protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Sequence = reader.ReadByte(); _Status = reader.ReadByte(); }
protected override void Parse(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadUInt32(); _Type = reader.ReadByte(); _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); }
protected override void Parse(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Direction = (Direction)reader.ReadByte(); _SequenceNumber = reader.ReadByte(); _FastwalkPreventionKey = reader.ReadUInt32(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size reader.ReadInt16(); // Command _WTF = reader.ReadByte(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size reader.ReadInt16(); // Command _MapID = (MapNames) reader.ReadByte(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _WeatherType = (WeatherTypes)reader.ReadByte(); _Density = reader.ReadByte(); _Temperature = reader.ReadByte(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _AnimationType = (AnimationType) reader.ReadInt16(); _Action = reader.ReadInt16(); _Delay = reader.ReadByte(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadInt16(); _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadInt16(); _Status = reader.ReadInt16(); _Flag = reader.ReadByte(); }
protected override void Parse(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size reader.ReadInt16(); // Command _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _FacingDirection = (Direction)reader.ReadByte(); _MovingDirection = (Direction)reader.ReadByte(); _BoatCommand = (BoatCommand)reader.ReadByte(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Flags = reader.ReadByte(); _SoundID = reader.ReadInt16(); _Volume = reader.ReadInt16(); _X = reader.ReadInt16(); _Y = reader.ReadInt16(); _Z = reader.ReadInt16(); }
protected override void Parse(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _ObjectID = reader.ReadInt16(); reader.ReadByte(); //0x00 _Layer = (ItemLayer)reader.ReadByte(); _ParentSerial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _Hue = reader.ReadInt16(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _Action = reader.ReadInt16(); _FrameCount = reader.ReadInt16(); _RepeatTimes = reader.ReadInt16(); _Forward = reader.ReadByte(); _Repeat = reader.ReadByte(); _Delay = reader.ReadByte(); }
public ContainerItem( UltimaPacket parent, BigEndianReader reader ) { _Parent = parent; _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _ItemID = reader.ReadInt16(); _ItemIDOffset = reader.ReadByte(); _Amount = reader.ReadInt16(); _X = reader.ReadInt16(); _Y = reader.ReadInt16(); _GridLocation = reader.ReadByte(); _ParentSerial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _Hue = reader.ReadInt16(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _Graphics = reader.ReadInt16(); _Type = (MessageType) reader.ReadByte(); _Hue = reader.ReadInt16(); _Font = reader.ReadInt16(); _Language = reader.ReadAsciiString( 4 ); _EntityName = reader.ReadAsciiString( 30 ); _Message = reader.ReadUnicodeString( ( Data.Length - 44 ) / 2 ); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID int length = reader.ReadInt16() - 44; _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _Graphics = reader.ReadInt16(); _Type = (MessageType) reader.ReadByte(); _Hue = reader.ReadInt16(); _Font = reader.ReadInt16(); _EntityName = reader.ReadAsciiString( 30 ); _Message = reader.ReadAsciiString( length ); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _Damage = reader.ReadInt16(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Victim = reader.ReadUInt32(); _Corpse = reader.ReadUInt32(); }
protected override void Parse(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _MaxStamina = reader.ReadInt16(); _Stamina = reader.ReadInt16(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _MobileName = reader.ReadAsciiString( 30 ); }
protected override void Parse(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _MaxHitpoints = reader.ReadInt16(); _Hitpoints = reader.ReadInt16(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size reader.ReadInt16(); // Command _GumpID = reader.ReadUInt32(); _ButtonID = reader.ReadUInt32(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _ItemID = reader.ReadInt16(); _ItemIDOffset = reader.ReadByte(); _Amount = reader.ReadInt16(); _X = reader.ReadInt16(); _Y = reader.ReadInt16(); _GridLocation = reader.ReadByte(); _ParentSerial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _Hue = reader.ReadInt16(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _CornerImage = reader.ReadInt16(); _X1 = reader.ReadInt16(); _Y1 = reader.ReadInt16(); _X2 = reader.ReadInt16(); _Y2 = reader.ReadInt16(); _Width = reader.ReadInt16(); _Height = reader.ReadInt16(); _Map = reader.ReadInt16(); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); int itemCount = reader.ReadByte(); _Items = new List<ShopListItem>(); for ( int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++ ) _Items.Add( new ShopListItem( reader ) ); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _GumpID = reader.ReadInt16(); int type = reader.ReadInt16(); if ( type == 0 ) _ContainerType = ContainerType.Vendor; else _ContainerType = ContainerType.ContainerOrSpellbook; }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size _Items = new List<QueryPropertiesItem>(); uint serial = 0; int maxCount = ( Data.Length - 3 ) / 4; int count = 0; while ( count++ < maxCount && ( serial = reader.ReadUInt32() ) != 0 ) _Items.Add( new QueryPropertiesItem( this, serial ) ); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size int count = reader.ReadInt16(); _Items = new List<ContainerItem>(); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { _Items.Add( new ContainerItem( this, reader ) ); _Serial = _Items[ 0 ].ParentSerial; } }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _GumpID = reader.ReadInt32(); _X = reader.ReadInt32(); _Y = reader.ReadInt32(); int compressedEntriesLength = reader.ReadInt32() - 4; int decompressedEntriesLength = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] compressedEntries = reader.ReadBytes( compressedEntriesLength ); byte[] decompressedEntries = new byte[ decompressedEntriesLength ]; Ultima.Package.Zlib.Decompress( decompressedEntries, ref decompressedEntriesLength, compressedEntries, compressedEntriesLength ); string entries = Encoding.ASCII.GetString( decompressedEntries ); int lineCount = reader.ReadInt32(); int compressedStringsLength = reader.ReadInt32() - 4; int decompressedStringsLength = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] compressedStrings = reader.ReadBytes( compressedStringsLength ); byte[] decompressedStrings = new byte[ decompressedStringsLength ]; Ultima.Package.Zlib.Decompress( decompressedStrings, ref decompressedStringsLength, compressedStrings, compressedStringsLength ); string strings = Encoding.ASCII.GetString( decompressedStrings ); _Text = new List<string>(); int start = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < strings.Length; i++ ) { if ( strings[ i ] == 0 ) { if ( i - start > 0 ) _Text.Add( strings.Substring( start, i - start ) ); else _Text.Add( String.Empty ); start = i + 1; } } Parse( entries ); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _GumpID = reader.ReadInt32(); _ButtonID = reader.ReadInt32(); int switchCount = reader.ReadInt32(); _Switches = new List<int>( switchCount ); for ( int i = 0; i < switchCount; i++ ) _Switches.Add( reader.ReadInt32() ); int entryCount = reader.ReadInt32(); _TextEntries = new List<GumpResponseTextEntry>( entryCount ); for ( int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++ ) _TextEntries.Add( new GumpResponseTextEntry( reader ) ); }
