const float DAMAGE_RANGE = 0.2f; // 100 damage -> 90 ~ 110 damage #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Unit( Type type, int owner, Basic.Vec2Int pos, int hpMax, int hpCurrent, int damage, int defence, int mobility, int initiative, int shootRange, bool isWaited) { this.Type_ = type; this.Owner = owner; this.Pos = pos; this.HpMax = hpMax; this.HpCurrent = hpCurrent; this.Damage = damage; this.Defence = defence; this.Movility = mobility; this.Initiative = initiative; this.ShootRange = shootRange; this.isWaited = isWaited; }
public Monster( string name, int level, bool isBoss, GameObject characterObject) : base(name, level, level * 12) { Speed = 0; BasicAttack = new Basic(); StrongAttack = new Strong(); SpecialAttack = new Special(); BasicDefend = new Basic(); StrongDefend = new Strong(); SpecialDefend = new Special(); CharacterObject = characterObject; Monster _thisMonster = this; IsBoss = isBoss; if (isBoss) { Health.SetNewMaxValue(Health.MaxValue * 3); AIBehavior = new BossAIBehavior(ref _thisMonster); } else { AIBehavior = new MinionAIBehavior(ref _thisMonster); } }
public static List<Basic.Vec2Int> Neibors(Basic.Vec2Int pos, Basic.Vec2Int size) { var acc = new List<Basic.Vec2Int>(8); var yMin = System.Math.Max(pos.y - 1, 0); var yMax = System.Math.Min(pos.y + 1, size.y - 1); var xMin = System.Math.Max(pos.x - 1, 0); var xMax = System.Math.Min(pos.x + 1, size.x - 1); for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) { for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) { if (x == pos.x && y == pos.y) { continue; } else { acc.Add(new Basic.Vec2Int(x, y)); } } } return acc; }
public static Unit Construct(Unit.Type type, int owner, Basic.Vec2Int pos) { var unit = StatusTable(type); unit.Owner = owner; unit.Pos = pos; return unit; }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); Csql = new Sql(); B = new Basic(); TasksBs = new BindingSource(); TasksBs.PositionChanged += new EventHandler(TasksBs_PositionChanged); CheckedTask = new SortedList(); }
public taskLists(Point MainFormCurrentLocation) { InitializeComponent(); ListBs = new BindingSource(); ListBs.PositionChanged += new EventHandler(ListBs_PositionChanged); B = new Basic(); mainFormLocation = MainFormCurrentLocation; }
public CustomShellType(Basic basicSetting, MainCode mainCodeSetting) { _shellTypeName = basicSetting.ShellTypeName; _basicSetting = basicSetting; _mainCodeSetting = mainCodeSetting; //初始化方法树 _funcTreeRoot = new FuncTreeNode(_shellTypeName); }
/// <summary> /// Run Statement /// </summary> /// <param name="BasicIntrepeter">Basic Intrepeter that called the Statement</param> public override void ExcecuteStatement(Basic BasicIntrepeter) { double ComparisonResult = 0F; bool openParenthis = false; BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.Expect(typeof(WhileToken)); // Alow the usage of parenthis like C language if (typeof(LeftParenToken).Equals(BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.CurrentToken.GetType())) { BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.Expect(typeof(LeftParenToken)); openParenthis = true; } // Get comparison result ComparisonResult = BasicIntrepeter.NumericModifier.ExpressionLevel3(); // If we had an opening parenthis we expect a closing one if (openParenthis) BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.Expect(typeof(RightParenToken)); // Check comparison result if (ComparisonResult < 1.0F) { // False -> Goto WEND and continue processing from there SearchForWEND(); } else { // True -> Add to WHILE Stack // Search for earlier WHILE statement int NegativeOffset = 0; while (true) { if (Parser.Program[Parser.ProgramPosition - NegativeOffset].GetType().Equals(typeof(WhileToken))) break; NegativeOffset++; } // Store WHILE position on stack if (BasicIntrepeter.WHILEStackPosition < (BasicIntrepeter.WHILEStack.Length - 1)) { BasicIntrepeter.WHILEStack[BasicIntrepeter.WHILEStackPosition] = Parser.ProgramPosition - NegativeOffset; BasicIntrepeter.WHILEStackPosition++; } else throw new MFBasic.Exceptions.BasicLanguageException(MFBasic.Exceptions.BasicLanguageException.WHILE_STACK_EXHAUSTED); // Find start of next line while (!BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.CurrentToken.GetType().Equals(typeof(EndOfLineToken)) && !BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.CurrentToken.GetType().Equals(typeof(EndOfInputToken))) BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.Next(); } }
/// <summary> /// Run Statement /// </summary> /// <param name="BasicIntrepeter">Basic Intrepeter that called the Statement</param> public override void ExcecuteStatement(Basic BasicIntrepeter) { BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.Expect(typeof(WendToken)); if (BasicIntrepeter.WHILEStackPosition > 0) { BasicIntrepeter.WHILEStackPosition--; Parser.ProgramPosition = BasicIntrepeter.WHILEStack[BasicIntrepeter.WHILEStackPosition]; } else { throw new MFBasic.Exceptions.BasicLanguageException(MFBasic.Exceptions.BasicLanguageException.WEND_WITHOUT_WHILE); } }
public TBGActionAttackMelee(int playerOwner, int unitIndex, BoardGame.BoardPath path, int damage, int targetUnitIndex, Basic.Vec2Int targetUnitPos, bool isTargetDead) : base(playerOwner, unitIndex) { _path = path; _damage = damage; _targetUnitIndex = targetUnitIndex; _targetUnitPos = targetUnitPos; _isTargetDead = isTargetDead; }
public override string GetStringResult(Basic BasicIntrepeter) { String Input = ""; BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.Expect(typeof(ToUpper__Token)); BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.Expect(typeof(LeftParenToken)); if (BasicIntrepeter.StringModifier.isString()) Input = BasicIntrepeter.StringModifier.Value(); else BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.Expect(typeof(StringToken)); BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.Expect(typeof(RightParenToken)); return Input.ToUpper(); }
public TBGActionAttackRanged(int playerOwner, int unitIndex, Basic.Vec2Int posFrom, int damage, int targetUnitIndex, Basic.Vec2Int targetUnitPos, bool isFullDamage, bool isTargetDead) : base(playerOwner, unitIndex) { _posFrom = posFrom; _damage = damage; _targetUnitIndex = targetUnitIndex; _targetUnitPos = targetUnitPos; _isFullDamage = isFullDamage; _isTargetDead = isTargetDead; }
public override string GetStringResult(Basic BasicIntrepeter) { byte Input = 0; BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.Expect(typeof(Chr__Token)); if (BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.CurrentToken.GetType().Equals(typeof(LeftParenToken))) { Input = (byte) System.Math.Floor(BasicIntrepeter.NumericModifier.Value()); } else { BasicIntrepeter.CodeParser.Expect(typeof(LeftParenToken)); } return new String(new char[] { (char)Input }); }
public RandomAI(Game game, String name) : base(game, name) { _PlayerType = PlayerType.Computer; IEnumerable<Type> aiTypes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where(x => (x == typeof(Basic) || x.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Basic))) && game.Settings.RandomAI_AllowedAIs.Contains(x.FullName) && (!game.Settings.RandomAI_Unique || !game.Players.Any(p => p.GetType() == x || (p.GetType() == typeof(RandomAI) && ((RandomAI)p).ActualPlayer.GetType() == x)))); if (aiTypes.Count() == 0) throw new GameCreationException(String.Format("Cannot find a fitting AI to choose for Random!{0}Please check your game settings and verify that there are enough AIs to choose from", System.Environment.NewLine)); Type aiType = Utilities.Shuffler.Choose(aiTypes.ToList()); this.ActualPlayer = (Basic)aiType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Game), typeof(String), typeof(Player) }).Invoke(new object[] { game, name + " (R)", this }); }
public void Init(Basic.Vec2Int pos, Basic.Vec2Int targetPos, System.Func<Basic.Vec2Int, Vector3> fnConvertPos) { image = GetComponent<Image>(); // start var rotateY = -45f; var vec = targetPos - pos; var degree = Mathf.Atan2(vec.y, vec.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; var gridSize = fnConvertPos(new Basic.Vec2Int(1, 1)); this.transform.eulerAngles -= new Vector3(0f, rotateY + degree, 0f); var vec3Fixed = new Vector3(vec.x * 0.1f, 0f, vec.y * 0.1f); var pos3 = fnConvertPos(pos); pos3.y = HEIGHT; start = pos3 - vec3Fixed; end = pos3 + vec3Fixed; StartCoroutine(CoFadeInAndMove()); }
AttackDirectionController AttackDirectionImageCreate(Basic.Vec2Int pos, Basic.Vec2Int posTarget) { var target = (GameObject)Instantiate(ResourceManager.Instance.LoadUI(Define.Path.UI.AttackDirection)); var posAdd = ConvertBoardToWorldPos(pos); target.transform.position = new Vector3(posAdd.x, 0.3f, posAdd.z); target.transform.SetParent(worldCanvas.transform); var controller = target.GetComponent<AttackDirectionController>(); controller.Init(pos, posTarget, ConvertBoardToWorldPos); return controller; }
Vector3 ConvertBoardToWorldPos(Basic.Vec2Int pos) { return ConvertBoardToWorldPos(pos, 0f); }
public static Unit Create(Type type, int owner, Basic.Vec2Int pos) { return new Unit(type, owner, pos, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, DEFAULT_RANGE, false); }
/// <summary> /// 細かくパラメータ調整 /// </summary> public static Unit CreateForDebug( Type type, int owner, Basic.Vec2Int pos, int hpMax, int hpCurrent, int damage, int defence, int mobility, int initiative, int shootRange, bool isWaited) { return new Unit( type, owner, pos, hpMax, hpCurrent, damage, defence, mobility, initiative, shootRange, isWaited); }
//주석을 풀고 사용하세요 /*****************************************************************************/ #region 팝업컨테이너 에티트의 컨트롤 바인딩 /// <summary> /// 팝업컨테이너 에티트의 컨트롤 바인딩 /// </summary> /// <param name="popedit">The popedit.</param> /// <param name="gridName">Name of the grid.</param> /// <param name="gridViewName">Name of the grid view.</param> private void SetAddressSchma(DevExpress.XtraEditors.PopupContainerEdit popedit, string gridName, string gridViewName) { try { if (lupFacilitySelect.EditValue.ToString() == "") { return; } DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl grid = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl(); DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView gridView = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView(); grid.Name = gridName; gridView.Name = gridViewName; DataTable dtBiz = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtBiz.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtBiz.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_FACILITY_CODE", lupFacilitySelect.EditValue }); DataSet dsTmp = DataLayer.ExecuteSpDataset("PKG_DAAAI18.PR_01", dtBiz, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); Cls.GroupByHelper.DataSetHelper group = new Cls.GroupByHelper.DataSetHelper(); //조회 영업장을 셋팅한다. //LookUp.SetFillCode(this.lupFacilitySelect, group.SelectGroupByInto("MyTable" , dsTmp.Tables[0], "FACILITY_CODE , FACILITY_NAME","", "FACILITY_CODE , FACILITY_NAME") , "FACILITY_NAME", "FACILITY_CODE" , LookUp.CaptoinStyle.SelectText); //this.lupFacilitySelect.ItemIndex = 1; /* * dsTmp.Tables[0].Columns.Add("FACILITY_CODE" ); * dsTmp.Tables[0].Columns.Add("FACILITY_NAME" ); * dsTmp.Tables[0].Columns.Add("ROOM_TYPE" ); * dsTmp.Tables[0].Columns.Add("ROOM_TYPE_NAME" ); */ GridStyle gs = new GridStyle(grid, gridView); gs.AddColumn("업장코드", "FACILITY_CODE", _ColumnType.Default, 80, _ColumnAlign.Center, true); gs.AddColumn("영업장명", "FACILITY_NAME", _ColumnType.Default, 80, _ColumnAlign.Center, true); gs.AddColumn("객실유형", "ROOM_TYPE", _ColumnType.Default, 80, _ColumnAlign.Center, true); gs.AddColumn("유형명칭", "ROOM_TYPE_NAME", _ColumnType.Default, 80, _ColumnAlign.Center, true); Cls.Grid.Options.SelectedRow(gridView); Cls.Grid.Options.EmbeddedNavigater(grid); Cls.Grid.Options.FilterRow(gridView, true); grid.DataSource = dsTmp.Tables[0]; //Cls.Grid.Options.SetColumnColor(gridView, // StyleFormatConditionType.Column, // this.gridView.Columns["FACILITY_CODE"], FormatConditionEnum.GreaterOrEqual, // Color.Goldenrod, // null); //Cls.Grid.Options.SetColumnColor(gridView, // StyleFormatConditionType.Column, // this.gridView.Columns["ROOM_TYPE"], // FormatConditionEnum.GreaterOrEqual, // Color.Goldenrod, // null); Cls.Common.uPopupContainer.AddPopupGridControl("product", new System.Drawing.Size(500, 350), popedit, "선택하세요", grid, gridView, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.TextEditStyles.DisableTextEditor); gridView.KeyDown += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler(PopupGridview_KeyDown); gridView.DoubleClick += new System.EventHandler(PopupGridview_DoubleClick); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } }
