예제 #1
        public void TestTypeInfo()
            var serializer = new JsonSerializer {
                UseTypeInfo = true
            var o = new DerivedTypeInfo {
                BaseProperty = "base", DerivedProperty = "derived", InterfaceProperty = "interface"
            var json = serializer.Serialize(o);

            Assert.That(json, Is.EqualTo(@"{""@type"":""DerivedTypeInfo"",""BaseProperty"":""base"",""DerivedProperty"":""derived"",""InterfaceProperty"":""interface""}"));
            var o2 = new BaseTypeInfo {
                BaseProperty = "base"
            var json2 = serializer.Serialize(o2);

            Assert.That(json2, Is.EqualTo(@"{""BaseProperty"":""base""}"));

            var d = serializer.Deserialize <BaseTypeInfo>(json);

            Assert.That(d, Is.TypeOf <DerivedTypeInfo>());

            var i = serializer.Deserialize <ITypeInfo>(json);

            Assert.That(i, Is.TypeOf <DerivedTypeInfo>());
예제 #2
        private void AddInheritanceSourceMember(BaseTypeInfo baseType, string relationName)
            // 定義元ソースコードがある場合、メンバーも表示する
            if (baseType.FoundDefinition)
                var baseItem = AppEnv.UserDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                    var b1 = (x.SourceFile == baseType.DefinitionSourceFile);
                    var b2 = (x.StartLength == baseType.DefinitionStartLength);
                    var b3 = (x.EndLength == baseType.DefinitionEndLength);
                    if (b1 && b2 && b3)

                AddInheritanceSourceMember(baseItem, false, relationName);
                // 定義元ソースコードは無いので、名前だけ表示する
                var model = new DefinitionItemModel
                    IsTargetDefinition = false,
                    RelationName       = relationName,
                    DefinitionName     = baseType.DisplayBaseType,

예제 #3
        private BaseTypeInfo GetBaseTypeInfo()
            var info = _lazyBaseTypeInfo;

            if (info != null)
                Debug.Assert(info != s_noBaseTypes || info.IsDefaultValue(), "default value was modified");

            if (this.BaseTypesNoUseSiteDiagnostics.Length > 0)
                // it looks like we have at least one base type
                info = new BaseTypeInfo();

                // NOTE: we are assigning lazyBaseTypeInfo via interlocked not for correctness,
                // we just do not want to override an existing info that could be partially filled.
                return(Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _lazyBaseTypeInfo, info, null) ?? info);

            // if we have got here it means neither we nor our bases implement anything
            _lazyBaseTypeInfo = info = s_noBaseTypes;
예제 #4
        public void EditorMouseHover(ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.TextEditor editor, DepthScanner scanner, MouseEventArgs e)
            TextViewPosition?pos = editor.GetPositionFromPoint(e.GetPosition(editor));

            if (pos != null)
                    int     line   = pos.Value.Line;
                    int     offset = editor.Document.GetOffset(pos.Value.Location);
                    Globals globs  = GetGlobals();
                    if (globs != null)
                        bool     isFunc = false;
                        string[] words  = IntellisenseHelper.ExtractPath(editor.Document, offset, pos.Value.Location.Line, out isFunc);
                        if (words != null && words.Length > 0)
                            BaseTypeInfo info = null;
                            FunctionInfo func = null;
                            NameResolver reso = new NameResolver(globs, scanner);
                            if (words.Length > 1)
                                for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; ++i)
                                    if (i == words.Length - 1 && info != null && isFunc)
                                        if (info is TypeInfo)
                                            func = ((TypeInfo)info).Functions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals(words[i]));
                                        if (info == null)
                                            info = reso.GetClassType(editor.Document, editor.TextArea.Caret.Line, words[i]);
                                        else if (info != null && info is TypeInfo)
                                            if (((TypeInfo)info).Properties.ContainsKey(words[i]))
                                                info = ((TypeInfo)info).Properties[words[i]];
                            else if (isFunc && words.Length == 1)
                                func = globs.GetFunction(words[0]);
                            else if (!isFunc && words.Length == 1)
                                info = reso.GetClassType(editor.Document, line, words[0]);
                                if (info == null)
                                    TypeInfo ty = globs.GetTypeInfo(words[0]);
                                    if (ty != null)
                                        info = ty;

