예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// returns the maximum and minimum eigenvalues of the matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Array myeigs =[MaximumEig, MinimumEig]</returns>
        public double[] Eigenval()
            double[] eigenvalues         = new double[2];
            MultidimensionalArray eigs   = MultidimensionalArray.Create(1, 2);
            MultidimensionalArray output = MultidimensionalArray.Create(2, 1);

            int[]    DepVars        = this.VarGroup;
            double[] DepVars_subvec = this.m_map.GetSubvectorIndices(true, DepVars).Select(i => i + 1.0).ToArray();

            using (BatchmodeConnector bmc = new BatchmodeConnector()){
                // if Octave should be used instead of Matlab....
                //BatchmodeConnector.Flav = BatchmodeConnector.Flavor.Octave;

                bmc.PutSparseMatrix(m_OpMtx, "FullMatrix");
                bmc.PutVector(DepVars_subvec, "DepVars_subvec");
                bmc.Cmd("output = zeros(2,1)");
                bmc.Cmd("output(1) = eigs(FullMatrix(DepVars_subvec,DepVars_subvec),1,'lm');");
                bmc.Cmd("output(2) = eigs(FullMatrix(DepVars_subvec,DepVars_subvec),1,'sm');");
                bmc.GetMatrix(output, "output");

            double[] myeigs = new double[] { output[0, 0], output[1, 0] };
            Debug.Assert(output[0, 0].MPIEquals(), "value does not match on procs");
            Debug.Assert(output[1, 0].MPIEquals(), "value does not match on procs");
예제 #2
        public static void GetExternalRowsTest(
            [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg,
            [Values(2)] int DGOrder,
            [Values(4)] int Res)
            //Matlabaufruf --> gesamte Matrix nach Matlab schreiben
            //Teilmatritzen gemäß Globalid extrahieren
            //Mit ExternalRows vergleichen
            //Die große Frage: funktioniert der batchmode connector parallel? Beim rausschreiben beachten

            Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder);
            Console.WriteLine("GetExternalRowsTest({0},{1})", UseXdg, DGOrder);

            //Arrange --- setup mgo and mask
            MultigridOperator mgo = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MatrixShape.laplace, Res);
            MultigridMapping  map = mgo.Mapping;
            BlockMsrMatrix    M   = mgo.OperatorMatrix;

            //Delete this plz ...
            //int[] A = Utils.GimmeAllBlocksWithSpec(map, 9);
            //int[] B = Utils.GimmeAllBlocksWithSpec(map, 18);
            //if (map.MpiRank == 0) {
            //    A.SaveToTextFileDebug("ACells");
            //    B.SaveToTextFileDebug("BCells");
            var selector = new SubBlockSelector(map);
            var dummy    = new BlockMsrMatrix(map); // we are only interested in getting indices, so a dummy is sufficient
            var mask     = new BlockMask(selector, dummy);

            //Arrange --- get stuff to put into matlab
            int[]    GlobalIdx_ext = Utils.GetAllExtCellIdc(map);
            double[] GlobIdx       = GlobalIdx_ext.Length.ForLoop(i => (double)GlobalIdx_ext[i] + 1.0);

            //Arrange --- get external rows by mask
            BlockMsrMatrix extrows = BlockMask.GetAllExternalRows(mgo.Mapping, mgo.OperatorMatrix);

            //Assert --- idc and rows of extrows have to be the same
            Assert.IsTrue(GlobIdx.Length == extrows._RowPartitioning.LocalLength);

            //Arrange --- get external rows by matlab
            var infNorm = MultidimensionalArray.Create(1, 1);

            using (BatchmodeConnector matlab = new BatchmodeConnector()) {
                //note: BatchmodeCon maybe working on proc0 but savetotxt file, etc. (I/O) is full mpi parallel
                //so concider this as full mpi-parallel
                matlab.PutSparseMatrix(M, "M");
                matlab.PutSparseMatrix(extrows, "M_test");
                matlab.PutVector(GlobIdx, "Idx");
                matlab.Cmd(String.Format("M_ext = M(Idx, :);"));
                matlab.GetMatrix(infNorm, "n");

