public static List<int> CheckLusherAnswers(long surveyResultId, List<SurveysAnswerContent> surveysAnswerContents) { using (var lusherRepository = new BaseRepository<LusherAnswer>()) { SurveysResult surveysResult = lusherRepository.Context.SurveysResults.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == surveyResultId); if (surveysResult == null) { throw new SurveysResultDoesNotExistException(); } // Check surveyResultMethod.MethodsId = id of test lusher pair Test test = lusherRepository.Context.Tests.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == surveysResult.MethodsId); if (test == null) { return null; } if (!String.Equals(test.CodeName, Constraints.KLusherPairCodeName)) { return null; } String answerStr = ResultConverter.GenerateAnswerString(test.CodeName, surveysAnswerContents); // Check lusher Answers for special question // Invoke static method from LusherPairMethod from Consul Shell return LusherPairMethod.CheckAnswers(answerStr); } }
public ActionResult Edit(FirmExt model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { string Msg = ""; FirmRepository uRepo = new FirmRepository(); if (uRepo.Update(model, ref Msg, this)) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Firm"); } } catch (Exception ex) { string hostName1 = Dns.GetHostName(); string GetUserIPAddress = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName1).AddressList[0].ToString(); string PageName = Convert.ToString(Session["PageName"]); //string GetUserIPAddress = GetUserIPAddress1(); using (BaseRepository baseRepo = new BaseRepository()) { //BizContext BizContext1 = new BizContext(); BizApplication.AddError(baseRepo.BizDB, PageName, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, DateTime.Now, GetUserIPAddress); } Session["PageName"] = ""; ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error: Please Correct/Enter All the Information below to Save this Record, All Fields are Mandatory"); ErrorHandling.HandleModelStateException(ex, ModelState); } } return View(model); }
public ActionResult _Create([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request, TB_TypeFirmRequestStatusExt model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { string Msg = ""; try { TB_TypeFirmRequestStatusRepository modelRepo = new TB_TypeFirmRequestStatusRepository(); if (modelRepo.Create(model, ref Msg, this) == false) { return this.Json(new DataSourceResult { Errors = Msg }); } } catch (Exception ex) { string hostName1 = Dns.GetHostName(); string GetUserIPAddress = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName1).AddressList[0].ToString(); string PageName = Convert.ToString(Session["PageName"]); //string GetUserIPAddress = GetUserIPAddress1(); using (BaseRepository baseRepo = new BaseRepository()) { //BizContext BizContext1 = new BizContext(); BizApplication.AddError(baseRepo.BizDB, PageName, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, DateTime.Now, GetUserIPAddress); } Session["PageName"] = ""; string error = ErrorHandling.HandleException(ex); return this.Json(new DataSourceResult { Errors = error }); } } return Json(new[] { model }.ToDataSourceResult(request, ModelState)); }
public Package GetPackages(int packageId) { using (var packageRepository = new BaseRepository<Package>()) { return packageRepository.GetAllItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == packageId); } }
public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo) { BindingGroup bg = value as BindingGroup; if (bg == null) { return ValidationResult.ValidResult; } if (bg.Items.Count > 0) { Peoples tempValue = (value as BindingGroup).Items[0] as Peoples; try { BaseRepository<Peoples> peoples = new BaseRepository<Peoples>(); var temp = (from peopl in peoples.items where tempValue.inn == peopl.inn select peopl).Count<Peoples>(); if (temp == 1) { peoples.SaveChages(); return ValidationResult.ValidResult; } return new ValidationResult(false, "Найдено совпадение ИНН"); } catch (Exception ex) { return new ValidationResult(false, ex.Message); } } return ValidationResult.ValidResult; }
public IEnumerable<Test> GetTests() { using (var repo = new BaseRepository<Test>()) { return repo.GetAllItems.ToList(); } }