public UploadAlbumResult(UploadResultCollection images, Basic<AlbumCreateData> albumCreateResults) { Images = images; Results = albumCreateResults; }
/// <summary> /// 프린터 버튼 클릭 이벤트 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "출력할 데이터가 없습니다."); return; } if (Basic.ShowMessageQuestion("출력하시겠습니까?") == DialogResult.No) { return; } Basic.SetCursor(this, false); XtraReportsBase.DxReport.XtraPreviewForm f = new XtraReportsBase.DxReport.XtraPreviewForm(); if (f != null && f.IsHandleCreated) { f.Activate(); return; } DataTable dtTmp = new DataTable("dtWhere"); dtTmp.Columns.Add("MEMBER_NO"); dtTmp.Columns.Add("SALE_INLOTCNT"); dtTmp.Columns.Add("COMMODITY_CODE"); dtTmp.Columns.Add("GUEST_TYPE"); string MemberNo = this.txtMemberNoSelect.Text.Trim() == "" ? "*전체" : txtMemberNoSelect.Text.Trim(); string SaleInLotCnt = this.lupSaleInLotCntSelect.EditValue.ToString() == "" ? "*전체" : lupSaleInLotCntSelect.Text; string CommodityCode = this.lupCommodityCodeSelect.EditValue.ToString() == "" ? "*전체" : lupCommodityCodeSelect.Text; string GuestType = this.lupGuesttypeSelect.EditValue.ToString() == "" ? "*전체" : lupGuesttypeSelect.Text; dtTmp.Rows.Add(new object[] { MemberNo, SaleInLotCnt, CommodityCode, GuestType }); //필터링된 데이터를 담는다. DataTable dtFilter = Cls.Grid.Options.GetGridData(this.grid); DataSet dsTemp = new DataSet("xsd_ALRAS01"); dsTemp.Tables.AddRange(new DataTable[] { dtFilter, dtTmp }); //dsTemp.WriteXmlSchema(@"c:\xsd_ALRAS01.xsd"); //return; f = new XtraReportsBase.DxReport.XtraPreviewForm(); DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XtraReport rpt = new Erp.SubdivisionSale.ALRA.Report.ALRAP01(); f.ShowReport(dsTemp, rpt); f.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } finally { Basic.SetCursor(this, true); } }
public UploadImageResult(QueuedImage img, Basic<UploadData> result) { Image = img; Result = result; }
/// <summary> /// Please put {id: 2, name: 'abc', color: 'Magenta'} /// </summary> /// <param name='operations'> /// The operations group for this extension method. /// </param> /// <param name='complexBody'> /// Please put {id: 2, name: 'abc', color: 'Magenta'} /// </param> public static void PutValid(this IBasicOperations operations, Basic complexBody) { operations.PutValidAsync(complexBody).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
/// <summary> /// Please put {id: 2, name: 'abc', color: 'Magenta'} /// </summary> /// <param name='operations'> /// The operations group for this extension method. /// </param> /// <param name='complexBody'> /// Please put {id: 2, name: 'abc', color: 'Magenta'} /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// The cancellation token. /// </param> public static async Task PutValidAsync(this IBasicOperations operations, Basic complexBody, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { (await operations.PutValidWithHttpMessagesAsync(complexBody, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)).Dispose(); }
private void btnAccountDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; if (dtDetail.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } else if (this.gridViewMaster.FocusedRowHandle < 0) { return; } string code = this.gridViewMaster.GetRowCellValue(this.gridViewMaster.FocusedRowHandle, "CODE").ToString().Trim(); string Write_date = this.gridViewMaster.GetRowCellValue(this.gridViewMaster.FocusedRowHandle, "WRITE_DATE").ToString().Trim(); /*체크한다.*/ string sql = @" SELECT COUNT(DOCU_STAT) AS CNT FROM AUTODOCU WHERE DATA_GUBUN = '85' AND DATA_NO = {0} AND WRITE_DATE = '{1}' AND DEPT_CODE = '002020102000' AND NODE_CODE = '1000' AND C_CODE = '1000' AND DOCU_STAT = 1" ; string sqldel = @" DELETE FROM AUTODOCU WHERE DATA_GUBUN = '85' AND DATA_NO = {0} AND WRITE_DATE = '{1}' AND DEPT_CODE = '002020102000' AND NODE_CODE = '1000' AND C_CODE = '1000' " ; /*카운터가 0 보다 크면 삭제 불가 * 0이면 삭제가능 */ sql = string.Format(sql, code, Write_date); sqldel = string.Format(sqldel, code, Write_date); string sql2 = "DELETE " + sql; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter ad = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sql, SQLConnectString); DataTable dtCnt = new DataTable(); ad.Fill(dtCnt); if (int.Parse(dtCnt.Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim()) > 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "이미 전표처리되어 삭제할 수 없습니다."); return; } using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection cn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(SQLConnectString)) { try { cn.Open(); } catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqlex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, sqlex.Message); cn.Dispose(); return; } System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sqldel, cn); int row = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (row > 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "삭제 하였습니다."); CHK_MK("D_MK"); InvokeOnClick(this.btnSelect, new EventArgs()); } else { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "삭제할 전표가 없습니다."); } if (cn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { cn.Close(); } cn.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
/// <summary> /// 전표생성을 눌렀을경우 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void btnAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; if (dtDetail.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } else if (this.gridViewMaster.FocusedRowHandle < 0) { return; } string code = this.gridViewMaster.GetRowCellValue(this.gridViewMaster.FocusedRowHandle, "CODE").ToString().Trim(); string Write_date = this.gridViewMaster.GetRowCellValue(this.gridViewMaster.FocusedRowHandle, "WRITE_DATE").ToString().Trim(); if (CHK_MK("CHK") == "Y") { return; } /*기 전표 생성여부체크*/ /*삭제시 WHERE 조건동일사용*/ string SQL_CHECK_BILL = @"SELECT COUNT(BAN_DECI_DATE) AS CNT FROM AUTODOCU WHERE DATA_GUBUN = '85' AND DATA_NO = {0} AND WRITE_DATE = '{1}' AND DEPT_CODE = '002020102000' AND NODE_CODE = '1000' AND C_CODE = '1000'" ; /*{0} = 구분코드 {1} = 일자*/ /*있으면 * 전표삭제후 재생성 해야 합니다. */ SQL_CHECK_BILL = string.Format(SQL_CHECK_BILL, code, Write_date); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter ad = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(SQL_CHECK_BILL, SQLConnectString); DataTable dtCnt = new DataTable(); ad.Fill(dtCnt); if (int.Parse(dtCnt.Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim()) > 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "기 생성된 전표가 존재 합니다.\n\r전표삭제 후 재생성 해야 합니다."); return; } string Query = @"INSERT INTO AUTODOCU ( DATA_GUBUN, WRITE_DATE, DATA_NO, DATA_LINE, DATA_SLIP, DEPT_CODE, NODE_CODE, C_CODE, DATA_CODE, DOCU_STAT, DOCU_TYPE, DOCU_GUBUN, AMT_GUBUN, DR_AMT, CR_AMT, ACCT_CODE, CHECK_CODE1, CHECK_CODE2, CHECK_CODE3, CHECK_CODE4, CHECKD_CODE1, CHECKD_CODE2, CHECKD_CODE3, CHECKD_CODE4, CHECKD_NAME1, CHECKD_NAME2, CHECKD_NAME3, CHECKD_NAME4 ) VALUES ('{0}' , '{1}' , {2} , {3} , {4} , '{5}' , '{6}' , '{7}' , '{8}' , '{9}' , '{10}' , '{11}' , '{12}' , {13} , {14} , '{15}' , '{16}' , '{17}' , '{18}' , '{19}' , '{20}' , '{21}' , '{22}' , '{23}' , '{24}' , '{25}' , '{26}' , '{27}' )"; using (System.Transactions.TransactionScope scope = new System.Transactions.TransactionScope()) { using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection cn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(SQLConnectString)) { try { cn.Open(); } catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqlex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, sqlex.Message); cn.Dispose(); return; } this.pgb.Visible = true; this.pgb.Properties.Maximum = dtDetail.Rows.Count - 1; this.pgb.Properties.Minimum = 0; this.pgb.EditValue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dtDetail.Rows.Count; i++) { this.pgb.EditValue = i; Application.DoEvents(); object[] obj = new object[28]; for (int j = 0; j < obj.Length; j++) { obj[j] = dtDetail.Rows[i][j].ToString().Trim(); } string insertQuery = string.Format(Query, obj); using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(insertQuery, cn)) { int row = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); } } string Query_In = @"INSERT INTO ONKET_ID SELECT '1000' C_CODE, CHECKD_CODE2, CHECKD_NAME2, '20101101' aS JOB_DATE FROM AUTODOCU WHERE DATA_GUBUN = '85' AND DATA_NO = {0} AND WRITE_DATE = '{1}' AND DEPT_CODE = '002020102000' AND NODE_CODE = '1000' AND C_CODE = '1000' AND CHECK_CODE2 = 'M57' AND CHECKD_CODE2 <> '999999' AND CHECKD_CODE2 NOT IN (SELECT ID_CODE FROM ONKET_ID WHERE C_CODE = '1000')"; Query_In = string.Format(Query_In, code, Write_date); using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd1 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(Query_In, cn)) { int row1 = cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd1.Dispose(); } CHK_MK("C_MK"); Basic.ShowMessage(1, "생성 하였습니다."); if (cn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { cn.Close(); } cn.Dispose(); } scope.Complete(); scope.Dispose(); } InvokeOnClick(this.btnSelect, new EventArgs()); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } finally { this.pgb.Visible = false; this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
/// <summary> /// 조회를 눌렀을 경우 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { /*원래 조회시 마스터에 해당되는 항목을 가져와 다시 바인딩 해야되지만 * 현재 빠져 있어 상수값으로 대체 한다. * 추후 이동인차장이 추가 하기로 하였음 */ this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; dtDetail.Clear(); dtMaster.Clear(); string fromDate = Basic.MaskReplace(this.dtpFrom.Text.ToString().Trim());//((System.DateTime)this.dtpFrom.EditValue).ToString("yyyMMdd"); string sql = @"SELECT WRITE_DATE, DATA_NO AS CODE, CASE DATA_NO WHEN 200 THEN '입금' WHEN 300 THEN '전환' WHEN 900 THEN '해약' END AS GUBUN, CASE SIGN(COUNT(*)) WHEN 0 THEN '전표미발생' ELSE '전표발생' END AS CODE_NAME FROM AUTODOCU WHERE DATA_GUBUN = '85' AND WRITE_DATE = '{0}' AND DEPT_CODE = '002020102000' AND NODE_CODE = '1000' AND C_CODE = '1000' GROUP BY WRITE_DATE, DATA_NO " ; sql = string.Format(sql, fromDate); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter ad = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sql, SQLConnectString); DataTable msCnt = new DataTable(); ad.Fill(msCnt); dtMaster.Load(msCnt.CreateDataReader()); int i200 = int.Parse(dtMaster.Compute("COUNT(CODE)", "CODE = '200'").ToString().Trim()); int i300 = int.Parse(dtMaster.Compute("COUNT(CODE)", "CODE = '300'").ToString().Trim()); int i900 = int.Parse(dtMaster.Compute("COUNT(CODE)", "CODE = '900'").ToString().Trim()); if (i200 <= 0) { dtMaster.Rows.Add(fromDate, "200", "입금", "전표미발생"); } if (i300 <= 0) { dtMaster.Rows.Add(fromDate, "300", "전환", "전표미발생"); } if (i900 <= 0) { dtMaster.Rows.Add(fromDate, "900", "해약", "전표미발생"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