            //Assert --- test if we actually got the right Matrix corresponding to Index
            Assert.IsTrue(infNorm[0, 0] == 0.0);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// returns the condition number of the full matrix
        /// </summary>
        public double CondNumMatlab()
            int[] DepVars       = this.VarGroup;
            var   grd           = m_map.GridDat;
            int   NoOfCells     = grd.Grid.NumberOfCells;
            int   NoOfBdryCells = grd.GetBoundaryCells().NoOfItemsLocally_WithExternal;

            var Mtx = m_MultigridOp.OperatorMatrix;

            // Blocks and selectors
            // ====================
            var InnerCellsMask = grd.GetBoundaryCells().Complement();

            var FullSel = new SubBlockSelector(m_MultigridOp.Mapping);


            // Matlab
            // ======

            double[] Full_0Vars = (new BlockMask(FullSel)).GlobalIndices.Select(i => i + 1.0).ToArray();

            MultidimensionalArray output = MultidimensionalArray.Create(2, 1);

            string[] names = new string[] { "Full_0Vars", "Inner_0Vars" };

            using (BatchmodeConnector bmc = new BatchmodeConnector()) {
                // if Octave should be used instead of Matlab....
                // BatchmodeConnector.Flav = BatchmodeConnector.Flavor.Octave;

                bmc.PutSparseMatrix(Mtx, "FullMatrix");

                bmc.PutVector(Full_0Vars, "Full_0Vars");

                bmc.Cmd("output = ones(2,1);");

                bmc.Cmd("output(1) = condest(FullMatrix(Full_0Vars,Full_0Vars));");

                bmc.GetMatrix(output, "output");

                double condestFull = output[0, 0];
                Debug.Assert(condestFull.MPIEquals(), "value does not match on procs");

                Console.WriteLine($"MATLAB condition number: {condestFull:0.###e-00}");

예제 #4
        public static void SpMVTest(
            [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.mixed1, XDGusage.mixed2, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg,
            [Values(1, 3)] int DGOrder,
            [Values(false, true)] bool compressL1,
            [Values(false, true)] bool compressL2)
                int[] Params = new int[8], ParamsGlob = new int[8];
                fixed(int *pParams = Params, pParamsGlob = ParamsGlob)
                    pParams[0] = (int)UseXdg;
                    pParams[1] = DGOrder;
                    pParams[2] = compressL1 ? 1 : 0;
                    pParams[3] = compressL2 ? 1 : 0;
                    pParams[4] = -pParams[0];
                    pParams[5] = -pParams[1];
                    pParams[6] = -pParams[2];
                    pParams[7] = -pParams[3];

                    csMPI.Raw.Allreduce((IntPtr)pParams, (IntPtr)pParamsGlob, 8, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.INT, csMPI.Raw._OP.MIN, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);

                int[] ParamsMin = ParamsGlob.GetSubVector(0, 4);
                int[] ParamsMax = ParamsGlob.GetSubVector(4, 4);
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (Params[i] != ParamsMin[i])
                        throw new ApplicationException();
                    if (Params[i] != -ParamsMax[i])
                        throw new ApplicationException();

                Console.WriteLine("SpMVTest({0},{1},{2},{3})", UseXdg, DGOrder, compressL1, compressL2);

            using (var solver = new Matrix_MPItestMain()
                m_UseXdg = UseXdg, m_DGorder = DGOrder
            }) {
                // create the test data
                // ====================

                BoSSS.Solution.Application.CommandLineOptions opts = null;
                //opts = new BoSSS.Solution.Application.CommandLineOptions();
                solver.Init(null, opts);

                Stopwatch stw = new Stopwatch();

                BlockMsrMatrix M = solver.OperatorMatrix;
                double[]       B = new double[M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength];
                double[]       X = new double[M.ColPartition.LocalLength];

                Random R = new Random();
                for (int i = 0; i < X.Length; i++)
                    X[i] = R.NextDouble();
                for (int i = 0; i < B.Length; i++)
                    B[i] = R.NextDouble();

                double[] Bb4 = B.CloneAs();

                double RefNorm = B.L2NormPow2().MPISum().Sqrt() * 1e-10;


                M.SpMV(1.6, X, 0.5, B);



                using (var MatlabRef = new BatchmodeConnector()) {
                    MultidimensionalArray CheckRes = MultidimensionalArray.Create(1, 1);

