corporation corporation            = (Corporation)Session["corporation"];
            int         corporationid          = corporation.id;
            CorpoBooktypeTableAdapter ta_corpo = new CorpoBooktypeTableAdapter();
            DataTable dt_corpo = ta_corpo.GetCBookTypeByTwo(Convert.ToInt32(rbl_menu.SelectedItem.Value), corporationid);

            if (dt_corpo.Rows.Count > 0)
                Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>alert('您已经购买过此目录,不能继续进行购买');</script>");
                if (Convert.ToInt32(lbl_allprice.Text) > 0)
                    string name;
                    int    price;
                    if (rbl_menu.SelectedItem != null)
                        name = rbl_menu.SelectedItem.Text.ToString();
                        AdminBooktypeTableAdapter ta_book = new AdminBooktypeTableAdapter();
                        DataTable dt_book = ta_book.GetAdminBooktypeByName(name);
                        price = Convert.ToInt32(dt_book.Rows[0]["price"]);
                        int buycount = Convert.ToInt32(txtBuycount.Value);
                        int allprice = price * buycount;
                        lbl_allprice.Text = allprice.ToString();
                        int day       = buycount;
                        int book_type = Convert.ToInt32(rbl_menu.SelectedItem.Value);

                        BillTableAdapter ta_bill = new BillTableAdapter();
                        ta_bill.InsertBill(DateTime.Now.ToString(), day, allprice, 1, corporationid);
                        DataTable dt_bill = ta_bill.GetCurrentBill();
                        int bill_id = Convert.ToInt32(dt_bill.Rows[0]["id"]);
                        sql = "insert into Billtype (bill_id,abooktype_id) values (" + bill_id + "," + book_type + ")";

                        string book_path = "corporation/upload/" + corporation.name;

                        a[i] = Convert.ToInt32(rbl_menu.SelectedItem.Value);
                        int j = 0;
                        while (j <= i)
                            sql = "insert into CorpoBooktype (abooktype_id,name,price,parent_id,corporation_id) select id,name,price,parent_id," + corporationid + " as corporation_id from AdminBooktype where id=" + a[j];

                        int k = 0;
                        int n = -1;
                        int q = 0;
                        while (k <= i)
                            AdminBookTableAdapter ta_admin = new AdminBookTableAdapter();
                            DataTable             dt_admin = ta_admin.GetBookByBooktypeId(a[k]);
                            if (dt_admin.Rows.Count > 0)
                                for (q = 0; q < dt_admin.Rows.Count; q++)
                                    book[n] = dt_admin.Rows[q]["url"].ToString();
                                    string[] split = book[n].Split(new[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                    cbook[n] = book_path + "/" + split[3];

                        k = 0;
                        while (k <= n)
                            sql = "insert into CorpoBook (abook_id,corporation_id,name,url,star,author,keyword,score,filetype) "
                                  + "select id," + corporationid + " as corporation_id,name,'" + cbook[k] + "' as book_path,star,author,keyword,score,filetype FROM AdminBook inner join AdminBT on AdminBT.abook_id = AdminBook.id "
                                  + " where AdminBook.url='" + book[k] + "'";

                        int m = 0;
                        while (m <= i)
                            sql = "insert into CorpoBT (cbook_id,cbooktype_id,corporation_id) select abook_id,abooktype_id," + corporationid + " as corporation_id from AdminBT where abooktype_id = "
                                  + a[m];

                        Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>alert('购买成功,可进入订单列表查看');</script>");
                        Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>alert('未选定目录');</script>");