public static Dictionary <string, object> LoadDictionaryFromStreamingAssets(string key) { BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); string dataAsJson = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(key + JsonExtension); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(dataAsJson, new GenericConverter())); }
public static T LoadNewtonsoftJsonFromStreamingAssets <T>(string key) { BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); string dataAsJson = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(key + JsonExtension); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(dataAsJson, new JsonApiSerializerSettings())); }
static public Config DeserializeFromFile(string configPath) { if (BetterStreamingAssets.FileExists(configPath)) //File.Exists(configPath)) { if (Path.GetExtension(configPath) == ".json") { string json = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(configPath); return(Deserialize(json, "json")); } else if (Path.GetExtension(configPath) == ".xml") { string xml = File.ReadAllText(configPath); return(Deserialize(xml, "xml")); } else { Debug.LogError("the configuration file format is not supported"); throw new FormatException(); } } else { Debug.LogError("configuration file not found"); throw new FileNotFoundException(); } }
public static T LoadJsonFromStreamingAssets <T>(string key) { BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); string dataAsJson = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(key + JsonExtension); return(JsonUtility.FromJson <T>(dataAsJson)); }
public override void Save(eSaveType saveType) { strSave = ""; JSONNode data; BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); data = JSON.Parse(BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(path)); foreach (var iter in data) { strSave += iter.Value["skinName"] + ":"; if (PlayerData.Instance.skinList.ContainsKey(iter.Value["skinName"])) { strSave += PlayerData.Instance.skinList[iter.Value["skinName"]].ToString(); } else { strSave += false.ToString(); } strSave += "/"; } strSave = strSave.Remove(strSave.Length - 1); base.Save(saveType); }
void Start() { txt = gameObject.GetComponent <Text>(); BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); txt.text = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(fileName + ".txt"); }
void creditos() { string texto; string arquivo; arquivo = "Credits.txt"; BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); texto = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(arquivo); credito.text += texto; }
/// <summary> /// 读取文件内容 /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"></param> /// <param name="isUseSysIO"></param> /// <returns></returns> static private string ReadAssetAllText(string filePath) { if (isUseSysIO) { return(File.ReadAllText(filePath)); } else { return(BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(filePath)); } }
private void LoadTargetData() { if (BetterStreamingAssets.FileExists(gameDataFileName)) { loadedData = JsonUtility.FromJson <TargetData>(BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(gameDataFileName)); targets = loadedData.targets; print("loadtargetdata successfull"); } else { Debug.LogError("Cannot load game data!"); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { string texto; string arquivo; TextMeshProUGUI titulo; arquivo = "Title.txt"; BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); texto = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(arquivo); titulo = gameObject.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); titulo.text = texto; }
private void Start() { Settings.PlayMode = 3; BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); bool easy_exist = BetterStreamingAssets.FileExists("/SudokuSample/easy.txt"); bool medium_exist = BetterStreamingAssets.FileExists("/SudokuSample/medium.txt"); bool hard_exist = BetterStreamingAssets.FileExists("/SudokuSample/hard.txt"); if (!easy_exist || !medium_exist || !hard_exist) { Settings.PlayMode = 0; return; } string easy_all_text = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText("/SudokuSample/easy.txt"); string medium_all_text = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText("/SudokuSample/medium.txt"); string hard_all_text = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText("/SudokuSample/hard.txt"); string[] easy_maps = easy_all_text.Split('\n'); string[] medium_maps = medium_all_text.Split('\n'); string[] hard_maps = hard_all_text.Split('\n'); int easy_cnt = 0; foreach (var map in easy_maps) { fileManager.StartSaving($"easy{easy_cnt++}", map); } Settings.Easy_Cnt = easy_cnt; int medium_cnt = 0; foreach (var map in medium_maps) { fileManager.StartSaving($"medium{medium_cnt++}", map); } Settings.Medium_Cnt = medium_cnt; int hard_cnt = 0; foreach (var map in hard_maps) { fileManager.StartSaving($"hard{hard_cnt++}", map); } Settings.Hard_Cnt = hard_cnt; print($"Installed {easy_cnt}, {medium_cnt}, {hard_cnt}"); }
