예제 #1
    public static string Serialize(BaseStateGroup data)
        var namesStr = data.baseNames.ToList();
        var statesStr = data.baseStates.Select(bs => Serialize(bs)).ToList();

        var all = new List<List<string>>() { namesStr, statesStr };

        return MiniJSON.Json.Serialize(all);
예제 #2
    public static void Test_SerializeBaseStateGroup()
        var orig = new BaseStateGroup()
            baseNames = new string[] { "BaseA", "BaseB" },
            baseStates = new BaseState[] {
                new BaseState()
                    blockStates = new BlockState[] {
                        new BlockState(){ blockType= BlockType.Hexagon, x=1.5f, y=1.5f, z=1.5f, qx=2.5f, qy=2.5f, qz=2.5f, qw=2.5f},
                        new BlockState(){ blockType= BlockType.Square, x=1.5f, y=1.5f, z=1.5f, qx=2.5f, qy=2.5f, qz=2.5f, qw=2.5f},
                new BaseState()
                    blockStates = new BlockState[] {
                        new BlockState(){ blockType= BlockType.Rhombus, x=1.5f, y=1.5f, z=1.5f, qx=2.5f, qy=2.5f, qz=2.5f, qw=2.5f},
                        new BlockState(){ blockType= BlockType.Trapezoid, x=1.5f, y=1.5f, z=1.5f, qx=2.5f, qy=2.5f, qz=2.5f, qw=2.5f},

        var text = Serialize(orig);

        var final = DeSerializeBaseStateGroup(text);

        // Verify
        for (int j = 0; j < orig.baseStates.Length; j++)
            if (orig.baseNames[j] != final.baseNames[j])
                throw new Exception("FAIL");

            for (int i = 0; i < orig.baseStates[j].blockStates.Length; i++)
                if (orig.baseStates[j].blockStates[i].blockType != final.baseStates[j].blockStates[i].blockType
                    || orig.baseStates[j].blockStates[i].qx != final.baseStates[j].blockStates[i].qx)
                    throw new Exception("FAIL");
예제 #3
    public BaseStateGroup LoadUserBaseGroup()
        var names = GetBaseStateNames();
        var baseStates = new List<BaseState>();

        foreach (var baseName in names)

        var group = new BaseStateGroup();
        group.baseNames = names;
        group.baseStates = baseStates.ToArray();

        return group;
예제 #4
    void OnGUI()
        GUI.skin = mainSkin;
        // TODO: Create a single OnGUI caller class that will make all OnGUI calls

        if (editorState == EditorState.Starting)
            editorState = EditorState.Active;

        if (editorState == EditorState.Active)
            // Draw the GUI
            var border = 10;
            var buttonHeight = 20;
            var buttonWidth = 70;
            var smallButtonSize = 30;
            var fontWidth = 8;
            var fontHeight = 16;
            var fontPadding = 8;

            GUI.skin.button.fontSize = fontHeight;
            GUI.skin.label.fontSize = fontHeight;

            var sw = Screen.width;
            var sh = Screen.height;

            var blockButtonSpaceSize = Mathf.Min(80, 1.0f * sh / blockImages.Length);

            // Draw the Block Buttons
            if (showBlockButtonsGUI)
                int? bIndex = null;

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var bImage in blockImages)
                    var rect = new Rect(
                      sw - blockButtonSpaceSize - border,
                      (i * blockButtonSpaceSize) + border,
                      blockButtonSpaceSize - border,
                      blockButtonSpaceSize - border);

                    if (GUI.RepeatButton(rect, bImage))
                        bIndex = i;
                        buttonClickedTime = Time.time;
                        if (handeledBlockToBuildIndex == null)
                            blockToBuildIndex = i;
                            Debug.Log("Button clicked" + Time.time);


                if (bIndex == null)
                    if (Time.time - buttonClickedTime > 0.5f)
                        handeledBlockToBuildIndex = null;
                        //Debug.Log("No Button clicked" + Time.time);

