private void OnBeaconArrived(Beacon beacon) { // GUILayout.Label ("find"); // status = "find"; Application.OpenURL(string.Format("{0}&minor={1}", beacon.major, beacon.minor)); Debug.Log ("Beacon arrived: "+beacon.ToString()); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); Tuple<Beacon, Region> stuff = this.GetBeaconAndRegion(); _beacon = stuff.Item1; _region = stuff.Item2; ActionBar.SetDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.distance_view); _dotView = FindViewById(; _sonar = FindViewById(Resource.Id.sonar); _sonar.ViewTreeObserver.AddOnGlobalLayoutListener(this); _findBeacon = new FindSpecificBeacon(this); _findBeacon.BeaconFound += (sender, e) => RunOnUiThread(() =>{ Log.Debug(Tag, "Found the beacon!"); if (_segmentLength == -1) { return; } _dotView.Animate().TranslationY(ComputeDotPosY(e.FoundBeacon)).Start(); }); }
public void BeaconExtension_GetApproximateIosRange() { var beacon = new Beacon("", 0, 0, -39) { Rssi = -52 }; Assert.AreEqual(8.3781601753285457d, beacon.GetApproximateIosRange()); beacon.Rssi = 0; Assert.AreEqual(-1d, beacon.GetApproximateIosRange()); }
private void DisplayBeacon(Beacon beacon) { Vector3 screenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(beacon.avatarTransform.position); GUI.color = beacon.color; float scale = maxScale*beacon.scale; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(screenPos.x - scale, Screen.height -screenPos.y -scale, scale*2, scale*2), beaconTex); }
public void Display(Beacon beacon) { _macTextView.Text = string.Format("MAC: {0} ({1:N2})", beacon.MacAddress, Utils.ComputeAccuracy(beacon)); _majorTextView.Text = string.Format("Major: {0}", beacon.Major); _minorTextView.Text = string.Format("Minor: {0}", beacon.Minor); _measuredPowerTextView.Text = string.Format("MPower: {0}", beacon.MeasuredPower); _rssiTextView.Text = string.Format("RSSI: {0}", beacon.Rssi); }
float ComputeDotPosY(Beacon foundBeacon) { // Put the dot at the end of the scale when it's further than 6m. double x = Utils.ComputeAccuracy(foundBeacon); Log.Debug(Tag, "Beacon is approx. {0:N1} metres away", x); double distance = Math.Min(x, 6.0); return _startY + (int)(_segmentLength * (distance / 6.0)); }
public void Setup() { beacon = new Beacon("4fe5d5f6-abce-ddfe-1587-123d1a4b567f", 1234, 5678, -48, 0xAABB) { Rssi = -52 }; data = new byte[] { 0x02, 0x01, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0xFF, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0x02, 0x15, 0x4F, 0xE5, 0xD5, 0xF6, 0xAB, 0xCE, 0xDD, 0xFE, 0x15, 0x87, 0x12, 0x3D, 0x1A, 0x4B, 0x56, 0x7F, 0x04, 0xD2, 0x16, 0x2E, 0xD0 }; }
private void serverButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // We need a random port number otherwise all beacons will be the same var b = new Beacon("beaconDemo", (ushort) r.Next(2048, 60000)) { BeaconData = "Beacon at " + DateTime.Now + " on " + Dns.GetHostName() }; b.Start(); beacons.Add(b); }
public override void Stop() { if (_isSearching) { BeaconManager.StopRanging(_region); base.Stop(); _region = null; _beacon = null; _isSearching = false; } }
void InitializeListView() { _adapter = new LeDevicesListAdapter(this); ListView list = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.device_list); list.Adapter = _adapter; list.ItemClick += (sender, e) =>{ _selectedBeacon = _adapter[e.Position]; View imgView = e.View.FindViewWithTag("beacon_image"); _quickAction.Show(imgView); }; }
public Beacon ConvertDtoToBeacon(BeaconDto beaconDto) { var beacon = new Beacon { Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = beaconDto.Name, Description = beaconDto.Description, Status = true }; return(beacon); }
void RemoveBeacon(Beacon beacon) { if (beacon == null) { return; } Self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => { w.Remove(beacon); }); }
public override void _Pressed() { base._Pressed(); counter++; BeaconControl beaconControlInstance = (BeaconControl)beaconControlScene.Instance(); Beacon beacon = (Beacon)beaconScene.Instance(); sliders.AddChild(beaconControlInstance); beaconTrack.AddChild(beacon); beacon.BeaconId = counter; beaconControlInstance.Link(beacon); }
