예제 #1
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: laetemn/BARCPack
        public static void unpack(string barc, string outdir)
            if (!Directory.Exists(outdir))

            var schemastm = File.OpenWrite(outdir + "\\schema.bin");
            var schemawt  = new BeBinaryWriter(schemastm);
            var barcstm   = File.OpenRead(barc);
            var barcread  = new BeBinaryReader(barcstm);


            var bhead = barcread.ReadUInt64(); // Should be BARC.

            if (bhead != 0x2D2D2D2D42415243)
                Console.WriteLine("!!!! BARC header didn't match! 0x{0:X}!=0x2D2D2D2D42415243", bhead);
            barcread.ReadInt32(); // skip
            var count = barcread.ReadInt32();

            var ARCFile = util.readBARCStringWE(barcread);

            var vread = File.OpenRead(ARCFile);

            addr_history = new bool[vread.Length * 3];
            seq_map      = new int[vread.Length * 3];
            var names = new string[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var seqname = util.readBARCStringWE(barcread);
                var outname = string.Format("{0:D6}.bms", i);
                names[i] = outname + " = " + seqname;
                barcread.ReadUInt32(); // Idk, but im sure as hell not using these for this app.
                var offset = barcread.ReadUInt32();
                if (addr_history[offset])
                    var bx  = File.OpenWrite(outdir + "\\" + outname);
                    var bxw = new BeBinaryWriter(bx);
                    barcread.ReadUInt32(); // just to keep aligned.
                addr_history[offset] = true;
                seq_map[offset]      = i;
                var size     = barcread.ReadUInt32();
                var filedata = new byte[size];
                vread.Position = offset;
                vread.Read(filedata, 0, (int)size);
                File.WriteAllBytes(outdir + "\\" + outname, filedata);

            File.WriteAllLines(outdir + "\\names.txt", names);
예제 #2
 public static ulong Parse(this BeBinaryReader br, out ulong b)
     b = br.ReadUInt64();
예제 #3
        private int back           = 0; // utility

        public void LoadWSYS(BeBinaryReader WSYSReader)
            BaseAddress    = WSYSReader.BaseStream.Position;
            waves          = new WSYSWave[32768]; // TEMPORARY. Fix WSYS Loading!
            current_header = WSYSReader.ReadInt32();
            if (current_header != WSYS)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Section base at {0} is not WSYS, is instead {1:X}", BaseAddress, current_header);

            size = WSYSReader.ReadInt32();

            id = WSYSReader.ReadInt32();

            WSYSReader.ReadUInt32(); // 4 bytes, not used. .. I think

            //  A little messy, but both of these need to be loaded before we can continue.
            var winfo_offset = WSYSReader.ReadInt32(); // relative offset to wave info offset pointer table.
            var wbct_offset  = WSYSReader.ReadInt32(); // relative offset to wave info offset pointer table.

            int[] winfOffsets;
            int[] wbctOffsets;
                // Load WINF offsets.
                WSYSReader.BaseStream.Position = BaseAddress + winfo_offset;
                current_header = WSYSReader.ReadInt32();          // Should be WINF
                winfOffsets    = new int[WSYSReader.ReadInt32()]; // 4 bytes count

                for (int i = 0; i < winfOffsets.Length; i++)
                    winfOffsets[i] = WSYSReader.ReadInt32();  // Int32's following the length.

                // Load WBCT data

                WSYSReader.BaseStream.Position = BaseAddress + wbct_offset;
                current_header = WSYSReader.ReadInt32();       // Should be WBCT
                WSYSReader.ReadUInt32();                       // 4 bytes unused?
                wbctOffsets = new int[WSYSReader.ReadInt32()]; // 4 bytes count

                for (int i = 0; i < wbctOffsets.Length; i++)
                    wbctOffsets[i] = WSYSReader.ReadInt32();  // Int32's following the length.

            groups = new WSYSGroup[winfOffsets.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < winfOffsets.Length; i++)
                /* This is loading the data for a WINF */
                WSYSReader.BaseStream.Position = BaseAddress + winfOffsets[i];

                var Group = new WSYSGroup();
                Group.path = Helpers.readArchiveName(WSYSReader);

                var fobj        = File.OpenRead("./Banks/" + Group.path); // Open the .AW file  (AW contains only ADPCM data, nothing else.)
                var fobj_reader = new BeBinaryReader(fobj);               // Create a reader for it.

                int   waveInfoCounts = WSYSReader.ReadInt32(); // 4 byte count
                int[] info_offsets   = new int[waveInfoCounts];
                for (int q = 0; q < waveInfoCounts; q++)
                    info_offsets[q] = WSYSReader.ReadInt32();
                Group.IDMap = new int[UInt16.MaxValue]; // We have to initialize the containers for the wave information
                Group.Waves = new WSYSWave[waveInfoCounts];