                    MatlabRef.PutSparseMatrix(M, "M");
                    MatlabRef.PutVector(Bb4, "Bref");
                    MatlabRef.PutVector(B, "B");
                    MatlabRef.PutVector(X, "X");

                    MatlabRef.Cmd("Bref = Bref*0.5 + M*X*1.6;");
                    MatlabRef.Cmd("errB = norm(B - Bref, 2);");

                    MatlabRef.Cmd("CheckRes = [errB];");
                    MatlabRef.GetMatrix(CheckRes, "CheckRes");


                    Console.WriteLine("Matlab check SpMV: " + CheckRes[0, 0]);

                    Assert.LessOrEqual(CheckRes[0, 0], RefNorm, "Error in SpMV");

                Console.WriteLine("Time spend in matrix operations: " + stw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " sec.");

                TotTime_MatrixOp += stw.Elapsed;
예제 #5
        public static void SubMatrixTest(
            [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.mixed1, XDGusage.mixed2, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg,
            [Values(1, 3)] int DGOrder,
            [Values(false, true)] bool compressL1,
            [Values(false, true)] bool compressL2)
                int[] Params = new int[8], ParamsGlob = new int[8];
                fixed(int *pParams = Params, pParamsGlob = ParamsGlob)
                    pParams[0] = (int)UseXdg;
                    pParams[1] = DGOrder;
                    pParams[2] = compressL1 ? 1 : 0;
                    pParams[3] = compressL2 ? 1 : 0;
                    pParams[4] = -pParams[0];
                    pParams[5] = -pParams[1];
                    pParams[6] = -pParams[2];
                    pParams[7] = -pParams[3];

                    csMPI.Raw.Allreduce((IntPtr)pParams, (IntPtr)pParamsGlob, 8, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.INT, csMPI.Raw._OP.MIN, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);

                int[] ParamsMin = ParamsGlob.GetSubVector(0, 4);
                int[] ParamsMax = ParamsGlob.GetSubVector(4, 4);
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (Params[i] != ParamsMin[i])
                        throw new ApplicationException();
                    if (Params[i] != -ParamsMax[i])
                        throw new ApplicationException();

                Console.WriteLine("SubMatrixTest({0},{1},{2},{3})", UseXdg, DGOrder, compressL1, compressL2);

            using (var solver = new Matrix_MPItestMain()
                m_UseXdg = UseXdg, m_DGorder = DGOrder
            }) {
                // create the test data
                // ====================

                BoSSS.Solution.Application.CommandLineOptions opts = null;
                //opts = new BoSSS.Solution.Application.CommandLineOptions();
                solver.Init(null, opts);

                Stopwatch stw = new Stopwatch();

                BlockMsrMatrix M = solver.OperatorMatrix;

                int[] Ilist1 = solver.ProblemMapping.GetSubvectorIndices(false, 0);
                int[] Ilist2 = solver.ProblemMapping.GetSubvectorIndices(false, 1);

                foreach (int i in Ilist1)
                foreach (int i in Ilist2)

                var Blk1 = solver.ProblemMapping.GetSubBlocking(Ilist1, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD, compressL1 ? -1 : 0);
                var Blk2 = solver.ProblemMapping.GetSubBlocking(Ilist2, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD, compressL2 ? -1 : 0);

                int[] Tlist1 = compressL1 ? default(int[]) : Blk1.GetOccupiedIndicesList();
                int[] Tlist2 = compressL2 ? default(int[]) : Blk2.GetOccupiedIndicesList();
                if (Tlist1 != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual(Tlist1.Length, Ilist1.Length);
                    foreach (int i in Tlist1)
                if (Tlist2 != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual(Tlist2.Length, Ilist2.Length);
                    foreach (int i in Tlist2)
                BlockMsrMatrix M11 = new BlockMsrMatrix(Blk1, Blk1);
                BlockMsrMatrix M12 = new BlockMsrMatrix(Blk1, Blk2);
                BlockMsrMatrix M21 = new BlockMsrMatrix(Blk2, Blk1);
                BlockMsrMatrix M22 = new BlockMsrMatrix(Blk2, Blk2);