public static Beacon GetBeacon(this Activity activity) { Beacon beacon = activity.Intent.GetParcelableExtra(EXTRAS_BEACON) as Beacon; if (beacon == null) { Toast.MakeText(activity, "Beacon not found in intent extras.", ToastLength.Long).Show(); activity.Finish(); return(null); } return(beacon); }
public IHttpActionResult PostBeacon(Beacon beacon) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.Beacons.Add(beacon); db.SaveChanges(); return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = beacon.Id }, beacon)); }
private void Delete_Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (sender != null) { System.Windows.Controls.Button btn = (System.Windows.Controls.Button)sender; Beacon p = btn.DataContext as Beacon; beacons.Remove(p); listBox.Items.Refresh(); File.WriteAllLines(SPEC_FILE_PATH, new string[] { JsonConvert.SerializeObject(beacons) }); } }
public PermissionResult CheckBeaconPermission(int userId, Beacon beacon) { if (!beacon.FKHotel.HasValue || RootRepository.HotelRepository.CheckHotelPermission(userId, beacon.FKHotel.Value).Result == PermissionResults.Authorized) { return(new PermissionResult { Result = PermissionResults.Authorized }); } return(new PermissionResult(PermissionResults.Unauthorized, "You are unauthorized to access this beacon.", new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, object>("userId", userId), new KeyValuePair <string, object>("beaconId", beacon.PKID), })); }
/// <summary> /// Method demonstrating how to handle individual new beacons found by the manager. /// This event will only be invoked once, the very first time a beacon is discovered. /// For more fine-grained status updates, subscribe to changes of the ObservableCollection in /// BeaconManager.BluetoothBeacons (_beaconManager). /// To handle all individual received Bluetooth packets in your main app and outside of the /// library, subscribe to AdvertisementPacketReceived event of the IBluetoothPacketProvider /// (_provider). /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Reference to the sender instance of the event.</param> /// <param name="beacon">Beacon class instance containing all known and parsed information about /// the Bluetooth beacon.</param> private void BeaconManagerOnBeaconAdded(object sender, Beacon beacon) { Debug.WriteLine("\nBeacon: " + beacon.BluetoothAddressAsString); Debug.WriteLine("Type: " + beacon.BeaconType); Debug.WriteLine("Last Update: " + beacon.Timestamp); Debug.WriteLine("RSSI: " + beacon.Rssi); Analytics.TrackEvent("Added Beacon", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Beacon", "Error:" + beacon.BluetoothAddressAsString }, { "Function", "BeaconManagerOnBeaconAdded" } }); foreach (var beaconFrame in beacon.BeaconFrames.ToList()) { // Print a small sample of the available data parsed by the library if (beaconFrame is UidEddystoneFrame) { Debug.WriteLine("Eddystone UID Frame"); Debug.WriteLine("ID: " + ((UidEddystoneFrame)beaconFrame).NamespaceIdAsNumber.ToString("X") + " / " + ((UidEddystoneFrame)beaconFrame).InstanceIdAsNumber.ToString("X")); } else if (beaconFrame is UrlEddystoneFrame) { Debug.WriteLine("Eddystone URL Frame"); Debug.WriteLine("URL: " + ((UrlEddystoneFrame)beaconFrame).CompleteUrl); } else if (beaconFrame is TlmEddystoneFrame) { Debug.WriteLine("Eddystone Telemetry Frame"); Debug.WriteLine("Temperature [°C]: " + ((TlmEddystoneFrame)beaconFrame).TemperatureInC); Debug.WriteLine("Battery [mV]: " + ((TlmEddystoneFrame)beaconFrame).BatteryInMilliV); } else if (beaconFrame is EidEddystoneFrame) { Debug.WriteLine("Eddystone EID Frame"); Debug.WriteLine("Ranging Data: " + ((EidEddystoneFrame)beaconFrame).RangingData); Debug.WriteLine("Ephemeral Identifier: " + BitConverter.ToString(((EidEddystoneFrame)beaconFrame).EphemeralIdentifier)); } else if (beaconFrame is ProximityBeaconFrame) { Debug.WriteLine("Proximity Beacon Frame (iBeacon compatible)"); Debug.WriteLine("Uuid: " + ((ProximityBeaconFrame)beaconFrame).UuidAsString); Debug.WriteLine("Major: " + ((ProximityBeaconFrame)beaconFrame).MajorAsString); Debug.WriteLine("Major: " + ((ProximityBeaconFrame)beaconFrame).MinorAsString); } else { Debug.WriteLine("Unknown frame - not parsed by the library, write your own derived beacon frame type!"); Debug.WriteLine("Payload: " + BitConverter.ToString(((UnknownBeaconFrame)beaconFrame).Payload)); } } }
