public static void AddSomeBattles()
            Program.WriteHighlightedLine("Starting the process of adding multiple battle to the database!");

            const int numberOfBattles = 10;

            const int numberOfBattleEvents = 10;

            using (var context = new SuperHeroDbContext())
                for (var i = 0; i < numberOfBattles; i++)
                    var name        = $"Battle #{i}";
                    var description = $"Description for battle #{i}";
                    var isBrutal    = (i % 2 == 0);
                    var battleLog   = BattleLog.CreateInstance("Battle Log Of: \n " + name, numberOfBattleEvents);
                    var startDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    var endDate     = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

                    var newBattle = Battle.CreateInstance(name, description, isBrutal, startDate);

                    newBattle.EndDate   = endDate;
                    newBattle.BattleLog = battleLog;


            Program.WriteHighlightedLine("Finalized the process of adding a battle to the database!");
        public static void AddOneBattle()
            // Console.WriteLine("Starting the process of adding a battle to the database!");

            const string battleName = "An Added Battle";

            const string battleDescription = "Was added via the 'AddOneBattle' function in the BattleCreator Class";
            const bool   isBrutal          = false;

            var today     = DateTime.Now;
            var yesterday = today.AddDays(-1);

            const int numberOfBattleEvents = 10;

            var newBattleLog = BattleLog.CreateInstance("Battle Log Of: \n " + battleName, numberOfBattleEvents);

            var newBattle = Battle.CreateInstance(battleName,

            newBattle.EndDate   = today;
            newBattle.BattleLog = newBattleLog;

            using (var context = new SuperHeroDbContext())

            // Console.WriteLine("Finalized the process of adding a battle to the database!");
        public static Battle CreateRandom()
            // Console.WriteLine("Started the process of creating a random battle!");

            #region Date Generation ( WAAAAY too complex for this :|)

            var RNG = new Random();

            var year = RNG.Next(1, 9999);

            var century = Math.Floor(year / 100f);

            var nthCentury = century + 1;

            var lastDigit = nthCentury % 10;

            var counter = lastDigit switch
                1 => "st", 2 => "nd", 3 => "rd", _ => "th"

            var startDate = new DateTime(year, 1, 1);

            // How convenient it lasted exactly a second less than an entire year..
            var endDate = startDate.AddYears(1).AddSeconds(-1);

            var isBrutal = (year * RNG.Next(0, 100) % 1) == 0;


            var battleName        = $"battle of the {nthCentury}{counter} century";
            var battleDescription = $"The {battleName} was a {(isBrutal ? "devastating battle" : "battle soon to be forgotten")}";

            // Console.WriteLine(startDate);
            var battle = Battle.CreateInstance(battleName, battleDescription, isBrutal, startDate);

            var numberOfEvents = RNG.Next(1, 25);

            var battleLog = BattleLog.CreateInstance($"BattleLog for the {battleName}", numberOfEvents);

            battle.BattleLog = battleLog;
            battle.EndDate   = endDate;

            // Console.WriteLine("Finalized the creation of a random battle!");