public void AssertBlobCopyPropertiesMatch(string containerName, string blobName, Basic.Azure.Storage.Communications.BlobService.BlobOperations.GetBlobPropertiesResponse response) { AssertBlobCopyPropertiesMatch(containerName, blobName, response.CopyStatus, response.CopyProgress, response.CopyCompletionTime, response.CopyStatusDescription, response.CopyId, response.CopySource); }
/// <summary> /// Please put {id: 2, name: 'abc', color: 'Magenta'} /// </summary> /// <param name='complexBody'> /// Please put {id: 2, name: 'abc', color: 'Magenta'} /// </param> /// <param name='customHeaders'> /// Headers that will be added to request. /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// The cancellation token. /// </param> /// <exception cref="ErrorException"> /// Thrown when the operation returned an invalid status code /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ValidationException"> /// Thrown when a required parameter is null /// </exception> /// <return> /// A response object containing the response body and response headers. /// </return> public async Task <AzureOperationResponse> PutValidWithHttpMessagesAsync(Basic complexBody, Dictionary <string, List <string> > customHeaders = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { if (complexBody == null) { throw new ValidationException(ValidationRules.CannotBeNull, "complexBody"); } string apiVersion = "2016-02-29"; // Tracing bool _shouldTrace = ServiceClientTracing.IsEnabled; string _invocationId = null; if (_shouldTrace) { _invocationId = ServiceClientTracing.NextInvocationId.ToString(); Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); tracingParameters.Add("complexBody", complexBody); tracingParameters.Add("apiVersion", apiVersion); tracingParameters.Add("cancellationToken", cancellationToken); ServiceClientTracing.Enter(_invocationId, this, "PutValid", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL var _baseUrl = this.Client.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri; var _url = new Uri(new Uri(_baseUrl + (_baseUrl.EndsWith("/") ? "" : "/")), "complex/basic/valid").ToString(); List <string> _queryParameters = new List <string>(); if (apiVersion != null) { _queryParameters.Add(string.Format("api-version={0}", Uri.EscapeDataString(apiVersion))); } if (_queryParameters.Count > 0) { _url += "?" + string.Join("&", _queryParameters); } // Create HTTP transport objects HttpRequestMessage _httpRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(); HttpResponseMessage _httpResponse = null; _httpRequest.Method = new HttpMethod("PUT"); _httpRequest.RequestUri = new Uri(_url); // Set Headers if (this.Client.GenerateClientRequestId != null && this.Client.GenerateClientRequestId.Value) { _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("x-ms-client-request-id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } if (this.Client.AcceptLanguage != null) { if (_httpRequest.Headers.Contains("accept-language")) { _httpRequest.Headers.Remove("accept-language"); } _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("accept-language", this.Client.AcceptLanguage); } if (customHeaders != null) { foreach (var _header in customHeaders) { if (_httpRequest.Headers.Contains(_header.Key)) { _httpRequest.Headers.Remove(_header.Key); } _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(_header.Key, _header.Value); } } // Serialize Request string _requestContent = null; if (complexBody != null) { _requestContent = SafeJsonConvert.SerializeObject(complexBody, this.Client.SerializationSettings); _httpRequest.Content = new StringContent(_requestContent, Encoding.UTF8); _httpRequest.Content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json; charset=utf-8"); } // Set Credentials if (this.Client.Credentials != null) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); await this.Client.Credentials.ProcessHttpRequestAsync(_httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } // Send Request if (_shouldTrace) { ServiceClientTracing.SendRequest(_invocationId, _httpRequest); } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); _httpResponse = await this.Client.HttpClient.SendAsync(_httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); if (_shouldTrace) { ServiceClientTracing.ReceiveResponse(_invocationId, _httpResponse); } HttpStatusCode _statusCode = _httpResponse.StatusCode; cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); string _responseContent = null; if ((int)_statusCode != 200) { var ex = new ErrorException(string.Format("Operation returned an invalid status code '{0}'", _statusCode)); try { _responseContent = await _httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Error _errorBody = SafeJsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Error>(_responseContent, this.Client.DeserializationSettings); if (_errorBody != null) { ex.Body = _errorBody; } } catch (JsonException) { // Ignore the exception } ex.Request = new HttpRequestMessageWrapper(_httpRequest, _requestContent); ex.Response = new HttpResponseMessageWrapper(_httpResponse, _responseContent); if (_shouldTrace) { ServiceClientTracing.Error(_invocationId, ex); } _httpRequest.Dispose(); if (_httpResponse != null) { _httpResponse.Dispose(); } throw ex; } // Create Result var _result = new AzureOperationResponse(); _result.Request = _httpRequest; _result.Response = _httpResponse; if (_httpResponse.Headers.Contains("x-ms-request-id")) { _result.RequestId = _httpResponse.Headers.GetValues("x-ms-request-id").FirstOrDefault(); } if (_shouldTrace) { ServiceClientTracing.Exit(_invocationId, _result); } return(_result); }
/// <summary> /// 삭제 함수 /// </summary> private void Deletes() { try { ///TDDO:[템플릿]삭제 /// //유효성 검사후 실행합니다. if (!ISCheckData(JobStyle.DELETE)) { return; } Basic.SetCursor(this, false); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "삭제 중 입니다..", true); string orgfacilitycode = this.gridView.GetRowCellValue(this.gridView.FocusedRowHandle, "FACILITY_CODE").ToString().Trim(); string orgroomtype = this.gridView.GetRowCellValue(this.gridView.FocusedRowHandle, "ROOM_TYPE").ToString().Trim(); string orgroomview = this.gridView.GetRowCellValue(this.gridView.FocusedRowHandle, "ROOM_VIEW").ToString().Trim(); //삭제함수를 구현합니다. //만약 변수가 필요없다면 아래 코드를 삭제 하세요 DataTable dtparmDelete = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtparmDelete.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtparmDelete.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_FACILITY_CODE", orgfacilitycode }); dtparmDelete.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ROOM_TYPE", orgroomtype }); dtparmDelete.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ROOM_VIEW", orgroomview }); //프로시져를 호출하여 결과를 리턴 받는다. //만약 output 값이 여러개라면 '|' (파이프) 값으로 구분하여 들어온다. //Split 함수로 짤라서 사용한다. string Result = DataLayer.ExecuteSpScala("PKG_DAAAI18.PR_05", dtparmDelete, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); //프로시져 에러라면 빠져나간다. if (Result.Trim() != "OK") { Basic.ShowMessage(3, Result); return; } int row = this.gridView.FocusedRowHandle; //삭제한 데이터를 조회 를 합니다... Selects(false); if (this.gridView.RowCount > 0) { if (row <= this.gridView.RowCount - 1) { this.gridView.FocusedRowHandle = row; } else { this.gridView.FocusedRowHandle = gridView.RowCount - 1; } } Basic.ShowMessage(1, "삭제 하였습니다."); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } finally { Basic.SetCursor(this, true); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "", false); } }
private void bill_Print_Card(string outSeq, string _strBillNo) { try { string strBizCode = Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode; DataSet ds = null; DataTable dtParm = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtParm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_SALE_DATE", PayInfo.RoomInfo.C_Taskdate }); dtParm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", PayInfo.RoomInfo.C_Bizcode }); dtParm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_FACILITY_CODE", PayInfo.RoomInfo.CO_Facilitycode }); dtParm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_POS_NO", "01" }); dtParm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BILL_NO", _strBillNo }); dtParm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_AGREE_YN", "Y" }); dtParm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_PAY_SEQ", outSeq }); ds = DataLayer.ExecuteSpDataset("PKG_DAZAZ02.PR_CARD_SELECT", dtParm, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); DataTable dtCard = new DataTable("dtCard"); dtCard.Load(ds.Tables[0].CreateDataReader()); DataTable dtTitle = new DataTable("dtTitle"); dtTitle.Columns.Add("ROOM_NO"); dtTitle.Columns.Add("GUEST_NAME"); dtTitle.Columns.Add("AMT", typeof(decimal)); dtTitle.Columns.Add("CHECKOUT_DATE"); dtTitle.Columns.Add("ROOM_TYPE"); dtTitle.Columns.Add("MEMBER_NO"); dtTitle.Columns.Add("MOBILE_TEL"); dtTitle.Columns.Add("CHECKIN_DATE"); DataSet dst = null; DataTable dtParmT = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtParmT.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_MNG_NO", PayInfo.RoomInfo.C_Mngno }); dtParmT.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_MNG_SEQ", PayInfo.RoomInfo.C_Mngseq }); dtParmT.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtParmT.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_FACILITY_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.gsDFacility }); if (strBizCode == "20") { dst = DataLayer.ExecuteSpDataset("PKG_DAHAH23.PR_04", dtParmT, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); } else { dst = DataLayer.ExecuteSpDataset("PKG_DAHDH23.PR_04", dtParmT, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); } dtTitle.Clear(); dtTitle.Load(dst.Tables[0].CreateDataReader()); #region 레포트이용 if (Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.gsPrintMode == PrintMode.DRIVER) { // 신용카드영수증 출력 DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XtraReport rpt = null; if (Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode == "22141") { } else { rpt = new Erp.Room.DAHA.Report.DAHAP23_03(); } DataTable dttmp = new DataTable(); dttmp.Columns.Add("PRINT_YN"); dttmp.Columns.Add("BIZ_CODE"); dttmp.Columns.Add("MNG_NO"); dttmp.Columns.Add("MNG_SEQ", typeof(decimal)); dttmp.Columns.Add("TASK_DATE"); dttmp.Columns.Add("KEY_SEQ", typeof(decimal)); dttmp.Columns.Add("CARD_NO"); dttmp.Columns.Add("RAISE_CODE_NAME"); dttmp.Columns.Add("AGREE_NO"); dttmp.Columns.Add("CARD_CO_NAME"); dttmp.Columns.Add("INSTALLMENT_CNT", typeof(decimal)); dttmp.Columns.Add("SALE_AMT", typeof(decimal)); dttmp.Columns.Add("CARD_JOIN_NO"); dttmp.Columns.Add("VALID_THRU"); dttmp.Rows.Add(new Object[] { "Y" , dtCard.Rows[0]["BIZ_CODE"] , PayInfo.RoomInfo.C_Mngno , Int32.Parse(PayInfo.RoomInfo.C_Mngseq) , dtCard.Rows[0]["TASK_DATE"] , dtCard.Rows[0]["KEY_SEQ"] , dtCard.Rows[0]["CARD_NO"] , "" , dtCard.Rows[0]["AGREE_NO"] , dtCard.Rows[0]["CARD_CO_NAME"] , dtCard.Rows[0]["INSTALLMENT_CNT"] , dtCard.Rows[0]["SALE_AMT"] , dtCard.Rows[0]["CARD_JOIN_NO"] , dtCard.Rows[0]["VALID_THRU"] }); DataTable dtSign = new DataTable("dtSign"); DataTable dtParmsign = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtParmsign.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_SALE_DATE", dtCard.Rows[0]["TASK_DATE"].ToString().Replace("-", "").Trim() }); dtParmsign.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtParmsign.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_FACILITY_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.gsDFacility }); dtParmsign.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_PAY_SEQ", dtCard.Rows[0]["KEY_SEQ"] }); DataSet dssign = DataLayer.ExecuteSpDataset("PKG_DAHAH23.PR_05", dtParmsign, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); dtSign.Load(dssign.Tables[0].CreateDataReader()); //int prtcnt = dtSign.Rows.Count > 0 ? 