private async void OnRanging(object sender, BeaconManager.RangingEventArgs e) { Log.Debug("demo", "IN Ranging " + e.Beacons.Count); if (e.Beacons.Count > 0) { Log.Debug("demo", "List > 0"); foreach (Beacon beacon in e.Beacons) { _proximity = ComputeProximity(beacon); if (_proximity != Proximity.Unknown) { _distance = ComputeAccuracy(beacon); //If distance is valid and (less than current distance or current beacon is null) update current beacon if (_distance > -1 && ((_distance < _currentBeaconDistance) || _currentBeacon == null)) { _currentBeaconDistance = _distance; _currentBeacon = beacon; switch (beacon.Major) { case 1564: _lastActiveTimeRegion1 = DateTime.Now.Ticks; break; case 15212: _lastActiveTimeRegion2 = DateTime.Now.Ticks; break; case 26535: _lastActiveTimeRegion3 = DateTime.Now.Ticks; break; } } //If distance is valid and beacon major is same as current beacon's major, update current beacon distance if (_distance > -1 && (beacon.Major == _currentBeacon.Major)) { _currentBeaconDistance = _distance; Log.Debug(Constants.TAG, "updating current beacon"); if (!isUnlockInProgress) { await UnLockMessagesAsync(_currentBeacon.Major).ConfigureAwait(false); } } } } } }
public async Task EventHistory_FlushHistory() { var beacon = new Beacon(); beacon.Id1 = "7367672374000000ffff0000ffff0007"; beacon.Id2 = 8008; beacon.Id3 = 5; beacon.Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now; var args = new BeaconEventArgs(); args.Beacon = beacon; args.EventType = BeaconEventType.Exit; var resolvedActionEventArgs = new ResolvedActionsEventArgs() { BeaconPid = beacon.Pid, BeaconEventType = BeaconEventType.Enter }; BeaconAction beaconaction1 = new BeaconAction() { Body = "body", Url = "", Uuid = "1223" }; BeaconAction beaconaction2 = new BeaconAction() { Body = "body", Url = "", Uuid = "5678" }; BeaconAction beaconaction3 = new BeaconAction() { Body = "body", Url = "", Uuid = "9678" }; ResolvedAction res1 = new ResolvedAction() { SuppressionTime = 100, SendOnlyOnce = true, BeaconAction = beaconaction1 }; ResolvedAction res2 = new ResolvedAction() { SuppressionTime = 100, SendOnlyOnce = true, BeaconAction = beaconaction2 }; ResolvedAction res3 = new ResolvedAction() { SuppressionTime = 1, SendOnlyOnce = true, BeaconAction = beaconaction3 }; EventHistory eventHistory = new EventHistory(); await eventHistory.SaveBeaconEventAsync(args, null); await eventHistory.SaveExecutedResolvedActionAsync(resolvedActionEventArgs, beaconaction1); await eventHistory.SaveExecutedResolvedActionAsync(resolvedActionEventArgs, beaconaction3); await eventHistory.FlushHistoryAsync(); }
void HandleDidRangeBeacons(object sender, CLRegionBeaconsRangedEventArgs e) { Unknowns.Clear(); Immediates.Clear(); Nears.Clear(); Fars.Clear(); SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.PLATFORM, "************************** HandleDidRangeBeacons Identifier: " + e.Region.Identifier); int i = 0; foreach (CLBeacon beacon in e.Beacons) { switch (beacon.Proximity) { case CLProximity.Immediate: Immediates.Add(beacon); break; case CLProximity.Near: Nears.Add(beacon); break; case CLProximity.Far: Fars.Add(beacon); break; case CLProximity.Unknown: Unknowns.Add(beacon); break; } SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.PLATFORM, "************************** HandleDidRangeBeacons Accuracy: " + beacon.Accuracy); SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.PLATFORM, "************************** HandleDidRangeBeacons Proximity: " + beacon.Proximity); SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.PLATFORM, "************************** HandleDidRangeBeacons Description: " + beacon.Description); SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.PLATFORM, "************************** HandleDidRangeBeacons Major: " + beacon.Major); SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.PLATFORM, "************************** HandleDidRangeBeacons Minor: " + beacon.Minor); SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.PLATFORM, "************************** HandleDidRangeBeacons Rssi: " + beacon.Rssi); SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.PLATFORM, "************************** HandleDidRangeBeacons ProximityUuid: " + beacon.ProximityUuid); Beacon AppverseBeacon = FromCLBeacon(beacon); String id = uniqueIDForBeacon(AppverseBeacon); if (!rangingBeacons.ContainsKey(id)) { SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.PLATFORM, "************************** ADDED LOCATION: " + AppverseBeacon.Distance.ToString()); rangingBeacons.Add(id, AppverseBeacon); } else { rangingBeacons[id] = AppverseBeacon; } } }