                            string msg = "";
                            // Ask documentation for the information
                            if (info != null && func != null && info is TypeInfo)
                            { //member function
                                msg = func.ReturnType.Name + " " + func.Name;
                                string m = IDEProject.inst().DocDatabase.GetDocumentationFor(((TypeInfo)info).Name + "::" + func.Name + func.Inner);
                                if (m != null)
                                    msg += "\r\n" + m;
                            else if (func != null)
                            { //global function
                                msg = func.ReturnType.Name + " " + func.Name;
                                string m = IDEProject.inst().DocDatabase.GetDocumentationFor(func.Name + func.Inner);
                                if (m != null)
                                    msg += "\r\n" + m;
                            else if (info != null && info is TypeInfo)
                            { //global or member type
                                msg = ((TypeInfo)info).Name;
                                string m = IDEProject.inst().DocDatabase.GetDocumentationFor(((TypeInfo)info).Name);
                                if (m != null)
                                    msg += "\r\n" + m;

                            if (msg.Length > 0)
                                InsightWindow window = new InsightWindow(editor.TextArea);
                                window.Content = msg;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //deliberately swallow any exceptions here
예제 #5
        public void EditorKeyUp(ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.TextEditor editor, DepthScanner scanner, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
            Globals g = GetGlobals();

            if (g == null)
            // These keys halt and terminate intellisense
            switch (e.Key)
            case Key.Home:
            case Key.End:
            case Key.Left:
            case Key.Right:
            case Key.Escape:
            case Key.LWin:
            case Key.RWin:
            case Key.Space:
                if (currentComp != null)
            // These keys halt further checks
            switch (e.Key)
            case Key.Up:
            case Key.Down:
            case Key.PageDown:
            case Key.PageUp:
            case Key.LeftShift:
            case Key.RightShift:
            case Key.LeftAlt:
            case Key.RightAlt:
            case Key.LeftCtrl:
            case Key.RightCtrl:
            case Key.Scroll:
            case Key.Capital:
            case Key.CrSel:
            case Key.Clear:
            case Key.Insert:
            case Key.PrintScreen:
            case Key.Print:

            char KEY = KeyHelpers.GetCharFromKey(e.Key);

            if (KEY == ')' || KEY == ';')
                if (currentComp != null)
            int curOfs = editor.TextArea.Caret.Offset;
            int line   = editor.TextArea.Caret.Line;

            // Do not attempt intellisense inside of comments
            string txt = editor.Document.GetText(editor.Document.Lines[editor.TextArea.Caret.Line - 1]);

            if (txt.Trim().StartsWith("//"))

            if (e.Key == Key.OemPeriod || KEY == ':')
                //IntellisenseHelper.ResemblesDotPath(editor.Document, curOfs-1, line-1)) {
                int ofs = TextUtilities.GetNextCaretPosition(editor.Document, curOfs, LogicalDirection.Backward, CaretPositioningMode.WordStart);
                ofs = TextUtilities.GetNextCaretPosition(editor.Document, ofs, LogicalDirection.Backward, CaretPositioningMode.WordStart);
                string word = "";
                for (; ofs < curOfs; ++ofs)
                    if (editor.Document.Text[ofs] != '.')
                        word += editor.Document.Text[ofs];