/// <summary> /// 加载本地的 /// </summary> private List <AssetItem> LoadLocalAssetInfo(RuntimePlatform platform) { var retList = new List <AssetItem>(); //优先加载persistent的 var persistentAssetInfoPath = BResources.GetAssetsInfoPath(BApplication.persistentDataPath, platform); if (File.Exists(persistentAssetInfoPath)) { var content = File.ReadAllText(persistentAssetInfoPath); retList = CsvSerializer.DeserializeFromString <List <AssetItem> >(content); } //streaming 和其他的 else { //根据加载模式不同,寻找不同目录下的其他配置 //打包时,本地会带一份ServerAssets.info以标记当前包携带的资源 var loadArtRoot = BDLauncher.Inst.GameConfig.ArtRoot; switch (loadArtRoot) { case AssetLoadPathType.Persistent: case AssetLoadPathType.StreamingAsset: { //TODO :BSA 读取,不需要Streaming前缀 var steamingAssetsInfoPath = IPath.Combine(BApplication.GetPlatformPath(platform), BResources.ASSETS_INFO_PATH); //var steamingAssetsInfoPath = GetAssetsInfoPath(BDApplication.streamingAssetsPath, platform); if (BetterStreamingAssets.FileExists(steamingAssetsInfoPath)) { var content = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(steamingAssetsInfoPath); retList = CsvSerializer.DeserializeFromString <List <AssetItem> >(content); } } break; case AssetLoadPathType.DevOpsPublish: { var path = GameConfig.GetLoadPath(loadArtRoot); var devopsAssetInfoPath = BResources.GetAssetsInfoPath(path, platform); if (File.Exists(devopsAssetInfoPath)) { var content = File.ReadAllText(devopsAssetInfoPath); retList = CsvSerializer.DeserializeFromString <List <AssetItem> >(content); } } break; } } return(retList); }
/// <summary> /// Import the list of objects in objectList. /// </summary> protected virtual void Start() { string texto; string arquivo; if (autoLoadOnStart) { //variaveis arquivo = "Models.txt"; Debug.Log(arquivo); BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); texto = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(arquivo); int[] separacoes = new int[2]; int i = 0, cont = 0; //carregar a lista de objectos a importar do { separacoes[0] = i; Debug.Log("Entrou com cont = " + cont); //pega o endereco do modelo for (int j = 0; i < texto.Length && j < 8; i++) { if (texto[i] == '\n' || texto[i] == ' ') { if (j < 1) { separacoes[1] = i; } //Debug.Log(separacoes[j]); j++; } } //configura para carregar o modelo ModelImportInfo mii = new ModelImportInfo(); = "object" + cont; this.objectsList.Add(mii); this.objectsList[cont].path = texto.Substring(separacoes[0], separacoes[1] - separacoes[0] - 1); if (objectsList[cont].path[objectsList[cont].path.Length - 1] == 10) { objectsList[cont].path = objectsList[cont].path.Substring(0, objectsList[cont].path.Length - 2); } cont++; } while (i < texto.Length); //importar os modelos ImportModelListAsync(objectsList.ToArray()); } }
//Needed for damn Android StreamingAssets public void LoadCSVPaletteFromStreamingAssets(string path) { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) //f*cking Android gotta be special { try{ string encodedString = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(path); string filename = getPaletteNameFromFilePath(path); LoadCSVPaletteFromEncodedString(pc.newPalette(true), encodedString, filename); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning("Failed to load CSV: " + path); return; } } else { LoadCSVPalette(pc.newPalette(true), path); } }
private void loadLanguages() { if (!BetterStreamingAssets.FileExists("/lang/" + nameLanguagesFile + ".json")) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Streaming asset not found: {0}", "/lang/" + nameLanguagesFile + ".json"); } else { json = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText("/lang/" + nameLanguagesFile + ".json"); lang = JsonUtility.FromJson <Languages>(json); if (interfaceLanguages != null) { interfaceLanguages.onChangeLanguage(); } } }
private void ReadJson(string fileName) { var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings(); BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); #if UNITY_EDITOR //jsonPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/"+fileName+".json"; #endif //jsonStrng = File.ReadAllText(jsonPath); jsonStrng = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText("/" + fileName + ".json"); if (jsonStrng != null) { Leveldata = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LevelData>(jsonStrng, settings); } else { Debug.Log("JSON File not found "); } }
/// <summary> /// Import the list of objects in objectList. /// </summary> protected virtual void Start() { if (autoLoadOnStart) { BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); objectsList[0].path = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText("path.txt"); //resolve problemas caso o .txt tenha sido criado em um linux if (objectsList[0].path[objectsList[0].path.Length - 1] == 10) { objectsList[0].path = objectsList[0].path.Substring(0, objectsList[0].path.Length - 2); } /* * objectsList[0].loaderOptions.modelScaling = 0.1f; * objectsList[0].loaderOptions.localEulerAngles.x = 90; * objectsList[0].loaderOptions.localPosition.y = 0.7f; */ ImportModelListAsync(objectsList.ToArray()); } }
