예제 #1
        private static void GetMatchingPDI(byte[] types, out int[] outMatchingPDI, out int[] outMatchingIsolateInitiator)
            int[] matchingPDI = new int[types.Length];
            int[] matchingIsolateInitiator = new int[types.Length];

            // Scan for isolate initiator
            for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                var cct = (BidiClass)types[i];
                if (cct == BidiClass.LRI ||
                    cct == BidiClass.RLI ||
                    cct == BidiClass.FSI)
                    int  counter        = 1;
                    bool hasMatchingPDI = false;

                    // Scan the text following isolate initiator till end of paragraph
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < types.Length; j++)
                        BidiClass nct = (BidiClass)types[j];
                        if (nct == BidiClass.LRI ||
                            nct == BidiClass.RLI ||
                            nct == BidiClass.FSI)       // Increment counter at every isolate initiator
                        else if (nct == BidiClass.PDI)   // Decrement counter at every PDI

                            if (counter == 0)            // BD9 bullet 3. Stop when counter is 0
                                hasMatchingPDI = true;
                                matchingPDI[i] = j;                   // Matching PDI found
                                matchingIsolateInitiator[j] = i;

                    if (!hasMatchingPDI)
                        matchingPDI[i] = types.Length;
                else        // Other characters matchingPDI are set to -1
                    matchingPDI[i] = -1;
                    matchingIsolateInitiator[i] = -1;

            outMatchingPDI = matchingPDI;
            outMatchingIsolateInitiator = matchingIsolateInitiator;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads DerivedBidiClass.txt and parses each entry in that file.
        /// </summary>
        private static Dictionary<int, BidiClass> ProcessDerivedBidiClassFile()
            using Stream stream = Resources.OpenResource(Resources.DerivedBidiClass);
            using StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);

            Dictionary<int, BidiClass> dict = new Dictionary<int, BidiClass>();

            string thisLine;
            while ((thisLine = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (PropsFileEntry.TryParseLine(thisLine, out PropsFileEntry value))
                    BidiClass bidiClass = BidiClassMap[value.PropName];

                    for (int i = value.FirstCodePoint; i <= value.LastCodePoint /* inclusive */; i++)
                        dict.Add(i, bidiClass);

            return dict;
예제 #3
 private CodePoint(uint value, string name, GeneralCategory generalCategory, byte canonicalCombiningClass, BidiClass bidiClass, bool bidiMirrored, string unicode1Name, string isoComment, uint?simpleUppercaseMappingValue, uint?simpleLowercaseMappingValue, uint?simpleTitlecasemappingValue)
     this._value                       = value;
     this._name                        = name;
     this._generalCategory             = generalCategory;
     this._canonicalCombiningClass     = canonicalCombiningClass;
     this._bidiClass                   = bidiClass;
     this._bidiMirrored                = bidiMirrored;
     this._unicode1Name                = unicode1Name;
     this._isoComment                  = isoComment;
     this._simpleUppercaseMappingValue = simpleUppercaseMappingValue;
     this._simpleLowercaseMappingValue = simpleLowercaseMappingValue;
     this._simpleTitlecaseMappingValue = simpleTitlecasemappingValue;
예제 #4
        public static void LoadUnicodeData()
            const string UnicodeDataFileName   = "UnicodeData.txt";
            const string SpecialCasingFileName = "SpecialCasing.txt";



            SortedList <uint, CodePoint>   codePointsByValue = CodePoint.codePointsByValue;
            Dictionary <uint, CodePoint[]> uppercaseMappings = CodePoint.uppercaseMappings;
            Dictionary <uint, CodePoint[]> lowercaseMappings = CodePoint.lowercaseMappings;
            Dictionary <uint, CodePoint[]> titlecaseMappings = CodePoint.titlecaseMappings;

            char[] spaceArray     = new char[] { ' ' };
            char[] semicolonArray = new char[] { ';' };