                M.AccSubMatrixTo(1.0, M11, Ilist1, Tlist1, Ilist1, Tlist1);
                M.AccSubMatrixTo(1.0, M12, Ilist1, Tlist1, Ilist2, Tlist2);
                M.AccSubMatrixTo(1.0, M21, Ilist2, Tlist2, Ilist1, Tlist1);
                M.AccSubMatrixTo(1.0, M22, Ilist2, Tlist2, Ilist2, Tlist2);

                BlockMsrMatrix restored_M = new BlockMsrMatrix(M._RowPartitioning, M._ColPartitioning);
                int[]          Idx1       = compressL1 ? Blk1.LocalLength.ForLoop(i => i + Blk1.i0) : Tlist1;
                int[]          Idx2       = compressL2 ? Blk2.LocalLength.ForLoop(i => i + Blk2.i0) : Tlist2;
                M11.AccSubMatrixTo(1.0, restored_M, Idx1, Ilist1, Idx1, Ilist1);
                M12.AccSubMatrixTo(1.0, restored_M, Idx1, Ilist1, Idx2, Ilist2);
                M21.AccSubMatrixTo(1.0, restored_M, Idx2, Ilist2, Idx1, Ilist1);
                M22.AccSubMatrixTo(1.0, restored_M, Idx2, Ilist2, Idx2, Ilist2);

                // test transpose-operator
                var M_TT   = M.Transpose().Transpose();
                var M11_TT = M11.Transpose().Transpose();
                var M12_TT = M12.Transpose().Transpose();
                var M21_TT = M21.Transpose().Transpose();
                var M22_TT = M22.Transpose().Transpose();
                M_TT.Acc(-1.0, M);
                M11_TT.Acc(-1.0, M11);
                M12_TT.Acc(-1.0, M12);
                M21_TT.Acc(-1.0, M21);
                M22_TT.Acc(-1.0, M22);
                double M_TT_norm   = M_TT.InfNorm();
                double M11_TT_norm = M11_TT.InfNorm();
                double M12_TT_norm = M12_TT.InfNorm();
                double M21_TT_norm = M21_TT.InfNorm();
                double M22_TT_norm = M22_TT.InfNorm();
                Assert.IsTrue(M_TT_norm == 0.0, "Transpose^2 is not identity.");
                Assert.IsTrue(M11_TT_norm == 0.0, "Transpose^2 is not identity.");
                Assert.IsTrue(M12_TT_norm == 0.0, "Transpose^2 is not identity.");
                Assert.IsTrue(M21_TT_norm == 0.0, "Transpose^2 is not identity.");
                Assert.IsTrue(M22_TT_norm == 0.0, "Transpose^2 is not identity.");



                using (var MatlabRef = new BatchmodeConnector()) {
                    MatlabRef.PutVector(Ilist1.Select(i => (double)i + 1.0).ToArray(), "Ilist1");
                    MatlabRef.PutVector(Ilist2.Select(i => (double)i + 1.0).ToArray(), "Ilist2");
                    MatlabRef.PutVector(Tlist1 == null ? Ilist1.Length.ForLoop(i => (double)i + 1.0 + Blk1.i0) : Tlist1.Select(i => (double)i + 1.0).ToArray(), "Tlist1");
                    MatlabRef.PutVector(Tlist2 == null ? Ilist2.Length.ForLoop(i => (double)i + 1.0 + Blk2.i0) : Tlist2.Select(i => (double)i + 1.0).ToArray(), "Tlist2");

                    MultidimensionalArray CheckRes = MultidimensionalArray.Create(1, 4);

                    MatlabRef.PutSparseMatrix(M, "M");
                    MatlabRef.PutSparseMatrix(M11, "M11");
                    MatlabRef.PutSparseMatrix(M12, "M12");
                    MatlabRef.PutSparseMatrix(M21, "M21");
                    MatlabRef.PutSparseMatrix(M22, "M22");

                    MatlabRef.Cmd("L1 = {0};", Blk1.TotalLength);
                    MatlabRef.Cmd("L2 = {0};", Blk2.TotalLength);
                    MatlabRef.Cmd("refM11 = sparse(L1, L1);");
                    MatlabRef.Cmd("refM12 = sparse(L1, L2);");
                    MatlabRef.Cmd("refM21 = sparse(L2, L1);");
                    MatlabRef.Cmd("refM22 = sparse(L2, L2);");