                NameResolver reso  = new NameResolver(GetGlobals(), scanner);
                BaseTypeInfo info  = null;
                string[]     words = IntellisenseHelper.DotPath(editor.Document, curOfs - 1, line - 1);
                if (words.Length > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; ++i)
                        if (info == null)
                            info = reso.GetClassType(editor.Document, editor.TextArea.Caret.Line, words[i]);
                            if (info == null && GetGlobals().ContainsProperty(words[i]))
                                info = GetGlobals().GetProperty(words[i], true);
                        else if (info != null)
                            info = info.ResolvePropertyPath(GetGlobals(), words[i]);

                bool functionsOnly = false;
                //attempt to resolve it locally
                if (info == null)
                    info = reso.GetClassType(editor.Document, editor.TextArea.Caret.Line, word);
                //attempt to resolve it from globals
                if (info == null && GetGlobals() != null && GetGlobals().ContainsProperty(word))
                    info = GetGlobals().GetProperty(word, true);
                if (info == null && word.Contains("::"))
                    if (GetGlobals() == null)
                    if (word.Length > 2)
                        string ns = word.Replace("::", "");
                        if (GetGlobals().ContainsTypeInfo(ns))
                            EnumInfo ti = GetGlobals().GetTypeInfo(word.Replace("::", "")) as EnumInfo;
                            if (ti != null)
                                currentComp = new CompletionWindow(editor.TextArea);
                                IList <ICompletionData> data = currentComp.CompletionList.CompletionData;
                                foreach (string str in ti.Values)
                                    data.Add(new BaseCompletionData(null, str));
                                currentComp.Closed += comp_Closed;
                                TypeInfo ty = GetGlobals().GetTypeInfo(word.Replace("::", ""));
                                if (ty != null)
                                    info          = ty;
                                    functionsOnly = true;
                        { //list global functions
                            Globals globs = GetGlobals();
                            bool    asNS  = false;
                            if (globs.ContainsNamespace(ns))
                                asNS  = true;
                                globs = globs.GetNamespace(ns);
                            currentComp = new CompletionWindow(editor.TextArea);
                            IList <ICompletionData> data = currentComp.CompletionList.CompletionData;
                            foreach (string str in globs.GetPropertyNames())
                                TypeInfo ti = globs.GetProperty(str, !asNS) as TypeInfo;
                                if (ti != null)
                                    data.Add(new PropertyCompletionData(ti, str));
                            foreach (FunctionInfo fi in globs.GetFunctions(null, false))
                                data.Add(new FunctionCompletionData(fi));
                            if (asNS) //Include classes
                                foreach (TypeInfo ti in globs.TypeInfo)
                                    data.Add(new ClassCompletionData(ti));
                            currentComp.Closed += comp_Closed;

