예제 #1
        internal void PrintCaseInfo(Bidi bidi, String src, String dst)
            int length = bidi.GetProcessedLength();

            sbyte[] levels     = bidi.GetLevels();
            char[]  levelChars = new char[length];
            sbyte   lev;
            int     runCount = bidi.CountRuns();

            Errcontln("Processed length: " + length);
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                lev = levels[i];
                if (lev < 0)
                    levelChars[i] = '-';
                else if (lev < columns.Length)
                    levelChars[i] = columns[lev];
                    levelChars[i] = '+';
            Errcontln("Levels: " + ILOG.J2CsMapping.Util.StringUtil.NewString(levelChars));
            Errcontln("Source: " + src);
            Errcontln("Result: " + dst);
            Errcontln("Direction: " + bidi.GetDirection());
            Errcontln("paraLevel: " + bidi.GetParaLevel().ToString());
            Errcontln("reorderingMode: " + ModeToString(bidi.GetReorderingMode()));
            Errcontln("reorderingOptions: "
                      + SpOptionsToString(bidi.GetReorderingOptions()));
            Errcont("Runs: " + runCount + " => logicalStart.length/level: ");
            for (int i_0 = 0; i_0 < runCount; i_0++)
                BidiRun run;
                run = bidi.GetVisualRun(i_0);
                Errcont(" " + run.GetStart() + "." + run.GetLength() + "/"
                        + run.GetEmbeddingLevel());
예제 #2
        public void TestFailureRecovery2()
            Logln("\nEntering TestFailureRecovery\n");
            Bidi bidi = new Bidi();

                bidi.SetPara("abc", (sbyte)(IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR - 1), null);
                Errln("Bidi.setPara did not fail when passed too big para level");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Logln("OK: Got exception for bidi.setPara(..., Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR - 1, ...)"
                      + " as expected: " + e.Message);
                bidi.SetPara("abc", (sbyte)(-1), null);
                Errln("Bidi.setPara did not fail when passed negative para level");
            catch (ArgumentException e_0)
                Logln("OK: Got exception for bidi.setPara(..., -1, ...)"
                      + " as expected: " + e_0.Message);
                IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.WriteReverse(null, 0);
                Errln("Bidi.writeReverse did not fail when passed a null string");
            catch (ArgumentException e_1)
                Logln("OK: Got exception for Bidi.writeReverse(null) as expected: "
                      + e_1.Message);
            bidi = new Bidi();
                bidi.SetLine(0, 1);
                Errln("bidi.setLine did not fail when called before valid setPara()");
            catch (InvalidOperationException e_2)
                Logln("OK: Got exception for Bidi.setLine(0, 1) as expected: "
                      + e_2.Message);
                Errln("bidi.getDirection did not fail when called before valid setPara()");
            catch (InvalidOperationException e_3)
                Logln("OK: Got exception for Bidi.getDirection() as expected: "
                      + e_3.Message);
            bidi.SetPara("abc", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
                Errln("bidi.getLevelAt did not fail when called with bad argument");
            catch (ArgumentException e_4)
                Logln("OK: Got exception for Bidi.getLevelAt(3) as expected: "
                      + e_4.Message);
                bidi = new Bidi(-1, 0);
                Errln("Bidi constructor did not fail when called with bad argument");
            catch (ArgumentException e_5)
                Logln("OK: Got exception for Bidi(-1,0) as expected: "
                      + e_5.Message);
            bidi = new Bidi(2, 1);
                bidi.SetPara("abc", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
                Errln("setPara did not fail when called with text too long");
            catch (Exception e_6)
                Logln("OK: Got exception for setPara(\"abc\") as expected: "
                      + e_6.Message);
                bidi.SetPara("=2", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL, null);
                Errln("countRuns did not fail when called for too many runs");
            catch (Exception e_7)
                Logln("OK: Got exception for countRuns as expected: "
                      + e_7.Message);
            int rm = bidi.GetReorderingMode();

            bidi.SetReorderingMode(IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.REORDER_DEFAULT - 1);
            if (rm != bidi.GetReorderingMode())
                Errln("setReorderingMode with bad argument #1 should have no effect");
            if (rm != bidi.GetReorderingMode())
                Errln("setReorderingMode with bad argument #2 should have no effect");
            /* Try a surrogate char */
            bidi = new Bidi();
            bidi.SetPara("\uD800\uDC00", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL, null);
            if (bidi.GetDirection() != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.MIXED)
                Errln("getDirection for 1st surrogate char should be MIXED");
            sbyte[] levels = new sbyte[] { 6, 5, 4 };
                bidi.SetPara("abc", (sbyte)5, levels);
                Errln("setPara did not fail when called with bad levels");
            catch (ArgumentException e_8)
                Logln("OK: Got exception for setPara(..., levels) as expected: "
                      + e_8.Message);