            // Draw Height Controls
            float areaWidth = (border * 4.0f) + (buttonWidth * 1.0f);
            float areaHeight = (border * 2.0f) + (smallButtonSize * 1.0f) + (fontHeight * 1.0f) + (fontPadding * 2.0f);

            float areaRight = sw - 2 * border - blockButtonSpaceSize;
            float areaTop = border;
            float areaLeft = areaRight - areaWidth;
            float areaBottom = areaTop + areaHeight;

            //if (backStyle == null)
            //  backStyle = new GUIStyle();
            //  var state = new GUIStyleState();
            //  state.background = (Texture2D)guiBlockBackground.texture;
            //  backStyle.normal = state;

            GUI.Box(new Rect(areaLeft, areaTop, areaRight - areaLeft, areaBottom - areaTop), "");//, backStyle);
            //var screenRelPos = new Vector3(areaLeft / sw, areaTop / sh, 0);
            //var background = (GUITexture)Instantiate(guiBlockBackground, screenRelPos, guiBlockBackground.transform.rotation);
            //SetLayer(background.gameObject, editorBackgroundLayerNumber);
            //background.gameObject.tag = "Editor";
            //background.pixelInset = new Rect(-areaWidth / 2.0f, -areaHeight / 2.0f, areaWidth, areaHeight);

            // Draw current height step
            var heightStep = (int)((editorHeight / editorHeightStepSize) + 1);

            string heightText = "Height: " + heightStep;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(areaLeft + (border * 1),
              areaTop + (border * 1) + (fontPadding * 1),
              fontWidth * heightText.Length + fontPadding * 2,
              fontHeight + fontPadding * 2), heightText);

            // Draw the Up / Down buttons
            editorHeightStepValue = GUI.HorizontalSlider(
              new Rect(
                areaLeft + (border * 1),
                areaBottom - (border * 3) - (smallButtonSize * 0.0f),
                areaRight - areaLeft - (border * 2),
                border * 2), editorHeightStepValue, 0, 20);

            if (((int)editorHeightStepValue) != heightStep)
                ChangeHeight((int)(editorHeightStepValue - heightStep));

            //if (GUI.Button(new Rect(
            //  areaLeft + (border * 1),
            //  areaBottom - (border * 1) - (smallButtonSize * 1),
            //  smallButtonSize, smallButtonSize), "+"))
            //  ChangeHeight(1);

            //if (GUI.Button(new Rect(
            //  areaRight - (border * 1) - (smallButtonSize * 1),
            //  areaBottom - (border * 1) - (smallButtonSize * 1),
            //  smallButtonSize, smallButtonSize), "-"))
            //  ChangeHeight(-1);

            // Aligners on/off
            areaWidth = (border * 4.0f) + (buttonWidth * 1.0f);
            areaHeight = (border * 2.0f) + (buttonHeight * 1.0f);

            //areaRight = areaRight;
            areaTop = areaBottom + border;
            areaLeft = areaRight - areaWidth;
            areaBottom = areaTop + areaHeight;

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(areaLeft, areaTop, areaRight - areaLeft, areaBottom - areaTop), "Snap " + (!SimpleJoint.globalDisable ? "On" : "Off")))
                SimpleJoint.globalDisable = !SimpleJoint.globalDisable;

            // Save / Load buttons
            areaTop = areaBottom + border;
            areaBottom = areaTop + areaHeight;

            var fileController = GetComponent<FileController>();

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(areaLeft, areaTop, areaRight - areaLeft, areaBottom - areaTop), "Save"))
                var baseState = fileController.GetGameBaseState(baseObject, maxDistanceFromBase);

                string[] names = fileController.GetBaseStateNames();

                int i = 0;
                var prefix = "B";
                var tempName = prefix + i;
                while (Array.IndexOf(names, tempName) >= 0)
                    tempName = prefix + i;

                fileController.SaveBaseState(tempName, baseState);

            areaTop = areaBottom + border;
            areaBottom = areaTop + areaHeight;