                /* Since the count should be equal, we're loading the info for the WBCT in he re as well */
                WSYSReader.BaseStream.Position = BaseAddress + wbctOffsets[i];
                // The first several bytes of the WBCT are uselss, a WBCT points directly to a SCNE.
                current_header = WSYSReader.ReadInt32(); // This should be SCNE.
                WSYSReader.ReadUInt64();                 // The next 8 bytes are useless.
                var cdf_offset = WSYSReader.ReadInt32(); // However, the next 4 contain the pointer to c_DF  relative to our base.
                WSYSReader.BaseStream.Position = BaseAddress + cdf_offset;

                current_header = WSYSReader.ReadInt32();       // Should be C_DF.
                int   waveid_count   = WSYSReader.ReadInt32(); // Count of our WAVE ID
                int[] waveid_offsets = new int[waveid_count];  // Be ready to store them
                for (int q = 0; q < waveid_count; q++)
                    waveid_offsets[q] = WSYSReader.ReadInt32(); // Read each waveid

                // Finally, we're going to get our wave data.

                for (int wav = 0; wav < waveInfoCounts; wav++)
                    var o_Wave = new WSYSWave();
                    WSYSReader.BaseStream.Position = BaseAddress + waveid_offsets[wav];
                    var aw_id = WSYSReader.ReadInt16(); // Strangely enough, it has an AW_ID here. This tells which file it sits in?  I guess they're normally loaded separately.
                    o_Wave.id = WSYSReader.ReadInt16(); // This is the waveid for this wave, it's normally globally unique, but some games hot-load banks.

                    WSYSReader.BaseStream.Position = BaseAddress + info_offsets[wav]; // Seek to the offset of the actual wave parameters.

                    WSYSReader.ReadByte();                                            // I have no clue what the first byte does.
                    o_Wave.format = WSYSReader.ReadByte();                            // Tells what format it's in, usually type 5 AFC (ADPCM)
                    o_Wave.key    = WSYSReader.ReadByte();                            // Tells the base key for this wave (0-127 usually)
                    WSYSReader.ReadByte();                                            // I have no clue what this byte does.
                    //var srate = WSYSReader.ReadBytes(4);

                    o_Wave.sampleRate = WSYSReader.ReadSingle();

                     * oh. its a float.
                     * oops
                     * if (o_Wave.format == 5)
                     * {
                     *  o_Wave.sampleRate = 32000; /// ????
                     * }
                     * if (o_Wave.sampleRate == 5666) // What the actual f**k. Broken  value, can't figure out why.
                     * {
                     *  o_Wave.sampleRate = 44100; // I guess set the srate to 44100?
                     * }

                    o_Wave.w_start = WSYSReader.ReadUInt32();                // 4 byte start in AW
                    o_Wave.w_size  = WSYSReader.ReadUInt32();                // 4 byte size in AW
                    var b = WSYSReader.ReadUInt32();
                    o_Wave.loop       = b == UInt32.MaxValue ? true : false; // Weird looping flag?
                    o_Wave.loop_start = (int)Math.Floor(((WSYSReader.ReadInt32() / 8f)) * 16f);
                    o_Wave.loop_end   = (int)Math.Floor(((WSYSReader.ReadInt32() / 8f)) * 16f);

                    o_Wave.sampleCount = WSYSReader.ReadInt32(); // 4 byte sample cont

                    // Console.WriteLine("L {0:X} (0x{1:X}), LS {2:X} , LE {3:X}, SC {4:X} SZ {5:X}", o_Wave.loop, b, o_Wave.loop_start, o_Wave.loop_end,o_Wave.sampleCount,o_Wave.w_size);
                    var name  = string.Format("0x{0:X}.wav", o_Wave.id);
                    var name2 = string.Format("0x{0:X}.par", o_Wave.id);
                    if (!Directory.Exists("./WSYS_CACHE"))
                    if (!Directory.Exists("./WSYS_CACHE/AW_" + Group.path))
                        Directory.CreateDirectory("./WSYS_CACHE/AW_" + Group.path);

                    o_Wave.pcmpath = "./WSYS_CACHE/AW_" + Group.path + "/" + name;

                    Group.Waves[wav]       = o_Wave; // We're done with just about everything except the PCM data now (ADPCM / AFC conversion)
                    Group.IDMap[o_Wave.id] = wav;
                    waves[o_Wave.id]       = o_Wave; // TEMPORARY, FIX WSYS LOADING!

                    fobj_reader.BaseStream.Position = o_Wave.w_start;
                    var adpcm = fobj_reader.ReadBytes((int)o_Wave.w_size);

                    if (!File.Exists(o_Wave.pcmpath))
                        Helpers.AFCtoPCM16(adpcm, o_Wave.sampleRate, (int)o_Wave.w_size, o_Wave.format, o_Wave.pcmpath);
예제 #4
 private int[] loadScene(BeBinaryReader binStream, int Base)
     binStream.ReadInt32();                        // SCNE
     binStream.ReadUInt64();                       // ? 8 empty bytes? Runtime,  maybe?
     return(Helpers.readInt32Array(binStream, 3)); // C-DF, C-EX, C-ST