예제 #1
    //function created to condence similar funtionallity of player and enemy creatures
    //source unit is the one doing the move, the target is recieving it
    IEnumerator RunMove(BattleUnit sourceUnit, BattleUnit targetUnit, Move move)
        //checks to see if the cresture is effected by a modifier that would stop runmove
        bool canRunMove = sourceUnit.Creature.OnBeforeMove();

        if (!canRunMove)
            //yield break is called to stop the coroutine if a the move is unable to run
            yield return(ShowStatusChanges(sourceUnit.Creature));

            //to remove hp from damage if required from a volitle status
            yield return(sourceUnit.Hud.UpdateHP());

            yield break;
        yield return(ShowStatusChanges(sourceUnit.Creature));

        //none of this logic will be performed if can run move is false
        yield return(dialogueBox.TypeDialog($"{sourceUnit.Creature.Base.Name} used {move.Base.Name}"));

        if (CheckIfMoveHits(move, sourceUnit.Creature, targetUnit.Creature))
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));


            //check to see if the move was a status move
            if (move.Base.Category == MoveCategory.Status)
                yield return(RunMoveEffects(move.Base.Effects, sourceUnit.Creature, targetUnit.Creature, move.Base.Target));
                var damageDetails = targetUnit.Creature.TakeDamage(move, sourceUnit.Creature);
                yield return(targetUnit.Hud.UpdateHP());

                yield return(ShowDamageDetails(damageDetails));

            if (move.Base.SecondaryEffects != null && move.Base.SecondaryEffects.Count > 0 && targetUnit.Creature.HP > 0)
                foreach (var secondary in move.Base.SecondaryEffects)
                    var rnd = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 101);
                    if (rnd <= secondary.Chance)
                        yield return(RunMoveEffects(secondary, sourceUnit.Creature, targetUnit.Creature, secondary.Target));

            //this coroutine plays if the creature loses all hp
            if (targetUnit.Creature.HP <= 0)
                yield return(HandleCreatureFainted(targetUnit));
        //if the move misses
            yield return(dialogueBox.TypeDialog($"{sourceUnit.Creature.Base.Name}'s attack missed"));