1 : 2; DataSet dsTemp = new DataSet(); dsTemp.Tables.AddRange(new DataTable[] { dttmp.Copy(), dtTitle.Copy(), dtSign.Copy() }); frmReport = new XtraReportsBase.DxReport.XtraPreviewForm(); //frmReport.ShowReport(dsTemp, rpt); // FREEVIEW //frmReport.Show(); rpt.PrinterName = Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.TSP800; frmReport.ShowReportPrint(dsTemp, rpt, 1); // 출력 if (dtSign.Rows.Count <= 0) { frmReport.ShowReportPrint(dsTemp, rpt, 1); // 출력 } } #endregion ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region 시리얼프린트사용 //영수증 프린터 if (Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.gsPrintMode == PrintMode.SERIALPORT) { using (Bill_Print bill = new Bill_Print(Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.SerialPrintStyle)) { bill.PortNum = int.Parse(Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.SerialPrintInfo.ComPort.Trim().ToUpper().Replace("COM", "")); bill.Parity = Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.SerialPrintInfo.Parity; bill.StopBit = Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.SerialPrintInfo.StopBit; bill.DataBit = int.Parse(Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.SerialPrintInfo.DataBit); bill.BaudRate = int.Parse(Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.SerialPrintInfo.BaundRate); bill.SetCenter(); bill.SetHW2(); bill.Add("신용카드 영수증"); bill.ClearFontSize(); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("(보관용)"); bill.NewLine(); bill.SetLeft(); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("사업자 번호 : "); bill.Add(Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizNo); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("상 호 : "); bill.Add(Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizName); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("대 표 자 명 : "); bill.Add(Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.CeoName); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("전 화 번 호 : "); bill.Add(Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.TelNo1); bill.NewLine(); string StrAddr = Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.Address; string[] addrs = bill.Split42byte(StrAddr); for (int j = 0; j < addrs.Length; j++) { bill.Add(addrs[j]); bill.NewLine(); } bill.NewLine(); bill.AddDoubleLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("카드종류 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["CARD_CO_NAME"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("카드번호 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["CARD_NO"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("유효기간 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["VALID_THRU"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("승인일자 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["TASK_DATE"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("할부기간 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["INSTALLMENT_CNT"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("승인번호 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["AGREE_NO"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("승인금액 : " + int.Parse(dtCard.Rows[0]["SALE_AMT"].ToString().Trim()).ToString("n0")); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("가맹번호 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["CARD_JOIN_NO"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); DataTable dtParmsign = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtParmsign.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_SALE_DATE", dtCard.Rows[0]["TASK_DATE"].ToString().Replace("-", "").Trim() }); dtParmsign.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtParmsign.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_FACILITY_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.gsDFacility }); dtParmsign.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_PAY_SEQ", dtCard.Rows[0]["KEY_SEQ"] }); DataSet dssign = DataLayer.ExecuteSpDataset("PKG_DAHAH23.PR_05", dtParmsign, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); //dtSign.Load(dssign.Tables[0].CreateDataReader()); if (dssign.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) //if (DBNull.Value.Equals(dtSign.Rows[0]["SIGN_IMG"])) { bill.AddDoubleLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("서명 : "); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); } else { //byte[] bSign = (byte[])dssign.Tables[0].Rows[i]["SIGN_IMG"]; byte[] bSign = (byte[])dssign.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SIGN_IMG"]; if (bSign != null && bSign.Length <= 1086) { bill.AddDoubleLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.AddSignData(bSign); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); } } bill.Add(bill.GetCut()); bill.Send(bill.GetInitPrinter()); bill.Send(bill.SendData); //if (dssign.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) //{ //고객용 영수증 출력 //대천 무조건 2장씩 출력..요즘 편의점도 1장만 출력 하는구만..ㅠㅠ #region Sign 정보가 없을시 고객용 출력 //Sign 정보가 없을시 고객용 출력 bill.Clear(); // 고객용. bill.SetCenter(); bill.SetHW2(); bill.Add("신용카드 영수증"); bill.ClearFontSize(); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("(고객용)"); bill.NewLine(); bill.SetLeft(); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("사업자 번호 : "); bill.Add(Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizNo); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("상 호 : "); bill.Add(Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizName); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("대 표 자 명 : "); bill.Add(Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.CeoName); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("전 화 번 호 : "); bill.Add(Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.TelNo1); bill.NewLine(); for (int j = 0; j < addrs.Length; j++) { bill.Add(addrs[j]); bill.NewLine(); } bill.NewLine(); bill.AddDoubleLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("카드종류 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["CARD_CO_NAME"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("카드번호 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["CARD_NO"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("유효기간 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["VALID_THRU"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("승인일자 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["TASK_DATE"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("할부기간 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["INSTALLMENT_CNT"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("승인번호 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["AGREE_NO"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("승인금액 : " + int.Parse(dtCard.Rows[0]["SALE_AMT"].ToString().Trim()).ToString("n0")); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("가맹번호 : " + dtCard.Rows[0]["CARD_JOIN_NO"].ToString().Trim()); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); if (dssign.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) //if (DBNull.Value.Equals(dtSign.Rows[0]["SIGN_IMG"])) { bill.AddDoubleLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.Add("서명 : "); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); } else { //byte[] bSign = (byte[])dssign.Tables[0].Rows[i]["SIGN_IMG"]; byte[] bSign = (byte[])dssign.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SIGN_IMG"]; if (bSign != null && bSign.Length <= 1086) { bill.AddDoubleLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.AddSignData(bSign); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); bill.NewLine(); } } bill.Add(bill.GetCut()); bill.Send(bill.GetInitPrinter()); bill.Send(bill.SendData); #endregion //} bill.Clear(); //메모리소멸 프린트 / 시리얼개체소멸 bill.Dispose(); } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } }
public CardDesk(Basic basicCards) { desk = GenericSortCard(basicCards); }
/// <summary> /// 신용카드 승인 /// </summary> private void fnPay120_Reg() { try { int amt = int.Parse(Basic.MaskReplace(txtCreditAmt.Text.Trim())); /*if(this.txtCreditCardNo.Text.Trim().Length < 13) * { * * Basic.ShowMessage(1, "카드번호를 정확하게 입력하여 주십시요."); * txtCreditCardNo.Focus(); * return; * } * else */if (amt <= 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "결제금액을 입력하여 주십시요."); txtCreditAmt.Focus(); return; } else if (Basic.MaskReplace(Num.GetNumberOnly(PayInfomation.RoomInfo.C_Facipart)) + Basic.MaskReplace(Num.GetNumberOnly(PayInfomation.RoomInfo.C_RoomNo)).Trim() == "") { Basic.ShowMessage(2, "Bill 번호를 생성 할 수 없습니다.\n\r\n\r동코드:" + PayInfomation.RoomInfo.C_Facipart + "\r\n객실번호:" + PayInfomation.RoomInfo.C_RoomNo); return; } //객실이 마감되었는지 체크한다. bool IsClose = BizCommon.Gneral_D.IsRoomClose(); if (PayInfo.useKind == UseKind.Room && IsClose) { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "현재 마감작업중입니다. \n\r마감이 끝난후 작업을 계속하십시요"); return; } string SendCardNo = ""; _TrackTowInfo = ""; /* if(txtCreditCardNo.Text.Trim().IndexOf("=") < 0) * { * * SendCardNo = txtCreditCardNo.Text.Trim(); * * if( this.txtCreditCardScope.Text.Trim() == "" && * this.txtCreditCardNo.Text.Trim().IndexOf("=") < 0 ) * { * Basic.ShowMessage(1, "키인 입력입니다 - 유효기간을 입력하세요."); * txtCreditCardScope.Focus(); * return; * } * * } * else * { * if (txtCreditCardNo.Text.ToUpper().StartsWith("C")) * txtCreditCardNo.Text = txtCreditCardNo.Text.Remove(0, 1); * _TrackTowInfo = txtCreditCardNo.Text.Trim(); * SendCardNo = txtCreditCardNo.Text.Trim(); * * string str1 = this.txtCreditCardNo.Text.Trim().Split('=')[0]; * string str2 = this.txtCreditCardNo.Text.Trim().Split('=')[1]; * * this.txtCreditCardNo.Text = str1; * * if(str2.Trim().Length < 4) * { * Basic.ShowMessage(1, "MSR 입력 - 카드번호가 잘못되었습니다."); * return; * } * string strscope = str2.Trim().Substring(0,4); * this.txtCreditCardScope.EditValue = strscope ; * * } */ //유효기간 string scope = Basic.MaskReplace(txtCreditCardScope.Text.Trim()); if (scope.Length < 4) { scope = "9999"; } #region 서명모드 /******************************************************************************/ // 싸인패드가 체크 되어 있다면 서명모드 시작 /******************************************************************************/ byte[] b = null; string SignDataString = ""; /* * Van.RecivedData rvcSign = new RecivedData(); * bool IsSucess = true; * if(this.chkCreditSignPad.Checked) * { * using(BizVanComunication bizVan = new BizVanComunication()) * { * * string reqdatas = bizVan.GetVanMakeCardProtocol( "PROJECT_D" , * JobKind.RegCard, * CashKind.None, * SendCardNo , * scope, * Basic.MaskReplace(txtCreditAmtSplit.Text.Trim()), * Basic.MaskReplace(txtCreditAmt.Text.Trim()) , * "1" , * "","","", CashGbn.None ); * * * IsSucess = bizVan.GetSign( "PROJECT_D", * int.Parse(Basic.MaskReplace(txtCreditAmt.Text.Trim())) , * ref rvcSign, * reqdatas); * bizVan.Dispose(); * } * * } * if(!IsSucess) return; */ /******************************************************************************/ // 서명모드 종료 /******************************************************************************/ #endregion /* * SignDataString = rvcSign.SignStringData; * b = rvcSign.SignData; */ //카드승인처리 시작 /***********************************************************************************************************************************************/ Van.RecivedData reqdata = new RecivedData(); /* * if(rvcSign.IsSignPadAgree) * { * reqdata = rvcSign; * if(reqdata.IsAgreeError) * { * MessageBox.Show(reqdata.Message); * return; * } * } * else * */ { using (BizVanComunication bizAgree = new BizVanComunication()) { reqdata = bizAgree.SendData("PROJECT_D", JobKind.RegCard, CashKind.None, SendCardNo, scope, Basic.MaskReplace(txtCreditAmtSplit.Text.Trim()), Basic.MaskReplace(txtCreditAmt.Text.Trim()), "1", SignDataString, "", "", CashGbn.None); bizAgree.Dispose(); } /***********************************************************************************************************************************************/ if (reqdata.IsAgreeError) { MessageBox.Show(reqdata.Message); return; } } this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; // 승인이 났다. //DB처리 string AgreeDate = reqdata.AgreeDate.Substring(0, 4) + "-" + reqdata.AgreeDate.Substring(4, 2) + "-" + reqdata.AgreeDate.Substring(6, 2); AgreeDate = DateTime.Parse(AgreeDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string outSeq = ""; string v_ret = fn_Card(Basic.MaskReplace(txtCreditAmt.Text.Trim()), // txtCreditCardNo.Text.Trim(), Basic.MaskReplace(reqdata.CashRegNumber), Basic.MaskReplace(scope), reqdata.CardCoCode, reqdata.CardCoName, reqdata.ISSUCoCode, reqdata.ISSUCoName, reqdata.CardJoinNo, reqdata.AgreeNo, this.txtCreditAmtSplit.