            #region Process UnicodeData file
                #region Lookup dictionaries
                Dictionary <string, GeneralCategory> generalCategoryLookup;
                    GeneralCategory[] generalCategoryValues = (GeneralCategory[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(GeneralCategory));
                    generalCategoryLookup = new Dictionary <string, GeneralCategory>(generalCategoryValues.Length, StringComparer.Ordinal);
                    for (int i = 0; i < generalCategoryValues.Length; i++)
                        GeneralCategory generalCategoryValue = generalCategoryValues[i];
                        generalCategoryLookup[generalCategoryValue.ToString("G")] = generalCategoryValue;
                Dictionary <string, BidiClass> bidiClassLookup;
                    BidiClass[] bidiClassValues = (BidiClass[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(BidiClass));
                    bidiClassLookup = new Dictionary <string, BidiClass>(bidiClassValues.Length, StringComparer.Ordinal);
                    for (int i = 0; i < bidiClassValues.Length; i++)
                        BidiClass bidiClassValue = bidiClassValues[i];
                        bidiClassLookup[bidiClassValue.ToString("G")] = bidiClassValue;
                #endregion                 // Lookup dictionaries

                string[] unicodeDataLines = File.ReadAllLines(UnicodeDataFileName, Encoding.UTF8);
                for (int i = 0; i < unicodeDataLines.Length; i++)
                    string unicodeDataLine = unicodeDataLines[i];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unicodeDataLine) && unicodeDataLine[0] != '#')
                        string[] unicodeDataTokens = unicodeDataLine.Split(semicolonArray);
                        Debug.Assert(unicodeDataTokens.Length >= 15);

                        const int ValueIndex                   = 0;
                        const int NameIndex                    = 1;
                        const int GeneralCategoryIndex         = 2;
                        const int CanonicalCombiningClassIndex = 3;
                        const int BidiClassIndex               = 4;
                        // 5, 6, 7, 8 omitted for the moment
                        const int BidiMirroredIndex           = 9;
                        const int Unicode1NameIndex           = 10;
                        const int IsoCommentIndex             = 11;
                        const int SimpleUppercaseMappingIndex = 12;
                        const int SimpleLowercaseMappingIndex = 13;
                        const int SimpleTitlecaseMappingIndex = 14;

                        uint value = uint.Parse(unicodeDataTokens[ValueIndex], NumberStyles.HexNumber, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

                        string name = unicodeDataTokens[NameIndex];
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                            name = NameDefault;

                        GeneralCategory generalCategory;
                            string generalCategoryString = unicodeDataTokens[GeneralCategoryIndex];
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalCategoryString))
                                generalCategory = GeneralCategory.Cn;
                                generalCategory = generalCategoryLookup[generalCategoryString];

                        byte canonicalCombiningClass;
                            string canonicalCombiningClassString = unicodeDataTokens[CanonicalCombiningClassIndex];
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(canonicalCombiningClassString))
                                canonicalCombiningClass = 0;
                                canonicalCombiningClass = byte.Parse(canonicalCombiningClassString, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

                        BidiClass bidiClass;
                            string bidiClassString = unicodeDataTokens[BidiClassIndex];
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bidiClassString))
                                bidiClass = BidiClass.Invalid;
                                bidiClass = bidiClassLookup[bidiClassString];

                        // 5, 6, 7, 8 omitted for the moment

                        bool bidiMirrored = (unicodeDataTokens[BidiMirroredIndex] == "Y");

                        string unicode1Name = unicodeDataTokens[Unicode1NameIndex];
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(unicode1Name))
                            unicode1Name = null;

                        string isoComment = unicodeDataTokens[IsoCommentIndex];
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(isoComment))
                            isoComment = null;

                            string simpleUppercaseMappingString = unicodeDataTokens[SimpleUppercaseMappingIndex];
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(simpleUppercaseMappingString))
                                simpleUppercaseMapping = null;
                                simpleUppercaseMapping = uint.Parse(simpleUppercaseMappingString, NumberStyles.HexNumber, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                                if (simpleUppercaseMapping.Value == value)
                                    simpleUppercaseMapping = null;

                            string simpleLowercaseMappingString = unicodeDataTokens[SimpleLowercaseMappingIndex];
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(simpleLowercaseMappingString))
                                simpleLowercaseMapping = null;
                                simpleLowercaseMapping = uint.Parse(simpleLowercaseMappingString, NumberStyles.HexNumber, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                                if (simpleLowercaseMapping.Value == value)
                                    simpleLowercaseMapping = null;

                            string simpleTitlecaseMappingString = unicodeDataTokens[SimpleTitlecaseMappingIndex];
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(simpleTitlecaseMappingString))
                                simpleTitlecaseMapping = null;
                                simpleTitlecaseMapping = uint.Parse(simpleTitlecaseMappingString, NumberStyles.HexNumber, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                                if (simpleTitlecaseMapping.Value == value)
                                    simpleTitlecaseMapping = null;

                        codePointsByValue[value] = new CodePoint(value, name, generalCategory, canonicalCombiningClass, bidiClass, bidiMirrored, unicode1Name, isoComment, simpleUppercaseMapping, simpleLowercaseMapping, simpleTitlecaseMapping);
            #endregion             // Process UnicodeData file

