예제 #1
        /// <summary>Snippet for AnalyzeDataSourceRisk</summary>
        public void AnalyzeDataSourceRisk()
            // Snippet: AnalyzeDataSourceRisk(PrivacyMetric,BigQueryTable,CallSettings)
            // Create client
            DlpServiceClient dlpServiceClient = DlpServiceClient.Create();
            // Initialize request argument(s)
            PrivacyMetric privacyMetric = new PrivacyMetric();
            BigQueryTable sourceTable   = new BigQueryTable();
            // Make the request
            Operation <RiskAnalysisOperationResult, RiskAnalysisOperationMetadata> response =
                dlpServiceClient.AnalyzeDataSourceRisk(privacyMetric, sourceTable);

            // Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
            Operation <RiskAnalysisOperationResult, RiskAnalysisOperationMetadata> completedResponse =
            // Retrieve the operation result
            RiskAnalysisOperationResult result = completedResponse.Result;

            // Or get the name of the operation
            string operationName = response.Name;
            // This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
            Operation <RiskAnalysisOperationResult, RiskAnalysisOperationMetadata> retrievedResponse =

            // Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
            if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
                // If it has completed, then access the result
                RiskAnalysisOperationResult retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;
            // End snippet
        public Task InsertRowsAsync(IEnumerable <GoogleBigQueryRow> rows, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (rows != null && rows.Count() > 0)
                       .ContinueWith((tableTask) =>
                    BigQueryTable table = tableTask.Result;

                    var bigQueryRows = rows.Select(c => BigQueryInsertRowService.GetBigQueryInsertRow(c, dictionaryOfProperties)).ToArray();

                    return table.InsertRowsAsync(bigQueryRows, new InsertOptions()
                        AllowUnknownFields = false
                    }, cancellationToken)
                    .ContinueWith((insertRowsTask) =>
                        if (insertRowsTask.IsFaulted)
                            throw insertRowsTask.Exception.InnerExceptions.First();
                }, cancellationToken).Unwrap());

예제 #3
    public void LoadTableGcsCsv(
        string projectId = "your-project-id",
        string datasetId = "your_dataset_id"
        BigQueryClient client  = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
        var            gcsURI  = "gs://cloud-samples-data/bigquery/us-states/us-states.csv";
        var            dataset = client.GetDataset(datasetId);
        var            schema  = new TableSchemaBuilder {
            { "name", BigQueryDbType.String },
            { "post_abbr", BigQueryDbType.String }
        var destinationTableRef = dataset.GetTableReference(
            tableId: "us_states");
        // Create job configuration
        var jobOptions = new CreateLoadJobOptions()
            // The source format defaults to CSV; line below is optional.
            SourceFormat    = FileFormat.Csv,
            SkipLeadingRows = 1
        // Create and run job
        var loadJob = client.CreateLoadJob(
            sourceUri: gcsURI, destination: destinationTableRef,
            schema: schema, options: jobOptions);

        loadJob = loadJob.PollUntilCompleted().ThrowOnAnyError();  // Waits for the job to complete.

        // Display the number of rows uploaded
        BigQueryTable table = client.GetTable(destinationTableRef);

            $"Loaded {table.Resource.NumRows} rows to {table.FullyQualifiedId}");
예제 #4
    public void LoadFromFile(
        string projectId = "your-project-id",
        string datasetId = "your_dataset_id",
        string tableId   = "your_table_id",
        string filePath  = "path/to/file.csv"
        BigQueryClient client = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
        // Create job configuration
        var uploadCsvOptions = new UploadCsvOptions()
            SkipLeadingRows = 1,  // Skips the file headers
            Autodetect      = true

        using (FileStream stream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open))
            // Create and run job
            // Note that there are methods available for formats other than CSV
            BigQueryJob job = client.UploadCsv(
                datasetId, tableId, null, stream, uploadCsvOptions);
            job = job.PollUntilCompleted().ThrowOnAnyError();  // Waits for the job to complete.