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : this.txtCreditAmtSplit.Text.Trim(), AgreeDate, reqdata.AgreeDate.Length > 6 ? reqdata.AgreeDate.Substring(6, 4) : DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmm"), _TrackTowInfo, "N", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.roomTask.gsCardTerminalID,, ref outSeq); //DB 처리에러시 취소승인을 //딴다. if (v_ret != "OK") { Van.RecivedData reqdataCancel = new RecivedData(); using (BizVanComunication bizAgree = new BizVanComunication()) { reqdataCancel = bizAgree.SendData("PROJECT_D", JobKind.CancelCard, CashKind.None, _TrackTowInfo, scope, Basic.MaskReplace(txtCreditAmtSplit.Text.Trim()), Basic.MaskReplace(txtCreditAmt.Text.Trim()), "", "", reqdata.AgreeNo, reqdata.AgreeDate.Substring(0, 6), CashGbn.None); bizAgree.Dispose(); } /***********************************************************************************************************************************************/ if (reqdataCancel.IsAgreeError) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, "승인 후 DB 저장시 에러 입니다." + System.Environment.NewLine + "승인번호는 : " + reqdata.AgreeNo + " 입니다." + System.Environment.NewLine + "현재 내용을 CTL + C 로 복사하여 메모장에 붙여 넣으세요 - 붙여넣으신 내용으로 전산실에 문의하세요" + System.Environment.NewLine + "전산실에 문의하여 수기로 승인 취소를 하십시요" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "승인취소 에러 내용" + System.Environment.NewLine + reqdata.Message + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "DB 처리 에러내용 :" + System.Environment.NewLine + v_ret); Van.Log.Log.SaveLog("[승인후 DB 저장에러 - 승인취소실패] 에러내용 - " + reqdataCancel.Message); Van.Log.Log.SaveLog("[승인후 DB 저장에러 - 승인취소실패] 취소전문 - $" + reqdataCancel.FullSendData + "$"); return; } Basic.ShowMessage(2, v_ret); return; } //메인데이터가 들어갔다면 싸인데이터도 넣어준다. //싸인데이터가 있다면 if (b != null) { string Query = @"INSERT INTO IAA030DT( SALE_DATE , BIZ_CODE , FACILITY_CODE , POS_NO , BILL_NO , SALE_YN , PAY_SEQ , SIGN_IMG , U_EMP_NO , U_IP ) VALUES ( :V_SALE_DATE , :V_BIZ_CODE , :V_FACILITY_CODE , :V_POS_NO , :V_BILL_NO , :V_SALE_YN , :V_PAY_SEQ , :V_SIGN_IMG , :V_U_EMP_NO , :V_U_IP )"; DataTable dtParm = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtParm.Rows.Add(":V_SALE_DATE", PayInfomation.SaleDate); dtParm.Rows.Add(":V_BIZ_CODE", PayInfomation.RoomInfo.C_Bizcode); dtParm.Rows.Add(":V_FACILITY_CODE", PayInfomation.RoomInfo.C_Facilitycode); dtParm.Rows.Add(":V_POS_NO", "01"); dtParm.Rows.Add(":V_BILL_NO", Basic.MaskReplace(Num.GetNumberOnly(PayInfomation.RoomInfo.C_Facipart)) + Basic.MaskReplace(Num.GetNumberOnly(PayInfomation.RoomInfo.C_RoomNo))); dtParm.Rows.Add(":V_SALE_YN", "Y"); dtParm.Rows.Add(":V_PAY_SEQ", outSeq); dtParm.Rows.Add(":V_SIGN_IMG", "#"); dtParm.Rows.Add(":V_U_EMP_NO",; dtParm.Rows.Add(":V_U_IP", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.ip); //bill_Print_Card(); try { int ret = DataLayer.ExecuteNonQuery(Query, dtParm, b, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(2, "카드승인은 정상승인 처리되었으며 자료도 정상저장 되었습니다. \n\r싸인 이미지만 DB 에 저장하지 못했습니다.\n\r" + ex.Message); } try { string _strBillNo = Basic.MaskReplace(Num.GetNumberOnly(PayInfomation.RoomInfo.C_Facipart)) + Basic.MaskReplace(Num.GetNumberOnly(PayInfomation.RoomInfo.C_RoomNo)); bill_Print_Card(outSeq, _strBillNo); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(2, "영수증 출력중 에러!"); } } else // 사인데이터가 없어도 영수증 출력은 해준다로 변경함. (2015.07.15 정수환) { string _strBillNo = Basic.MaskReplace(Num.GetNumberOnly(PayInfomation.RoomInfo.C_Facipart)) + Basic.MaskReplace(Num.GetNumberOnly(PayInfomation.RoomInfo.C_RoomNo)); bill_Print_Card(outSeq, _strBillNo); } Basic.ShowMessage(1, "저장 하였습니다."); txtCreditCardNo.Text = ""; txtCreditCardScope.Text = ""; txtCreditAmtSplit.Text = "0"; txtCreditAmt.Text = "0"; _TrackTowInfo = ""; RaiseDataReflashEvent(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
/// <summary> /// 일괄수정버튼 클릭시 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void btnUpdateAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DataTable dtChang = dt.GetChanges(); if (dtChang == null || dtChang.Rows.Count <= 0 || dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "수정된 데이터가 없습니다."); return; } Basic.SetCursor(this, false); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "일괄 수정 중..", false); DataTable[] dtParm = new DataTable[dtChang.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < dtChang.Rows.Count; i++) { string orgfacilitycode = dtChang.Rows[i]["FACILITY_CODE"].ToString().Trim(); string orgroomtype = dtChang.Rows[i]["ROOM_TYPE"].ToString().Trim(); string orgroomview = dtChang.Rows[i]["ROOM_VIEW"].ToString().Trim(); string roomuseyn = dtChang.Rows[i]["ROOM_USE_YN"].ToString().Trim(); string rsvuseyn = dtChang.Rows[i]["RSV_USE_YN"].ToString().Trim(); string rsvcnt = dtChang.Rows[i]["RSV_CNT"].ToString().Trim(); rsvcnt = rsvcnt == "" ? "0" : rsvcnt; dtParm[i] = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtParm[i].TableName = "PKG_DAAAI18.PR_04"; dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_FACILITY_CODE", orgfacilitycode }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ROOM_TYPE", orgroomtype }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ROOM_VIEW", orgroomview }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ORG_FACILITY_CODE", orgfacilitycode }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ORG_ROOM_TYPE", orgroomtype }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ORG_ROOM_VIEW", orgroomview }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ROOM_USE_YN", roomuseyn }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_RSV_USE_YN", rsvuseyn }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_RSV_CNT", rsvcnt }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_U_EMP_NO", }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_U_IP", BizCommon.Parm.CurrentUserInformation.ip }); } DataSet dsParm = DataLayer.AddProdedcure(dtParm); string v_ret = DataLayer.ExecuteSpScalaTransaction(dsParm, "OK", DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); Basic.SetCursor(this, true); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "", false); if (v_ret != "OK") { Basic.ShowMessage(1, v_ret); return; } Selects(false); Basic.ShowMessage(1, "일괄 수정 하였습니다."); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } finally { Basic.SetCursor(this, true); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "", false); } }
/// <summary> /// 저장 /// </summary> private void Execute() { Ctl.Control.frmLoading f = new Ctl.Control.frmLoading("입력 중 입니다.."); try { string season = this.lupSeason.EditValue.ToString().Trim(); string week = this.lupWeek.EditValue.ToString().Trim(); if (season == "" && week == "") { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "최소 하나의 코드를 선택해야 합니다."); return; } //인서트한다. DataTable[] dtProcedure = new DataTable[dt.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string date = dt.Rows[i]["CALN_DATE"].ToString().Trim().Replace("-", ""); dtProcedure[i] = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtProcedure[i].TableName = "PKG_JAAAI15.PR_02"; dtProcedure[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtProcedure[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_CALN_DATE", date }); dtProcedure[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_SEASON_CODE", season }); dtProcedure[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_WEEK_CODE", week }); dtProcedure[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_U_EMP_NO", }); dtProcedure[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_U_IP", BizCommon.Parm.CurrentUserInformation.ip }); } this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; f.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); DataSet ds = DataLayer.AddProdedcure(dtProcedure); string g = DataLayer.ExecuteSpScalaTransaction(ds, "OK", DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); if (f.IsHandleCreated) { f.Close(); } Application.DoEvents(); if (g != "OK") { Basic.ShowMessage(3, g); return; } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Basic.ShowMessage(1, "변경 하였습니다."); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; if (f.IsHandleCreated) { f.Close(); } f.Dispose(); f = null; } }
public MoveToForm() { ListIdName = new SortedList(); InitializeComponent(); B = new Basic(); }
/// <summary> /// 데이터를 서머리한다. /// </summary> private void SetSummery() { try { dtSumery.Clear(); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } //카드 별로 집계를 하여 데이터를 넣는다. DataRow r1 = dtSumery.NewRow(); DataRow r2 = dtSumery.NewRow(); DataRow r3 = dtSumery.NewRow(); DataRow r4 = dtSumery.NewRow(); r1["목록"] = "신규 -승인금액합계 "; r2["목록"] = "신규 -취소금액합계 "; r3["목록"] = "재청구-승인금액합계 "; r4["목록"] = "재청구-취소금액합계 "; for (int i = 0; i < rr.Length; i++) { string strName = rr[i]["DETAIL_NAME"].ToString().Replace("(", "_").Replace(")", "");; string strCode = rr[i]["DETAIL"].ToString(); string filter1 = "KIND = '승인요청' AND AGREE_YN = 'Y' AND SALE_AMT >= 0 AND CARD_CO_CODE = '" + strCode + "'"; string filter2 = "KIND = '승인요청' AND AGREE_YN = 'N' AND SALE_AMT <= 0 AND CARD_CO_CODE = '" + strCode + "'"; string filter3 = "KIND <> '승인요청' AND AGREE_YN = 'Y' AND SALE_AMT >= 0 AND CARD_CO_CODE = '" + strCode + "'"; string filter4 = "KIND <> '승인요청' AND AGREE_YN = 'N' AND SALE_AMT <= 0 AND CARD_CO_CODE = '" + strCode + "'"; int amt1 = dt.Compute("SUM(SALE_AMT)", filter1).ToString().Trim() == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(dt.Compute("SUM(SALE_AMT)", filter1).ToString().Trim()); int amt2 = dt.Compute("SUM(SALE_AMT)", filter2).ToString().Trim() == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(dt.Compute("SUM(SALE_AMT)", filter2).ToString().Trim()); int amt3 = dt.Compute("SUM(SALE_AMT)", filter3).ToString().Trim() == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(dt.Compute("SUM(SALE_AMT)", filter3).ToString().Trim()); int amt4 = dt.Compute("SUM(SALE_AMT)", filter4).ToString().Trim() == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(dt.Compute("SUM(SALE_AMT)", filter4).ToString().Trim()); r1[strName] = amt1; r2[strName] = amt2; r3[strName] = amt3; r4[strName] = amt4; } dtSumery.Rows.Add(r1); dtSumery.Rows.Add(r2); dtSumery.Rows.Add(r3); dtSumery.Rows.Add(r4); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); dt.Clear(); dtSumery.Clear(); _strFrom = ""; _strTo = ""; Basic.ShowMessage(1, "집계도중 에러가 발생하여 테이터를 초기화 합니다."); } }