                    MatlabRef.Cmd("refM11(Tlist1, Tlist1) = M(Ilist1, Ilist1);");
                    MatlabRef.Cmd("refM12(Tlist1, Tlist2) = M(Ilist1, Ilist2);");
                    MatlabRef.Cmd("refM21(Tlist2, Tlist1) = M(Ilist2, Ilist1);");
                    MatlabRef.Cmd("refM22(Tlist2, Tlist2) = M(Ilist2, Ilist2);");

                    MatlabRef.Cmd("err11 = norm(refM11 - M11, inf);");
                    MatlabRef.Cmd("err12 = norm(refM12 - M12, inf);");
                    MatlabRef.Cmd("err21 = norm(refM21 - M21, inf);");
                    MatlabRef.Cmd("err22 = norm(refM22 - M22, inf);");

                    MatlabRef.Cmd("CheckRes = [err11, err12, err21, err22];");
                    MatlabRef.GetMatrix(CheckRes, "CheckRes");


                    Console.WriteLine("Matlab check 11: " + CheckRes[0, 0]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Matlab check 12: " + CheckRes[0, 1]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Matlab check 21: " + CheckRes[0, 2]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Matlab check 22: " + CheckRes[0, 3]);

                    Assert.IsTrue(CheckRes[0, 0] == 0.0);
                    Assert.IsTrue(CheckRes[0, 1] == 0.0);
                    Assert.IsTrue(CheckRes[0, 2] == 0.0);
                    Assert.IsTrue(CheckRes[0, 3] == 0.0);


                restored_M.Acc(-1.0, M);
                double err = restored_M.InfNorm();
                Console.WriteLine("Submatrix operations error: " + err);
                Assert.IsTrue(err == 0.0);

                restored_M.Acc(1.0, M);
                IMutuableMatrixEx_Extensions.Acc(restored_M, -1.0, M);
                double err2 = restored_M.InfNorm();
                Console.WriteLine("Submatrix operations error: " + err2);
                Assert.IsTrue(err2 == 0.0);


                Console.WriteLine("Time spend in matrix operations: " + stw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " sec.");

                TotTime_MatrixOp += stw.Elapsed;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// According to the Rouché-Capelli theorem, the system is inconsistent if rank(augMatrix) > rank(Matrix).
        /// If rank(augMatrix) == rank(Matrix), the system has at least one solution.
        /// Additionally, if the rank is equal to the number of variables, the solution of the system is unique.
        /// Remark: This requires the whole RHS not only local!!!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OpMatrix"></param>
        /// <param name="RHS"></param>
        public void rankAnalysis(BlockMsrMatrix OpMatrix, double[] RHS)
            int RHSlen = this.localRHS.Length;

            Debug.Assert(RHSlen == m_OpMtx.RowPartitioning.LocalLength);

            MultidimensionalArray outputArray = MultidimensionalArray.Create(2, 1); // The two rank values

            //At this point OpMatrix and RHS are local, they are collected within bmc on proc rank==0
            using (var bmc = new BatchmodeConnector()){
                bmc.PutSparseMatrix(OpMatrix, "OpMatrix");
                bmc.PutVector(RHS, "RHS");
                bmc.Cmd("output = zeros(2,1)"); // First value is rank(OpMatrix), second the rank of the augmented matrix = rank([Matrix|RHS])
                bmc.Cmd("fullMtx = full(OpMatrix);");
                bmc.Cmd("augmentedMtx = [fullMtx RHS];");
                bmc.Cmd("output(1) = rank(fullMtx)");
                bmc.Cmd("output(2) = rank(augmentedMtx)");
                bmc.GetMatrix(outputArray, "output");

            double[] output = new double[2];
            output[0] = outputArray[0, 0]; //Rank matrix
            output[1] = outputArray[1, 0]; //Rank augmented matrix ( [Matrix|RHS])

            double rnkMtx          = output[0];
            double rnkAugmentedMtx = output[1];

            // Some tests

                Console.WriteLine("Results of rank analysis:");
                if (rnkAugmentedMtx > rnkMtx)
                    //throw new Exception("The rank of the augmented matrix shouldn't be greater than the one of the original matrix!!");
                    Console.WriteLine("WARNING!!!!!!! The rank of the augmented matrix shouldn't be greater than the one of the original matrix!!");
                    Console.WriteLine("This means that the system doesnt have a solution!");

                if (rnkAugmentedMtx == rnkMtx)
                    Console.WriteLine("The system has at least a solution");