protected override void Parse( BigEndianReader reader ) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _GumpID = reader.ReadInt32(); _X = reader.ReadInt32(); _Y = reader.ReadInt32(); string layout = reader.ReadAsciiString(); int textLength = reader.ReadInt16(); _Text = new List<string>( textLength ); for ( int i = 0; i < textLength; i++ ) { _Text.Add( reader.ReadAsciiString() ); } Parse( layout ); }
// Methods internal void Init(BigEndianReader Reader, int MapVersion) { this.Floor = (Reader.ReadByte() * 10); if (this.Floor == -1280) { return; } if (MapVersion >= 9) { tmpbytesv9 = Reader.ReadInt16(); Mov = (tmpbytesv9 & 1) == 0; NonWalkableDuringFight = (tmpbytesv9 & 2) != 0; NonWalkableDuringRP = (tmpbytesv9 & 4) != 0; Los = (tmpbytesv9 & 8) == 0; Blue = (tmpbytesv9 & 16) != 0; Red = (tmpbytesv9 & 32) != 0; Visible = (tmpbytesv9 & 64) != 0; FarmCell = (tmpbytesv9 & 128) != 0; if (MapVersion >= 10) { HavenbagCell = (tmpbytesv9 & 256) != 0; TopArrow = (tmpbytesv9 & 512) != 0; BottomArrow = (tmpbytesv9 & 1024) != 0; RightArrow = (tmpbytesv9 & 2048) != 0; LeftArrow = (tmpbytesv9 & 4096) != 0; } else { TopArrow = (tmpbytesv9 & 256) != 0; BottomArrow = (tmpbytesv9 & 512) != 0; RightArrow = (tmpbytesv9 & 1024) != 0; LeftArrow = (tmpbytesv9 & 2048) != 0; } } else { LosMov = Reader.ReadSByte(); this.Los = (LosMov & 2) >> 1 == 1; this.Mov = (LosMov & 1) == 1; this.Visible = (LosMov & 64) >> 6 == 1; this.FarmCell = ((LosMov & 32) >> 5) == 1; this.Blue = (LosMov & 16) >> 4 == 1; this.Red = (LosMov & 8) >> 3 == 1; this.NonWalkableDuringRP = (LosMov & 128) >> 7 == 1; this.NonWalkableDuringFight = (LosMov & 4) >> 2 == 1; } this.Speed = Reader.ReadByte(); this.MapChangeData = Reader.ReadByte(); if (MapVersion > 5) { this.MoveZone = Reader.ReadByte(); } if (MapVersion == 8) { tmp = Reader.ReadByte(); Arrow = 15 & tmp; } IsTopChange = (MapChangeData & 64) > 0 ? true : false; IsBotChange = (MapChangeData & 4) > 0 ? true : false; IsLeftChange = (MapChangeData & 16) > 0 ? true : false;; IsRightChange = (MapChangeData & 1) > 0 ? true : false; }
protected override void Parse(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); GumpID = reader.ReadInt32(); X = reader.ReadInt32(); Y = reader.ReadInt32(); compressedEntriesLength = reader.ReadInt32() - 4; decompressedEntriesLength = reader.ReadInt32(); compressedEntries = reader.ReadBytes(compressedEntriesLength); decompressedEntries = new byte[decompressedEntriesLength]; if (SystemInfo.IsX64) { Ultima.Package.Zlib64.Decompress(decompressedEntries, ref decompressedEntriesLength, compressedEntries, compressedEntriesLength); } else { Ultima.Package.Zlib32.Decompress(decompressedEntries, ref decompressedEntriesLength, compressedEntries, compressedEntriesLength); } entries = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(decompressedEntries); lineCount = reader.ReadInt32(); compressedStringsLength = reader.ReadInt32() - 4; decompressedStringsLength = reader.ReadInt32(); if (compressedStringsLength >= 0) { compressedStrings = reader.ReadBytes(compressedStringsLength); decompressedStrings = new byte[decompressedStringsLength]; if (SystemInfo.IsX64) { Ultima.Package.Zlib64.Decompress(decompressedStrings, ref decompressedStringsLength, compressedStrings, compressedStringsLength); } else { Ultima.Package.Zlib32.Decompress(decompressedStrings, ref decompressedStringsLength, compressedStrings, compressedStringsLength); } strings = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(decompressedStrings); Text = new List <string>(); start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < strings.Length; i++) { if (strings[i] == 0) { if (i - start > 0) { Text.Add(strings.Substring(start, i - start)); } else { Text.Add(String.Empty); } start = i + 1; } } } Parse(entries); }
public bool Build(BigEndianReader reader) { bool result; if (reader.BytesAvailable <= 0L) { result = false; } else { if (IsValid) { result = true; } else { if (!Header.HasValue && reader.BytesAvailable < 2L) { result = false; } else { if (reader.BytesAvailable >= 2L && !Header.HasValue) { Header = reader.ReadShort(); } bool arg_CC_0; if (LengthBytesCount.HasValue) { long num = reader.BytesAvailable; int? num2 = LengthBytesCount; if (num >= num2.GetValueOrDefault() && num2.HasValue) { arg_CC_0 = Length.HasValue; goto IL_CC; } } arg_CC_0 = true; IL_CC: if (!arg_CC_0) { if (LengthBytesCount < 0 || LengthBytesCount > 3) { throw new Exception("Malformated Message Header, invalid bytes number to read message length (inferior to 0 or superior to 3)"); } Length = 0; for (int i = LengthBytesCount.Value - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Length |= reader.ReadByte() << i * 8; } } if (Length.HasValue && !m_dataMissing) { if (Length == 0) { if (ReadData) { Data = new byte[0]; } result = true; return(result); } long num = reader.BytesAvailable; int? num2 = Length; if (num >= num2.GetValueOrDefault() && num2.HasValue) { if (ReadData) { Data = reader.ReadBytes(Length.Value); } else { m_availableBytes = reader.BytesAvailable; } result = true; return(result); } num2 = Length; num = reader.BytesAvailable; if (num2.GetValueOrDefault() > num && num2.HasValue) { if (ReadData) { Data = reader.ReadBytes(reader.BytesAvailable); } else { m_availableBytes = reader.BytesAvailable; } m_dataMissing = true; result = false; return(result); } } else { if (Length.HasValue && m_dataMissing) { long num = (long)(ReadData ? Data.Length : 0) + reader.BytesAvailable; int? num2 = Length; if (num < num2.GetValueOrDefault() && num2.HasValue) { if (ReadData) { int destinationIndex = m_data.Length; Array.Resize(ref m_data, (int)((long)Data.Length + reader.BytesAvailable)); byte[] array = reader.ReadBytes(reader.BytesAvailable); Array.Copy(array, 0, Data, destinationIndex, array.Length); } else { m_availableBytes = reader.BytesAvailable; } m_dataMissing = true; } num = (long)(ReadData ? Data.Length : 0) + reader.BytesAvailable; num2 = Length; if (num >= num2.GetValueOrDefault() && num2.HasValue) { if (ReadData) { int num3 = Length.Value - Data.Length; Array.Resize(ref m_data, Data.Length + num3); byte[] array = reader.ReadBytes(num3); Array.Copy(array, 0, Data, Data.Length - num3, num3); } else { m_availableBytes = reader.BytesAvailable; } } } } result = IsValid; } } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Build or continue building the message. Returns true if the resulted message is valid and ready to be parsed /// </summary> public bool Build(BigEndianReader reader) { if (IsValid) { return(true); } AllByte = reader.Data; if (reader.BytesAvailable >= 2 && !Header.HasValue) { Header = reader.ReadShort(); } if (LengthBytesCount.HasValue && reader.BytesAvailable >= LengthBytesCount && !Length.HasValue) { if (LengthBytesCount < 0 || LengthBytesCount > 3) { throw new System.Exception("Malformated Message Header, invalid bytes number to read message length (inferior to 0 or superior to 3)"); } Length = 0; // 3..0 or 2..0 or 1..0 for (int i = LengthBytesCount.Value - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Length |= reader.ReadByte() << (i * 8); } } // first case : no data read if (Data == null && Length.HasValue) { if (Length == 0) { Data = new byte[0]; } // enough bytes in the buffer to build a complete message if (reader.BytesAvailable >= Length) { Data = reader.ReadBytes(Length.Value); } // not enough bytes, so we read what we can else if (Length > reader.BytesAvailable) { Data = reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.BytesAvailable); } } //second case : the message was split and it missed some bytes if (Data != null && Length.HasValue && Data.Length < Length) { int bytesToRead = 0; // still miss some bytes ... if (Data.Length + reader.BytesAvailable < Length) { bytesToRead = (int)reader.BytesAvailable; } // there is enough bytes in the buffer to complete the message :) else if (Data.Length + reader.BytesAvailable >= Length) { bytesToRead = Length.Value - Data.Length; } if (bytesToRead != 0) { int oldLength = Data.Length; Array.Resize(ref m_data, (int)(Data.Length + bytesToRead)); Array.Copy(reader.ReadBytes(bytesToRead), 0, Data, oldLength, bytesToRead); } } return(IsValid); }