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(areaLeft, areaTop, areaRight - areaLeft, areaBottom - areaTop), "Load"))
                showLoadList = true;

                var bNames = new List<string>();

                if (shouldShowBossBases)
                    bossGroup = fileController.LoadBaseGroupFile("BaseData/BossBases");

                baseNames = bNames.ToArray();

            areaTop = areaBottom + border;
            areaBottom = sh - border;

            if (showLoadList)
                var namesHeight = baseNames.Length * buttonHeight;

                var areaRect = new Rect(areaLeft, areaTop, areaRight - areaLeft, areaBottom - areaTop);
                var gridRect = new Rect(0, 0, areaRight - areaLeft - 2 * border, namesHeight);
                int selectedIndex;

                if (areaRect.height > gridRect.height)
                    selectedIndex = GUI.SelectionGrid(areaRect, -1, baseNames, 1);
                    loadScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(areaRect, loadScrollPosition, gridRect);
                    selectedIndex = GUI.SelectionGrid(gridRect, -1, baseNames, 1);

                if (selectedIndex >= 0)
                    var baseName = baseNames[selectedIndex];
                    BaseState baseState = null;

                    if (baseName.StartsWith("Boss"))
                        var bi = Array.IndexOf(bossGroup.baseNames, baseName);
                        baseState = bossGroup.baseStates[bi];
                        baseState = fileController.LoadBaseState(baseNames[selectedIndex]);

                    fileController.SetGameBaseState(blockPrefabs, baseObject, baseState, Consts.editorLayerNumber, maxDistanceFromBase);

                    loadedBaseIndex = selectedIndex;

                    showLoadList = false;

                    // Balance loaded blocks
                    foreach (Transform block in baseObject.transform)

                //foreach (var name in baseNames)
                //  if (GUI.Button())
                //  {
                //    var baseState = fileController.LoadBaseState(name);
                //    fileController.SetGameBaseState("Base", baseState);
                //    showLoadList = false;
                //  }


            areaRight = areaLeft - border;
            areaTop = border;
            areaLeft = areaRight - areaWidth;
            areaBottom = areaTop + areaHeight;

            // Only show this if a block is touching the base
            if (baseObject.GetComponent<BaseController>().isTouchingBlock)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(areaLeft, areaTop, areaRight - areaLeft, areaBottom - areaTop), "Done"))

            if (isAdmin)
                areaTop = areaBottom + border;
                areaBottom = areaTop + areaHeight;

                if (loadedBaseIndex.HasValue)
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(areaLeft, areaTop, areaRight - areaLeft, areaBottom - areaTop), "Delete"))
                        loadedBaseIndex = null;

        areaTop = areaBottom + border;
        areaBottom = areaTop + areaHeight;

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(areaLeft, areaTop, areaRight - areaLeft, areaBottom - areaTop), "Export"))
          showAdminTextArea = !showAdminTextArea;
          if (showAdminTextArea)
            var exportData = fileController.ExportBases();
            var tempFileName = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(tempFileName, exportData);
            adminTextAreaText = tempFileName;

        if (showAdminTextArea)
          areaTop = areaBottom + border;
          areaBottom = areaTop + areaHeight;

          if (GUI.Button(new Rect(areaLeft, areaTop, areaRight - areaLeft, areaBottom - areaTop), "Import"))
            //showAdminTextArea = !showAdminTextArea;

              var importData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(adminTextAreaText);
              Debug.Log("Import Succeeded");
            catch (Exception ex)
              Debug.Log("FAIL: Import Failed: " + ex.ToString());

        if (showAdminTextArea)
          var scrollW = areaLeft - 2 * border;
          var scrollH = sh - 2 * border;
          //adminTextAreaScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(
          //  new Rect(border, border, scrollW + 4 * border, scrollH + 4 * border),
          //  adminTextAreaScrollPosition,
          //  new Rect(0, 0, scrollW, scrollH), false, true);

          adminTextAreaText = GUI.TextArea(new Rect(border, border, scrollW - 2 * border, scrollH - 2 * border), adminTextAreaText);