            Logln("\nExiting TestFailureRecovery\n");
예제 #3
        private void DoMisc()
            /* Miscellaneous tests to exercize less popular code paths */
            Bidi bidi = new Bidi(120, 66), bidiLine;

            AssertEquals("\nwriteReverse should return an empty string", "",
                         IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.WriteReverse("", 0));

            bidi.SetPara("", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
            AssertEquals("\nwriteReordered should return an empty string", "",

            bidi.SetPara("abc", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
            AssertEquals("\ngetRunStart should return 0", 0, bidi.GetRunStart(0));
            AssertEquals("\ngetRunLimit should return 3", 3, bidi.GetRunLimit(0));

            bidi.SetPara("abc          ", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL, null);
            bidiLine = bidi.SetLine(0, 6);
            for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
                AssertEquals("\nTrailing space at " + i
                             + " should get paragraph level", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL,

            bidi.SetPara("abc       def", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL, null);
            bidiLine = bidi.SetLine(0, 6);
            for (int i_0 = 3; i_0 < 6; i_0++)
                AssertEquals("\nTrailing space at " + i_0
                             + " should get paragraph level", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL,

            bidi.SetPara("abcdefghi    ", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL, null);
            bidiLine = bidi.SetLine(0, 6);
            for (int i_1 = 3; i_1 < 6; i_1++)
                AssertEquals("\nTrailing char at " + i_1 + " should get level 2", 2,

            bidi.SetPara("\u200eabc       def", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL, null);
            bidiLine = bidi.SetLine(0, 6);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong result length", 5, bidiLine.GetResultLength());

            bidi.SetPara("abcdefghi", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
            bidiLine = bidi.SetLine(0, 6);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong direction #1", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, bidiLine.GetDirection());

            bidi.SetPara("", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
            sbyte[] levels = bidi.GetLevels();
            AssertEquals("\nWrong number of level elements", 0, levels.Length);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong number of runs #1", 0, bidi.CountRuns());

            bidi.SetPara("          ", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL, null);
            bidiLine = bidi.SetLine(0, 6);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong number of runs #2", 1, bidiLine.CountRuns());

            bidi.SetPara("a\u05d0        bc", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL, null);
            bidiLine = bidi.SetLine(0, 6);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong direction #2", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.MIXED, bidi.GetDirection());
            AssertEquals("\nWrong direction #3", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.MIXED,
            AssertEquals("\nWrong number of runs #3", 2, bidiLine.CountRuns());

            int[] map = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.ReorderLogical(null);
            AssertTrue("\nWe should have got a null map #1", map == null);
            map = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.ReorderLogical(new sbyte[] { 0, 99, 99 });
            AssertTrue("\nWe should have got a null map #2", map == null);
            map = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.ReorderVisual(null);
            AssertTrue("\nWe should have got a null map #3", map == null);

            map = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.InvertMap(null);
            AssertTrue("\nWe should have got a null map #4", map == null);
            map = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.InvertMap(new int[] { 0, 1, -1, 5, 4 });
            AssertTrue("\nUnexpected inverted Map",
                       ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Arrays.Equals(map, new int[] { 0, 1, -1, -1, 4, 3 }));

            bidi.SetPara("", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
            map = bidi.GetLogicalMap();
            AssertTrue("\nMap should have length==0 #1", map.Length == 0);
            map = bidi.GetVisualMap();
            AssertTrue("\nMap should have length==0 #2", map.Length == 0);

            /* test BidiRun.toString and allocation of run memory > 1 */
            bidi.SetPara("abc", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong run display", "BidiRun 0 - 3 @ 0", bidi

            /* test REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS together with DO_MIRRORING */
            bidi.SetPara("abc\u200e", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
            String xout = bidi.WriteReordered(IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS
                                              | IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.DO_MIRRORING);