private TrueTypeFontTable ReadOS2Table(uint length, TrueTypeTableEntryList list, BigEndianReader reader) { OS2Table os2 = new OS2Table(reader.Position); os2.Version = (OS2TableVersion)reader.ReadUInt16(); os2.XAverageCharWidth = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.WeightClass = (WeightClass)reader.ReadUInt16(); os2.WidthClass = (WidthClass)reader.ReadUInt16(); os2.FSType = (FontRestrictions)reader.ReadUInt16(); os2.SubscriptXSize = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.SubscriptYSize = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.SubscriptXOffset = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.SubscriptYOffset = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.SuperScriptXSize = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.SuperScriptYSize = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.SuperscriptXOffset = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.SuperscriptYOffset = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.StrikeoutSize = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.StrikeoutPosition = reader.ReadInt16(); byte hi = reader.ReadByte(); byte lo = reader.ReadByte(); os2.FamilyClass = new IBMFontClass(hi, lo); byte[] data = reader.Read(10); os2.Panose = new PanoseArray(data); uint zero = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint one = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint two = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint three = reader.ReadUInt32(); os2.UnicodeRanges = new UnicodeRanges(zero, one, two, three); os2.VendorID = reader.ReadString(4); os2.Selection = (FontSelection)reader.ReadUInt16(); os2.FirstCharIndex = reader.ReadUInt16(); os2.LastCharIndex = reader.ReadUInt16(); os2.TypoAscender = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.TypoDescender = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.TypoLineGap = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.WinAscent = reader.ReadUInt16(); os2.WinDescent = reader.ReadUInt16(); if (os2.Version >= OS2TableVersion.TrueType166) { zero = reader.ReadUInt32(); one = reader.ReadUInt32(); os2.CodePageRanges = new CodePageRange(zero, one); if (os2.Version >= OS2TableVersion.OpenType12) { os2.Height = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.CapHeight = reader.ReadInt16(); os2.DefaultChar = reader.ReadUInt16(); os2.BreakChar = reader.ReadUInt16(); os2.MaxContext = reader.ReadUInt16(); } } return(os2); }
internal void Init(BigEndianReader reader) { char b = (char)reader.ReadByte(); MapVersion = reader.ReadByte(); Id = (int)reader.ReadUInt(); if (MapVersion >= 7) { Encrypted = reader.ReadBoolean(); EncryptedVersion = reader.ReadByte(); int count = reader.ReadInt(); if (Encrypted) { byte[] buffer = CustomHex.ToArray(CustomHex.FromString("649ae451ca33ec53bbcbcc33becf15f4", false)); byte[] buffer2 = reader.ReadBytes(count); int num7 = (buffer2.Length - 1); int n = 0; while (n <= num7) { buffer2[n] = Convert.ToByte((buffer2[n] ^ buffer[(n % buffer.Length)])); n += 1; } reader = new BigEndianReader(buffer2); } } RelativeId = (int)reader.ReadUInt(); MapType = reader.ReadByte(); SubAreaId = reader.ReadInt(); TopNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); BottomNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); LeftNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); RightNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); ShadowBonusOnEntities = reader.ReadUInt(); if (MapVersion >= 9) { int readColor = reader.ReadInt(); BackGroundAlpha = (readColor & 4278190080) >> 32; BackgroundRed = (readColor & 16711680) >> 16; BackgroundGreen = (readColor & 65280) >> 8; BackgroundBlue = readColor & 255; var gridColor = reader.ReadUInt(); var gridAlpha = (gridColor & 4278190080) >> 32; var gridRed = (gridColor & 16711680) >> 16; var gridGreen = (gridColor & 65280) >> 8; var gridBlue = gridColor & 255; GridColor = (gridAlpha & 255) << 32 | (gridRed & 255) << 16 | (gridGreen & 255) << 8 | gridBlue & 255; } else if (MapVersion >= 3) { BackgroundRed = reader.ReadByte(); BackgroundGreen = reader.ReadByte(); BackgroundBlue = reader.ReadByte(); } BackGroundColor = (BackgroundRed & 255) << 16 | (BackgroundGreen & 255) << 8 | BackgroundBlue & 255; if (MapVersion >= 4) { ZoomScale = (Convert.ToDouble(reader.ReadUShort()) / 100); ZoomOffsetX = reader.ReadShort(); ZoomOffsetY = reader.ReadShort(); if (ZoomScale < 1) { ZoomScale = 1; ZoomOffsetX = 0; ZoomOffsetY = 0; } } UseLowPassFilter = reader.ReadBoolean(); UseReverb = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (UseReverb) { PresetId = reader.ReadInt(); } else { PresetId = -1; } BackgroundsCount = reader.ReadByte(); int backgroundsCount = BackgroundsCount; int i = 1; while (i <= backgroundsCount) { Fixture item = new Fixture(); item.Init(reader); BackgroundFixtures.Add(item); i += 1; } ForegroundsCount = reader.ReadByte(); int foregroundsCount = ForegroundsCount; int j = 1; while (j <= foregroundsCount) { Fixture fixture2 = new Fixture(); fixture2.Init(reader); ForegroundFixtures.Add(fixture2); j += 1; } CellsCount = 560; reader.ReadInt(); GroundCRC = reader.ReadInt().ToString(); LayersCount = reader.ReadByte(); int layersCount = LayersCount; int k = 1; while (k <= layersCount) { Layer layer = new Layer(); layer.Init(reader, MapVersion); Layers.Add(layer); k += 1; } int cellsCount = CellsCount; int m = 1; uint oldMvtSys = 0; TopArrowCells = new List <int>(); BottomArrowCells = new List <int>(); RightArrowCells = new List <int>(); LeftArrowCells = new List <int>(); while (m <= cellsCount) { CellData data = new CellData(m); data.Init(reader, MapVersion, this); if (oldMvtSys == 0) { oldMvtSys = (uint)data.MoveZone; } if (data.MoveZone != oldMvtSys) { IsUsingNewMovementSystem = true; } Cells.Add(data); m += 1; } }