public JsonResult DeleteHotelRoom(int HotelRoomID) { int i = 1; PropertyRoomsRepository obj = new PropertyRoomsRepository(); try { i = obj.DeleteHotelRoom(HotelRoomID, this); } catch (Exception ex) { string hostName1 = Dns.GetHostName(); string GetUserIPAddress = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName1).AddressList[0].ToString(); string PageName = Convert.ToString(Session["PageName"]); //string GetUserIPAddress = GetUserIPAddress1(); using (BaseRepository baseRepo = new BaseRepository()) { //BizContext BizContext1 = new BizContext(); BizApplication.AddError(baseRepo.BizDB, PageName, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, DateTime.Now, GetUserIPAddress); } Session["PageName"] = ""; string error = ErrorHandling.HandleException(ex); return this.Json(new DataSourceResult { Errors = error }); } return Json(i, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public static List<SurveysShellResult> GetAllShellResults() { using (var resultRepository = new BaseRepository<SurveysShellResult>()) { return resultRepository.GetAllItems.ToList(); } }
public OldUser AuthorizeUser(string login, string password) { using (var _userRepository = new BaseRepository<OldUser>()) { //var OldUser = _userRepository.GetAllItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Login == login && x.Password == password); var user = _userRepository.Context.OldUsers.Include("Role").FirstOrDefault(x => x.Login == login && x.Password == password); if (user == null) { throw new UserDoesNotExistException(); } if (user.ExpirationDate < DateTime.Now) { // session is not valid, update token user.Token = Guid.NewGuid(); } user.ExpirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20); if (_userRepository.Update(user).Status) { return user; } } throw new UpdateException(); }
/// <summary> /// Get role by Id /// DB table Roles /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Role GetRoleById(int id) { using (var roleRepository = new BaseRepository<Role>()) { return roleRepository.GetAllItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); } }
/// <summary> /// Return list of Roles /// DB table Roles /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List<Role> GetRoles() { using (var roleRepository = new BaseRepository<Role>()) { return roleRepository.GetAllItems.ToList(); } }
public List<ShutzQuestion> GetAllQuestions() { using (var shutzQuestionRepository = new BaseRepository<ShutzQuestion>()) { return shutzQuestionRepository.Context.ShutzQuestions.Include("ShutzAnswers").ToList(); } }
public List<KotQuestion> GetAllQuestions() { using (var kotQuestionRepository = new BaseRepository<KotQuestion>()) { return kotQuestionRepository.Context.KotQuestions.Include("KotAnswers").ToList(); } }
public static List<LusherPairScenarioItem> GetSpecialQuestion(List<int> colorNumbers) { using (var lusherPairRepository = new BaseRepository<LusherPairQuestion>()) { List<LusherAnswer> specialColors = new List<LusherAnswer>(); foreach (var colorNumber in colorNumbers) { specialColors.Add(lusherPairRepository.Context.LusherAnswers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Number == colorNumber)); } LusherPairQuestion specialQuestion = lusherPairRepository.GetAllItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id != 1); if (specialQuestion == null) { throw new QuestionDoesNotExistException(); } List<LusherPairScenarioItem> scenarioItems = new List<LusherPairScenarioItem>(); LusherPairScenarioItem scenarioItem = new LusherPairScenarioItem(); scenarioItem.Steps = new List<LusherPairQuestion>() { specialQuestion }; scenarioItem.Answers = specialColors; scenarioItem.UniqueAnswer = true; scenarioItems.Add(scenarioItem); return scenarioItems; } }
public static Test GetTest(int id) { using (var testRepository = new BaseRepository<Test>()) { return testRepository.GetAllItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); } }
public OldUser GetUserByCredentials(string login, string password) { using (var _repository = new BaseRepository<OldUser>()) { return _repository.Context.OldUsers.Include("Role").FirstOrDefault(x => x.Login == login && x.Password == password); } }
public Test GetTestById(int id) { using (var repo = new BaseRepository<Test>()) { return repo.GetAllItems.ToList().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); } }
public Price GetServicePrice(int id) { using (var priceRepository = new BaseRepository<Price>()) { return priceRepository.GetAllItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ServiceId == id); } }
