public BellMove(string description, BellMoveType bellMoveType, TargetType targetType, int priority = 0, string executionText = null, params BattleMoveEffect[] effects) : base(description, BattleMoveType.BellMove, targetType, priority, executionText, effects: effects) { BellMoveType = bellMoveType; }
public static BellMove Get(BellMoveType moveType) { string description = ""; string executionText = ""; switch (moveType) { case BellMoveType.SealMove: description = "seal shade"; executionText = $"attempts to seal {Globals.TargetReplaceText}"; break; case BellMoveType.ControlMove: description = "control shade"; executionText = $"attempts to dominate {Globals.TargetReplaceText}"; break; } BellMove ret = new BellMove(description, moveType, TargetType.SingleEnemy, executionText: executionText); return(ret); }