public void FromRaw(BigEndianReader param1) { BigEndianReader bigEndianReader = param1; try { this.Floor = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadByte() * 10; if (this.Floor == -1280) { return; } if (this._map.MapVersion >= 9) { int num = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadShort(); this.Mov = (num & 1) == 0; this.NonWalkableDuringFight = (uint)(num & 2) > 0U; this.NonWalkableDuringRp = (uint)(num & 4) > 0U; this.Los = (num & 8) == 0; this.Blue = (uint)(num & 16) > 0U; this.Red = (uint)(num & 32) > 0U; this.Visible = (uint)(num & 64) > 0U; this.FarmCell = (uint)(num & 128) > 0U; bool flag1; bool flag2; bool flag3; bool flag4; if (this._map.MapVersion >= 10) { this.HavenbagCell = (uint)(num & 256) > 0U; flag1 = (uint)(num & 512) > 0U; flag2 = (uint)(num & 1024) > 0U; flag3 = (uint)(num & 2048) > 0U; flag4 = (uint)(num & 4096) > 0U; } else { flag1 = (uint)(num & 256) > 0U; flag2 = (uint)(num & 512) > 0U; flag3 = (uint)(num & 1024) > 0U; flag4 = (uint)(num & 2048) > 0U; } if (flag1) { this._map.TopArrowCell.Add(this.Id); } if (flag2) { this._map.BottomArrowCell.Add(this.Id); } if (flag3) { this._map.RightArrowCell.Add(this.Id); } if (flag4) { this._map.LeftArrowCell.Add(this.Id); } } else { this._losmov = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); this.Los = (this._losmov & 2) >> 1 == 1; this.Mov = (this._losmov & 1) == 1; this.Visible = (this._losmov & 64) >> 6 == 1; this.FarmCell = (this._losmov & 32) >> 5 == 1; this.Blue = (this._losmov & 16) >> 4 == 1; this.Red = (this._losmov & 8) >> 3 == 1; this.NonWalkableDuringRp = (this._losmov & 128) >> 7 == 1; this.NonWalkableDuringFight = (this._losmov & 4) >> 2 == 1; } this.Speed = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); this.MapChangeData = (uint)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); if (this._map.MapVersion > 5) { this.MoveZone = (uint)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); } if (this._map.MapVersion > 10 && (this.HasLinkedZoneRP || this.HasLinkedZoneFight)) { this.LinkedZone = bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); } if (this._map.MapVersion <= 7 || this._map.MapVersion >= 9) { return; } this._arrow = 15 & (int)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); if (this.UseTopArrow) { this._map.TopArrowCell.Add(this.Id); } if (this.UseBottomArrow) { this._map.BottomArrowCell.Add(this.Id); } if (this.UseLeftArrow) { this._map.LeftArrowCell.Add(this.Id); } if (!this.UseRightArrow) { return; } this._map.RightArrowCell.Add(this.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine((object)ex); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Build or continue building the message. Returns true if the resulted message is valid and ready to be parsed /// </summary> public bool Build(BigEndianReader reader) { try { if (reader.BytesAvailable <= 0) { return(false); } if (IsValid) { return(true); } if (!Header.HasValue && reader.BytesAvailable < 2) { return(false); } if (reader.BytesAvailable >= 2 && !Header.HasValue) { Header = reader.ReadShort(); } if (LengthBytesCount.HasValue && reader.BytesAvailable >= LengthBytesCount && !Length.HasValue) { if (LengthBytesCount < 0 || LengthBytesCount > 3) { throw new Exception( "Malformated Message Header, invalid bytes number to read message length (inferior to 0 or superior to 3)"); } Length = 0; // 3..0 or 2..0 or 1..0 for (var i = LengthBytesCount.Value - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Length |= reader.ReadByte() << (i * 8); } } // first case : no data read if (Data == null && Length.HasValue) { if (Length == 0) { Data = new byte[0]; } // enough bytes in the buffer to build a complete message if (reader.BytesAvailable >= Length) { Data = reader.ReadBytes(Length.Value); return(true); } // not enough bytes, so we read what we can else if (Length > reader.BytesAvailable) { Data = reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.BytesAvailable); return(false); } } //second case : the message was split and it missed some bytes if (Data != null && Length.HasValue && Data.Length < Length) { // still miss some bytes ... if (Data.Length + reader.BytesAvailable < Length) { var lastLength = Data.Length; Array.Resize(ref m_data, (int)(Data.Length + reader.BytesAvailable)); var array = reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.BytesAvailable); Array.Copy(array, 0, Data, lastLength, array.Length); } // there is enough bytes in the buffer to complete the message :) else if (Data.Length + reader.BytesAvailable >= Length) { var bytesToRead = Length.Value - Data.Length; Array.Resize(ref m_data, Data.Length + bytesToRead); var array = reader.ReadBytes(bytesToRead); Array.Copy(array, 0, Data, Data.Length - bytesToRead, bytesToRead); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } return(IsValid); }
protected override void Parse(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Size = reader.ReadUInt16(); _Unk1 = reader.ReadUInt32(); _CharSlot = reader.ReadUInt32(); _CharName = reader.ReadAsciiString(30); _Unk2 = reader.ReadAsciiString(30); _Profession = reader.ReadByte(); _Flags = reader.ReadByte(); _Gender = reader.ReadByte(); _Race = reader.ReadByte(); _Strength = reader.ReadByte(); _Dexterity = reader.ReadByte(); _Intelligence = reader.ReadByte(); _SkinColor = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); _Skill1 = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill1Amount = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill2 = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill2Amount = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill3 = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill3Amount = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill4 = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill4Amount = reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadBytes(25); reader.ReadByte(); _HairHue = reader.ReadInt16(); _HairStyle = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadByte(); _ShirtColor = reader.ReadInt16(); _ShirtID = reader.ReadInt16(); reader.ReadByte(); _FaceColor = reader.ReadUInt16(); _FaceID = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadByte(); _BeardHue = reader.ReadInt16(); _BeardStyle = reader.ReadInt16(); }
public override void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader) { m_reason = reader.ReadByte(); }
public override void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader) { m_serverId = reader.ReadVarUShort(); m_error = reader.ReadByte(); m_serverStatus = reader.ReadByte(); }
public ShopListItem(BigEndianReader reader) { _Price = reader.ReadInt32(); _Name = reader.ReadAsciiString(reader.ReadByte()); }
internal void Init(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); this.MapVersion = reader.ReadByte(); this.Id = (int)reader.ReadUInt(); if (this.MapVersion >= 7) { this.Encrypted = reader.ReadBoolean(); this.EncryptedVersion = reader.ReadByte(); int count = reader.ReadInt(); if (this.Encrypted) { byte[] buffer = CustomHex.ToArray(CustomHex.FromString("649ae451ca33ec53bbcbcc33becf15f4", false)); byte[] buffer2 = reader.ReadBytes(count); int num7 = (buffer2.Length - 1); int n = 0; while (n <= num7) { buffer2[n] = Convert.ToByte((buffer2[n] ^ buffer[(n % buffer.Length)])); n += 1; } reader = new BigEndianReader(buffer2); } } this.RelativeId = (int)reader.ReadUInt(); this.MapType = reader.ReadByte(); this.SubAreaId = reader.ReadInt(); this.TopNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); this.BottomNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); this.LeftNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); this.RightNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); this.ShadowBonusOnEntities = reader.ReadInt(); if (this.MapVersion >= 3) { this.BackgroundRed = reader.ReadByte(); this.BackgroundGreen = reader.ReadByte(); this.BackgroundBlue = reader.ReadByte(); } if (this.MapVersion >= 4) { this.ZoomScale = (Convert.ToDouble(reader.ReadUShort()) / 100); this.ZoomOffsetX = reader.ReadShort(); this.ZoomOffsetY = reader.ReadShort(); } this.UseLowPassFilter = reader.ReadBoolean(); this.UseReverb = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (this.UseReverb) { this.PresetId = reader.ReadInt(); } this.BackgroundsCount = reader.ReadByte(); int backgroundsCount = this.BackgroundsCount; int i = 1; while (i <= backgroundsCount) { Fixture item = new Fixture(); item.Init(reader); this.BackgroundFixtures.Add(item); i += 1; } this.ForegroundsCount = reader.ReadByte(); int foregroundsCount = this.ForegroundsCount; int j = 1; while (j <= foregroundsCount) { Fixture fixture2 = new Fixture(); fixture2.Init(reader); this.ForegroundFixtures.Add(fixture2); j += 1; } this.CellsCount = 560; reader.ReadInt(); this.GroundCRC = reader.ReadInt().ToString(); this.LayersCount = reader.ReadByte(); int layersCount = this.LayersCount; int k = 1; while (k <= layersCount) { Layer layer = new Layer(); layer.Init(reader, this.MapVersion); this.Layers.Add(layer); k += 1; } int cellsCount = this.CellsCount; int m = 1; uint oldMvtSys = 0; while (m <= cellsCount) { CellData data = new CellData(); data.Init(reader, this.MapVersion); if (oldMvtSys == 0) { oldMvtSys = (uint)data.MoveZone; } if (data.MoveZone != oldMvtSys) { IsUsingNewMovementSystem = true; } this.Cells.Add(data); m += 1; } }
public void FromRaw(string path) { BigEndianReader raw = new BigEndianReader(Uncompress(File.ReadAllBytes(path))); _rawData = raw; types = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int header = raw.ReadByte(); if (header != 69) { throw new Exception("Unknown file format"); } int Version = raw.ReadByte(); int skypLen = 0; var count = raw.ReadUInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (Version >= 9) { skypLen = raw.ReadUShort(); } var id = raw.ReadInt(); //if(Version > 8) // raw.Seek(skypLen - 4, SeekOrigin.Current); var type = raw.ReadByte(); types[id] = type; switch (type) { case 2: //ANIMATED raw.ReadInt(); raw.ReadByte(); raw.ReadBoolean(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadShort(); if (Version == 4) { raw.ReadInt(); raw.ReadInt(); } break; case 5: //BLENDED raw.ReadInt(); raw.ReadByte(); raw.ReadBoolean(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadUTFBytes(raw.ReadInt()); break; case 1: //BOUNDING_BOX raw.ReadInt(); raw.ReadByte(); raw.ReadBoolean(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadShort(); break; case 3: //ENTITY string test = raw.ReadUTF7BitLength(); raw.ReadBoolean(); if (Version >= 7) { raw.ReadBoolean(); } if (Version >= 6) { raw.ReadBoolean(); } if (Version >= 5) { raw.ReadInt(); raw.ReadInt(); } break; case 0: //NORMAL raw.ReadInt(); raw.ReadByte(); raw.ReadBoolean(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadShort(); raw.ReadShort(); break; case 4: //PARTICLES raw.ReadShort(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown graphical data of type " + type); break; } } if (Version >= 8) { var gfxCount = raw.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < gfxCount; i++) { raw.ReadInt(); } } }
public static void ReadFromReader(this ICommand command, BigEndianReader read) { var properties = command.GetType().GetProperties() .Where(f => f.GetCustomAttribute <CommandFieldAttribute>() != null) .Select(f => new { Property = f, Metadata = f.GetCustomAttribute <CommandFieldAttribute>() }); while (true) { byte fieldID = read.ReadByte(); if (fieldID == 255 || read.PeekChar() < 0) { break; } ushort fieldLength = read.ReadUInt16(); var fieldInfo = properties.First(f => f.Metadata.FieldID == fieldID); var serializationType = fieldInfo.Property.PropertyType; if (fieldInfo.Metadata.SerializeAs != null) { serializationType = fieldInfo.Metadata.SerializeAs; } if (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(serializationType) != null) { serializationType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(serializationType); } if (fieldInfo.Metadata.Repeated) { if (!serializationType.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i == typeof(IList))) { throw new Exception("Repeated field is not of a list type"); } var listType = serializationType.GetInterfaces().First(i => i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList <>)); var internalSerializationType = listType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; var cur = fieldInfo.Property.GetValue(command) as IList; if (!serializationType.IsArray) { if (cur == null) { cur = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(internalSerializationType)); } cur.Add(read.ReadOfType(fieldLength, internalSerializationType)); } else { if (cur == null) { cur = Array.CreateInstance(internalSerializationType, 1); } else { var arr = Array.CreateInstance(internalSerializationType, cur.Count + 1); Array.Copy((Array)cur, arr, cur.Count); cur = arr; } cur[cur.Count - 1] = read.ReadOfType(fieldLength, internalSerializationType); } fieldInfo.Property.SetValue(command, cur); } else { var value = read.ReadOfType(fieldLength, serializationType); if (serializationType != fieldInfo.Property.PropertyType) { if (!fieldInfo.Property.PropertyType.IsEnum) { value = Convert.ChangeType(value, fieldInfo.Property.PropertyType); } } fieldInfo.Property.SetValue(command, value); } } }
protected override void Parse(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID reader.ReadInt16(); // Size _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); _MobileName = reader.ReadAsciiString(30); _HitPoints = reader.ReadInt16(); _MaxHitPoints = reader.ReadInt16(); _AllowNameChange = reader.ReadByte() == 1 ? true : false; byte features = reader.ReadByte(); _IsFemale = reader.ReadByte() == 1 ? true : false; _Strength = reader.ReadInt16(); _Dexterity = reader.ReadInt16(); _Intelligence = reader.ReadInt16(); _Stamina = reader.ReadInt16(); _MaxStamina = reader.ReadInt16(); _Mana = reader.ReadInt16(); _MaxMana = reader.ReadInt16(); _Gold = reader.ReadInt32(); _ArmorRating = reader.ReadInt16(); _Weight = reader.ReadInt16(); if ((features & 0x5) == 0x5) { _MaxWeight = reader.ReadInt16(); _Race = (MobileRace)reader.ReadByte(); } if ((features & 0x2) == 0x2) { _StatCap = reader.ReadInt16(); } if ((features & 0x3) == 0x3) { _Followers = reader.ReadByte(); _MaxFollowers = reader.ReadByte(); } if ((features & 0x4) == 0x4) { _FireResistance = reader.ReadInt16(); _ColdResistance = reader.ReadInt16(); _PoisonResistance = reader.ReadInt16(); _EnergyResistance = reader.ReadInt16(); _Luck = reader.ReadInt16(); _MinWeaponDamage = reader.ReadInt16(); _MaxWeaponDamage = reader.ReadInt16(); _TithingPoints = reader.ReadInt32(); } if ((features & 0x6) == 0x6) { _HitChanceIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _SwingSpeedIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _DamageChanceIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _LowerReagentCost = reader.ReadInt16(); _HitPointRegeneration = reader.ReadInt16(); _StaminaRegeneration = reader.ReadInt16(); _ManaRegeneration = reader.ReadInt16(); _ReflectPhysicalDamage = reader.ReadInt16(); _EnhancePotions = reader.ReadInt16(); _DefenseChanceIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _SpellDamageIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _FasterCastRecovery = reader.ReadInt16(); _FasterCasting = reader.ReadInt16(); _LowerManaCost = reader.ReadInt16(); _StrengthIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _DexterityIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _IntelligenceIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _HitPointsIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _StaminaIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _ManaIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _MaximumHitPointsIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _MaximumStaminaIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); _MaximumManaIncrease = reader.ReadInt16(); } }
