예제 #1
        private static void ResetStageTimer()
            _stageCounter = 0;

            if (_state == BettingState.Idle)
                _sessionOwner = null;

            _state = BettingState.Idle;
예제 #2
        private async void RollTimer_Tick(object state)
            if (_rollingCounter >= RollingDurationInSeconds && _rolls.Count == 0)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Well this is awkward... no one rolled. Really {_sessionOwner.Mention}, you didn't even roll in your own game?");

                _state = BettingState.Idle;
            else if (_rollingCounter >= RollingDurationInSeconds || _state == BettingState.Results)
                // Show the results!
                var   sb     = new StringBuilder();
                int   ctr    = 1;
                IUser winner = null;
                foreach (var roll in _rolls.OrderByDescending(r => r.Value))
                    if (ctr == 1)
                        winner = roll.Key;
                    sb.AppendLine($"{ctr++}.  {roll.Key.Username}: {roll.Value}");

                var builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                              .WithColor(new Color(95, 186, 125))
                              .WithTitle($"Congratulations {winner.Username}, you are the winner!")
                              .WithFooter(new EmbedFooterBuilder().WithText($"Thank you {_sessionOwner.Username} for hosting this game."));

                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : builder);

                _state = BettingState.Idle;
            else if (RollingDurationInSeconds - _rollingCounter <= 5)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("5 seconds... `!bet roll` to play!");
            else if (RollingDurationInSeconds - _rollingCounter <= 10)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("There's only 10 seconds left to roll. `!bet join` to play!");

            _rollingCounter += RollingStepLengthInSeconds;
        private void CloseBetting()
            // We use this being non-null as an indicator that betting was active
            if (activeBets != null)
                var groupedBets = activeBets.Values
                                  .Select(b => (name: TournamentHelpers.TeamNames[b.team], b.bet))
                                  .GroupBy(b => b.name)

                if (groupedBets.Count == 1)
                    // refund bets if only one team was bet on
                    activeBets          = null;
                    CurrentBettingState = BettingState.disabled;
                    Log.LogFeedMessage($"Betting is now CLOSED: only one team bet on, bets refunded");
                    ActionManager.SendChat($"Betting is now CLOSED: only one team bet on, bets refunded");
                else if (!groupedBets.Any())
                    activeBets          = null;
                    CurrentBettingState = BettingState.disabled;
                    Log.LogFeedMessage($"Betting is now CLOSED: no bets placed");
                    ActionManager.SendChat($"Betting is now CLOSED: no bets placed");
                    CurrentBettingState = BettingState.closed;
                    var betTotals = activeBets.Values
                                    .Select(b => (name: TournamentHelpers.TeamNames[b.team], b.bet))
                                    .GroupBy(b => b.name)
                                    .Select(g => $"{g.Key} {g.Select(x => x.bet).Sum()}{Naming.Gold}")
                    string msg = $"Betting is now CLOSED: {string.Join(", ", betTotals)}";
                CurrentBettingState = BettingState.disabled;

 public void OpenBetting(TournamentBehavior tournamentBehavior)
     if (BLTAdoptAHeroModule.TournamentConfig.EnableBetting &&
         tournamentBehavior.CurrentMatch != null &&
         (tournamentBehavior.CurrentRoundIndex == 3 || !BLTAdoptAHeroModule.TournamentConfig.BettingOnFinalOnly))
         var    teams = TournamentHelpers.TeamNames.Take(tournamentBehavior.CurrentMatch.Teams.Count());
         string round = tournamentBehavior.CurrentRoundIndex < 3
             ? $"round {tournamentBehavior.CurrentRoundIndex + 1}"
             : "final";
         string msg = $"Betting is now OPEN for {round} match: {string.Join(" vs ", teams)}!";
         activeBets          = new();
         CurrentBettingState = BettingState.open;
         CurrentBettingState = BettingState.disabled;
예제 #5
        public async Task RollAsync()
            if (_state == BettingState.Rolling && _joinedUsers.Any(u => u.Id == Context.User.Id) && !_rolls.Any(r => r.Key.Id == Context.User.Id))
                _rolls.Add(Context.User, _randomGenerator.Next(50000 + 1));
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}, your roll has been recorded.");

                if (_rolls.Count == _joinedUsers.Count)
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Everyone has rolled... tallying up results");

                    _state = BettingState.Results;
            else if (_state == BettingState.Stage && Context.User.Id != _sessionOwner.Id)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"MODiX is currently setting the stage for a bet. There is only `{StageDurationInSeconds - _stageCounter}` seconds left to join. `!bet join` to participate in this session");
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("There is no bet currently in progress. `!bet stage` to start a new session");
예제 #6
        public async Task StartAsync()
            if (_state == BettingState.Stage && Context.User.Id == _sessionOwner.Id)
                _state = BettingState.Rolling;

                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Ok everyone, The stage is set! `!bet roll` to place your bets!");

                _rollingTimer = new Timer(RollTimer_Tick, _rollingCounter, 0, 1000 * RollingStepLengthInSeconds);
            else if (_state == BettingState.Stage && Context.User.Id != _sessionOwner.Id)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"MODiX is currently setting the stage for a bet. There is only `{StageDurationInSeconds - _stageCounter}` seconds left to join. `!bet join` to participate in this session");
            else if (_state == BettingState.Rolling)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("MODiX is currently in a bet. Please wait for the current game to end");
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("There is no bet currently in progress. `!bet stage` to start a new session");
예제 #7
        public async Task StageAsync()
            if (_state == BettingState.Idle)
                _state        = BettingState.Stage;
                _sessionOwner = Context.User;
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} has set the stage for a new betting game. `!bet join` to participate in this session. `!bet start` to begin!");

                _stageTimer = new Timer(StageTimer_Tick, _stageCounter, 0, 1000 * StageStepLengthInSeconds);
            else if (_state == BettingState.Stage && Context.User.Id != _sessionOwner.Id)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"MODiX is currently setting the stage for a bet. There is only `{StageDurationInSeconds - _stageCounter}` seconds left to join. `!bet join` to participate in this session");
            else if (_state == BettingState.Stage && Context.User.Id == _sessionOwner.Id)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"You're the owner of the current session, {Context.User.Mention}. Type `!bet start` to begin the game!");
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("MODiX is currently in a bet. Please wait for the current game to end");