            #region Process SpecialCasing file
                List <CodePoint> mappingCodePoints = new List <CodePoint>();

                string[] specialCasingLines = File.ReadAllLines(SpecialCasingFileName, Encoding.UTF8);
                for (int i = 0; i < specialCasingLines.Length; i++)
                    string specialCasingLine = specialCasingLines[i];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(specialCasingLine))
                        int commentStartIndex = specialCasingLine.IndexOf('#');
                        if (commentStartIndex >= 0)
                            specialCasingLine = specialCasingLine.Remove(commentStartIndex).Trim(spaceArray);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(specialCasingLine))

                        string[] specialCasingTokens = specialCasingLine.Split(semicolonArray);
                        Debug.Assert(specialCasingTokens.Length >= 4);

                        const int ValueIndex        = 0;
                        const int LowerMappingIndex = 1;
                        const int TitleMappingIndex = 2;
                        const int UpperMappingIndex = 3;
                        const int ConditionIndex    = 4;

                        uint value = uint.Parse(specialCasingTokens[ValueIndex], NumberStyles.HexNumber, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

                        if (specialCasingTokens.Length >= 5 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(specialCasingTokens[ConditionIndex].Trim(spaceArray)))
                            // We don't want any conditional mappings

                        ProcessTokenStringForCodePoints(value, specialCasingTokens[LowerMappingIndex], spaceArray, mappingCodePoints, lowercaseMappings);
                        ProcessTokenStringForCodePoints(value, specialCasingTokens[TitleMappingIndex], spaceArray, mappingCodePoints, titlecaseMappings);
                        ProcessTokenStringForCodePoints(value, specialCasingTokens[UpperMappingIndex], spaceArray, mappingCodePoints, uppercaseMappings);
            #endregion             // Process SpecialCasing file
예제 #5
 // Override types list from start up to (not including) limit to newType
 private static void SetRunTypes(this IsolatingRunSequence sequence, int start, int limit, BidiClass newType)
     for (int i = start; i < limit; i++)
         sequence.types[i] = (byte)newType;
예제 #6
        // 3.3.4 Resolve Neutral Types
        // In final results all NIs are resolved to R or L
        private static void ResolveNeutrals(this IsolatingRunSequence sequence)
            // TODO: N0 rule (Paired Brackets algorithm)

            // N1
            // Sequence of NIs will resolve to surrounding "strong" type if text on both sides was of same direction.
            // sos and eos are used at run sequence boundaries. AN and EN will resolve type to R.
            var typesSet = new BidiClass[] { BidiClass.B, BidiClass.S, BidiClass.WS, BidiClass.ON, BidiClass.LRI, BidiClass.RLI, BidiClass.FSI, BidiClass.PDI };

            for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++)
                var  ct   = (BidiClass)sequence.types[i];
                bool isNI = ct == BidiClass.B ||
                            ct == BidiClass.S ||
                            ct == BidiClass.WS ||
                            ct == BidiClass.ON ||
                            ct == BidiClass.LRI ||
                            ct == BidiClass.RLI ||
                            ct == BidiClass.FSI ||
                            ct == BidiClass.PDI;

                if (isNI)
                    BidiClass leadType  = 0;
                    BidiClass trailType = 0;
                    int       start     = i;
                    int       runEnd    = sequence.GetRunLimit(start, sequence.length, typesSet);

                    // Start of matching NI
                    if (start == 0) // Start boundary, lead type = sos
                        leadType = sequence.sos;
                        leadType = (BidiClass)sequence.types[start - 1];
                        if (leadType == BidiClass.AN || leadType == BidiClass.EN)   // Leading AN, EN resolve type to R
                            leadType = BidiClass.R;

                    // End of Matching NI
                    if (runEnd == sequence.length) // End boundary. trail type = eos
                        trailType = sequence.eos;
                        trailType = (BidiClass)sequence.types[runEnd];
                        if (trailType == BidiClass.AN || trailType == BidiClass.EN)
                            trailType = BidiClass.R;

                    if (leadType == trailType)
                        sequence.SetRunTypes(start, runEnd, leadType);
                    else    // N2
                        // Remaining NIs take current run embedding level
                        var runDirection = GetTypeForLevel(sequence.level);
                        sequence.SetRunTypes(start, runEnd, runDirection);

