/// <summary>
        /// Writes all the filtered indexes from memory to disk
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteIndexesToFile(BenzingaNewsFiltered filtered)
            foreach (var kvp in filtered.SymbolIndexes)
                var symbol          = kvp.Key;
                var indexCollection = kvp.Value;

                var referenceFileDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(_destinationDirectory.FullName, symbol.Value.ToLowerInvariant()));
                var referenceFile          = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(referenceFileDirectory.FullName, $"{indexCollection.Date.ToStringInvariant(DateFormat.EightCharacter)}.csv"));

                // Make sure to create the directory, otherwise we won't be able to move files to it.

                var referenceFileExisted            = referenceFile.Exists;
                var referenceFileTemp               = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"{Guid.NewGuid()}.csv");
                var existingReferenceFileBackupPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"{Guid.NewGuid()}.csv");

                Log.Trace($"BenzingaDataConverter.WriteToFile(): Creating reference temp file: {referenceFileTemp}");
                // Order before writing since we need to order the indexes by the UpdatedAt date
                File.WriteAllLines(referenceFileTemp, indexCollection.Indexes.OrderBy(x => x.Value).Select(x => x.Key));

                if (referenceFileExisted)
                    Log.Trace($"BenzingaDataConverter.WriteToFile(): Moving existing reference file to backup location: {existingReferenceFileBackupPath}");
                    File.Move(referenceFile.FullName, existingReferenceFileBackupPath);

                    Log.Trace($"BenzingaDataConverter.WriteToFile(): Writing reference to {referenceFile.FullName}");
                    File.Move(referenceFileTemp, referenceFile.FullName);
                catch (Exception error)
                    Log.Error(error, $"BenzingaDataConverter.WriteToFile(): Failed to move file to: {referenceFile.FullName} - Skipping...");

                    if (referenceFile.Exists)
                        Log.Error($"BenzingaDataConverter.WriteToFile(): Moving backup file: {existingReferenceFileBackupPath} back to original location: {referenceFile.FullName}");
                        File.Move(existingReferenceFileBackupPath, referenceFile.FullName);


                // We moved the existing reference file to a temporary location if this is true.
                // We don't need it anymore, so delete it, otherwise we risk running out of disk space.
                if (referenceFileExisted)
        /// <summary>
        /// Compresses the data to ZIP format and stores them in the <code>Path.Combine(_destinationDirectory.FullName, "content")</code> folder
        /// </summary>
        private void CompressData(BenzingaNewsFiltered filtered)
            // Now compress all of the data we have for a given day
            var compressedProcessedDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(_processedFilesDirectory.FullName, "content"));
            var compressedProcessed          = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(compressedProcessedDirectory.FullName, $"{filtered.Date:yyyyMMdd}.zip"));
            var compressedProcessedExists    = compressedProcessed.Exists;

            var compressedDirectory   = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(_destinationDirectory.FullName, "content"));
            var compressedTemp        = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"{Guid.NewGuid()}.zip"));
            var compressedFinal       = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(compressedDirectory.FullName, $"{filtered.Date:yyyyMMdd}.zip"));
            var compressedFinalExists = compressedFinal.Exists;
            var compressedFinalBackup = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"{Guid.NewGuid()}.zip"));


            if (compressedProcessedExists)
                // First, get the manifest of existing articles contained within the ZIP file
                // to determine what articles we need to write to the new ZIP file
                var existingArticles = Compression.GetZipEntryFileNames(compressedProcessed.FullName);
                var missingArticles  = filtered.ArticleContents.Keys.Except(existingArticles).ToList();

                // nop, all the articles we have are already included inside the zip file
                if (missingArticles.Count == 0)
                    Log.Trace($"BenzingaNewsDataConverter.CompressData(): ZIP file already contains all contents we planned to write. Skipping.");

                Log.Trace($"BenzingaNewsDataConverter.CompressData(): Loading data from existing ZIP file {compressedProcessed.FullName}");

                // Takes all articles that are missing from the existing articles contained within the ZIP file
                // and creates a new dictionary only containing the files that are missing in the ZIP file.
                var excludedArticles = filtered.ArticleContents.Where(kvp => missingArticles.Contains(kvp.Key)).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
                // Create a new instance to preserve the original data in the collection.
                // Since we are not passing by `ref` we are not mutating the original collection
                var instance = new BenzingaNewsFiltered(filtered.Date);

                // Dispose of the handle before attempting to move the file, otherwise File.Move will throw
                using (var zipFile = compressedProcessed.OpenRead())
                    var ms = new MemoryStream();
                    instance.ArticleContents = Compression.UnzipData(ms.ToArray());

                instance.SymbolIndexes = filtered.SymbolIndexes;

                // Add each missing article into the instance article contents dictionary
                foreach (var kvp in excludedArticles)
                    instance.ArticleContents[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;

                // Guaranteed to preserve original data, i.e. not mutate the original collection
                filtered = instance;

                if (compressedFinal.FullName == compressedProcessed.FullName)
                    Log.Trace($"BenzingaDataConverter.WriteToFile(): Moving existing zip file for {filtered.Date:yyyyMMdd} to temp directory as: {compressedFinalBackup.Name}");
                    File.Move(compressedFinal.FullName, compressedFinalBackup.FullName);

