예제 #1
    private static void TestSource(BeagleSource source)
        source.RDFToBeagle = new BeagleSource.RDFToBeagleHook(RDFToBeagle);
        source.BeagleToRDF = new BeagleSource.BeagleToRDFHook(EmailToEntity);

        System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Querying for all Triples with MimeType:");
        query(source, new Statement(null, new Entity("prop:k:beagle:MimeType"), null));

        System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Querying for all Triples with FileSize:");
        query(source, new Statement(null, BeagleSource.BeaglePropertyToEntity("prop:k:fixme:filesize"), null));

        System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Querying for all Triples:");
        query(source, Statement.All);
예제 #2
    // WARNING! This will generate all threads, pretty expensive
    private static void TestEmailThreads(BeagleSource source)
        source.BeagleToRDF = new BeagleSource.BeagleToRDFHook(MsgIdToEntity);
        source.RDFToBeagle = new BeagleSource.RDFToBeagleHook(RDFToBeagle);
        Entity inthread = BeagleSource.BeaglePropertyToEntity("inthread");

        /* NOTE: change the subject to whatever email subject you wish */
        const string Subject = "beagle";

        string rules = "@prefix : <http://beagle-project.org/property#>.\n" +
                       "\n" +
                       /* every message is in its own thread */
                       "{ ?email :prop:t:dc:title \"" + Subject + "\" . ?email :prop:k:fixme:msgid ?msg . } => { ?msg :inthread ?msg } .\n" +
                       /* if any email refers to some email in thread, then this email is also in thread */
                       "{ ?ref :inthread ?parent . ?email1 :prop:k:fixme:reference ?ref . ?email1 :prop:k:fixme:msgid ?msg .} => {?msg :inthread ?parent} .\n";

        Statement msg_in_thread = new Statement(new Variable("msg"), inthread, new Variable("parent"));

        Console.WriteLine("Proof of 'threads in email with subject :{0}'", Subject);
        EulerQuery(source, rules, new Statement[] { msg_in_thread });
예제 #3
    private static void TestReceipients(BeagleSource source)
        source.BeagleToRDF = new BeagleSource.BeagleToRDFHook(EmailToEntity);
        source.RDFToBeagle = new BeagleSource.RDFToBeagleHook(RDFToBeagle);

        Entity recvd = BeagleSource.BeaglePropertyToEntity("recvd");

        string rules = "@prefix : <http://beagle-project.org/property#>.\n" +
                       "\n" +
                       "{ ?email :prop:t:fixme:from_address ?from . ?email :prop:t:fixme:to_address ?to . } => {?from :recvd ?to .}.\n" +
                       "{ ?email :prop:t:fixme:from_address ?from . ?email :prop:t:fixme:cc_address ?to . } => {?from :recvd ?to .}.\n";

        /* NOTE: change the sender to whatever email address you wish */
        const string Sender = "*****@*****.**";

        Entity    from = new Entity("mailto://" + Sender);
        Variable  to   = new Variable("recpt");
        Statement q    = new Statement(from, recvd, to);

        Console.WriteLine("Proof of 'receipients of emails from :{0}'", Sender);
        EulerQuery(source, rules, new Statement[] { q });