public override void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); m_install = reader.ReadByte(); m_technology = reader.ReadByte(); }
protected override void Parse(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Serial = reader.ReadUInt32(); }
public void FromRaw(BigEndianReader param1, byte[] param2) { int num1 = -1; BigEndianReader bigEndianReader = param1; byte[] numArray = param2; try { if (bigEndianReader.ReadByte() != (byte)77) { throw new Exception("Unknown file format."); } this.MapVersion = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); this.Id = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); if (this.MapVersion >= 7) { this.Encrypted = bigEndianReader.ReadBoolean(); this.EncryptionVersion = (uint)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); int n = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); if (this.Encrypted) { if (numArray.Length < 1) { throw new Exception("Map decryption key is empty"); } byte[] buffer = bigEndianReader.ReadBytes(n); for (int index = 0; index < buffer.Length; ++index) { buffer[index] = (byte)((uint)buffer[index] ^ (uint)numArray[index % numArray.Length]); } bigEndianReader = new BigEndianReader((Stream) new MemoryStream(buffer)); } } this.RelativeId = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); this.MapType = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); this.SubAreaId = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); this.TopNeighbourId = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); this.BottomNeighbourId = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); this.LeftNeighbourId = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); this.RightNeighbourId = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); this.ShadowBonusOnEntities = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); if (this.MapVersion >= 9) { int num2 = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); this.BackgroundAlpha = (int)(((long)num2 & 4278190080L) >> 32); this.BackgroundRed = (num2 & 16711680) >> 16; this.BackgroundGreen = (num2 & 65280) >> 8; this.BackgroundBlue = num2 & (int)byte.MaxValue; int num3 = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); this.GridColor = (uint)((int)(((long)num3 & 4278190080L) >> 32) & (int)byte.MaxValue | ((num3 & 16711680) >> 16 & (int)byte.MaxValue) << 16 | ((num3 & 65280) >> 8 & (int)byte.MaxValue) << 8 | num3 & (int)byte.MaxValue & (int)byte.MaxValue); } else if (this.MapVersion >= 3) { this.BackgroundRed = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); this.BackgroundGreen = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); this.BackgroundBlue = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); } this.BackgroundColor = (uint)(this.BackgroundAlpha & (int)byte.MaxValue | (this.BackgroundRed & (int)byte.MaxValue) << 16 | (this.BackgroundGreen & (int)byte.MaxValue) << 8 | this.BackgroundBlue & (int)byte.MaxValue); if (this.MapVersion >= 4) { this.ZoomScale = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadShort() / 100; this.ZoomOffsetX = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadShort(); this.ZoomOffsetY = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadShort(); if (this.ZoomScale < 1) { this.ZoomScale = 1; this.ZoomOffsetY = 0; this.ZoomOffsetX = 0; } } if (this.MapVersion > 10) { this.TacticalModeTemplateId = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); } this.UseLowPassFilter = bigEndianReader.ReadByte() == (byte)1; this.UseReverb = bigEndianReader.ReadByte() == (byte)1; this.PresetId = !this.UseReverb ? -1 : bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); this.BackgroundsCount = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); this.BackgroundsFixtures = new Fixture[this.BackgroundsCount]; for (int index = 0; index < this.BackgroundsCount; ++index) { Fixture fixture = new Fixture(this); fixture.FromRaw(bigEndianReader); this.BackgroundsFixtures[index] = fixture; } this.ForegroundsCount = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); this.ForegroundFixtures = new Fixture[this.ForegroundsCount]; for (int index = 0; index < this.ForegroundsCount; ++index) { Fixture fixture = new Fixture(this); fixture.FromRaw(bigEndianReader); this.ForegroundFixtures[index] = fixture; } this.CellsCount = Constants.MapCellsCount; bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); this.GroundCrc = bigEndianReader.ReadInt(); this.LayersCount = (int)bigEndianReader.ReadByte(); this.Layers = new Layer[this.LayersCount]; for (int index = 0; index < this.LayersCount; ++index) { Layer layer = new Layer(this); layer.FromRaw(bigEndianReader, this.MapVersion); this.Layers[index] = layer; } this.Cells = new CellData[this.CellsCount]; for (int index = 0; index < this.CellsCount; ++index) { CellData cellData = new CellData(this, (uint)index); cellData.FromRaw(bigEndianReader); if (num1 == -1) { num1 = (int)cellData.MoveZone; } if ((long)cellData.MoveZone != (long)num1) { this.IsUsingNewMovementSystem = true; } this.Cells[index] = cellData; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine((object)ex); throw; } }
public virtual void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader) { byte b = reader.ReadByte(); = BooleanByteWrapper.GetFlag(b, 0); this.isRideable = BooleanByteWrapper.GetFlag(b, 1); this.isWild = BooleanByteWrapper.GetFlag(b, 2); this.isFecondationReady = BooleanByteWrapper.GetFlag(b, 3); id = reader.ReadDouble(); if (id < -9.007199254740992E15 || id > 9.007199254740992E15) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on id = " + id + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : id < -9.007199254740992E15 || id > 9.007199254740992E15"); } model = reader.ReadVarInt(); if (model < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on model = " + model + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : model < 0"); } var limit = reader.ReadUShort(); ancestor = new int[limit]; for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { ancestor[i] = reader.ReadInt(); } limit = reader.ReadUShort(); behaviors = new int[limit]; for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { behaviors[i] = reader.ReadInt(); } name = reader.ReadUTF(); ownerId = reader.ReadInt(); if (ownerId < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on ownerId = " + ownerId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : ownerId < 0"); } experience = reader.ReadVarUhLong(); if (experience < 0 || experience > 9.007199254740992E15) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on experience = " + experience + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : experience < 0 || experience > 9.007199254740992E15"); } experienceForLevel = reader.ReadVarUhLong(); if (experienceForLevel < 0 || experienceForLevel > 9.007199254740992E15) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on experienceForLevel = " + experienceForLevel + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : experienceForLevel < 0 || experienceForLevel > 9.007199254740992E15"); } experienceForNextLevel = reader.ReadDouble(); if (experienceForNextLevel < -9.007199254740992E15 || experienceForNextLevel > 9.007199254740992E15) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on experienceForNextLevel = " + experienceForNextLevel + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : experienceForNextLevel < -9.007199254740992E15 || experienceForNextLevel > 9.007199254740992E15"); } level = reader.ReadSByte(); if (level < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on level = " + level + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : level < 0"); } maxPods = reader.ReadVarInt(); if (maxPods < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on maxPods = " + maxPods + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : maxPods < 0"); } stamina = reader.ReadVarInt(); if (stamina < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on stamina = " + stamina + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : stamina < 0"); } staminaMax = reader.ReadVarInt(); if (staminaMax < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on staminaMax = " + staminaMax + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : staminaMax < 0"); } maturity = reader.ReadVarInt(); if (maturity < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on maturity = " + maturity + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : maturity < 0"); } maturityForAdult = reader.ReadVarInt(); if (maturityForAdult < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on maturityForAdult = " + maturityForAdult + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : maturityForAdult < 0"); } energy = reader.ReadVarInt(); if (energy < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on energy = " + energy + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : energy < 0"); } energyMax = reader.ReadVarInt(); if (energyMax < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on energyMax = " + energyMax + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : energyMax < 0"); } serenity = reader.ReadInt(); aggressivityMax = reader.ReadInt(); serenityMax = reader.ReadVarInt(); if (serenityMax < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on serenityMax = " + serenityMax + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : serenityMax < 0"); } love = reader.ReadVarInt(); if (love < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on love = " + love + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : love < 0"); } loveMax = reader.ReadVarInt(); if (loveMax < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on loveMax = " + loveMax + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : loveMax < 0"); } fecondationTime = reader.ReadInt(); boostLimiter = reader.ReadInt(); if (boostLimiter < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on boostLimiter = " + boostLimiter + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : boostLimiter < 0"); } boostMax = reader.ReadDouble(); if (boostMax < -9.007199254740992E15 || boostMax > 9.007199254740992E15) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on boostMax = " + boostMax + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : boostMax < -9.007199254740992E15 || boostMax > 9.007199254740992E15"); } reproductionCount = reader.ReadInt(); reproductionCountMax = reader.ReadVarInt(); if (reproductionCountMax < 0) { throw new Exception("Forbidden value on reproductionCountMax = " + reproductionCountMax + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : reproductionCountMax < 0"); } limit = reader.ReadUShort(); effectList = new Types.ObjectEffectInteger[limit]; for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { effectList[i] = new Types.ObjectEffectInteger(); effectList[i].Deserialize(reader); } }
internal void Init(BigEndianReader reader) { byte header = reader.ReadByte(); if (header != 77) { throw new Exception("Header cannot be different than 77"); } MapVersion = reader.ReadSByte(); Id = reader.ReadUInt(); if (MapVersion >= 7) { Encrypted = reader.ReadBoolean(); EncryptedVersion = reader.ReadSByte(); int dataLen = reader.ReadInt(); if (Encrypted) { byte[] key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("649ae451ca33ec53bbcbcc33becf15f4"); var encryptedData = reader.ReadBytes(dataLen); System.IO.MemoryStream decryptedData = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); for (int i = 0; i < dataLen; i++) { decryptedData.WriteByte((byte)(encryptedData[i] ^ (key[i % key.Length]))); } reader = new BigEndianReader(decryptedData.ToArray()); } } RelativeId = reader.ReadUInt(); MapType = reader.ReadSByte(); SubAreaId = reader.ReadInt(); TopNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); BottomNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); LeftNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); RightNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); ShadowBonusOnEntities = reader.ReadInt(); if (MapVersion >= 9) { int color = reader.ReadInt(); BackgroundAlpha = (color & 4278190080) >> 32; BackgroundRed = (color & 16711680) >> 16; BackgroundGreen = (color & 65280) >> 8; BackgroundBlue = (color & 255); uint gridColor = reader.ReadUInt(); GridAlpha = (gridColor & 4278190080) >> 32; GridRed = (gridColor & 16711680) >> 16; GridGreen = (gridColor & 65280) >> 8; GridBlue = (gridColor & 255); GridColor = (GridAlpha & 255) << 32 | (GridRed & 255) << 16 | (GridGreen & 255) << 8 | (GridBlue & 255); } else if (MapVersion >= 3) { BackgroundRed = reader.ReadSByte(); BackgroundGreen = reader.ReadSByte(); BackgroundBlue = reader.ReadSByte(); } BackgroundColor = (BackgroundRed & 255) << 16 | (BackgroundGreen & 255) << 8 | (BackgroundBlue & 255); if (MapVersion >= 4) { ZoomScale = Convert.ToDouble(reader.ReadUShort() / 100); ZoomOffsetX = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadShort()); ZoomOffsetY = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadShort()); if (ZoomScale < 1) { ZoomScale = 1; ZoomOffsetX = 0; ZoomOffsetY = 0; } } if (MapVersion > 10) { TacticalModeTempladeId = reader.ReadInt(); } UseLowPassFilter = reader.ReadBoolean(); UseReverb = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (UseReverb) { PresetId = reader.ReadInt(); } else { PresetId = -1; } BackgroundsCount = reader.ReadSByte(); for (var i = 0; i < BackgroundsCount; i++) { var fixture = new Fixture(); fixture.Init(reader); BackgroundFixtures.Add(fixture); } ForegroundsCount = reader.ReadSByte(); for (var i = 0; i < ForegroundsCount; i++) { var fixture = new Fixture(); fixture.Init(reader); ForegroundFixtures.Add(fixture); } reader.ReadInt(); GroundCRC = reader.ReadInt().ToString(); LayersCount = reader.ReadSByte(); for (int i = 0; i < LayersCount; i++) { var layer = new Layer(); layer.Init(reader, MapVersion); Layers.Add(layer); } CellsCount = 560; for (int i = 0; i < CellsCount; i++) { CellData cd = new CellData(); cd.Init(reader, MapVersion, i, this); Cells.Add(cd); } }