                //build the list
                if (info != null && info is TypeInfo)
                    TypeInfo ti = info as TypeInfo;
                    currentComp = new CompletionWindow(editor.TextArea);
                    IList <ICompletionData> data = currentComp.CompletionList.CompletionData;
                    if (!functionsOnly)
                        foreach (string str in ti.Properties.Keys)
                            data.Add(new PropertyCompletionData(ti.Properties[str], str,
                                                                ti.ReadonlyProperties.Contains(str) ? PropertyAccess.Readonly :
                                                                (ti.ProtectedProperties.Contains(str) ? PropertyAccess.Protected : PropertyAccess.Public)));
                        foreach (TypeInfo t in ti.BaseTypes)
                            foreach (string str in t.Properties.Keys)
                                if (!t.PrivateProperties.Contains(str))
                                    data.Add(new PropertyCompletionData(t.Properties[str], str,
                                                                        t.ReadonlyProperties.Contains(str) ? PropertyAccess.Readonly :
                                                                        (t.ProtectedProperties.Contains(str) ? PropertyAccess.Protected : PropertyAccess.Public)));
                    foreach (FunctionInfo fi in ti.Functions)
                        data.Add(new FunctionCompletionData(fi));
                    foreach (TypeInfo t in ti.BaseTypes)
                        foreach (FunctionInfo fi in t.Functions)
                            if (!fi.IsPrivate)
                                data.Add(new FunctionCompletionData(fi));
                    currentComp.Closed += comp_Closed;
            else if (KEY == '(' && IntellisenseHelper.ResemblesDotPath(editor.Document, curOfs - 2, line - 1))
                NameResolver reso  = new NameResolver(GetGlobals(), scanner);
                BaseTypeInfo info  = null;
                FunctionInfo func  = null;
                string[]     words = IntellisenseHelper.DotPath(editor.Document, curOfs - 2, line - 1);
                if (words.Length > 1)
                    for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; ++i)
                        if (i == words.Length - 1 && info != null)
                            if (info is TypeInfo)
                                func = ((TypeInfo)info).Functions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals(words[i]));
                            if (info == null)
                                info = reso.GetClassType(editor.Document, editor.TextArea.Caret.Line, words[i]);
                            else if (info != null && info is TypeInfo)
                                if (((TypeInfo)info).Properties.ContainsKey(words[i]))
                                    info = ((TypeInfo)info).Properties[words[i]];
                if (func != null && info != null)
                    List <FunctionInfo> data = new List <FunctionInfo>();
                    if (info is TypeInfo)
                        TypeInfo ti = (TypeInfo)info;
                        foreach (FunctionInfo fi in ti.Functions.Where(f => { return(f.Name.Equals(func.Name)); }))
                        if (data.Count > 0)
                            OverloadInsightWindow window = new OverloadInsightWindow(editor.TextArea);
                            window.Provider = new OverloadProvider(ti, data.ToArray());
                            //compWindow.Closed += comp_Closed;
                else if (func == null && info == null) // Found nothing
                    List <FunctionInfo> data = new List <FunctionInfo>();
                    foreach (FunctionInfo fi in GetGlobals().GetFunctions(words[0], true))
                    if (data.Count > 0)
                        OverloadInsightWindow window = new OverloadInsightWindow(editor.TextArea);
                        window.Provider = new OverloadProvider(null, data.ToArray());
                        //compWindow.Closed += comp_Closed;
            else if (Char.IsLetter(KEY))
                if (currentComp != null || editor.TextArea.Caret.Line == 1)

                int ofs     = TextUtilities.GetNextCaretPosition(editor.Document, curOfs, LogicalDirection.Backward, CaretPositioningMode.WordStart);
                int nextOfs = TextUtilities.GetNextCaretPosition(editor.Document, ofs, LogicalDirection.Backward, CaretPositioningMode.WordStart);
                if (nextOfs > 0)
                    if (editor.Document.Text[nextOfs] == '.')
                string word = "";
                if (ofs < 0)
                for (; ofs < curOfs; ++ofs)
                    if (editor.Document.Text[ofs] != '.')
                        word += editor.Document.Text[ofs];
                if (word.Contains("."))
                    if (currentComp != null)
                    //editor_KeyUp(sender, e);

                NameResolver  reso        = new NameResolver(GetGlobals(), scanner);
                List <string> suggestions = new List <string>();
                reso.GetNameMatch(editor.Document, editor.TextArea.Caret.Line - 2, word, ref suggestions);

                CompletionWindow compWindow = new CompletionWindow(editor.TextArea);
                compWindow.StartOffset = TextUtilities.GetNextCaretPosition(editor.Document, curOfs, LogicalDirection.Backward, CaretPositioningMode.WordStart);
                IList <ICompletionData> data = compWindow.CompletionList.CompletionData;
                //attempt local name resolution first
                if (suggestions.Count > 0)
                    foreach (string str in suggestions) //text suggestions are of lower priority
                        data.Add(new BaseCompletionData(null, str)
                            Priority = 0.5
                //Scan globals
                if (GetGlobals() != null)
                    foreach (string str in GetGlobals().GetTypeInfoNames())
                        if (str.StartsWith(word))
                            data.Add(new ClassCompletionData(GetGlobals().GetTypeInfo(str)));
                    foreach (FunctionInfo fun in GetGlobals().GetFunctions(null, true))
                        if (fun.Name.StartsWith(word))
                            data.Add(new FunctionCompletionData(fun));
                if (data.Count > 0)
                    currentComp = compWindow;
                    currentComp.Closed += comp_Closed;
                else if (currentComp != null)