            // Display the number of rows uploaded
            BigQueryTable table = client.GetTable(datasetId, tableId);
                $"Loaded {table.Resource.NumRows} rows to {table.FullyQualifiedId}");
    public void CopyTable(
        string projectId            = "your-project-id",
        string destinationDatasetId = "your_dataset_id"
        BigQueryClient client         = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
        TableReference sourceTableRef = new TableReference()
            TableId   = "shakespeare",
            DatasetId = "samples",
            ProjectId = "bigquery-public-data"
        TableReference destinationTableRef = client.GetTableReference(
            destinationDatasetId, "destination_table");
        BigQueryJob job = client.CreateCopyJob(
            sourceTableRef, destinationTableRef)
                          .PollUntilCompleted() // Wait for the job to complete.

        // Retrieve destination table
        BigQueryTable destinationTable = client.GetTable(destinationTableRef);

            $"Copied {destinationTable.Resource.NumRows} rows from table "
            + $"{sourceTableRef.DatasetId}.{sourceTableRef.TableId} "
            + $"to {destinationTable.FullyQualifiedId}."
예제 #6
    public string CreateTempEmptyTable(string datasetId)
        string        tableId = TestUtil.RandomName();
        BigQueryTable table   = _client.CreateTable(datasetId, tableId, null);

예제 #7
        public void Patch()
            string projectId = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string datasetId = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            string tableId   = _fixture.GenerateTableId();

            BigQueryClient.Create(projectId).CreateTable(datasetId, tableId, new TableSchema());

            // Snippet: Patch(Table, bool, *)
            BigQueryClient client  = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigQueryTable  dataset = client.GetTable(datasetId, tableId);

            // There's no ETag in this Table. The matchETag parameter in the method call
            // determines whether the ETag in the original resource is propagated into the
            // patch.
            Table patch = new Table
                FriendlyName = "Patched table"
            BigQueryTable updated = dataset.Patch(patch, matchETag: true);

            Console.WriteLine($"Patched table friendly name: {updated.Resource.FriendlyName}");
            // End snippet

            Assert.Equal("Patched table", updated.Resource.FriendlyName);
    public void LoadTableGcsOrcTruncate(
        string projectId = "your-project-id",
        string datasetId = "your_dataset_id",
        string tableId   = "your_table_id"
        BigQueryClient client              = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
        var            gcsURI              = "gs://cloud-samples-data/bigquery/us-states/us-states.orc";
        var            dataset             = client.GetDataset(datasetId);
        TableReference destinationTableRef = dataset.GetTableReference(
            tableId: "us_states");
        // Create job configuration
        var jobOptions = new CreateLoadJobOptions()
            SourceFormat     = FileFormat.Orc,
            WriteDisposition = WriteDisposition.WriteTruncate
        // Create and run job
        var loadJob = client.CreateLoadJob(
            sourceUri: gcsURI,
            destination: destinationTableRef,
            // Pass null as the schema because the schema is inferred when
            // loading Orc data
            schema: null, options: jobOptions);

        loadJob.PollUntilCompleted();  // Waits for the job to complete.
        // Display the number of rows uploaded
        BigQueryTable table = client.GetTable(destinationTableRef);

            $"Loaded {table.Resource.NumRows} rows to {table.FullyQualifiedId}");
예제 #9
    public void LoadTableGcsJson(
        string projectId = "your-project-id",
        string datasetId = "your_dataset_id"
        BigQueryClient client  = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
        var            gcsURI  = "gs://cloud-samples-data/bigquery/us-states/us-states.json";
        var            dataset = client.GetDataset(datasetId);
        var            schema  = new TableSchemaBuilder {
            { "name", BigQueryDbType.String },
            { "post_abbr", BigQueryDbType.String }
        TableReference destinationTableRef = dataset.GetTableReference(
            tableId: "us_states");
        // Create job configuration
        var jobOptions = new CreateLoadJobOptions()
            SourceFormat = FileFormat.NewlineDelimitedJson
        // Create and run job
        BigQueryJob loadJob = client.CreateLoadJob(
            sourceUri: gcsURI, destination: destinationTableRef,
            schema: schema, options: jobOptions);

        loadJob.PollUntilCompleted();  // Waits for the job to complete.
        // Display the number of rows uploaded
        BigQueryTable table = client.GetTable(destinationTableRef);