/// <summary> /// 입력함수 /// </summary> private void Inserts() { try { ///TDDO:[영업장별우대할인]입력 //유효성검사 후 사용 if (!ISCheckData(JobStyle.INSERT)) { return; } string DCCouponNo = this.txtDCCouponNo.Text.Trim(); //조회함수를 구현합니다. DataTable dtparmSelect = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtparmSelect.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtparmSelect.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_DCCOUPON_NO", DCCouponNo }); DataSet ds = DataLayer.ExecuteSpDataset("PKG_JDAAI05.PR_03", dtparmSelect, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { int len2 = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ITEM2"].ToString()); int len1 = Convert.ToInt32(Basic.MaskReplace(txtUseQty.Text).Length); if (len2 < len1) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, "수량을 초과 하였습니다"); this.txtUseQty.Focus(); return; } } //에니메이션 과 커서의 모양을 바궈준다. Basic.SetCursor(this, false); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "입력 중 입니다..", true); int iRowm = this.gridView1.GetDataSourceRowIndex(this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle); labeldocuno.Text = dt.Rows[iRowm]["DCCOUPON_NO"].ToString().Trim(); string sDCCOUPON_NO = dt.Rows[iRowm]["DCCOUPON_NO"].ToString().Trim(); //입력함수를 구현합니다. //만약 변수가 필요없다면 아래 코드를 삭제 하세요 DataTable dtparmInsert = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_DCCOUPON_NO", labeldocuno.Text.Trim() }); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_DC_NO_TO", this.txtUseQty.EditValue }); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ISSUE_DATE", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") }); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ISSUE_EMP_NO", this.txtIssueEmpName.Text.Trim() }); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ISSUE_QTY", this.txtUseQty.Text.Trim() }); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ISSUE_RMRK", txtRmrk.Text.Trim() }); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_U_EMP_NO", }); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_U_IP", BizCommon.Parm.CurrentUserInformation.ip }); //프로시져를 호출하여 결과를 리턴 받는다. //만약 output 값이 여러개라면 '|' (파이프) 값으로 구분하여 들어온다. //Split 함수로 짤라서 사용한다. string Result = DataLayer.ExecuteSpScala("PKG_JDAAI05.PR_10", dtparmInsert, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); //프로시져 에러라면 빠져나간다. if (Result.Trim() != "OK") { Basic.ShowMessage(3, Result); return; } //입력한 데이터를 조회 를 합니다... Selects(false); // 조회 가 끝난 후 입력한 데이터를 선택합니다. // cols 는 현재 구성되어 있는 그리드의 컬럼 이름입니다. DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn[] cols1 = new GridColumn[] { gridView1.Columns["DCCOUPON_NO"] }; Cls.Grid.Options.SelectGridRow(this.gridView1, cols1, new object[] { sDCCOUPON_NO }); DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn[] cols2 = new GridColumn[] { gridView2.Columns["DCCOUPON_NO"] }; Cls.Grid.Options.SelectGridRow(this.gridView2, cols2, new object[] { sDCCOUPON_NO }); Basic.ShowMessage(1, "입력 하였습니다."); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { Basic.SetCursor(this, true); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "", false); } }
/// <summary> /// 청구파일제외 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void btnRegWithOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Ctl.Control.frmLoading f = new Ctl.Control.frmLoading("청구내역에서 제외합니다."); try { if (this.gridViewData.RowCount <= 0) { return; } Basic.SetCursor(this, false); DataRow[] r = dt.Select("CHK = 'Y'"); if (r == null || r.Length <= 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "선택된 데이터가 없습니다."); return; } if (Basic.ShowMessageQuestion("선택한 데이터는 청구되지 않습니다. \n\r계속진행 하시겠습니까?") == DialogResult.No) { return; } dt.AcceptChanges(); DataTable[] dtParm = new DataTable[r.Length]; f.TopMost = true; f.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); for (int i = 0; i < r.Length; i++) { string sale_date = Basic.MaskReplace(r[i]["SALE_DATE"].ToString().Trim()); string facility = r[i]["FACILITY_CODE"].ToString().Trim(); string posno = r[i]["POS_NO"].ToString().Trim(); string billno = r[i]["BILL_NO"].ToString().Trim(); string saleyn = r[i]["SALE_YN"].ToString().Trim(); string payseq = r[i]["PAY_SEQ"].ToString().Trim(); dtParm[i] = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtParm[i].TableName = "PKG_JIAAI02.PR_04"; dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_TID", "청구제외" }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_SALE_DATE", sale_date }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_FACILITY_CODE", facility }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_POS_NO", posno }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BILL_NO", billno }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_SALE_YN", saleyn }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_PAY_SEQ", payseq }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_EMP_NO", }); dtParm[i].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_IP", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.ip }); } DataSet ds = DataLayer.AddProdedcure(dtParm); string vRet = DataLayer.ExecuteSpScalaTransaction(ds, "OK", DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); Basic.SetCursor(this, true); if (f.IsHandleCreated) { f.Dispose(); f.Close(); } if (vRet != "OK") { dt.RejectChanges(); Basic.ShowMessage(3, vRet); return; } Basic.ShowMessage(1, "목록을 갱신합니다."); fnSelect(); } catch (Exception ex) { dt.RejectChanges(); Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } finally { Basic.SetCursor(this, true); if (f.IsHandleCreated) { f.Dispose(); f.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// 데이터의 유효성을 검사합니다. /// </summary> /// <param name="style">작업스타일.</param> /// <returns>유효성검사결과</returns> private bool ISCheckData(JobStyle style) { bool bReturn = false; //update// delete 시 데이터가 선택되었는지를 확인한다. if (style != JobStyle.INSERT) { if (this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle < 0 || this.gridView1.RowCount <= 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, "선택된 데이터가 없습니다."); return(false); } else //선택된 데이터가 있다면 { //그리고.. 삭제라면.. // 삭제일경우 데이터만 선택되어 있으면 삭제할 수 있다. if (style == JobStyle.DELETE) { return(true); } } } DataTable dtTemp = GetHelperDataMember(this.txtIssueEmpName.Text.Trim()); if (dtTemp.Rows.Count == 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(2, "등록된 사원이 아닙니다."); this.txtIssueEmpName.Focus(); return(false); } if (this.lblIssueEmpNo.Text.Trim() != dtTemp.Rows[0]["EMP_NAME"].ToString() || this.txtIssueEmpName.Text != dtTemp.Rows[0]["EMP_NO"].ToString()) { Basic.ShowMessage(2, "사원번호가 바르지 않습니다."); this.txtIssueEmpName.Focus(); return(false); } if (this.txtUseQty.Text.Trim() == "") { Basic.ShowMessage(3, "사용인원을 입력하세요."); this.txtUseQty.Focus(); return(false); } if (this.txtRmrk.Text.Trim() == "") { Basic.ShowMessage(3, "비고를 입력하세요."); this.txtRmrk.Focus(); return(false); } if (this.txtIssueEmpName.Text.Trim() == "") { Basic.ShowMessage(3, "사원을 입력하세요."); this.txtIssueEmpName.Focus(); return(false); } bReturn = true; return(bReturn); }
/// <summary> /// 수정함수 /// </summary> private void Updates() { try { ///TDDO:[일일마감]수정 //유효성 검사후 실행합니다. if (!ISCheckData(JobStyle.UPDATE)) { return; } Basic.SetCursor(this, false); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "수정 중 입니다..", true); //수정함수를 구현합니다. //만약 변수가 필요없다면 아래 코드를 삭제 하세요 DataTable dtparmUpdate = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "변수명", "값" }); //프로시져를 호출하여 결과를 리턴 받는다. //만약 output 값이 여러개라면 '|' (파이프) 값으로 구분하여 들어온다. //Split 함수로 짤라서 사용한다. string Result = DataLayer.ExecuteSpScala("프로시져명", dtparmUpdate, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); //프로시져 에러라면 빠져나간다. if (Result.Trim() != "OK") { Basic.ShowMessage(3, Result); return; } //수정한 데이터를 조회 를 합니다... Selects(false); // 조회 가 끝난 후 입력한 데이터를 선택합니다. // 주석을 풀고 사용하십시요 // 사용방법은 아래 와같습니다. // cols 는 현재 구성되어 있는 그리드의 컬럼 이름입니다. // 만약 ID 가 hany Password 가 111 데이터를 선택하려면 //DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn[] cols; //object[] obj; //cols = new GridColumn[] { this.gridView.Columns["ID"], this.gridView.Columns["PASSWORD"] }; //obj = new object[] { "hany" , "1111" }; //주석을 풀고 사용하십시요 //데이터를 선택합니다. //Cls.Grid.Options.SelectGridRow(this.gridView, cols, obj); Basic.ShowMessage(1, "수정 하였습니다."); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } finally { Basic.SetCursor(this, true); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "", false); } }
Vector3 ConvertBoardToWorldPos(Basic.Vec2Int pos, float addY) { var cameraPos = cameraTarget.transform.position; return new Vector3( (pos.x - BOARD_WIDTH / 2f + 0.5f) * WORLD_UNIT_DISTANCE + cameraPos.x, addY, (pos.y - BOARD_HEIGHT / 2f + 0.5f) * WORLD_UNIT_DISTANCE + cameraPos.z); }
public void AssertIdentifierInSharedAccessPolicies(SharedAccessBlobPolicies sharedAccessPolicies, Basic.Azure.Storage.Communications.Common.BlobSignedIdentifier expectedIdentifier, SharedAccessBlobPermissions permissions) { var policy = sharedAccessPolicies.Where(i => i.Key.Equals(expectedIdentifier.Id, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(policy); Assert.AreEqual(expectedIdentifier.AccessPolicy.StartTime, policy.Value.SharedAccessStartTime.Value.UtcDateTime); Assert.AreEqual(expectedIdentifier.AccessPolicy.Expiry, policy.Value.SharedAccessExpiryTime.Value.UtcDateTime); Assert.IsTrue(policy.Value.Permissions.HasFlag(permissions)); }
public List<ListBlockItem> AssertBlockListsAreEqual(string containerName, string blobName, Basic.Azure.Storage.Communications.BlobService.BlobOperations.GetBlockListResponse response) { var client = _storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); var container = client.GetContainerReference(containerName); if (!container.Exists()) Assert.Fail("AssertBlockExists: The container '{0}' does not exist", containerName); var blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName); var committedBlockList = blob.DownloadBlockList(BlockListingFilter.Committed); var uncommittedBlockList = blob.DownloadBlockList(BlockListingFilter.Uncommitted); var blockList = committedBlockList.Concat(uncommittedBlockList).ToList(); var gottenBlocks = response.CommittedBlocks.Concat(response.UncommittedBlocks).ToList(); var gottenBlocksCount = gottenBlocks.Count; Assert.AreEqual(blockList.Count, gottenBlocksCount); for (var i = 0; i < gottenBlocksCount; i++) { var expectedBlock = blockList[i]; var gottenBlock = gottenBlocks[i]; Assert.AreEqual(expectedBlock.Name, gottenBlock.Name); Assert.AreEqual(expectedBlock.Length, gottenBlock.Size); } return blockList; }
public Basic.Azure.Storage.Communications.BlobService.BlockListBlockIdList CreateBlockIdList(int idCount, Basic.Azure.Storage.Communications.BlobService.PutBlockListListType listType) { var idList = new Basic.Azure.Storage.Communications.BlobService.BlockListBlockIdList(); for (var i = 0; i < idCount; i++) { idList.Add(new Basic.Azure.Storage.Communications.BlobService.BlockListBlockId { Id = Basic.Azure.Storage.Communications.Utility.Base64Converter.ConvertToBase64(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), ListType = listType }); } return idList; }
public void AssertBlobCopyPropertiesMatch(string containerName, string blobName, Communications.Common.CopyStatus? copyStatus, Basic.Azure.Storage.Communications.BlobService.BlobCopyProgress copyProgress, DateTime? copyCompletionTime, string copyStatusDescription, string copyId, string copySource) { var client = _storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); var container = client.GetContainerReference(containerName); if (!container.Exists()) Assert.Fail("AssertBlobCopyPropertiesMatch: The container '{0}' does not exist", containerName); var blob = container.GetBlobReferenceFromServer(blobName); if (!blob.Exists()) Assert.Fail("AssertBlobCopyPropertiesMatch: The blob '{0}' does not exist", blobName); var copyState = blob.CopyState; if (null == copyState) { Assert.IsNull(copyStatus); Assert.IsNull(copyProgress); Assert.IsNull(copyCompletionTime); Assert.IsNull(copyStatusDescription); Assert.IsNull(copyId); Assert.IsNull(copySource); } else { Assert.AreEqual(copyState.Status.ToString(), copyStatus.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(copyState.BytesCopied, copyProgress.BytesCopied); Assert.AreEqual(copyState.TotalBytes, copyProgress.BytesTotal); Assert.AreEqual(copyState.CompletionTime.Value.LocalDateTime, copyCompletionTime.Value); Assert.AreEqual(copyState.StatusDescription, copyStatusDescription); Assert.AreEqual(copyState.CopyId, copyId); Assert.AreEqual(copyState.Source, copySource); } }