            AssertEquals("\nWrong result #1", "abc", xout);

            /* test inverse Bidi with marks and contextual orientation */
            bidi.SetPara("", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL, null);
            xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong result #2", "", xout);
            bidi.SetPara("   ", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL, null);
            xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong result #3", "   ", xout);
            bidi.SetPara("abc", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL, null);
            xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong result #4", "abc", xout);
            bidi.SetPara("\u05d0\u05d1", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL, null);
            xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong result #5", "\u05d1\u05d0", xout);
            bidi.SetPara("abc \u05d0\u05d1", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL, null);
            xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong result #6", "\u05d1\u05d0 abc", xout);
            bidi.SetPara("\u05d0\u05d1 abc", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL, null);
            xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong result #7", "\u200fabc \u05d1\u05d0", xout);
            bidi.SetPara("\u05d0\u05d1 abc .-=", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL, null);
            xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong result #8", "\u200f=-. abc \u05d1\u05d0", xout);
            bidi.SetPara("\n\r   \n\rabc\n\u05d0\u05d1\rabc \u05d2\u05d3\n\r"
                         + "\u05d4\u05d5 abc\n\u05d6\u05d7 abc .-=\r\n"
                         + "-* \u05d8\u05d9 abc .-=", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL, null);
            xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0);
                "\nWrong result #9",
                "\n\r   \n\rabc\n\u05d1\u05d0\r\u05d3\u05d2 abc\n\r"
                + "\u200fabc \u05d5\u05d4\n\u200f=-. abc \u05d7\u05d6\r\n"
                + "\u200f=-. abc \u05d9\u05d8 *-", xout);

            bidi.SetPara("\u05d0 \t", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
            xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong result #10", "\u05D0\u200e \t", xout);
            bidi.SetPara("\u05d0 123 \t\u05d1 123 \u05d2", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
            xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong result #11",
                         "\u05d0 \u200e123\u200e \t\u05d2 123 \u05d1", xout);
            bidi.SetPara("\u05d0 123 \u0660\u0661 ab", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
            xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong result #12",
                         "\u05d0 \u200e123 \u200e\u0660\u0661 ab", xout);
            bidi.SetPara("ab \t", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL, null);
            xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong result #13", "\u200f\t ab", xout);

            /* check exceeding para level */
            bidi = new Bidi();
                         (sbyte)(IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL - 1), null);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong level at index 2", 61, bidi.GetLevelAt(2));

            /* check 1-char runs with RUNS_ONLY */
            bidi.SetPara("a \u05d0 b \u05d1 c \u05d2 d ", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null);
            AssertEquals("\nWrong number of runs #4", 14, bidi.CountRuns());
예제 #4
        private void _testReordering(Bidi bidi, int testNumber)
            int[]   logicalMap1;
            int[]   logicalMap2;
            int[]   logicalMap3;
            int[]   visualMap1;
            int[]   visualMap2;
            int[]   visualMap3;
            int[]   visualMap4 = new int[MAXLEN];
            sbyte[] levels;
            int     i, length = bidi.GetLength(), destLength = bidi.GetResultLength();
            int     runCount, visualIndex, logicalIndex = -1, logicalStart, runLength;
            bool    odd;

            if (length <= 0)
            /* get the logical and visual maps from the object */
            logicalMap1 = bidi.GetLogicalMap();
            if (logicalMap1 == null)
                Errln("getLogicalMap in test " + testNumber + " is null");
                logicalMap1 = new int[0];

            visualMap1 = bidi.GetVisualMap();

            if (visualMap1 == null)
                Errln("getVisualMap() in test " + testNumber + " is null");
                visualMap1 = new int[0];

            /* invert them both */
            visualMap2  = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.InvertMap(logicalMap1);
            logicalMap2 = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.InvertMap(visualMap1);

            /* get them from the levels array, too */
            levels = bidi.GetLevels();

            if (levels == null || levels.Length != length)
                Errln("getLevels() in test " + testNumber + " failed");

            logicalMap3 = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.ReorderLogical(levels);
            visualMap3  = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.ReorderVisual(levels);

            /* get the visual map from the runs, too */
            try {
                runCount = bidi.CountRuns();
            } catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
                Errln("countRuns() in test " + testNumber + " failed");
                runCount = 0;