            $"Loaded {table.Resource.NumRows} rows to {table.FullyQualifiedId}");
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Polls until this table contains at least the given number of rows. This should be used carefully, only where we know the table won't be huge.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>
 /// This method is designed to make integration tests more reliable: after an insert, data fetching (with queries or ListRows)
 /// may not see the new data.
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 /// We've tried using the data in BigQueryTable.Resource.NumRows and BigQueryTable.Resource.StreamingBuffer, but they're not as reliable as
 /// just reading the rows.
 /// </para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="expectedRows">The number of rows expected.</param>
 /// <param name="pollSettings">The poll settings to use, or null to use the defaults (poll once every 2 seconds, 30 second timeout)</param>
 /// <returns>The actual number of rows in the table.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="TimeoutException">The timeout specified in the poll settings elapsed before the streaming buffer became empty.</exception>
 public static int PollUntilRowCountIsAtLeast(this BigQueryTable table, int expectedRows, PollSettings pollSettings = null) =>
     ignoredDeadline => table.ListRows().Count(),
     count => count >= expectedRows,
     pollSettings ?? s_defaultStreamingBufferPollSettings,
예제 #11
    public void TestCreateTable()
        var           snippet   = new BigQueryCreateTable();
        string        datasetId = CreateTempDataset();
        BigQueryTable table     = snippet.CreateTable(_projectId, datasetId);

        Assert.Equal("your_table_id", table.Resource.TableReference.TableId);
예제 #12
        public void ListJobs_FilterByLabels()
            string bucketName = _fixture.StorageBucketName;
            string objectName = _fixture.GenerateStorageObjectName();

            string projectId = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string datasetId = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            string tableId   = _fixture.HistoryTableId;

            // Snippet: Labels
            IDictionary <string, string> labels = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "label-key", "label-value" }

            BigQueryClient client         = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigQueryTable  table          = client.GetTable(projectId, datasetId, tableId);
            string         destinationUri = $"gs://{bucketName}/{objectName}";

            // Just a couple examples of jobs marked with labels:
            // (These jobs will most certainly be created somewhere else.)
            // Running a query on a given table.
            BigQueryJob oneLabeledJob = client.CreateQueryJob(
                $"SELECT * FROM {table}", null,
                new QueryOptions {
                Labels = labels
            // Extracting data from a table to GCS.
            BigQueryJob anotherLabeledJob = client.CreateExtractJob(
                projectId, datasetId, tableId, destinationUri,
                new CreateExtractJobOptions {
                Labels = labels

            // Find jobs marked with a certain label.
            KeyValuePair <string, string> labelToBeFound = labels.First();
            // Specify full projection to make sure that
            // label information, if it exists, is returned for listed jobs.
            ListJobsOptions options = new ListJobsOptions {
                Projection = ProjectionEnum.Full
            List <BigQueryJob> jobs = client
                                      .Where(job => job.Resource.Configuration.Labels?.Contains(labelToBeFound) ?? false)

            foreach (BigQueryJob job in jobs)
            // End snippet

            // This test added two jobs with such labels, other tests might have
            // added more.
            Assert.True(jobs.Count >= 2);
예제 #13
        // SELECT COUNT(MFACTOR), MFACTOR FROM `dataflix-public-datasets.traffic_safety.factor` GROUP BY MFACTOR
        public BigQueryResults getAccidentsFactors()
            BigQueryTable table = client.GetTable(PROJECT_ID, DATASET_ID, FACTOR_TABLE_ID);
            var           sql   = $"SELECT MFACTOR AS factor, COUNT(MFACTOR) AS accidents_count FROM {table} WHERE MFACTOR NOT IN ('None', 'Not Reported', 'Unknown') GROUP BY MFACTOR";

            var results = client.ExecuteQuery(sql, parameters: null);

