private void Connect() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmBxPrjName.Text)) { MessageBox.Show( "The projects field cannot be empty, please, either write an project name manualy or use the refresh button in setting form to fetch sub project list", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else if (connectToolStripMenuItem.Enabled) { if (VarGlobale.ConfirmWarn == true) { MessageBox.Show("We are going to generate lot of web traffic, so be patient before see all value, of course it depand of your internet connection performance and OpenSuse server status/aviability." /*+ Environment.NewLine + "I will made an automatic refresh evry 5 minutes."*/, "Infos", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } //splitContainer1.Panel2.Controls.Clear(); panelProjects.Controls.Clear(); if (BckGrdWorkerDll.IsBusy == false) { BckGrdWorkerDll.RunWorkerAsync("PkgList"); } ItemCheckState(true); } FontSkinManager(); }
private void SetListPkg(StringBuilder XmlListPkg) { // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread. // If these threads are different, it returns true. if (this.listViewPckg.InvokeRequired) { SetListPkgCallback d = new SetListPkgCallback(SetListPkg); this.listViewPckg.Invoke(d, XmlListPkg); } else { //if(!VarGlobal.LessVerbose)Console.WriteLine(XmlListPkg.ToString()); List <string> Result = ReadXml.GetValue(XmlListPkg.ToString(), "directory", "entry"); VarGlobale.PkgList = (object[])Result.ToArray(); if (Result.Count > 0) { listViewPckg.Items.Clear(); foreach (string item in Result) { listViewPckg.Items.Add(item); } } BckGrdWorkerDll.RunWorkerAsync("buildRepositoriesMeta"); FontSkinManager(); } }
private void WritePrjMeta() { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; MessageBox.Show(PutSourceProjectMeta.PutProjectMeta( VarGlobale.MetaPrjXmlFs).ToString(), "Result Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); panelProjects.Controls.Clear(); if (BckGrdWorkerDll.IsBusy == false) { BckGrdWorkerDll.RunWorkerAsync("PkgList"); } Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
private void BtnDisConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BckGrdWorkerDll.CancelAsync(); // Loop on TabPages for (int index = 0; index < tabControl1.TabPages.Count; index++) { tabControl1.SelectedIndex = index; CloseCurTab(); } listViewPckg.Items.Clear(); listViewPrjInf.Items.Clear(); //splitContainer1.Panel2.Controls.Clear(); panelProjects.Controls.Clear(); ItemCheckState(false); VarGlobal.NetEvManager.DoSomething("Disconnected"); }
private void MainForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { foreach (TabPage item in tabControl1.TabPages) { try { if (item.Name != "TabPgMain") { ((Ctrl.BuildPkg)item.Controls[0]).CancelTrafic(); } } catch (Exception Ex) { if (!VarGlobal.LessVerbose) { Console.WriteLine(Ex.Message); } } BckGrdWorkerDll.CancelAsync(); } try { if (CmBxPrjName.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Count > 0) { GenericXmlSerializer.Serialize(CmBxPrjName.AutoCompleteCustomSource, VarGlobale.BookMarks); } } catch (Exception Ex) { if (!VarGlobal.LessVerbose) { Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}{2}", Ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, Ex.StackTrace); } } Application.ExitThread(); this.Dispose(true); }