public override void Activate(Actor self, Order order, SupportPowerManager manager) { base.Activate(self, order, manager); PlayLaunchSounds(); foreach (var launchpad in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyNuke>()) { launchpad.Launching(self); } var targetPosition = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(order.TargetLocation); var palette = info.IsPlayerPalette ? info.MissilePalette + self.Owner.InternalName : info.MissilePalette; var missile = new NukeLaunch(self.Owner, info.MissileWeapon, info.WeaponInfo, palette, info.MissileUp, info.MissileDown, self.CenterPosition + body.LocalToWorld(info.SpawnOffset), targetPosition, info.FlightVelocity, info.FlightDelay, info.SkipAscent, info.FlashType); self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(new DelayedAction(info.MissileDelay, () => self.World.Add(missile)))); if (info.CameraRange != WDist.Zero) { var type = info.RevealGeneratedShroud ? Shroud.SourceType.Visibility : Shroud.SourceType.PassiveVisibility; self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(new RevealShroudEffect(targetPosition, info.CameraRange, type, self.Owner, info.CameraStances, info.FlightDelay - info.CameraSpawnAdvance, info.CameraSpawnAdvance + info.CameraRemoveDelay))); } if (Info.DisplayBeacon) { var beacon = new Beacon( order.Player, targetPosition, Info.BeaconPaletteIsPlayerPalette, Info.BeaconPalette, Info.BeaconImage, Info.BeaconPoster, Info.BeaconPosterPalette, Info.ArrowSequence, Info.CircleSequence, Info.ClockSequence, () => missile.FractionComplete, Info.BeaconDelay, info.FlightDelay - info.BeaconRemoveAdvance); self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => { w.Add(beacon); }); } }
private static bool IsRayIntersectWithBeaconAccuracy(PointF ray, Beacon beacon) { if (beacon == null) { return(false); } var x = beacon.X; var y = beacon.Y; var r = beacon.Accuracy; return(r > Math.Sqrt((ray.X - x) * (ray.X - x) + (ray.Y - y) * (ray.Y - y))); }
public async void Remove(Beacon beacon) { int index = 0; for (index = 0; index < BeaconDetailsCollection.Count; ++index) { if (BeaconDetailsCollection[index].Matches(beacon)) { BeaconDetailsCollection.RemoveAt(index); break; } } }
private bool IsValidEnterEvent(BackgroundEvent history, Beacon beacon, int outOfRangeDb) { if (history == null) { return(true); } if (!SuppressBurst) { return(history.LastEvent == BeaconEventType.Exit || !IsOutOfRange(outOfRangeDb, beacon) && history.EventTime.AddMilliseconds(AppSettings.BeaconExitTimeout) < DateTimeOffset.Now); } return(!IsOutOfRange(outOfRangeDb, beacon) && history.EventTime.AddMilliseconds(AppSettings.BeaconExitTimeout) < DateTimeOffset.Now); }
public void SetUp() { logger = Substitute.For <ILogger>(); logger.IsDebugEnabled.Returns(true); beaconSendingContext = Substitute.For <IBeaconSendingContext>(); beaconSender = new BeaconSender(beaconSendingContext); mockTimingProvider = Substitute.For <ITimingProvider>(); var configuration = new TestConfiguration(); beacon = new Beacon(logger, new Caching.BeaconCache(), configuration, "", Substitute.For <IThreadIDProvider>(), mockTimingProvider); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the specified message. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <BeaconViewModel> Handle(BeaconQuery message) { Beacon beacon = await beaconsRepository.FindBy(m => m.BeaconId == message.Id.ToString()); //TODO: add auto mapper var viewModel = new BeaconViewModel { Id = Guid.Parse(beacon.BeaconId), Number = beacon.Title }; return(await Task.FromResult(viewModel)); }
public void multiFrameBeaconProgramaticParserAssociationDifferentServiceUUIDFieldsGetUpdated() { Beacon beacon = getMultiFrameBeacon(); Beacon beaconUpdate = getMultiFrameBeaconUpdateDifferentServiceUUID(); ExtraDataBeaconTracker tracker = new ExtraDataBeaconTracker(false); tracker.Track(beacon); tracker.Track(beaconUpdate); Beacon trackedBeacon = tracker.Track(beacon); AssertEx.AreEqual("rssi should be updated", beaconUpdate.Rssi, trackedBeacon.Rssi); AssertEx.AreEqual("data fields should be updated", beaconUpdate.DataFields, trackedBeacon.ExtraDataFields); }