예제 #14
 internal void InsertAndWait(BigQueryTable table, Action insertAction, int expectedRowCountChange)
     var countBefore = table.ListRows().Count();
     var expectedCount = countBefore + expectedRowCountChange;
     // Wait until there are *at least* enough rows
     int actualCount = table.PollUntilRowCountIsAtLeast(expectedCount);
     // Now check it's *exactly* the right number of rows.
     Assert.Equal(expectedCount, actualCount);
예제 #15
        public BigQueryResults getAccidentsByStateAndYear(string year)
            string        queryYear = year != null? $"WHERE YEAR={year}" : "";
            BigQueryTable table     = client.GetTable(PROJECT_ID, DATASET_ID, ACCIDENTS_TABLE_ID);
            var           sql       = $"SELECT STATE AS state, COUNT(STATE) AS accidents_count FROM {table} {queryYear} GROUP BY STATE ORDER BY COUNT(STATE) DESC";

            var results = client.ExecuteQuery(sql, parameters: null);

예제 #16
        // [END bigquery_create_dataset]

        // [START bigquery_create_table]
        public void CreateTable(string datasetId, string tableId, BigQueryClient client)
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(datasetId);
            // Create schema for new table.
            var schema = new TableSchemaBuilder
                { "title", BigQueryDbType.String },
                { "unique_words", BigQueryDbType.Int64 }
            // Create the table if it doesn't exist.
            BigQueryTable table = dataset.GetOrCreateTable(tableId, schema);
예제 #17
        private static string GetBigQueryType(BigQueryClient client, string datasetName, string tableName, string key)
            BigQueryTable table = client.GetTable(datasetName, tableName);

            foreach (var field in table.Schema.Fields)
                if (field.Name == key)
        public async Task <bool> selectExceptUsers()
            BigQueryClient client = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigQueryTable  table  = client.GetTable(datasetId, tableId);
            string         sql    = $"SELECT * EXCEPT (SecondNumber) FROM {table}";

            BigQueryResults results = await client.ExecuteQueryAsync(sql, parameters : null);

            /*foreach (BigQueryRow row in results)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine($"Name: {row["player"]}; Score: {row["score"]}; Level: {row["level"]}");
             * }*/
예제 #19
        //BigQuery implementation
        public BigQueryResults BigQueryResults(string aDatasetId, string aTableName, string aQueryString)
                BigQueryTable table = bigQuery.GetTable(projectId, aDatasetId, aTableName);

                //string sql = $"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {table}";
                string          sql     = aQueryString.Replace("TABLE", $"{table}");
                BigQueryResults results = bigQuery.ExecuteQuery(sql);
            catch (Exception aExeption)
        private async Task <BigQueryTable> GetTable()
            var client = await bigQueryContextClientResolver.GetClient(projectId, credsPath);

            var dataset = client.GetDataset(projectId, datasetId);

            var schema = BigQueryContextTableSchemaBuilder.BuildSchema <T>();

            BigQueryTable table = null;

            await tableAccessLocker.WaitAsync();

            try {
                var partitionProperty = typeof(T).GetProperties()
                                        .SingleOrDefault(x => x.GetCustomAttribute <BigQueryPartitionAttribute>() != null);

                var tableDeclaration = new Table {
                    Schema = schema

                if (partitionProperty != null)
                    tableDeclaration.TimePartitioning = new TimePartitioning {
                        Field = SnakeCaseConverter.ConvertToSnakeCase(typeof(T).GetProperties()
                                                                      .Single(x => x.GetCustomAttribute <BigQueryPartitionAttribute>() != null).Name)

                var tables = await dataset.ListTablesAsync().ReadPageAsync(10000);

                if (tables.Any(x => x.Reference.TableId == tableName))
                    table = await dataset.GetOrCreateTableAsync(tableName, tableDeclaration);
                    table = await dataset.CreateTableAsync(tableName, tableDeclaration);
            } finally {