                //RHS and OpMatrix will be collected in Bmc, so total length has to be considered for RHS: RHS.length will lead to errors in parallel execution
                if (rnkMtx < RHSlen)
                    Console.WriteLine("The rank of the matrix is smaller than the number of variables. There are {0} free parameters", (RHS.Length - rnkMtx));

                else if (rnkMtx == RHSlen)
                    Console.WriteLine("The system has a unique solution :) ");

                    throw new Exception("what? should not happen");

                Console.WriteLine("Rank of the matrix : {0} \n" + "Rank of the augmented matrix : {1} \n" + "Number of variables: {2}", output[0], output[1], RHS.Length);

            Debug.Assert(output[0].MPIEquals(), "value does not match on procs");
            Debug.Assert(output[1].MPIEquals(), "value does not match on procs");
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// returns the condition number of the full matrix and the inner matrix without boundary terms
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Array condestOut=[ConditionNumberFullOp, ConditionNumberInnerOp]</returns>
        public double[] CondNum()
            int[] DepVars       = this.VarGroup;
            var   grd           = m_map.GridDat;
            int   NoOfCells     = grd.Grid.NumberOfCells;
            int   NoOfBdryCells = grd.GetBoundaryCells().NoOfItemsLocally_WithExternal;

            // only for full matrix, if there are no inner cells
            if (NoOfCells == NoOfBdryCells)
                Console.WriteLine("Since there are only boundary cells, the condest of the non-existing inner matrix is set to zero!");

                double[] Full_0Vars          = this.m_map.GetSubvectorIndices(true, DepVars).Select(i => i + 1.0).ToArray();
                MultidimensionalArray output = MultidimensionalArray.Create(1, 1);

                using (BatchmodeConnector bmc = new BatchmodeConnector()){
                    // if Octave should be used instead of Matlab....
                    //BatchmodeConnector.Flav = BatchmodeConnector.Flavor.Octave;

                    bmc.PutSparseMatrix(m_OpMtx, "FullMatrix");
                    bmc.PutVector(Full_0Vars, "Full_0Vars");
                    bmc.Cmd("output = zeros(1,1)");
                    bmc.Cmd("output = condest(FullMatrix(Full_0Vars,Full_0Vars));");
                    bmc.GetMatrix(output, "output");

                double condestFull  = output[0, 0];
                double condestInner = 0;

                double[] condestOut = new double[] { condestFull, condestInner };
            // for full and inner matrix
                CellMask InnerCellsMask = grd.GetBoundaryCells().Complement();
                SubGrid  InnerCells     = new SubGrid(InnerCellsMask);

                double[] Full_0Vars  = this.m_map.GetSubvectorIndices(true, DepVars).Select(i => i + 1.0).ToArray();
                double[] Inner_0Vars = this.m_map.GetSubvectorIndices(InnerCells, true, DepVars).Select(i => i + 1.0).ToArray();

                MultidimensionalArray output = MultidimensionalArray.Create(2, 1);
                string[] names = new string[] { "Full_0Vars", "Inner_0Vars" };

                using (BatchmodeConnector bmc = new BatchmodeConnector()){
                    // if Octave should be used instead of Matlab....
                    // BatchmodeConnector.Flav = BatchmodeConnector.Flavor.Octave;

                    bmc.PutSparseMatrix(m_OpMtx, "FullMatrix");
                    bmc.PutVector(Inner_0Vars, "Inner_0Vars");
                    bmc.PutVector(Full_0Vars, "Full_0Vars");
                    bmc.Cmd("output = zeros(2,1)");

                    int k = 1;
                    foreach (var s in names)
                        bmc.Cmd("output({1}) = condest(FullMatrix({0},{0}));", s, k);

                    bmc.GetMatrix(output, "output");

                    double condestFull  = output[0, 0];
                    double condestInner = output[1, 0];

                    double[] condestOut = new double[] { condestFull, condestInner };

                    Debug.Assert(condestOut[0].MPIEquals(), "value does not match on procs");
                    Debug.Assert(condestOut[1].MPIEquals(), "value does not match on procs");