public void multiFrameBeaconDifferentServiceUUIDFieldsNotUpdated() { Beacon beacon = getMultiFrameBeacon(); Beacon beaconUpdate = getMultiFrameBeaconUpdateDifferentServiceUUID(); ExtraDataBeaconTracker tracker = new ExtraDataBeaconTracker(); tracker.Track(beacon); tracker.Track(beaconUpdate); Beacon trackedBeacon = tracker.Track(beacon); AssertEx.AreNotEqual("rssi should NOT be updated", beaconUpdate.Rssi, trackedBeacon.Rssi); AssertEx.AreNotEqual("data fields should NOT be updated", beaconUpdate.DataFields, trackedBeacon.ExtraDataFields); }
public void gattBeaconFieldsGetUpdated() { Beacon beacon = getGattBeacon(); Beacon beaconUpdate = getGattBeaconUpdate(); Beacon extraDataBeacon = getGattBeaconExtraData(); ExtraDataBeaconTracker tracker = new ExtraDataBeaconTracker(); tracker.Track(beacon); Beacon trackedBeacon = tracker.Track(beaconUpdate); AssertEx.AreEqual("rssi should be updated", beaconUpdate.Rssi, trackedBeacon.Rssi); AssertEx.AreEqual("data fields should be updated", beaconUpdate.DataFields, trackedBeacon.DataFields); }
public BeaconEventType ResolveBeaconState(Beacon b) { lock (KnownBeacons) { if (KnownBeacons.ContainsKey(b)) { KnownBeacons[b] = DateTimeOffset.Now; return BeaconEventType.None; } KnownBeacons[b] = DateTimeOffset.Now; } return BeaconEventType.Enter; }
public BeaconEventType ResolveBeaconState(Beacon b) { lock (KnownBeacons) { if (KnownBeacons.ContainsKey(b)) { KnownBeacons[b] = DateTimeOffset.Now; return(BeaconEventType.None); } KnownBeacons[b] = DateTimeOffset.Now; } return(BeaconEventType.Enter); }
/* Updates the beacon that is provided as json */ private void UpdateBeacon(string data) { /* we are triming data below, splitting it by blank chars is not a valid way. * because blank char can become in the json object as well */ string command = "update beacon "; string json = data.Substring(command.Length); Beacon beacon = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Beacon>(json); BeaconDao beaconDao = new BeaconDao(); beaconDao.UpdateBeacon(beacon); ServiceClient.Send(OK); }
public BeaconGetModel(Beacon beacon) { this.Beacon_id = beacon.Beacon_id; this.Beacon_major = beacon.Beacon_major; this.Beacon_message = beacon.Beacon_message; this.Beacon_minor = beacon.Beacon_minor; this.Beacon_rssi = beacon.Beacon_rssi; this.Beacon_title = beacon.Beacon_title; this.Beacon_trigger_interval = beacon.Beacon_trigger_interval; this.Beacon_trigger_proximity = beacon.Beacon_trigger_proximity; this.Beacon_uuid = beacon.Beacon_uuid; this.IsDeleted = beacon.IsDeleted; }
// *** constructors *** public WebRequestTracerBase(ILogger logger, Beacon beacon, Action action) { this.logger = logger; this.beacon = beacon; this.action = action; // creating start sequence number has to be done here, because it's needed for the creation of the tag startSequenceNo = beacon.NextSequenceNumber; tag = beacon.CreateTag(action, startSequenceNo); startTime = beacon.CurrentTimestamp; }
void InitializeListView() { _adapter = new LeDevicesListAdapter(this); var list = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.device_list); list.Adapter = _adapter; list.ItemClick += (sender, e) => { _selectedBeacon = _adapter[e.Position]; var imgView = e.View.FindViewWithTag("beacon_image"); _quickAction.Show(imgView); }; }
// *** constructors *** public WebRequestTracerBase(ILogger logger, Beacon beacon, int parentActionID) { this.logger = logger; this.beacon = beacon; this.parentActionID = parentActionID; // creating start sequence number has to be done here, because it's needed for the creation of the tag StartSequenceNo = beacon.NextSequenceNumber; tag = beacon.CreateTag(parentActionID, StartSequenceNo); StartTime = beacon.CurrentTimestamp; }
internal Action(Beacon beacon, string name, Action parentAction, SynchronizedQueue <IAction> thisLevelActions) { this.beacon = beacon; this.parentAction = parentAction; this.startTime = beacon.CurrentTimestamp; this.startSequenceNo = beacon.NextSequenceNumber; = beacon.NextID; = name; this.thisLevelActions = thisLevelActions; this.thisLevelActions.Put(this); }