public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo) { BindingGroup bg = value as BindingGroup; if (bg == null) { return ValidationResult.ValidResult; } if (bg.Items.Count > 0) { UBD_sertificate tempValue = (value as BindingGroup).Items[0] as UBD_sertificate; try { BaseRepository<UBD_sertificate> sertificats = new BaseRepository<UBD_sertificate>(); var temp = (from sertif in sertificats.items where sertif.id_people==tempValue.id_people && sertif.certificate_number==tempValue.certificate_number select sertif).Count<UBD_sertificate>(); if (temp == 1) { sertificats.SaveChages(); return ValidationResult.ValidResult; } return new ValidationResult(false, "Запись о даном удостоверении уже существует!!!"); } catch (Exception ex) { return new ValidationResult(false, ex.Message); } } return ValidationResult.ValidResult; }
public List<Service> GetServices() { using (var serviceRepository = new BaseRepository<Service>()) { return serviceRepository.Context.Services.Include("ConclusionType").ToList(); } }
public List<Package> GetPackages() { using (var packageRepository = new BaseRepository<Package>()) { return packageRepository.GetAllItems.ToList(); } }
public List<Service> GetServices(String methodsType, int methodsId) { using (var serviceRepository = new BaseRepository<Service>()) { if (String.Equals(methodsType, Constraints.KMethodsTypeTest, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Test test = serviceRepository.Context.Tests.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == methodsId); if (test == null) { throw new MethodsDoesNotExistException(); } } else if (String.Equals(methodsType, Constraints.KMethodsTypePackage, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Package package = serviceRepository.Context.Packages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == methodsId); if (package == null) { throw new MethodsDoesNotExistException(); } } else { throw new MethodsDoesNotExistException(); } return serviceRepository.Context.Services.Include("ConclusionType").Where(x => x.MethodsId == methodsId && String.Equals(x.MethodsType.ToLower(), methodsType)).ToList(); } }
public JsonResult DisplayFirmInformation() { var Value = ""; try { BizContext = (BizContext)Session["GBAdminBizContext"]; int id = Convert.ToInt32(BizContext.FirmID); Session["GBAdminBizContext"] = BizContext; FirmInformationRepository objupdate = new FirmInformationRepository(); var i = objupdate.GetFirmInfo(id); Value = Convert.ToString(i); } catch(Exception ex) { string hostName1 = Dns.GetHostName(); string GetUserIPAddress = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName1).AddressList[0].ToString(); string PageName = Convert.ToString(Session["PageName"]); //string GetUserIPAddress = GetUserIPAddress1(); using (BaseRepository baseRepo = new BaseRepository()) { //BizContext BizContext1 = new BizContext(); BizApplication.AddError(baseRepo.BizDB, PageName, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, DateTime.Now, GetUserIPAddress); } Session["PageName"] = ""; string error = ErrorHandling.HandleException(ex); return this.Json(new DataSourceResult { Errors = error }); } return Json(Value, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public Service GetServices(int id) { using (var serviceRepository = new BaseRepository<Service>()) { return serviceRepository.Context.Services.Include("ConclusionType").ToList().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); } }
public ActionResult ContactUs() { Session["PageName"] = "ContactUs"; // string id = ""; try { ContactUsRepository objupdate = new ContactUsRepository(); List<ContactUsExt> Value = objupdate.GetContactUs(); ViewBag.Value = Value; AssignBizContext(); SecurityUtils.SetGlobalViewbags(this, ActiveMenu, BizContext.UserContext.IsAdmin(), BizContext.UserContext.IsHotelAdmin(), BizContext.HotelID); } catch(Exception ex) { string hostName1 = Dns.GetHostName(); string GetUserIPAddress = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName1).AddressList[0].ToString(); string PageName = Convert.ToString(Session["PageName"]); //string GetUserIPAddress = GetUserIPAddress1(); using (BaseRepository baseRepo = new BaseRepository()) { //BizContext BizContext1 = new BizContext(); BizApplication.AddError(baseRepo.BizDB, PageName, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, DateTime.Now, GetUserIPAddress); } Session["PageName"] = ""; string error = ErrorHandling.HandleException(ex); return this.Json(new DataSourceResult { Errors = error }); } return View(); }