            Logln("\n---- " + runCount + " runs");
            visualIndex = 0;
            BidiRun run;

            for (i = 0; i < runCount; ++i)
                run = bidi.GetVisualRun(i);
                if (run == null)
                    Errln("null visual run encountered at index " + i
                          + ", in test " + testNumber);
                odd          = run.IsOddRun();
                logicalStart = run.GetStart();
                runLength    = run.GetLength();
                Log("(" + ((run.IsOddRun()) ? "R" : "L"));
                Log(" @" + run.GetStart() + '[' + run.GetLength() + "])\n");
                if (!odd)
                    do       /* LTR */
                        visualMap4[visualIndex++] = logicalStart++;
                    } while (--runLength > 0);
                    logicalStart += runLength; /* logicalLimit */
                    do                         /* RTL */
                        visualMap4[visualIndex++] = --logicalStart;
                    } while (--runLength > 0);

            /* print all the maps */
            Logln("logical maps:");
            for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                Log(logicalMap1[i] + " ");
            for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                Log(logicalMap2[i] + " ");
            for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                Log(logicalMap3[i] + " ");

            Log("\nvisual maps:\n");
            for (i = 0; i < destLength; ++i)
                Log(visualMap1[i] + " ");
            for (i = 0; i < destLength; ++i)
                Log(visualMap2[i] + " ");
            for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                Log(visualMap3[i] + " ");
            for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                Log(visualMap4[i] + " ");

             * check that the indexes are the same between these and
             * Bidi.getLogical/VisualIndex()
            for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                if (logicalMap1[i] != logicalMap2[i])
                    Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (logicalMap1[" + i
                          + "] == " + logicalMap1[i] + ") != (logicalMap2[" + i
                          + "] == " + logicalMap2[i] + ")");
                if (logicalMap1[i] != logicalMap3[i])
                    Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (logicalMap1[" + i
                          + "] == " + logicalMap1[i] + ") != (logicalMap3[" + i
                          + "] == " + logicalMap3[i] + ")");
                if (visualMap1[i] != visualMap2[i])
                    Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (visualMap1[" + i
                          + "] == " + visualMap1[i] + ") != (visualMap2[" + i
                          + "] == " + visualMap2[i] + ")");
                if (visualMap1[i] != visualMap3[i])
                    Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (visualMap1[" + i
                          + "] == " + visualMap1[i] + ") != (visualMap3[" + i
                          + "] == " + visualMap3[i] + ")");
                if (visualMap1[i] != visualMap4[i])
                    Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (visualMap1[" + i
                          + "] == " + visualMap1[i] + ") != (visualMap4[" + i
                          + "] == " + visualMap4[i] + ")");
                try {
                    visualIndex = bidi.GetVisualIndex(i);
                } catch (Exception e_0) {
                    Errln("Bidi.getVisualIndex(" + i + ") failed in tests["
                          + testNumber + "]");
                if (logicalMap1[i] != visualIndex)
                    Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (logicalMap1[" + i
                          + "] == " + logicalMap1[i]
                          + ") != (Bidi.getVisualIndex(" + i + ") == "
                          + visualIndex + ")");
                try {
                    logicalIndex = bidi.GetLogicalIndex(i);
                } catch (Exception e_1) {
                    Errln("Bidi.getLogicalIndex(" + i + ") failed in tests["
                          + testNumber + "]");
                if (visualMap1[i] != logicalIndex)
                    Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (visualMap1[" + i
                          + "] == " + visualMap1[i]
                          + ") != (Bidi.getLogicalIndex(" + i + ") == "
                          + logicalIndex + ")");
예제 #5
        private void DoTest(Bidi bidi, int testNumber, TestData test,
                            int lineStart, bool countRunsFirst)
            short[] dirProps = test.dirProps;
            byte[]  levels = test.levels;
            int[]   visualMap = test.visualMap;
            int     i, len = bidi.GetLength(), logicalIndex = -1, runCount = 0;
            sbyte   level, level2;

            if (countRunsFirst)
                Logln("Calling Bidi.countRuns() first.");
                try {
                    runCount = bidi.CountRuns();
                } catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
                    Errln("Bidi.countRuns(test[" + testNumber + "]) failed");
                Logln("Calling Bidi.getLogicalMap() first.");