/// <summary> /// 수정함수 /// </summary> private void Updates() { try { ///TDDO:[템플릿]수정 //유효성 검사후 실행합니다. if (!ISCheckData(JobStyle.UPDATE)) { return; } Basic.SetCursor(this, false); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "수정 중 입니다..", true); string roomview = lupRoomview.EditValue.ToString().Trim(); string roomuseyn = chkRoomuseyn.Checked ? "Y" : "N"; string rsvuseyn = chkRsvuseyn.Checked ? "Y" : "N"; string rsvcnt = txtRsvcnt.Text.Trim().Replace(",", ""); rsvcnt = rsvcnt == "" ? "0": rsvcnt; string[] arry = this.popFacilitycode.Text.Trim().Split(' '); string[] arry1 = arry[0].Split('-'); string orgfacilitycode = this.gridView.GetRowCellValue(this.gridView.FocusedRowHandle, "FACILITY_CODE").ToString().Trim(); string orgroomtype = this.gridView.GetRowCellValue(this.gridView.FocusedRowHandle, "ROOM_TYPE").ToString().Trim(); string orgroomview = this.gridView.GetRowCellValue(this.gridView.FocusedRowHandle, "ROOM_VIEW").ToString().Trim(); //수정함수를 구현합니다. //만약 변수가 필요없다면 아래 코드를 삭제 하세요 DataTable dtparmUpdate = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_FACILITY_CODE", arry1[0] }); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ROOM_TYPE", arry1[1] }); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ROOM_VIEW", roomview }); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ORG_FACILITY_CODE", orgfacilitycode }); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ORG_ROOM_TYPE", orgroomtype }); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ORG_ROOM_VIEW", orgroomview }); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ROOM_USE_YN", roomuseyn }); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_RSV_USE_YN", rsvuseyn }); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_RSV_CNT", rsvcnt }); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_U_EMP_NO", }); dtparmUpdate.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_U_IP", BizCommon.Parm.CurrentUserInformation.ip }); //프로시져를 호출하여 결과를 리턴 받는다. //만약 output 값이 여러개라면 '|' (파이프) 값으로 구분하여 들어온다. //Split 함수로 짤라서 사용한다. string Result = DataLayer.ExecuteSpScala("PKG_DAAAI18.PR_04", dtparmUpdate, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); //프로시져 에러라면 빠져나간다. if (Result.Trim() != "OK") { Basic.ShowMessage(3, Result); return; } //수정한 데이터를 조회 를 합니다... Selects(false); DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn[] cols; object[] obj; cols = new GridColumn[] { this.gridView.Columns["FACILITY_CODE"], this.gridView.Columns["ROOM_TYPE"], this.gridView.Columns["ROOM_VIEW"], }; obj = new object[] { arry1[0], arry1[1], roomview }; //주석을 풀고 사용하십시요 //데이터를 선택합니다. Cls.Grid.Options.SelectGridRow(this.gridView, cols, obj); Basic.ShowMessage(1, "수정 하였습니다."); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } finally { Basic.SetCursor(this, true); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "", false); } }
public void AssertIsBlockListResponse(Basic.Azure.Storage.Extensions.Contracts.IBlobOrBlockListResponseWrapper response) { Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Basic.Azure.Storage.Communications.BlobService.BlobOperations.PutBlockListResponse), response); }
/// <summary> /// 컨트롤을 셋팅합니다. /// </summary> private void SetCtlInitialize() { try { dtReference.Columns.Add("BIZ_CODE"); dtReference.Columns.Add("VALUE_LIST"); dtReference.Columns.Add("VALUE_NAME"); DataTable dttmp = new DataTable(); dttmp.Columns.Add("DISPLAY_MEMBER"); dttmp.Columns.Add("VALUE_MEMBER"); dtPort.Columns.Add("PORT"); dtPort.Columns.Add("PORT_NAME"); //사용가능한 시리얼포트를 가져온다. string[] strPort = System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames(); if (strPort != null) { for (int i = 0; i < strPort.Length; i++) { dtPort.Rows.Add(new object[] { strPort[i], strPort[i] }); } } //콤보박스에 셋팅한다. Cls.Common.CboBox.FillComboBoxDataTable(cboLockerPort, dtPort, "PORT_NAME", "PORT", "선택하세요"); cboLockerPort.SelectedIndex = 0; cboLockerType.SelectedIndex = 0; string type = ""; for (int i = 0; i < BizCommon.Parm.mDataTable.dtZaa140ms.Rows.Count; i++) { if (BizCommon.Parm.mDataTable.dtZaa140ms.Rows[i]["USE_YN"].ToString().Trim() == "N") { continue; } string pType = BizCommon.Parm.mDataTable.dtZaa140ms.Rows[i]["FACILITY_TYPE"].ToString().Trim(); string pName = BizCommon.Parm.mDataTable.dtZaa140ms.Rows[i]["FACILITY_TYPE_NAME"].ToString().Trim(); if (type != pType) { type = pType; dttmp.Rows.Add(new object[] { pName, pType }); } } DataTable dttmpSort = Basic.GetdtSelect(dttmp, "", "VALUE_MEMBER"); LookUp.SetFillCode(this.lupFacility, dttmpSort, "DISPLAY_MEMBER", "VALUE_MEMBER", LookUp.CaptoinStyle.SelectText); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public List<string> GetIdsFromBlockIdList(Basic.Azure.Storage.Communications.BlobService.BlockListBlockIdList list) { return list.Select(bid => bid.Id).ToList(); }
/// <summary> /// 입력함수 /// </summary> private void Updates() { try { ///TDDO:[사용일수변경]입력 //유효성검사 후 사용 if (!ISCheckData(JobStyle.UPDATE)) { return; } //에니메이션 과 커서의 모양을 바궈준다. Basic.SetCursor(this, false); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "저장 중 입니다..", true); string annual = lupYear.EditValue.ToString().Trim(); int iRowM = this.gridViewM.GetDataSourceRowIndex(this.gridViewM.FocusedRowHandle); string memberno = dtM.Rows[iRowM]["MEMBER_NO"].ToString().Trim(); string memberseq = dtM.Rows[iRowM]["MEMBER_SEQ"].ToString().Trim(); int iRowL = this.gridViewL.GetDataSourceRowIndex(this.gridViewL.FocusedRowHandle); string usecode = dtL.Rows[iRowL]["USE_CODE"].ToString().Trim(); string limitcnt = txtLimitCnt.EditValue.ToString().Trim(); //입력함수를 구현합니다. //만약 변수가 필요없다면 아래 코드를 삭제 하세요 DataTable dtparm = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtparm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ANNUAL", annual }); dtparm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_MEMBER_SEQ", memberseq }); dtparm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_USE_CODE", usecode }); dtparm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_LIMIT_CNT", limitcnt }); dtparm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_EMP_NO", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.No }); dtparm.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_IP", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.ip }); string Result = DataLayer.ExecuteSpScala("PKG_CEAAI03.PR_10", dtparm, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); //프로시져 에러라면 빠져나간다. if (Result != "OK") { Basic.ShowMessage(3, Result); return; } //입력한 데이터를 조회 를 합니다... Selects(false); DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn[] cols1 = new GridColumn[] { gridViewM.Columns["MEMBER_NO"] }; int i1 = Cls.Grid.Options.LocateRowByMultipleValues(gridViewM, cols1, new object[] { memberno }, 0); if (i1 >= 0) { gridViewM.FocusedRowHandle = i1; } DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn[] cols2 = new GridColumn[] { gridViewL.Columns["USE_CODE"] }; int i2 = Cls.Grid.Options.LocateRowByMultipleValues(gridViewL, cols2, new object[] { usecode }, 0); if (i2 >= 0) { gridViewL.FocusedRowHandle = i2; } Basic.ShowMessage(1, "저장 하였습니다."); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { Basic.SetCursor(this, true); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "", false); } }
/// <summary> /// 입력버튼클릭 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void picInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Basic.SetCursor(this, false); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "입력 중 입니다...", true); this.picInsert.Focus(); DataRow[] r_Project = dtProject.Select("CHK = 'Y'"); DataRow[] r_Type = dtType.Select("CHK = 'Y'"); if (r_Project.Length <= 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "영영장이 선택되지 않았습니다."); this.gridProject.Focus(); return; } if (r_Type.Length <= 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "영영장 타입이 선택되지 않았습니다."); this.gridtype.Focus(); return; } if (dtEmp.Rows.Count <= 0 || this.gridViewEmp.RowCount <= 0 || this.gridViewEmp.FocusedRowHandle < 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "사원이 선택되지 않았습니다."); return; } string empno = this.gridViewEmp.GetRowCellValue(this.gridViewEmp.FocusedRowHandle, "EMP_NO").ToString().Trim(); DataTable[] dtProcedure = new DataTable[r_Project.Length * r_Type.Length]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < r_Project.Length; i++) { string project = r_Project[i]["PROJECT_ID"].ToString().Trim(); for (int j = 0; j < r_Type.Length; j++) { string type = r_Type[j]["DETAIL"].ToString().Trim(); //중복데이터 축출 string filter = "EMP_NO = '" + empno + "' AND PROJECT_ID = '" + project + "' AND FACILITY_TYPE = '" + type + "'"; int cnt = int.Parse(dtRes.Compute("COUNT(EMP_NO)", filter).ToString().Trim()); string msg = "[" + r_Project[i]["PROJECT_NAME"].ToString().Trim() + " - " + r_Type[j]["DETAIL_NAME"].ToString().Trim() + "]은(는) 이미 등록되어 있습니다."; if (cnt > 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(2, msg); return; } dtProcedure[index] = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtProcedure[index].TableName = "PKG_JAAAI04.PR_03"; dtProcedure[index].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtProcedure[index].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_EMP_NO", empno }); dtProcedure[index].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_PROJECT_ID", project }); dtProcedure[index].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_FACILITY_TYPE", type }); dtProcedure[index].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_U_EMP_NO", }); dtProcedure[index].Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_U_IP", BizCommon.Parm.CurrentUserInformation.ip }); index++; } } DataSet ds = DataLayer.AddProdedcure(dtProcedure); string g = DataLayer.ExecuteSpScalaTransaction(ds, "OK", DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); if (g != "OK") { Basic.ShowMessage(3, g); return; } fnSelect(empno); dtType.RejectChanges(); dtProject.RejectChanges(); dtType.AcceptChanges(); dtProject.AcceptChanges(); Basic.ShowMessage(1, "입력하였습니다."); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } finally { Basic.SetCursor(this, true); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "", false); } }
/// <summary> /// 조회버튼 클릭 /// </summary> private void fnSelect() { try { Basic.SetCursor(this, false); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "조회 중 입니다..", true); string strBizCode = Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode; // 사업장코드 string strReceNo = this.txtReceNo.Text.ToString().Trim(); // 미수번호 string strReceSaleDateFrom = ((DateTime)this.datReceSaleDateFrom.EditValue).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); // 미수일자 string strReceSaleDateTo = ((DateTime)this.datReceSaleDateTo.EditValue).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); // 미수일자 string strReceCode = lupReceCode.EditValue.ToString().Trim(); // 발생구분 string strMemberNoName = txtMemberNoName.Text.ToString().Trim(); // 회원번호/명 string strAnnual = txtAnnual.Text.ToString().Trim(); // 기수 string strCapMemberNoName = txtCapMemberNoName.Text.ToString().Trim(); // 대표회원번호/명 string strExat_CalcYN = lupExatCalcYN.EditValue.ToString().Trim(); // 정산유무 DataTable dtparmSelect = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtparmSelect.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", strBizCode }); dtparmSelect.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_RECE_NO", strReceNo }); dtparmSelect.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_RECE_SALE_DATE_FROM", strReceSaleDateFrom }); dtparmSelect.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_RECE_SALE_DATE_TO", strReceSaleDateTo }); dtparmSelect.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_RECE_CODE", strReceCode }); dtparmSelect.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_MEMBER_NO_NAME", strMemberNoName }); dtparmSelect.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_ANNUAL", strAnnual }); dtparmSelect.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_CAP_MEMBER_NO_NAME", strCapMemberNoName }); dtparmSelect.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_EXAT_CALC_YN", strExat_CalcYN }); dt.Clear(); DataSet ds = DataLayer.ExecuteSpDataset("PKG_JFRAS01.PR_01", dtparmSelect, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { Basic.ShowMessage(1, "데이터가 존재 하지 않습니다."); return; } DataTable tmpDt = ds.Tables[0]; int intRowCnt = tmpDt.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < intRowCnt; i++) { if (tmpDt.Rows[i]["GROUP_SEQ"].ToString().Trim() == "0") { tmpDt.Rows[i]["ANNUAL"] = ""; tmpDt.Rows[i]["CAP_MEMBER_SEQ"] = ""; tmpDt.Rows[i]["GROUP_SEQ"] = DBNull.Value; } } dt.Load(tmpDt.CreateDataReader()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { Basic.SetCursor(this, true); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "", false); } }