                    i = runEnd;
예제 #7
        // 3.3.3 Resolve Weak Types
        private static void ResolveWeaks(this IsolatingRunSequence sequence)
            // W1 NSM
            for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++)
                var ct       = (BidiClass)sequence.types[i];
                var prevType = i == 0 ? sequence.sos : (BidiClass)sequence.types[i - 1];
                if (ct == BidiClass.NSM)
                    // if NSM is at start of sequence resolved to sos type
                    // assign ON if previous is isolate initiator or PDI, otherwise type of previous
                    bool isIsolateOrPDI = prevType == BidiClass.LRI ||
                                          prevType == BidiClass.RLI ||
                                          prevType == BidiClass.FSI ||
                                          prevType == BidiClass.PDI;

                    sequence.types[i] = isIsolateOrPDI ? (byte)BidiClass.ON : (byte)prevType;

            // W2 EN
            // At each EN search in backward until first strong type is found, if AL is found then resolve to AN
            for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++)
                var chType = (BidiClass)sequence.types[i];
                if (chType == BidiClass.EN)
                    for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        var type = (BidiClass)sequence.types[j];
                        if (type == BidiClass.R || type == BidiClass.AL || type == BidiClass.L)
                            if (type == BidiClass.AL)
                                sequence.types[i] = (byte)BidiClass.AN;

            // W3 AL
            // Resolve all ALs to R
            for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++)
                if ((BidiClass)sequence.types[i] == BidiClass.AL)
                    sequence.types[i] = (byte)BidiClass.R;

            // W4 ES, CS (Number Separators)
            // ES between EN is resolved to EN
            // Single CS between same numbers type is resolve to that number type
            for (int i = 1; i < sequence.length - 1; i++)
                var cct      = (BidiClass)sequence.types[i];
                var prevType = (BidiClass)sequence.types[i - 1];
                var nextType = (BidiClass)sequence.types[i + 1];

                if (cct == BidiClass.ES && prevType == BidiClass.EN && nextType == BidiClass.EN) // EN ES EN -> EN EN EN
                    sequence.types[i] = (byte)BidiClass.EN;
                else if (cct == BidiClass.CS && (
                             prevType == BidiClass.EN && nextType == BidiClass.EN ||
                             prevType == BidiClass.AN && nextType == BidiClass.AN)) // EN CS EN -> EN EN EN, AN CS AN -> AN AN AN
                    sequence.types[i] = (byte)prevType;

            // W5 ET(s) adjacent to EN resolve to EN(s)
            var typesSet = new BidiClass[] { BidiClass.ET };

            for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++)
                if ((BidiClass)sequence.types[i] == BidiClass.ET)
                    int runStart = i;
                    // int runEnd = runStart;
                    // runEnd = Array.FindIndex(sequence.types, runStart, t1 => typesSet.Any(t2 => t2 == (BidiClass)t1));
                    int runEnd = sequence.GetRunLimit(runStart, sequence.length, typesSet);

                    var type = runStart > 0 ? (BidiClass)sequence.types[runStart - 1] : sequence.sos;

                    if (type != BidiClass.EN)
                        type = runEnd < sequence.length ? (BidiClass)sequence.types[runEnd] : sequence.eos; // End type

                    if (type == BidiClass.EN)
                        sequence.SetRunTypes(runStart, runEnd, BidiClass.EN); // Resolve to EN

                    i = runEnd; // advance to end of sequence

            // W6 Separators and Terminators -> ON
            for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++)
                var t = (BidiClass)sequence.types[i];
                if (t == BidiClass.ET || t == BidiClass.ES || t == BidiClass.CS)
                    sequence.types[i] = (byte)BidiClass.ON;

            // W7 same as W2 but EN -> L
            for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++)
                if ((BidiClass)sequence.types[i] == BidiClass.EN)
                    var prevStrong = sequence.sos;  // Default to sos if reached start
                    for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        var t = (BidiClass)sequence.types[j];
                        if (t == BidiClass.R || t == BidiClass.L || t == BidiClass.AL)
                            prevStrong = t;

                        if (prevStrong == BidiClass.L)
                            sequence.types[i] = (byte)BidiClass.L;
예제 #8
        // 3.3.2 Determine Explicit Embedding Levels and directions
        private static void GetExplicitEmbeddingLevels(byte level, byte[] types, ref byte[] levels, int[] matchingPDI)
            // X1.
            // Directional Status Stack and entry
            Stack <DirectionalStatus> dirStatusStack = new Stack <DirectionalStatus>(MAX_DEPTH + 2);
            DirectionalStatus         dirEntry       = new DirectionalStatus
                paragraphEmbeddingLevel   = level,
                directionalOverrideStatus = (int)BidiClass.ON,
                directionalIsolateStatus  = false


            int overflowIsolateCount   = 0;
            int overflowEmbeddingCount = 0;
            int validIsolateCount      = 0;