            _testReordering(bidi, testNumber);

            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                Logln(i + "  " + bidi.GetLevelAt(i) + "  " + levelString
                      + IBM.ICU.Charset.TestData.dirPropNames[dirProps[lineStart + i]] + "  "
                      + bidi.GetVisualIndex(i));

            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                if (i > 0)
                Log(" " + bidi.GetLevelAt(i));

            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                if (i > 0)
                Log(" " + bidi.GetVisualIndex(i));

                "\nFailure in Bidi.getDirection(test[" + testNumber + "])",
                test.direction, bidi.GetDirection());
                "\nFailure in Bidi.getParaLevel(test[" + testNumber + "])",
                test.resultLevel, bidi.GetParaLevel());

            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                AssertEquals("\nFailure in Bidi.getLevelAt(" + i + ") in test["
                             + testNumber + "]", levels[i], bidi.GetLevelAt(i));

            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                try {
                    logicalIndex = bidi.GetVisualIndex(i);
                } catch (Exception th) {
                    Errln("Bidi.getVisualIndex(" + i + ") in test[" + testNumber
                          + "] failed");
                if (visualMap[i] != logicalIndex)
                    AssertEquals("\nFailure in Bidi.getVisualIndex(" + i
                                 + ") in test[" + testNumber + "])", visualMap[i],

            if (!countRunsFirst)
                try {
                    runCount = bidi.CountRuns();
                } catch (InvalidOperationException e_0) {
                    Errln("Bidi.countRuns(test[" + testNumber + "]) failed");

            BidiRun run;

            for (logicalIndex = 0; logicalIndex < len;)
                level        = bidi.GetLevelAt(logicalIndex);
                run          = bidi.GetLogicalRun(logicalIndex);
                logicalIndex = run.GetLimit();
                level2       = run.GetEmbeddingLevel();
                AssertEquals("Logical " + run.ToString() + " in test[" + testNumber
                             + "]: wrong level", level, level2);
                if (--runCount < 0)
                          + testNumber
                          + "]): wrong number of runs compared to Bidi.countRuns() = "
                          + bidi.CountRuns());
            if (runCount != 0)
                      + testNumber
                      + "]): wrong number of runs compared to Bidi.countRuns() = "
                      + bidi.CountRuns());

예제 #6
        static internal String WriteReordered(Bidi bidi, int options)
            int           run, runCount;
            StringBuilder dest;

            char[] text = bidi.text;
            runCount = bidi.CountRuns();

             * Option "insert marks" implies Bidi.INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC if the
             * reordering mode (checked below) is appropriate.
            if ((bidi.reorderingOptions & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.OPTION_INSERT_MARKS) != 0)
                options |= IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC;
                options &= ~IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS;

             * Option "remove controls" implies Bidi.REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS and
             * cancels Bidi.INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC.
            if ((bidi.reorderingOptions & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS) != 0)
                options |= IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS;
                options &= ~IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC;

             * If we do not perform the "inverse Bidi" algorithm, then we don't need
             * to insert any LRMs, and don't need to test for it.
            if ((bidi.reorderingMode != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L) &&
                (bidi.reorderingMode != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.REORDER_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT) &&
                (bidi.reorderingMode != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.REORDER_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL) &&
                (bidi.reorderingMode != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.REORDER_RUNS_ONLY))
                options &= ~IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC;
            dest = new StringBuilder(
                ((options & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC) != 0) ? bidi.length * 2
                                : bidi.length);

             * Iterate through all visual runs and copy the run text segments to the
             * destination, according to the options.
             * The tests for where to insert LRMs ignore the fact that there may be
             * BN codes or non-BMP code points at the beginning and end of a run;
             * they may insert LRMs unnecessarily but the tests are faster this way
             * (this would have to be improved for UTF-8).
            if ((options & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.OUTPUT_REVERSE) == 0)
                /* forward output */
                if ((options & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC) == 0)
                    /* do not insert Bidi controls */
                    for (run = 0; run < runCount; ++run)
                        BidiRun bidiRun = bidi.GetVisualRun(run);
                        if (bidiRun.IsEvenRun())
                            dest.Append(DoWriteForward(text, bidiRun.start,
                                                       bidiRun.limit, options & ~IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.DO_MIRRORING));
                            dest.Append(DoWriteReverse(text, bidiRun.start,
                                                       bidiRun.limit, options));
                    /* insert Bidi controls for "inverse Bidi" */
                    sbyte[] dirProps = bidi.dirProps;
                    char    uc;
                    int     markFlag;