public bool Build(BigEndianReader reader) { bool result; if (reader.BytesAvailable <= 0L) { result = false; } else { if (this.IsValid) { result = true; } else { if (!this.Header.HasValue && reader.BytesAvailable < 2L) { result = false; } else { if (reader.BytesAvailable >= 2L && !this.Header.HasValue) { this.Header = new int?((int)reader.ReadShort()); } bool formatedHeader; if (this.LengthBytesCount.HasValue) { long num = reader.BytesAvailable; int? num2 = this.LengthBytesCount; if (num >= (long)num2.GetValueOrDefault() && num2.HasValue) { formatedHeader = this.Length.HasValue; goto CheckHeader; } } formatedHeader = true; CheckHeader: if (!formatedHeader) { if (this.LengthBytesCount < 0 || this.LengthBytesCount > 3) { throw new Exception("Malformated Message Header, invalid bytes number to read message length (inferior to 0 or superior to 3)"); } this.Length = new int?(0); for (int i = this.LengthBytesCount.Value - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.Length |= (int)reader.ReadByte() << i * 8; } } if (this.Length.HasValue && !this.m_dataMissing) { if (this.Length == 0) { if (this.ReadData) { this.Data = new byte[0]; } result = true; return(result); } long num = reader.BytesAvailable; int? num2 = this.Length; if (num >= (long)num2.GetValueOrDefault() && num2.HasValue) { if (this.ReadData) { this.Data = reader.ReadBytes(this.Length.Value); } else { this.m_availableBytes = reader.BytesAvailable; } result = true; return(result); } num2 = this.Length; num = reader.BytesAvailable; if ((long)num2.GetValueOrDefault() > num && num2.HasValue) { if (this.ReadData) { this.Data = reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.BytesAvailable); } else { this.m_availableBytes = reader.BytesAvailable; } this.m_dataMissing = true; result = false; return(result); } } else { if (this.Length.HasValue && this.m_dataMissing) { long num = (long)(this.ReadData ? this.Data.Length : 0) + reader.BytesAvailable; int? num2 = this.Length; if (num < (long)num2.GetValueOrDefault() && num2.HasValue) { if (this.ReadData) { int destinationIndex = this.m_data.Length; Array.Resize <byte>(ref this.m_data, (int)((long)this.Data.Length + reader.BytesAvailable)); byte[] array = reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.BytesAvailable); Array.Copy(array, 0, this.Data, destinationIndex, array.Length); } else { this.m_availableBytes = reader.BytesAvailable; } this.m_dataMissing = true; } num = (long)(this.ReadData ? this.Data.Length : 0) + reader.BytesAvailable; num2 = this.Length; if (num >= (long)num2.GetValueOrDefault() && num2.HasValue) { if (this.ReadData) { int num3 = this.Length.Value - this.Data.Length; Array.Resize <byte>(ref this.m_data, this.Data.Length + num3); byte[] array = reader.ReadBytes(num3); Array.Copy(array, 0, this.Data, this.Data.Length - num3, num3); } else { this.m_availableBytes = reader.BytesAvailable; } } } } result = this.IsValid; } } } return(result); }
public static DlmMap ReadFromStream(BigEndianReader givenReader, DlmReader dlmReader) { BigEndianReader reader = givenReader; DlmMap map = new DlmMap(); map.Version = reader.ReadByte(); map.Id = reader.ReadInt(); if (map.Version >= 7) { map.Encrypted = reader.ReadBoolean(); map.EncryptionVersion = reader.ReadByte(); int len = reader.ReadInt(); if (map.Encrypted) { string key = dlmReader.DecryptionKey; if (key == null && dlmReader.DecryptionKeyProvider != null) { key = dlmReader.DecryptionKeyProvider(map.Id); } if (key == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Cannot decrypt the map {0} without decryption key", map.Id)); } byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(len); byte[] encodedKey = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(key); if (key.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { data[i] ^= encodedKey[i % key.Length]; } reader = new BigEndianReader(new MemoryStream(data)); } } } map.RelativeId = reader.ReadUInt(); map.MapType = reader.ReadByte(); map.SubAreaId = reader.ReadInt(); map.TopNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); map.BottomNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); map.LeftNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); map.RightNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); map.ShadowBonusOnEntities = (int)reader.ReadUInt(); if (map.Version >= 9) { var readColor = reader.ReadInt(); var backgroundAlpha = (readColor & 4278190080) >> 32; var backgroundRed = (readColor & 16711680) >> 16; var backgroundGreen = (readColor & 65280) >> 8; var backgroundBlue = readColor & 255; readColor = (int)reader.ReadUInt(); var gridAlpha = (readColor & 4278190080) >> 32; var gridRed = (readColor & 16711680) >> 16; var gridGreen = (readColor & 65280) >> 8; var gridBlue = readColor & 255; var gridColor = (gridAlpha & 255) << 32 | (gridRed & 255) << 16 | (gridGreen & 255) << 8 | gridBlue & 255; } else if (map.Version >= 3) { map.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb((int)reader.ReadByte(), (int)reader.ReadByte(), (int)reader.ReadByte()); } if (map.Version >= 4) { map.ZoomScale = reader.ReadUShort(); map.ZoomOffsetX = reader.ReadShort(); map.ZoomOffsetY = reader.ReadShort(); } map.UseLowPassFilter = (reader.ReadByte() == 1); map.UseReverb = (reader.ReadByte() == 1); if (map.UseReverb) { map.PresetId = reader.ReadInt(); } else { map.PresetId = -1; } map.BackgroudFixtures = new DlmFixture[(int)reader.ReadByte()]; for (int i = 0; i < map.BackgroudFixtures.Length; i++) { map.BackgroudFixtures[i] = DlmFixture.ReadFromStream(map, reader); } map.ForegroundFixtures = new DlmFixture[(int)reader.ReadByte()]; for (int i = 0; i < map.ForegroundFixtures.Length; i++) { map.ForegroundFixtures[i] = DlmFixture.ReadFromStream(map, reader); } reader.ReadInt(); map.GroundCRC = reader.ReadInt(); map.Layers = new DlmLayer[(int)reader.ReadByte()]; for (int i = 0; i < map.Layers.Length; i++) { map.Layers[i] = DlmLayer.ReadFromStream(map, reader); } map.Cells = new DlmCellData[560]; short j = 0; while ((int)j < map.Cells.Length) { map.Cells[(int)j] = DlmCellData.ReadFromStream(map, j, reader); j += 1; } return(map); }
protected override void Parse(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); // ID _Unk1 = reader.ReadUInt32(); _Unk2 = reader.ReadUInt32(); _Unk3 = reader.ReadByte(); _CharName = reader.ReadAsciiString(30); _Unk4 = reader.ReadInt16(); _Flags = reader.ReadUInt32(); _Unk5 = reader.ReadUInt32(); _LoginCount = reader.ReadUInt32(); _Profession = reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadBytes(15); _GenderAndRace = reader.ReadByte(); _Strength = reader.ReadByte(); _Dexterity = reader.ReadByte(); _Intelligence = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill1 = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill1Amount = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill2 = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill2Amount = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill3 = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill3Amount = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill4 = reader.ReadByte(); _Skill4Amount = reader.ReadByte(); _SkinHue = reader.ReadInt16(); _HairStyle = reader.ReadInt16(); _HairHue = reader.ReadInt16(); _BeardStyle = reader.ReadInt16(); _BeardHue = reader.ReadInt16(); _ShardIndex = reader.ReadByte(); _StartingCity = reader.ReadByte(); _CharSlot = reader.ReadUInt32(); _ClientIP = reader.ReadUInt32(); _ShirtHue = reader.ReadInt16(); _PantsHue = reader.ReadInt16(); }