private static void BatchSynthesisGetvoices(Dictionary <string, string> arguments) { string subscriptionKey = arguments["subscriptionkey"]; string hostURI = arguments["hosturi"]; var result = BatchSynthesis.Getvoices(subscriptionKey, hostURI); DisplayResult <API.DTO.Voice>(result); }
private static void BatchSynthesisGetById(Dictionary <string, string> arguments) { string subscriptionKey = arguments["subscriptionkey"]; string hostURI = arguments["hosturi"]; string batchSynthesisId = arguments["batchsynthesisid"]; var result = BatchSynthesis.GetById(subscriptionKey, hostURI, batchSynthesisId); DisplaySingleResult(result, " "); }
private static void BatchSynthesisDeleteById(Dictionary <string, string> arguments) { string subscriptionKey = arguments["subscriptionkey"]; string hostURI = arguments["hosturi"]; string batchSynthesisId = arguments["batchsynthesisid"]; if (BatchSynthesis.DeleteById(subscriptionKey, hostURI, batchSynthesisId)) { Console.WriteLine("Delete batch synthesis successfully"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Delete batch synthesis failed"); } }
private static void BatchSynthesisCreate(Dictionary <string, string> arguments) { string subscriptionKey = arguments["subscriptionkey"]; string hostURI = arguments["hosturi"]; string name = arguments["name"]; string inputTextPath = arguments["inputtextpath"]; string locale = arguments["locale"]; string models = arguments["models"]; string description = name; string outputFormat = "riff-16khz-16bit-mono-pcm"; bool isConcatenateResult = false; if (arguments.Keys.ToList().Contains("description")) { description = arguments["description"]; } if (arguments.Keys.ToList().Contains("outputformat")) { outputFormat = arguments["outputformat"]; } if (arguments.Keys.ToList().Contains("isconcatenateresult")) { isConcatenateResult = Convert.ToBoolean(arguments["isconcatenateresult"]); } var modelsList = new List <string>(models.Split(';')).Select(x => new Guid(x)).ToList(); var synthesisId = BatchSynthesis.Create(subscriptionKey, hostURI, name, description, inputTextPath, locale, modelsList, outputFormat, isConcatenateResult); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(synthesisId)) { Console.WriteLine("Create batch synthesis failed"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Create batch synthesis successfully, ID : {synthesisId}"); } }
private static void BatchSynthesisGetVoices(Dictionary <string, string> arguments) { string subscriptionKey = arguments["subscriptionkey"]; string hostURI = arguments["hosturi"]; string additionalRequestHeadersStr = arguments["additionalrequestheaders"]; Dictionary <string, string> additionalRequestHeaders = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalRequestHeadersStr)) { foreach (string headerStr in additionalRequestHeadersStr.Split(';')) { var headerKeyValue = headerStr.Split(','); if (headerKeyValue.Length == 2) { additionalRequestHeaders.Add(headerKeyValue[0], headerKeyValue[1]); } } } var result = BatchSynthesis.Getvoices(subscriptionKey, hostURI, additionalRequestHeaders); DisplayResult <API.DTO.Voice>(result); }
private static void BatchSynthesisGet(Dictionary <string, string> arguments) { string subscriptionKey = arguments["subscriptionkey"]; string hostURI = arguments["hosturi"]; string timeStart = string.Empty; string timeEnd = string.Empty; string status = string.Empty; int skip = -1; int top = -1; if (arguments.Keys.ToList().Contains("timestart")) { timeStart = arguments["timestart"]; var ret = DateTime.TryParse(timeStart, out var createdTimeStart); if (!ret) { Console.WriteLine("A valid timestart should be given like '2019-11-21 15:26:21'."); return; } } if (arguments.Keys.ToList().Contains("timeend")) { timeEnd = arguments["timeend"]; var ret = DateTime.TryParse(timeEnd, out var createdTimeEnd); if (!ret) { Console.WriteLine("A valid timeend should be given like '2019-11-21 15:26:21'."); return; } } if (arguments.Keys.ToList().Contains("status")) { status = arguments["status"]; var ret = API.DTO.OneApiState.TryParse(status, true, out API.DTO.OneApiState apiState); if (!ret) { Console.WriteLine("status parameter missing or invalid. Should be one of 'NotStarted/Running/Succeeded/Failed'."); } } if (arguments.Keys.ToList().Contains("skip")) { var skipParam = arguments["skip"]; var ret = int.TryParse(skipParam, out skip); if (!ret) { Console.WriteLine("skip parameter should be an integer number."); } } if (arguments.Keys.ToList().Contains("top")) { var topParam = arguments["top"]; var ret = int.TryParse(topParam, out top); if (!ret) { Console.WriteLine("top parameter should be an integer number."); } } var result = BatchSynthesis.Get(subscriptionKey, hostURI, timeStart, timeEnd, status, skip, top); DisplayResult <API.DTO.BatchSynthesis>(result); }