public JsonResult deletefirmrequest(int ID) { string Msg = ""; string request = "false"; try { FirmRequestsRepository modelRepo = new FirmRequestsRepository(); FirmRequestExt model = new FirmRequestExt(); if (modelRepo.deletefirmrequest(ID, this) == false) { return this.Json(new DataSourceResult { Errors = Msg }); } request = "true"; } catch (Exception ex) { string hostName1 = Dns.GetHostName(); string GetUserIPAddress = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName1).AddressList[0].ToString(); string PageName = Convert.ToString(Session["PageName"]); //string GetUserIPAddress = GetUserIPAddress1(); using (BaseRepository baseRepo = new BaseRepository()) { //BizContext BizContext1 = new BizContext(); BizApplication.AddError(baseRepo.BizDB, PageName, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, DateTime.Now, GetUserIPAddress); } Session["PageName"] = ""; string error = ErrorHandling.HandleException(ex); return this.Json(new DataSourceResult { Errors = error }); } return Json(request); }
public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo) { BindingGroup bg = value as BindingGroup; if (bg == null) { return ValidationResult.ValidResult; } if (bg.Items.Count > 0) { period_in_ATO tempValue = (value as BindingGroup).Items[0] as period_in_ATO; try { BaseRepository<period_in_ATO> periods = new BaseRepository<period_in_ATO>(); var temp = (from period in periods.items where Comparator(period, tempValue) select period).Count<period_in_ATO>(); if (temp == 1) { periods.SaveChages(); return ValidationResult.ValidResult; } return new ValidationResult(false, "Найдено совпадение периодов!!! Проверьте даты..."); } catch (Exception ex) { return new ValidationResult(false, ex.Message); } } return ValidationResult.ValidResult; }
public static bool CheckTestPackage(String methodsType, int methodsId) { using(var testRepository = new BaseRepository<Test>()) { //return ( // (String.Equals(methodsType, Constraints.KMethodsTypeTest) && // testRepository.Context.Tests.Any(x => x.Id == methodsId)) | // (String.Equals(methodsType, Constraints.KMethodsTypePackage) && // testRepository.Context.Packages.Any(x => x.Id == methodsId)) // ); if ((String.Equals(methodsType, Constraints.KMethodsTypeTest) && testRepository.Context.Tests.Any(x => x.Id == methodsId))) { return true; } if ((String.Equals(methodsType, Constraints.KMethodsTypePackage) && testRepository.Context.Packages.Any(x => x.Id == methodsId))) { return true; } return false; } }
public ActionResult _Read([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request, int TableID) { DataSourceResult result = null; try { TB_TourRegionHistoryRepository modelRepo = new TB_TourRegionHistoryRepository(); result = modelRepo.ReadAll(TableID).ToDataSourceResult(request); } catch (Exception ex) { string hostName1 = Dns.GetHostName(); string GetUserIPAddress = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName1).AddressList[0].ToString(); string PageName = Convert.ToString(Session["PageName"]); //string GetUserIPAddress = GetUserIPAddress1(); using (BaseRepository baseRepo = new BaseRepository()) { //BizContext BizContext1 = new BizContext(); BizApplication.AddError(baseRepo.BizDB, PageName, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, DateTime.Now, GetUserIPAddress); } Session["PageName"] = ""; string error = ErrorHandling.HandleException(ex); return this.Json(new DataSourceResult { Errors = error }); } return Json(result); }
public CuratorMethodicsGroup CreateCuratorMethodicsGroup(long curatorId, CuratorMethodicsGroup methodicsGroup) { using (var methodicsGroupsRepository = new BaseRepository<CuratorMethodicsGroup>()) { Client curator = methodicsGroupsRepository.Context.Clients.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == curatorId); if (curator == null) { throw new UserDoesNotExistException(); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methodicsGroup.Name)) { throw new RequireFieldException(); } if (methodicsGroupsRepository.GetAllItems.Any(x => String.Equals(x.Name, methodicsGroup.Name) && x.Curator.Id == curatorId)) { throw new MethodicsGroupNameException(); } methodicsGroup.Curator = curator; if (!methodicsGroupsRepository.Create(methodicsGroup).Status) { throw new CreateException(); } return methodicsGroup; } }