예제 #21
        public BigQueryMessageRespository(ILogger <BigQueryMessageRespository> logger)
            // Get projectId fron config
            string  googleCredentialsText = File.ReadAllText(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"));
            JObject googleCredentials     = JObject.Parse(googleCredentialsText);
            string  projectId             = googleCredentials["project_id"].ToString();

            // Get Dataset Name and Table Name
            string datasetName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DATASET_NAME");
            string tableName   = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MESSAGE_TABLE_NAME");

            // Get Table and Client
            BigQueryClient  client  = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigQueryDataset dataset = client.GetDataset(datasetName);

            _logger = logger;
            _table  = dataset.GetTable(tableName);
            _logger.LogInformation("GCP Information set. projectId: {projectId} datasetName: {datasetName},tableName:{tableName}, ", projectId, datasetName, tableName);
        public async Task <bool> selectNotEqualUsers()
            BigQueryClient client = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigQueryTable  table  = client.GetTable(datasetId, tableId);
            string         sql    = $"SELECT FullName, Country ,CreatedAt" +
                                    $"FROM {table}" +
                                    "WHERE Country != 'American Samoa'" +
                                    "ORDER BY Country ASC; ";

            BigQueryResults results = await client.ExecuteQueryAsync(sql, parameters : null);

            /*foreach (BigQueryRow row in results)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine($"Name: {row["player"]}; Score: {row["score"]}; Level: {row["level"]}");
             * }*/

        public async Task <bool> selectReplaceUsers()
            BigQueryClient client = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigQueryTable  table  = client.GetTable(datasetId, tableId);
            string         sql    = $"SELECT * REPLACE (FirstNumber / @divider AS FirstNumber) FROM {table}";

            BigQueryParameter[] parameters = new[]
                new BigQueryParameter("divider", BigQueryDbType.Int64, 2)
            BigQueryResults results = await client.ExecuteQueryAsync(sql, parameters);

            /*foreach (BigQueryRow row in results)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine($"Name: {row["player"]}; Score: {row["score"]}; Level: {row["level"]}");
             * }*/
예제 #24
        public IActionResult InsertBQData(string username, string userplan, string customerId)
                string   projectId = "task8-imagerecognition-281418";
                DateTime now       = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine("email: " + username);
                Console.WriteLine("plan: " + userplan);

                BigQueryClient client = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);

                // Create the dataset if it doesn't exist.
                BigQueryDataset dataset = client.GetOrCreateDataset("mydata");

                // Create the table if it doesn't exist.
                BigQueryTable table = dataset.GetOrCreateTable("customer", new TableSchemaBuilder
                    { "email", BigQueryDbType.String },
                    { "subscriptionStarted", BigQueryDbType.Timestamp },
                    { "planType", BigQueryDbType.String } //BigQueryDbType.Int64

                //Insert data into table
                table.InsertRow(new BigQueryInsertRow
                    { "email", username },
                    { "subscriptionStarted", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds() },
                    { "planType", userplan }
                Console.WriteLine("Inserted: " + username + " successfully");
                return(Redirect("/Home/Main/" + username + "/" + userplan + "/" + customerId + "?Msg=Success"));
            }// End of try
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
                return(Redirect("/Home/Main/" + username + "/" + userplan + "/" + customerId + "?Msg=Failed"));
        }// End of insertBQData
예제 #25
        public void Update()
            string projectId = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string datasetId = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            string tableId   = _fixture.GenerateTableId();

            BigQueryClient.Create(projectId).CreateTable(datasetId, tableId, new TableSchema());

            // Snippet: Update(Table, *)
            BigQueryClient client = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigQueryTable  table  = client.GetTable(datasetId, tableId);