public ActionResult Save(Beacon beacon) { if (!IsUserLoggedIn()) { TempData["RedirectMessage"] = "Access denied. Please login."; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(beacon.uuid)) { ModelState.AddModelError("uuid", "Please fill this field."); return(View("Edit", beacon)); } try { new Guid(beacon.uuid); } catch (Exception e) { ModelState.AddModelError("uuid", "UUID must have 32 characters, separated by 4 dashes."); beacon.uuid = null; return(View("Edit", beacon)); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(beacon.Name)) { ModelState.AddModelError("Name", "Please fill this field."); return(View("Edit", beacon)); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(beacon.Location)) { ModelState.AddModelError("Localization", "Please fill this field."); return(View("Edit", beacon)); } using (BeaconDBContext db = new BeaconDBContext()) { bool success; if (Request.Params["typeofedit"].ToString().Equals("new")) // hiddenfield can be 2 values: new, exists { success = db.AddNewBeacon(beacon); return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { result = success ? 1 : 0, add = 1 })); } success = db.EditBeacon(beacon); return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { result = success ? 1 : 0, add = 0 })); } }
public ActionResult SetFilter(string BeaconId, string FilterIn, string FilterOut ) { if (FilterIn == null) { // Add BeaconId list if (beaconList.Count == 0) { foreach (var beacon in db.Beacons.OrderByDescending(data => data.Id)) { beaconList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = beacon.BeaconId, Value = beacon.BeaconId }); } } ViewBag.BeaconId = beaconList; ViewBag.FilterIn = ProcessAdvertisement.GetFilter(beaconList[curSelectedIndex].Text, true); ViewBag.FilterOut = ProcessAdvertisement.GetFilter(beaconList[curSelectedIndex].Text, false); return(View()); } int valueIn = 0, valueOut = 0; if (!int.TryParse(FilterIn, out valueIn)) { return(View()); } if (!int.TryParse(FilterOut, out valueOut)) { return(View()); } ProcessAdvertisement.SetFilter(BeaconId, valueIn, valueOut); Beacon result = db.Beacons.Where(data => data.BeaconId == BeaconId).FirstOrDefault(); result.InFilter = valueIn; result.OutFilter = valueOut; db.Entry(result).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); //return View(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> BeaconCreate( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.User, "post", Route = "beacons")] [RequestBodyType(typeof(BeaconBody), "The beacon to create")] HttpRequest req, [SwaggerIgnore] ClaimsPrincipal userClaim) { // only admin can update beacon if (!userClaim.IsInRole(UserType.Admin.ToString())) { return(ForbiddenObjectResult.Create(new ErrorResponse(ErrorCode.UNAUTHORIZED_ROLE_NO_PERMISSIONS))); } // deserialize request BeaconBody beaconBody; try { beaconBody = await SerializationUtil.Deserialize <BeaconBody>(req.Body); } catch (JsonException e) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult(new ErrorResponse(400, e.Message))); } // check for required fields if (beaconBody.Name == null) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult(new ErrorResponse(400, "Name is required"))); } if (beaconBody.LocationId == null) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult(new ErrorResponse(400, "LocationId is required"))); } if (beaconBody.Lat == null) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult(new ErrorResponse(400, "Latitude is required"))); } if (beaconBody.Lng == null) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult(new ErrorResponse(400, "Longitude is required"))); } if (!await locationService.Exists((int)beaconBody.LocationId)) { return(new NotFoundObjectResult(new ErrorResponse(ErrorCode.LOCATION_NOT_FOUND))); } // create user Beacon createdBeacon = await this.beaconService.CreateBeacon(beaconBody); return(new OkObjectResult(createdBeacon)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { beacons=new ArrayList(); foreach(GameObject zone in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("zone")){ Beacon b=new Beacon(zone); beacons.Add (b); } for(int count=0;count<bugCount;count++){ GameObject bug=(GameObject)Instantiate(bugPrefab,new Vector3(0f,.5f,1.25f) ,Quaternion.identity); bugScript script=(bugScript)bug.GetComponent("bugScript"); script.setBeacons(beacons); bugs.Add (bug); } }