public virtual bool MessageRequestHandler(byte[] receivedMessage) { //Console.WriteLine("\n _z_ [" + this.NodeId + "] " + (this.DeviceHandler != null ? this.DeviceHandler.ToString() : "!" + this.GenericClass.ToString())); //Console.WriteLine(" >>> " + zp.ByteArrayToString(receivedMessage) + "\n"); ZWaveEvent messageEvent = null; int messageLength = receivedMessage.Length; if (messageLength > 8) { //byte commandLength = receivedMessage[6]; byte commandClass = receivedMessage[7]; switch (commandClass) { case (byte)CommandClass.Basic: messageEvent = Basic.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.Alarm: messageEvent = Alarm.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.SensorAlarm: messageEvent = SensorAlarm.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.SceneActivation: messageEvent = SceneActivation.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.SwitchBinary: messageEvent = SwitchBinary.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.SwitchMultilevel: messageEvent = SwitchMultilevel.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.SensorBinary: messageEvent = SensorBinary.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.SensorMultilevel: messageEvent = SensorMultilevel.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.Meter: messageEvent = Meter.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.ThermostatMode: case (byte)CommandClass.ThermostatFanMode: case (byte)CommandClass.ThermostatFanState: case (byte)CommandClass.ThermostatHeating: case (byte)CommandClass.ThermostatOperatingState: case (byte)CommandClass.ThermostatSetBack: case (byte)CommandClass.ThermostatSetPoint: messageEvent = Thermostat.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.UserCode: messageEvent = UserCode.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.Association: messageEvent = Association.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.Configuration: messageEvent = Configuration.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.WakeUp: messageEvent = WakeUp.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.Battery: messageEvent = Battery.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.Hail: Basic.Get(this); break; case (byte)CommandClass.MultiInstance: messageEvent = MultiInstance.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); break; case (byte)CommandClass.ManufacturerSpecific: messageEvent = ManufacturerSpecific.GetEvent(this, receivedMessage); if (messageEvent != null) { var specs = (ManufacturerSpecificInfo)messageEvent.Value; this.ManufacturerId = specs.ManufacturerId; this.TypeId = specs.TypeId; this.ProductId = specs.ProductId; if (ManufacturerSpecificResponse != null) { try { ManufacturerSpecificResponse(this, new ManufacturerSpecificResponseEventArg() { NodeId = this.NodeId, ManufacturerSpecific = specs }); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ZWaveLib: Error during ManufacturerSpecificResponse callback, " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } } } break; } } if (messageEvent != null) { this.RaiseUpdateParameterEvent(messageEvent.Instance, messageEvent.Event, messageEvent.Value); } else if (messageLength > 3) { if (receivedMessage[3] != 0x13) { bool log = true; if (messageLength > 7 && /* cmd_class */ receivedMessage[7] == (byte)CommandClass.ManufacturerSpecific) { log = false; } if (log) { Console.WriteLine("ZWaveLib UNHANDLED message: " + Utility.ByteArrayToString(receivedMessage)); } } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 삭제 함수 /// </summary> private void Deletes() { try { ///TDDO:[영업장별우대할인]삭제 /// //유효성 검사후 실행합니다. if (!ISCheckData(JobStyle.DELETE)) { return; } Basic.SetCursor(this, false); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "삭제 중 입니다..", true); int iRowm = this.gridView2.GetDataSourceRowIndex(this.gridView2.FocusedRowHandle); int iRow = this.gridView1.GetDataSourceRowIndex(this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle); string DCCouponNo = dt.Rows[iRow]["DCCOUPON_NO"].ToString().Trim(); string Keyseq = dtDetail.Rows[iRowm]["KEY_SEQ"].ToString().Trim(); string dcnofrom = dtDetail.Rows[iRowm]["DC_NO_FROM"].ToString().Trim(); string dcnoto = dtDetail.Rows[iRowm]["DC_NO_TO"].ToString().Trim(); //삭제함수를 구현합니다. //만약 변수가 필요없다면 아래 코드를 삭제 하세요 DataTable dtparmDelete = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtparmDelete.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtparmDelete.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_DCCOUPON_NO", DCCouponNo }); dtparmDelete.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_KEY_SEQ", Keyseq }); dtparmDelete.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_DC_NO_FROM", dcnofrom }); dtparmDelete.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_DC_NO_TO", dcnoto }); //프로시져를 호출하여 결과를 리턴 받는다. //만약 output 값이 여러개라면 '|' (파이프) 값으로 구분하여 들어온다. //Split 함수로 짤라서 사용한다. string Result = DataLayer.ExecuteSpScala("PKG_JDAAI05.PR_20", dtparmDelete, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); //프로시져 에러라면 빠져나간다. if (Result.Trim() != "OK") { Basic.ShowMessage(3, Result); return; } int row = this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle; //삭제한 데이터를 조회 를 합니다... Selects(false); if (this.gridView1.RowCount > 0) { if (row <= this.gridView1.RowCount - 1) { this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle = row; } else { this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle = gridView1.RowCount - 1; } } Basic.ShowMessage(1, "삭제 하였습니다."); } catch (Exception ex) { Basic.ShowMessage(3, ex.Message); } finally { Basic.SetCursor(this, true); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "", false); } }
/// <summary> /// 입력함수 /// </summary> private void Inserts() { try { ///TDDO:[일일마감]입력 //유효성검사 후 사용 if (!ISCheckData(JobStyle.INSERT)) { return; } //에니메이션 과 커서의 모양을 바궈준다. Basic.SetCursor(this, false); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "마감입력 중 입니다..", true); int iRow = gridView.GetDataSourceRowIndex(gridView.FocusedRowHandle); DataTable dtTmp = grid.DataSource as DataTable; string saledate = dtTmp.Rows[iRow]["SALE_DATE"].ToString().Trim(); //입력함수를 구현합니다. //만약 변수가 필요없다면 아래 코드를 삭제 하세요 DataTable dtparmInsert = DataLayer.GetDataTableParameter(DataLayer.DatatableStyle.Parameter); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_SALE_DATE", saledate }); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_BIZ_CODE", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.BizInfo.BizCode }); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_EMP_NO", }); dtparmInsert.Rows.Add(new object[] { "V_IP", Parm.CurrentUserInformation.ip }); //프로시져를 호출하여 결과를 리턴 받는다. //만약 output 값이 여러개라면 '|' (파이프) 값으로 구분하여 들어온다. //Split 함수로 짤라서 사용한다. string Result = DataLayer.ExecuteSpScala("PKG_AZACI03.PR_10", dtparmInsert, DataLayer.MessageEncoding.Default); //프로시져 에러라면 빠져나간다. if (Result.Trim() != "OK") { Basic.ShowMessage(3, Result); return; } //입력한 데이터를 조회 를 합니다... Selects(false); // 조회 가 끝난 후 입력한 데이터를 선택합니다. DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn[] cols; object[] obj; cols = new GridColumn[] { this.gridView.Columns["SALE_DATE"] }; obj = new object[] { saledate }; //데이터를 선택합니다. Cls.Grid.Options.SelectGridRow(this.gridView, cols, obj); Basic.ShowMessage(1, "마감입력 하였습니다."); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { Basic.SetCursor(this, true); Basic.LoadParentFunction(this, "", false); } }
/// <summary> /// Please put {id: 2, name: 'abc', color: 'Magenta'} /// </summary> /// <param name='complexBody'> /// Please put {id: 2, name: 'abc', color: 'Magenta'} /// </param> /// <param name='customHeaders'> /// Headers that will be added to request. /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// The cancellation token. /// </param> public async Task <HttpOperationResponse> PutValidWithHttpMessagesAsync(Basic complexBody, Dictionary <string, List <string> > customHeaders = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { if (complexBody == null) { throw new ValidationException(ValidationRules.CannotBeNull, "complexBody"); } // Tracing bool shouldTrace = ServiceClientTracing.IsEnabled; string invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = ServiceClientTracing.NextInvocationId.ToString(); Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); tracingParameters.Add("complexBody", complexBody); tracingParameters.Add("cancellationToken", cancellationToken); ServiceClientTracing.Enter(invocationId, this, "PutValid", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL var url = new Uri(this.Client.BaseUri, "/complex/basic/valid").ToString(); // Create HTTP transport objects HttpRequestMessage httpRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(); httpRequest.Method = new HttpMethod("PUT"); httpRequest.RequestUri = new Uri(url); // Set Headers if (customHeaders != null) { foreach (var header in customHeaders) { if (httpRequest.Headers.Contains(header.Key)) { httpRequest.Headers.Remove(header.Key); } httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(header.Key, header.Value); } } // Serialize Request string requestContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(complexBody, this.Client.SerializationSettings); httpRequest.Content = new StringContent(requestContent, Encoding.UTF8); httpRequest.Content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json; charset=utf-8"); // Send Request if (shouldTrace) { ServiceClientTracing.SendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest); } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = await this.Client.HttpClient.SendAsync(httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); if (shouldTrace) { ServiceClientTracing.ReceiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse); } HttpStatusCode statusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode; cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); if (!(statusCode == (HttpStatusCode)Enum.Parse(typeof(HttpStatusCode), "OK"))) { var ex = new HttpOperationException(string.Format("Operation returned an invalid status code '{0}'", statusCode)); string responseContent = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Error errorBody = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Error>(responseContent, this.Client.DeserializationSettings); if (errorBody != null) { ex.Body = errorBody; } ex.Request = httpRequest; ex.Response = httpResponse; if (shouldTrace) { ServiceClientTracing.Error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } // Create Result var result = new HttpOperationResponse(); result.Request = httpRequest; result.Response = httpResponse; if (shouldTrace) { ServiceClientTracing.Exit(invocationId, result); } return(result); }