                Log.Trace($"BenzingaDataConverter.WriteToFile(): Compressing to temp file: {compressedTemp.FullName}");
                Compression.ZipData(compressedTemp.FullName, filtered.ArticleContents);

                Log.Trace($"BenzingaDataConverter.WriteToFile(): Moving compressed file to final location: {compressedFinal.FullName}");
                File.Move(compressedTemp.FullName, compressedFinal.FullName);
            catch (Exception e)
                // This differs from compressedFinalExists since
                // we want to know if we actually wrote a file to that location.
                if (compressedFinal.Exists)

                Log.Error(e, $"Failed to compress to {compressedFinal.FullName}. Restoring backup from temp: {compressedFinalBackup.Name}");

                // Move the original file back to its original location if we failed to write to it
                if (compressedFinalExists)
                    File.Move(compressedFinalBackup.FullName, compressedFinal.FullName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Filters and batches the articles so that they can be written to disk in one go
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="news">Enumerable of BenzingaNews</param>
        /// <param name="date">Date to convert</param>
        private Dictionary <DateTime, BenzingaNewsFiltered> FilterArticlesAndIndexes(IEnumerable <BenzingaNews> news)
            // Create a local cache of indexes and articles in order to speed up the conversion process.
            // We will write files from memory to disk without the need of temporary files.
            var filteredCollection = new Dictionary <DateTime, BenzingaNewsFiltered>();
            var contentsZip        = new Dictionary <DateTime, Dictionary <string, string> >();
            var serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
                Converters           = new[] { new BenzingaNewsJsonConverter() },
                DateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc,
                Formatting           = Formatting.None

            foreach (var article in news)
                var createdReference = false;
                var symbolsToRemove  = new HashSet <Symbol>();

                BenzingaNewsFiltered filtered;
                if (!filteredCollection.TryGetValue(article.UpdatedAt.Date, out filtered))
                    filtered = new BenzingaNewsFiltered(article.UpdatedAt.Date);
                    filteredCollection[article.UpdatedAt.Date] = filtered;

                // For each ticker, add a reference to the article we're going to store under the "content" folder
                foreach (var symbol in article.Symbols)
                    // Invalid character in path
                    if (symbol.Value.Contains(":"))
                        Log.Error($"BenzingaDataConverter.SerializeArticlesAndIndexes(): Ticker {symbol.Value} contains invalid character ':'. Skipping");

                    // We can't write these tickers in Windows, so we'll skip them
                    if (_isWindows && _forbiddenTickers.Contains(symbol.Value))
                        Log.Error($"BenzingaDataConverter.SerializeArticlesAndIndexes(): Ticker {symbol.Value} is invalid in Windows. Skipping");

                    BenzingaIndexCollection indexCollection;
                    if (!filtered.SymbolIndexes.TryGetValue(symbol, out indexCollection))
                        indexCollection = new BenzingaIndexCollection(article.UpdatedAt.Date);
                        filtered.SymbolIndexes[symbol] = indexCollection;

                        // The reference file path is where the indexes pointing to an article live
                        var referenceFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_processedFilesDirectory.FullName, symbol.Value.ToLowerInvariant(), $"{article.UpdatedAt.Date:yyyyMMdd}.csv"));

                        if (referenceFile.Exists)
                            Dictionary <string, string> compressedData;
                            if (!contentsZip.TryGetValue(article.UpdatedAt.Date, out compressedData))
                                var zipFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_processedFilesDirectory.FullName, "content", $"{article.UpdatedAt.Date:yyyyMMdd}.zip"));
                                using (var reader = zipFile.OpenRead())
                                    var ms = new MemoryStream();

                                    Log.Trace($"BenzingaNewsDataConverter.FilterArticlesAndIndexes(): Opening {zipFile.FullName} to get existing index UpdatedAt time");

                                    compressedData = Compression.UnzipData(ms.ToArray());
                                    contentsZip[article.UpdatedAt.Date] = compressedData;

                            var articlesUpdatedAt = compressedData
                                                    .ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BenzingaNews>(kvp.Value, new BenzingaNewsJsonConverter()).UpdatedAt);

                            foreach (var reference in File.ReadLines(referenceFile.FullName))
                                // If we have an index, we should also have an existing article for it.
                                // Purposely allowing it to throw an OutOfBounds exception in the case
                                // the article doesn't exist although we have the index for it
                                indexCollection.Indexes[reference] = articlesUpdatedAt[reference];

                    // Add the article ID to the index collection so that we can batch
                    // write all of the indexes in one go per day
                    indexCollection.Indexes[$"{article.Id}.json"] = article.UpdatedAt;

                    createdReference = true;

                // Skip if we didn't create any references for an article
                if (!createdReference)
                    Log.Error($"BenzingaDataConverter.SerializeArticlesAndIndexes(): Skipping news article {article.Id} because no tickers are associated with it");

                // Remove unwanted symbols from the article before we write to disk
                foreach (var symbolToRemove in symbolsToRemove)

                // We could potentially have an article with no Symbols and still write it without this check
                if (article.Symbols.Count == 0)
                    Log.Error($"BenzingaDataConverter.FilterArticlesAndIndexes(): Skipping news article {article.Id} because there are no Symbols associated with this article");

                // Batch all the articles so that we can write it all in one shot
                filtered.ArticleContents[$"{article.Id}.json"] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(article, serializerSettings);