public void EqualsTest() { try { iBeaconServer beacon1 = new iBeaconServer("test", 10, 10); Beacon beacon2 = new Beacon("test", 10, 10, 10, 10, 20.00, 10); Assert.IsNotNull(beacon1); Assert.IsNotNull(beacon2); Assert.True(beacon1.Equals(beacon2)); } catch (SecurityException e) { Console.WriteLine("Security Exception:\n\n{0}", e.Message); } }
void HandleActionItemClicked(object sender, ActionItemClickEventArgs e) { switch (e.ActionItem.ActionId) { case QUICKACTION_DISTANCEDEMO: this.StartActivityForBeacon<DistanceBeaconActivity>(_selectedBeacon); break; case QUICKACTION_NOTIFYDEMO: this.StartActivityForBeacon<NotifyDemoActivity>(_selectedBeacon); break; default: Log.Wtf(Tag, "Don't know how to handle the ActionItem {0}.", e.ActionItem.Title); break; } _selectedBeacon = null; }
public static MeetingRoom GetByBeacon(IDbConnection db, Beacon beacon) { using (IDbCommand command = db.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = "select id,name,capacity, beacon, timezone from meetingroom where id = @Beacon"; IDbDataParameter p = command.CreateParameter(); p.ParameterName = "@Beacon"; p.Value = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", beacon.Uuid, beacon.Major, beacon.Minor); command.Parameters.Add(p); using(IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (!reader.Read()) return null; return new MeetingRoom(reader); } } }
/// <param name="beacon"></param> /// <returns>True, if the given beacon matches an existing one in this container.</returns> public bool Contains(Beacon beacon) { bool found = false; lock (_beaconListLock) { foreach (Beacon existingBeacon in _beacons) { if (beacon.Matches(existingBeacon)) { found = true; break; } } } return found; }
private IEnumerator beaconAnimation(byte id) { Beacon newBeacon = new Beacon(avatarManager.GetAvatarTransform(id), 0, Time.time, avatarManager.GetAvatarColor(id)); beacons.Add(newBeacon); //yield return new WaitForSeconds(timeForBeacon); while(newBeacon.startTime + timeForBeacon > Time.time) { print(newBeacon.startTime); newBeacon.scale += scalePerSecond*Time.deltaTime; yield return 0; } beacons.Remove(newBeacon); print("what"); }
GameObject createNewBeaconUi(Beacon beacon) { Vector3 position = this.nextBeaconPosition(); GameObject beaconObj = (GameObject) Instantiate(beaconPrefab); beaconObj.transform.parent = this.transform; beaconObj.transform.localPosition = position; Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); beaconObj.transform.rotation = rotation; BtnJoinBehaviour behaviour = beaconObj.GetComponentInChildren<BtnJoinBehaviour>(); if (null != behaviour){ behaviour.resetName(, beacon.ip); } return beaconObj; }
static void Main(string[] args) { // On-site version //var beacon = new Beacon("my-web-site", "http://localhost:6053/1.0.0"); // Cloud version var beacon = new Beacon("my-api-key", "my-secret-key-or-null-if-auth-disabled", ""); Console.WriteLine("Number of online users: {0}", beacon.OnlineUserCount()); Console.Write("Sending message to channel..."); beacon.Channel("my-channel").Send(new { message = "Test message sent to channel" }); Console.WriteLine("done."); foreach (var user in beacon.Channel("my-channel").Users()) { Console.Write("Sending message to user '{0}'...", user.Username); user.Send(new { message = "Test message sent directly to user." }); Console.WriteLine("done."); } Console.ReadKey(); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the given beacon to this container. /// </summary> /// <param name="beacon">The beacon to add.</param> /// <param name="overwrite">If true, will update a matching beacon.</param> public void Add(Beacon beacon, bool overwrite = false) { if (beacon != null) { if (overwrite) { if (!Update(beacon)) { lock (_beaconListLock) { _beacons.Add(beacon); } } } else { lock (_beaconListLock) { _beacons.Add(beacon); } } } }
public void RangeBeacons(string beacons) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(beacons)) { string beaconsClean = beacons.Remove(beacons.Length-1); // Get rid of last ; string[] beaconsArr = beaconsClean.Split(';'); List<Beacon> tempbeacons = new List<Beacon>(); foreach (string beacon in beaconsArr) { string[] beaconArr = beacon.Split(','); string uuid = beaconArr[0]; int major = int.Parse(beaconArr[1]); int minor = int.Parse(beaconArr[2]); int range = int.Parse(beaconArr[3]); int strenght = int.Parse(beaconArr[4]); double accuracy = double.Parse(beaconArr[5]); int rssi = int.Parse(beaconArr[6]); Beacon bTmp = new Beacon(uuid,major,minor,range,strenght,accuracy,rssi); tempbeacons.Add(bTmp); } if (BeaconRangeChangedEvent != null) BeaconRangeChangedEvent(tempbeacons); } }