private void LoadGameData() { // Path.Combine combines strings into a file path // Application.StreamingAssets points to Assets/StreamingAssets in the Editor, and the StreamingAssets folder in a build //string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, gameDataFileName); if (BetterStreamingAssets.FileExists(gameDataFileName)) { // Read the json from the file into a string //string dataAsJson = File.ReadAllText(filePath); // Pass the json to JsonUtility, and tell it to create a GameData object from it //GameData loadedData = JsonUtility.FromJson<GameData>(dataAsJson); loadedData = JsonUtility.FromJson <GameData>(BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(gameDataFileName)); // Retrieve the allRoundData property of loadedData Debug.Log("gameDataFileName"); Debug.Log(gameDataFileName); allRoundData = loadedData.allRoundData; } else { Debug.LogError("Cannot load game data!"); } }
IEnumerator LoadJson() { var jsonToLoad = BetterStreamingAssets.GetFiles(filePath).Where(x => Path.GetExtension(x) == ".json").ToList(); while (jsonToLoad.Count != 0) { var jsonFile = jsonToLoad[0]; jsonToLoad.RemoveAt(0); var jsonText = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(jsonFile); try { JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(jsonText, this); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log($"Falha ao carreggar {jsonFile}, erro: {e.Message}"); } yield return(0); } Loaded = true; GameDataLoaded?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Imported == 1) { Imported = 2; //arrumar a(s) frase(s) string texto; string arquivo; //ler o arquivo do modelo arquivo = "model" + index + ".txt"; BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); texto = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(arquivo); //separacoes tera 9 pontos, o inicio, o fim do endereco, o fim das 3 variavies de posicao, fim das 3 variaveis de angulacao e fim da variavel de escala int[] separacoes = new int[9]; //como possui um unico arquivo, e necessario percorrer todos os outros modelos ate chegar no desejado int aux = 0, x = 0, j = 0; for (; aux < texts3D.Length; aux++) { j = 1; separacoes[0] = x; for (; x < texto.Length + 1 && j < 9; x++) { //detecta o fim do campo pelo \n e pelo ' ' quando j<8 pois quando j=8 temos o texto que pode ter ' ', temos x == texto.Length para quando acabou o arquivo e nao tem uma linha em branco if (x == texto.Length || texto[x] == '\n' || (texto[x] == ' ' && j < 8)) { separacoes[j] = x; j++; } //remove . dos numeros, j<8 pois quando j=8 temos o texto else if (j < 8 && texto[x] == '.') { texto = texto.Remove(x, 1); texto = texto.Insert(x, ","); } } if (x == texto.Length) { separacoes[8] = x; } //avisa caso haja caracteres invalidos no arquivo (na maioria dos casos resultara em erro de leitura) int linha = 1, coluna = 1; for (int l = 0; l < texto.Length - 1; l++) { if (texto[l] == '\n') { linha++; coluna = 1; } if (((texto[l] == '\n' || texto[l] == ' ') && (texto[l + 1] == '\n' || texto[l + 1] == ' ')) || (texto[l] < '0' && texto[l] > '9' && texto[l] != '.' && texto[l] != ' ' && texto[l] != '\n')) { Debug.Log("Erro de formatacao do arquivo de posicao da frase de indice " + index + "\nNa linha " + linha + " e coluna " + coluna); } if (texto[l] != '\n') { coluna++; } } //carregar opcoes do modelo points[aux].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[0], separacoes[1] - separacoes[0])), float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[1] + 1, separacoes[2] - separacoes[1] - 1)), float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[2], separacoes[3] - separacoes[2]))); texts3DT[aux].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[3] + 1, separacoes[4] - separacoes[3] - 1)), float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[4] + 1, separacoes[5] - separacoes[4] - 1)), float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[5], separacoes[6] - separacoes[5]))); Texts3D[aux].text = texto.Substring(separacoes[7] + 1, separacoes[8] - separacoes[7] - 1); texts3D[aux].transform.localScale = new Vector3(float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[6] + 1, separacoes[7] - separacoes[6] - 1)), float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[6] + 1, separacoes[7] - separacoes[6] - 1)), float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[6] + 1, separacoes[7] - separacoes[6] - 1))); } } //CODIGO RELACIONADO COM: INTERACAO MARCADORES marker1Found = marker1NewTrackableEventHandlerComponent.MarkerFound; marker2Found = marker2NewTrackableEventHandlerComponent.MarkerFound; MarkersFound(); if (UseLine) { setLines();//atualiza as linhas para ir do ponto origem até seu elemento respetivo } if (typeOfInformation == TypeOfInformation.canvasOfImages)//FOI ESCOLHIDO CANVASOFIMAGES { for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++) { images[i].transform.position = imagesT[i].transform.position; //posiciona as images de myCanvas na posicao dos objetos emty } if (informationFollowARCamera) { InfoFollowARCamera(images); } } else if (typeOfInformation == TypeOfInformation.texts3D)//FOI ESCOLHIDO TEXTS3D { for (int i = 0; i < Texts3D.Length; i++) { Texts3D[i].transform.position = texts3DT[i].transform.position; //posiciona os texts3D na posicao dos objetos emty } if (informationFollowARCamera) { InfoFollowARCamera(Texts3D); } } else if (typeOfInformation == TypeOfInformation.sprites)//FOI ESCOLHIDO SPRITES { for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Length; i++) { sprites[i].transform.position = spritesT[i].transform.position;//posiciona os sprites na posicao dos objetos emty } if (informationFollowARCamera) { InfoFollowARCamera(sprites); } } }
public void FileToData() { data = JSON.Parse(BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(path)); }
private void OnImportComplete() { //ocorre se estiver no Question controller 1s if (first_question.GetComponent <I_QuestionController1>() != null) { first_question.GetComponent <I_QuestionController1>().Active = true; first_question.GetComponent <I_QuestionController1>().QuestionObjects[0].SetActive(true); } else if (first_question.GetComponent <I_QuestionController2>() != null) { first_question.GetComponent <I_QuestionController2>().Active = true; first_question.GetComponent <I_QuestionController2>().AnswerAlternatives[0].SetActive(true); } else //ocorre no Imported_ActiveInformation { //coloca o modelo como filho do filho do marcador 1 Model = gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; Model.transform.SetParent(Marker.transform.GetChild(0).transform); string texto; string arquivo; //ler o arquivo do modelo arquivo = "models.txt"; BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); texto = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText(arquivo); //separacoes tera 9 pontos, o inicio, o fim do endereco, o fim das 3 variavies de posicao, fimdas 3 variaveis de angulacao e fim da variavel de escala int[] separacoes = new int[9]; int aux = 0, i = 0; for (int j = 0; i < texto.Length && j < 9; i++) { if (aux == 0 && j == 0) { j++; } if (texto[i] == '\n' || texto[i] == ' ') { separacoes[j] = i; j++; } //remove . from the numbers else if (j > 0 && texto[i] == '.') { texto = texto.Remove(i, 1); texto = texto.Insert(i, ","); } } if (i == texto.Length) { separacoes[8] = i; } float div = this.Marker.transform.localScale.x; Debug.Log(new Vector3(float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[4] + 1, separacoes[5] - separacoes[4])), float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[5], separacoes[6] - separacoes[5])), float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[6], separacoes[7] - separacoes[6])))); if (div != 0) { Model.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[1] + 1, separacoes[2] - separacoes[1] - 1)) / div, float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[2] + 1, separacoes[3] - separacoes[2] - 1)) / div, float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[3], separacoes[4] - separacoes[3])) / div); } else { Debug.Log("Error, Marker scale is 0"); } Model.transform.Rotate(Model.transform.localRotation.x * -1, Model.transform.localRotation.y * -1, Model.transform.localRotation.z * -1); Model.transform.Rotate(float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[4] + 1, separacoes[5] - separacoes[4])), float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[5], separacoes[6] - separacoes[5])), float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[6], separacoes[7] - separacoes[6]))); Model.transform.localScale = new Vector3(float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[7] + 1, separacoes[8] - separacoes[7] - 1)), float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[7] + 1, separacoes[8] - separacoes[7] - 1)), float.Parse(texto.Substring(separacoes[7] + 1, separacoes[8] - separacoes[7] - 1))); active_info.MyObject = Model; active_info.Imported = 1; } //indica que os modelos foram importados imported = true; //parte do codigo original if (progressText != null) { progressText.text = ""; } if (progressSlider != null) { progressSlider.value = 100.0f; //progressSlider.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (progressImage != null) { progressImage.fillAmount = 1f; progressImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); } gameObject.SetActive(false); }
void Start() { BetterStreamingAssets.Initialize(); typeName = BetterStreamingAssets.ReadAllText("config-type.txt"); }