예제 #1
        public void BatteryInfo_UWP_GetBatteryInfo_NoneInput_9initializedFieldsReturned()
            // Arrange
            BatteryInfo_UWP_API         biUWP          = new BatteryInfo_UWP_API();
            Dictionary <string, string> expectedFields = new Dictionary <string, string> // expected translation
                { "Темп зарядки/розрядки, мВт", "" }, { "Заводская макс. емкость, мВтЧ", "" },
                { "Текущая макс. емкость, мВтЧ", "" }, { "Оставшаяся емкость, мВтЧ", "" },
                { "Статус батареи", "" }, { "Режим сбережения энергии", "" },
                { "Статут источника питания", "" }, { "Осташаяся емкость, %", "" },
                { "Оставшееся время работы", "" }
            Dictionary <string, string> receivedFields;

            // Act
            receivedFields = biUWP.GetBatteryInfo();

            // Assert
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in receivedFields)
                // is field is not null and with right translation, than true
                Assert.IsTrue((expectedFields.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) &&
                              (pair.Value != null));
            Assert.IsTrue(receivedFields.Count == expectedFields.Count); // check for equal count of fields
예제 #2
        public void PDFReportCreator_CreateReport__PathToFileInput__NewPdfFile()
            // Arrange
            bool                   expectedFile_Existing_Method_Result = true;
            string                 pathToFile    = @"TestCreating.pdf";
            PdfReportCreator       reportCreator = new BatteryChecker.Model.Reports.PdfReportCreator();
            List <BatteryProperty> testBatteryInfoRequiredFormat = new List <BatteryProperty>();

            BatteryInfo_UWP_API         testBatteryInfo             = new BatteryInfo_UWP_API();
            Dictionary <string, string> testBatteryInfoSourceFormat = testBatteryInfo.GetBatteryInfo();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> bp in testBatteryInfoSourceFormat)
                testBatteryInfoRequiredFormat.Add(new BatteryProperty(bp.Key, bp.Value));

            // Act
            reportCreator.CreateReport(pathToFile, testBatteryInfoRequiredFormat);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFile_Existing_Method_Result, File.Exists(pathToFile));