private void take_attendance_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //    string path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "DataSource\\attendance.xml");
            //    XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(path);

            //    XElement attendanceResult = xdoc.Element("attendance");

            //    var settingsResult = (from result in attendanceResult.Elements("settings")
            //                          select new
            //                          {
            //                              id = Convert.ToInt32(result.Attribute("id").Value),
            //                              start = result.Attribute("start").Value,
            //                              end = result.Attribute("end").Value
            //                          }).ToList()[0];
            //    start_countdown_L.Text = settingsResult.start;
            //    end_countdown_L.Text = settingsResult.end;

            //catch (Exception ex)

            //    MessageBox.Show("Error : " + ex.Message);
            start_countdown_L.Text = il.get_value("SELECT  `from_date` FROM `att_set` ORDER BY `att_set`.`date_time` DESC LIMIT 0,1");
            end_countdown_L.Text   = il.get_value("SELECT  `to_date` FROM `att_set` ORDER BY `att_set`.`date_time` DESC LIMIT 0,1");
예제 #2
        private void addRoomB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Basic.validation.check_empty(roomNoTB) == "no")
            if (Basic.validation.check_empty(capacityTB) == "no")
            string hallid      = bi.get_value("SELECT hall_id from hall_info where hall_name='" + hall_name_CB.SelectedItem + "'");
            string insertQuery = "INSERT INTO `seat` (`room_id`, `room`, `capacity`, `hall_id`) VALUES (NULL, '" + roomNoTB.Text + "', '" + capacityTB.Text + "', '" + hallid + "')";

예제 #3
        private void show_result()
            int hallid = Convert.ToInt32(il.get_value("Select hall_id  from hall_info where hall_name = '" + hallCB.SelectedItem + "'"));

            String basic_query = "Select hall_std_id as 'Hall ID',session as Session,name as Name,degree as Degree,mobile as Mobile,religion as Religion from student_info where hall_id = " + hallid + "  and  alloted_room = '" + roomCB.SelectedItem + "' ";

            il.datagridview_load("select room,capacity from seat where room='" + roomCB.SelectedItem.ToString() + "' and hall_id=" + hallid + "", capacityDGV);
            il.datagridview_load(basic_query + " and status = 0", dataGridView1);
            il.datagridview_load(basic_query + " and status = 1", dataGridView2);
        private void addStudentB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Basic.validation.check_empty(classRollTB) == "no")
            if (Basic.validation.check_empty(registrationTB) == "no")
            if (Basic.validation.check_empty(studentNameTB) == "no")

            String hall_id    = il.get_value("select hall_id from hall_info where hall_name='" + hallNameCB.SelectedItem + "'");
            String dept_id    = il.get_value("select dept_id from dept_info where dept_name='" + deptNameCB.SelectedItem + "'");
            String faculty_id = il.get_value("select faculty_id from faculty_info where faculty_name='" + facultyNameCB.SelectedItem + "'");
            String qouta_id   = il.get_value("select qouta_id from qouta where qouta_name='" + qoutaCB.SelectedItem + "'");
            String status     = "0";

            if (currentStudentRB.Checked)
                status = "0";
            if (oldStudentRB.Checked)
                status = "1";

            String sql = "INSERT INTO `student_info` (`hall_std_id`, `session`, `class_roll`, `registration_no`, `name`, `f_name`, `m_name`, `address`, `sex`, `religion`, `degree`, `mobile`, `phone`, `email`, `blood_group`, `alloted_room`, `hall_id`, `dept_id`, `faculty_id`, `qouta_id`, `added_by`, `status`) VALUES (NULL, '" + sessionCB.Text + "', '" + classRollTB.Text + "', '" + registrationTB.Text + "', '" + studentNameTB.Text + "', '" + fatherNameTB.Text + "', '" + motherNameTB.Text + "', '" + addressTB.Text + "', '" + sexCB.SelectedItem + "', '" + religionTB.Text + "', '" + degreeCB.SelectedItem + "', '" + mobileTB.Text + "', '" + phoneTB.Text + "', '" + emailTB.Text + "', '" + bloodGroupCB.SelectedItem + "', '" + roomTB.Text + "', '" + hall_id + "', '" + dept_id + "', '" + faculty_id + "', '" + qouta_id + "', '" + uid + "', '" + status + "');";


            addStudentRB_CheckedChanged(s, EventArgs.Empty);