            // This example modifies the in-memory resource in the BigQueryDataset,
            // and then applies that change in the server. Alternatively, pass a Dataset
            // into the Update method.
            table.Resource.FriendlyName = "Updated table";
            BigQueryTable updated = table.Update();

            Console.WriteLine($"Updated table friendly name: {updated.Resource.FriendlyName}");
            // End snippet

            Assert.Equal("Updated table", updated.Resource.FriendlyName);
        public async Task <bool> selectQualifyUsers()
            BigQueryClient client = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigQueryTable  table  = client.GetTable(datasetId, tableId);
            string         sql    = $"SELECT FullName, Country, CreatedAt, AvgFirstNumber, MinFirstNumber, TotalFirstNumber" +
                                    "FROM(" +
                                    "SELECT FullName, Country, CreatedAt," +
                                    "AVG(FirstNumber) OVER(PARTITION BY Country) AS AvgFirstNumber," +
                                    "MIN(FirstNumber) OVER(PARTITION BY Country) AS MinFirstNumber," +
                                    "SUM(FirstNumber) OVER(PARTITION BY Country) AS TotalFirstNumber" +
                                    $"FROM {table})" +
                                    "WHERE AvgFirstNumber > 500;";

            BigQueryResults results = await client.ExecuteQueryAsync(sql, parameters : null);

            /*foreach (BigQueryRow row in results)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine($"Name: {row["player"]}; Score: {row["score"]}; Level: {row["level"]}");
             * }*/

예제 #27
        public async Task ListRowsAsync()
            string projectId = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string datasetId = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            string tableId   = _fixture.HistoryTableId;

            // Snippet: ListRowsAsync
            BigQueryClient client = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigQueryTable  table  = client.GetTable(datasetId, tableId);
            PagedAsyncEnumerable <TableDataList, BigQueryRow> result = table.ListRowsAsync();
            await result.ForEachAsync(row =>
                DateTime timestamp = (DateTime)row["game_started"];
                long level         = (long)row["level"];
                long score         = (long)row["score"];
                string player      = (string)row["player"];
                Console.WriteLine($"{player}: {level}/{score} ({timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss})");

            // End snippet

            // We set up 7 results in the fixture. Other tests may add more.
            Assert.True(await result.CountAsync() >= 7);
        public Task InsertRowsAsync(DateTime date, IEnumerable <GoogleBigQueryRow> rows, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (rows != null && rows.Count() > 0)
                int dateDiff = (date - DateTime.UtcNow.Date).Days;

                if (dateDiff >= -31 && dateDiff <= 16)
                    var bigQueryRows = rows.Select(c => BigQueryInsertRowService.GetBigQueryInsertRow(c, dictionaryOfProperties));

                    return(GetTableAsync(date, cancellationToken)
                           .ContinueWith((tableTask) =>
                        BigQueryTable table = tableTask.Result;

                        return table.InsertRowsAsync(bigQueryRows, new InsertOptions()
                            AllowUnknownFields = true
                        }, cancellationToken)
                        .ContinueWith((insertRowsTask) =>
                            if (insertRowsTask.IsFaulted)
                                throw insertRowsTask.Exception.InnerExceptions.First();
                    }, cancellationToken).Unwrap());
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("BigQuery streamming API don't allow to write data in DAY partioned tabled outside 31 days in the past and 16 days in the future.");

        public async Task Initialize()
            this.Client = await BigQueryClient.CreateAsync(ProjectId);

            this.Table = await this.Client.GetTableAsync(DatasetId, TableId);
예제 #30
 public ADataBase(string nomeDaTabela)
     this.client = BigQueryClient.Create("hackathon-04", GoogleCredential.FromFile(@"C:\Users\wesley.olivier\Desktop\hackathon\hackathon-04-0c90ce17edf7.json"));
     this.table  = client.GetTable("hackathon-04", "dadosBrutos", nomeDaTabela);