                    for (run = 0; run < runCount; ++run)
                        BidiRun bidiRun_0 = bidi.GetVisualRun(run);
                        markFlag = 0;
                        /* check if something relevant in insertPoints */
                        markFlag = bidi.runs[run].insertRemove;
                        if (markFlag < 0)       /* bidi controls count */
                            markFlag = 0;
                        if (bidiRun_0.IsEvenRun())
                            if (bidi.IsInverse() &&
                                dirProps[bidiRun_0.start] != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.L)
                                markFlag |= IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LRM_BEFORE;
                            if ((markFlag & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LRM_BEFORE) != 0)
                                uc = LRM_CHAR;
                            else if ((markFlag & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RLM_BEFORE) != 0)
                                uc = RLM_CHAR;
                                uc = ((Char)0);
                            if (uc != 0)
                            dest.Append(DoWriteForward(text, bidiRun_0.start,
                                                       bidiRun_0.limit, options & ~IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.DO_MIRRORING));

                            if (bidi.IsInverse() &&
                                dirProps[bidiRun_0.limit - 1] != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.L)
                                markFlag |= IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LRM_AFTER;
                            if ((markFlag & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LRM_AFTER) != 0)
                                uc = LRM_CHAR;
                            else if ((markFlag & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RLM_AFTER) != 0)
                                uc = RLM_CHAR;
                                uc = ((Char)0);
                            if (uc != 0)
                        else         /* RTL run */
                            if (bidi.IsInverse() &&
                                                        bidiRun_0.limit - 1))
                                markFlag |= IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RLM_BEFORE;
                            if ((markFlag & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LRM_BEFORE) != 0)
                                uc = LRM_CHAR;
                            else if ((markFlag & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RLM_BEFORE) != 0)
                                uc = RLM_CHAR;
                                uc = ((Char)0);
                            if (uc != 0)
                            dest.Append(DoWriteReverse(text, bidiRun_0.start,
                                                       bidiRun_0.limit, options));

                            if (bidi.IsInverse() &&
                                (MASK_R_AL & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi
                                 .DirPropFlag(dirProps[bidiRun_0.start])) == 0)
                                markFlag |= IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RLM_AFTER;
                            if ((markFlag & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LRM_AFTER) != 0)
                                uc = LRM_CHAR;
                            else if ((markFlag & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RLM_AFTER) != 0)
                                uc = RLM_CHAR;
                                uc = ((Char)0);
                            if (uc != 0)
                /* reverse output */
                if ((options & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC) == 0)
                    /* do not insert Bidi controls */
                    for (run = runCount; --run >= 0;)
                        BidiRun bidiRun_1 = bidi.GetVisualRun(run);
                        if (bidiRun_1.IsEvenRun())
                            dest.Append(DoWriteReverse(text, bidiRun_1.start,
                                                       bidiRun_1.limit, options & ~IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.DO_MIRRORING));
                            dest.Append(DoWriteForward(text, bidiRun_1.start,
                                                       bidiRun_1.limit, options));
                    /* insert Bidi controls for "inverse Bidi" */

                    sbyte[] dirProps_2 = bidi.dirProps;

                    for (run = runCount; --run >= 0;)
                        /* reverse output */
                        BidiRun bidiRun_3 = bidi.GetVisualRun(run);
                        if (bidiRun_3.IsEvenRun())
                            if (dirProps_2[bidiRun_3.limit - 1] != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.L)

                            dest.Append(DoWriteReverse(text, bidiRun_3.start,
                                                       bidiRun_3.limit, options & ~IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.DO_MIRRORING));

                            if (dirProps_2[bidiRun_3.start] != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.L)
                            if ((MASK_R_AL & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi
                                 .DirPropFlag(dirProps_2[bidiRun_3.start])) == 0)

                            dest.Append(DoWriteForward(text, bidiRun_3.start,
                                                       bidiRun_3.limit, options));

                            if ((MASK_R_AL & IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi
                                 .DirPropFlag(dirProps_2[bidiRun_3.limit - 1])) == 0)