            // X2-X8
            for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                BidiClass cct = (BidiClass)types[i];
                switch (cct)
                case BidiClass.RLE:
                case BidiClass.RLO:
                case BidiClass.LRE:
                case BidiClass.LRO:
                case BidiClass.LRI:
                case BidiClass.RLI:
                case BidiClass.FSI:
                    byte newLevel;          // New calculated embedding level

                    bool isIsolate = (cct == BidiClass.RLI || cct == BidiClass.LRI);

                    // X5a, X5b .1 isolate embedding level
                    if (isIsolate)
                        levels[i] = dirStatusStack.Peek().paragraphEmbeddingLevel;

                    // X5c. Get embedding level of characters between FSI and its matching PDI
                    // FSI = RLI if embedding level is 1, otherwise LRI

                    if (cct == BidiClass.FSI)
                        byte el = GetParagraphEmbeddingLevel(types, matchingPDI, i + 1, matchingPDI[i]);
                        cct = el == 1 ? BidiClass.RLI : BidiClass.LRI;

                    // 1 (RLE RLO RLI, LRE LRO LRI) Compute least odd/even embedding level greater than embedding level
                    //  of last entry on directional status stack
                    if (cct == BidiClass.RLE || cct == BidiClass.RLO || cct == BidiClass.RLI)
                        newLevel = (byte)LeastGreaterOdd(dirStatusStack.Peek().paragraphEmbeddingLevel);
                        newLevel = (byte)LeastGreaterEven(dirStatusStack.Peek().paragraphEmbeddingLevel);

                    // 2 New level would be valid(level <= max_depth) and overflow isolate count and
                    // overflow embedding count are both zero => this RLE is valid, increment isolate counter.
                    if (newLevel <= MAX_DEPTH && overflowIsolateCount == 0 && overflowEmbeddingCount == 0)
                        // X5b .3
                        if (isIsolate)

                        // Push new entry to stack
                        byte dos = cct == BidiClass.RLO ? (byte)BidiClass.R      // RLO = R directional override status
                                    : cct == BidiClass.LRO ? (byte)BidiClass.L   // LRO = L directional override status
                                    : (byte)BidiClass.ON;                        // All rest are neutrals
                        dirStatusStack.Push(new DirectionalStatus()
                                paragraphEmbeddingLevel   = newLevel,
                                directionalOverrideStatus = dos,
                                directionalIsolateStatus  = isIsolate
                    // 3 Otherwise, this is an overflow RLE. If the overflow isolate count is zero,
                    // increment the overflow embedding count by one. Leave all other variables unchanged.
                        if (overflowIsolateCount == 0)

                // X6a Terminating Isolates
                case BidiClass.PDI:
                    if (overflowIsolateCount > 0)       // This PDI matches an overflow isolate initiator
                    else if (validIsolateCount == 0)
                        // No matching isolator (valid or overflow), do nothing
                    else     // This PDI matches a valid isolate initiator
                        overflowEmbeddingCount = 0;

                        while (dirStatusStack.Peek().directionalIsolateStatus == false)


                    levels[i] = dirStatusStack.Peek().paragraphEmbeddingLevel;

                // X7
                case BidiClass.PDF:
                    if (overflowIsolateCount > 0)    // X7 .1
                        // Do nothing
                    else if (overflowEmbeddingCount > 0)    // X7 .2
                    else if (!dirStatusStack.Peek().directionalIsolateStatus&& dirStatusStack.Count > 1)     // X7 .3
                        // Do nothing

                // X8
                case BidiClass.B:
                    // Paragraph separators.
                    // Applied at the end of paragraph (last character in array).

                    // 1 Terminate(reset) all directional embeddings, overrides and isolates
                    overflowEmbeddingCount = 0;
                    overflowIsolateCount   = 0;
                    validIsolateCount      = 0;
                    dirStatusStack.Clear();         // Also pop off initialization entry

                    // 2 Assign separator character an embedding level equal to paragraph embedding level
                    levels[i] = level;

                // X6 Non-formatting characters
                    levels[i] = dirStatusStack.Peek().paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
                    if (dirStatusStack.Peek().directionalOverrideStatus != (int)BidiClass.ON) // X6.b (6.2.0 naming)
                        types[i] = dirStatusStack.Peek().directionalOverrideStatus;           // reset type to last element status