public static void UserInReach(IDbConnection db, UserDetails userDetails, Beacon beacon, string Proximity) { MeetingRoom mr = MeetingRoom.GetByBeacon(db, beacon); if (mr == null) return; TimeSpan t = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1); long today = (long)t.TotalSeconds; string UserEmail = userDetails.Email; if (!MeetingRoomCheckin.DidAlreadyCheckin(db, UserEmail, today)) { SendRequest Request = new SendRequest(); Request.Members.Add(UserEmail); Request.Flags = MessageFlag.ALLOW_DISMISS.Value; Request.Text = "Welcome at TP Office. \nHave a nice working day!"; Api api = new Api(); api.ApiKey = "ak56ba7f5d4285bb685ba8ddf1ad25c8245245dccef6e127724d4743a6cebb1dcd"; try { api.Send(Request); } catch (Com.Mobicage.Rogerthat.ApiException e) { } } List<MeetingRoomBooking> bookings = MeetingRoomBooking.list(db, mr, today); MeetingRoomBooking booking = null; foreach (MeetingRoomBooking meetingRoomBooking in bookings) { long Start = today + (meetingRoomBooking.From * 3600); long End = today + (meetingRoomBooking.Till * 3600); if((Start - 5 * 60)<today && today<(End-5*60)) { booking = meetingRoomBooking; break; } } }
public BeaconFoundEventArgs(Beacon beacon) { FoundBeacon = beacon; }
private void OnBeaconOutOfRange(Beacon beacon) { // GUILayout.Label ("not find"); // status = "not found"; Debug.Log ("Beacon out of range: "+beacon.ToString()); }
private void AddBeaconArgs(Beacon beacon, BeaconEventType eventType) { var args = new BeaconEventArgs(); args.Beacon = beacon; args.EventType = eventType; _beaconArgs.Add(args); }
private static bool IsOutOfRange(int outOfRangeDb, Beacon beacon) { return beacon.RawSignalStrengthInDBm == outOfRangeDb; }
private bool IsValidEnterEvent(BackgroundEvent history, Beacon beacon, int outOfRangeDb) { if (history == null) { return true; } if(!SuppressBurst) { return history.LastEvent == BeaconEventType.Exit || !IsOutOfRange(outOfRangeDb, beacon) && history.EventTime.AddMilliseconds(AppSettings.BeaconExitTimeout) < DateTimeOffset.Now; } return !IsOutOfRange(outOfRangeDb, beacon) && history.EventTime.AddMilliseconds(AppSettings.BeaconExitTimeout) < DateTimeOffset.Now; }
protected override void OnPause() { _selectedBeacon = null; base.OnPause(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the second part of the beacon advertizing packet. /// Uses the beacon IDs 1, 2, 3 and measured power to create the data section. /// </summary> /// <param name="beacon">A beacon instance.</param> /// <param name="includeAuxByte">Defines whether we should add the additional byte or not.</param> /// <returns>A newly created data section.</returns> public static BluetoothLEAdvertisementDataSection BeaconToSecondDataSection( Beacon beacon, bool includeAuxByte = false) { string[] temp = beacon.Id1.Split(HexStringSeparator); string beaconId1 = string.Join(string.Empty, temp); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.Append(ManufacturerIdToString(beacon.ManufacturerId)); stringBuilder.Append(BeaconCodeToString(beacon.Code)); stringBuilder.Append(beaconId1.ToUpper()); byte[] beginning = HexStringToByteArray(stringBuilder.ToString()); byte[] data = includeAuxByte ? new byte[SecondBeaconDataSectionMinimumLengthInBytes + 1] : new byte[SecondBeaconDataSectionMinimumLengthInBytes]; beginning.CopyTo(data, 0); ChangeInt16ArrayEndianess(BitConverter.GetBytes(beacon.Id2)).CopyTo(data, 20); ChangeInt16ArrayEndianess(BitConverter.GetBytes(beacon.Id3)).CopyTo(data, 22); data[24] = (byte)Convert.ToSByte(beacon.MeasuredPower); if (includeAuxByte) { data[25] = beacon.Aux; } BluetoothLEAdvertisementDataSection dataSection = new BluetoothLEAdvertisementDataSection(); dataSection.DataType = SecondBeaconDataSectionDataType; dataSection.Data = data.AsBuffer(); return dataSection; }
private void Deserialize(JSONNode node) { rssi = node["RSSI"].AsInt; beacon = new Beacon(node["beacon"]); date = Gimbal.ConvertJsonDate(node["date"].Value); }