public static void ApplyUpdateFiles(string pluginDirectory) { var pluginTempUpdateDir = Path.Combine(pluginDirectory, UpdateTempDir); if (Directory.Exists(pluginTempUpdateDir)) { PluginUpdateLog.Clear(); var backupDir = Path.Combine(pluginDirectory, UpdateBackupDir); if (Directory.Exists(backupDir)) { FileOperationAPIWrapper.MoveToRecycleBin(backupDir); } var logFilePAth = Path.Combine(pluginDirectory, "%PluginUpdateLog.txt"); if (File.Exists(logFilePAth)) { File.Delete(logFilePAth); } if (MoveDirectoryFiles(pluginDirectory, pluginTempUpdateDir, pluginDirectory)) { PluginUpdateLog.Add("Deleting temp dir:\t" + pluginTempUpdateDir); Directory.Delete(pluginTempUpdateDir, true); } else { BasePlugin.LogMessage("PoeHUD PluginUpdater: some files wasn't moved or replaced while update (check %PluginUpdateLog.txt). You can move them manually: " + pluginTempUpdateDir, 20); File.WriteAllLines(logFilePAth, PluginUpdateLog.ToArray()); } } }
public static void ApplyTheme(string fileName) { var theme = LoadTheme(fileName, true); if (theme == null) { BasePlugin.LogMessage($"Can't find theme file {fileName}, loading default.", 3); theme = LoadTheme(DefaultThemeName, true); if (theme == null) { BasePlugin.LogMessage($"Can't find default theme file {DefaultThemeName}, Generating default and saving...", 3); theme = GenerateDefaultTheme(); SaveTheme(theme, DefaultThemeName); } } ApplyTheme(theme); }
public static void LoadPluginFromDirectory(string directory) { var dInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directory); if (!dInfo.Exists) { BasePlugin.LogMessage("PoeHUD.LoadPluginFromDirectory: Directory doesn't exist: " + directory, 10); return; } var directoryDlls = dInfo.GetFiles("*.dll", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (var dll in directoryDlls) { BasePlugin.API.TryLoadDll(dll.FullName, directory); } }
private void DllChanged(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { if (!MainMenuWindow.Settings.AutoReloadDllOnChanges.Value) { return; } if (e.FullPath != _dllPath) { return; //Watchin only dll file } //Events being raised multiple times var lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(e.FullPath); if (Math.Abs((lastWriteTime - _lastWrite).TotalSeconds) < 1) { return; } _lastWrite = lastWriteTime; if (!File.Exists(_dllPath)) { State = PluginState.Reload_DllNotFound; return; } try { ReloadPlugin(true); BasePlugin.LogMessage($"Reloaded dll: {Path.GetFileName(_dllPath)}", 3); } catch (Exception ex) { BasePlugin.LogError($"Cannot reload dll: {Path.GetFileName(_dllPath)}, Error: {ex.Message}", 3); } }
public static List <CustomFilter> Parse(string[] filtersLines) { var allFilters = new List <CustomFilter>(); for (var i = 0; i < filtersLines.Length; ++i) { var filterLine = filtersLines[i]; filterLine = filterLine.Replace("\t", ""); if (filterLine.StartsWith(COMMENTSYMBOL)) { continue; } if (filterLine.StartsWith(COMMENTSYMBOLALT)) { continue; } if (filterLine.Replace(" ", "").Length == 0) { continue; } var nameIndex = filterLine.IndexOf(SYMBOL_NAMEDIVIDE); if (nameIndex == -1) { BasePlugin.LogMessage("Filter parser: Can't find filter name in line: " + (i + 1), 5); continue; } var newFilter = new CustomFilter { Name = filterLine.Substring(0, nameIndex) }; TrimName(ref newFilter.Name); var filterCommandsLine = filterLine.Substring(nameIndex + 1); var submenuIndex = filterCommandsLine.IndexOf(SYMBOL_SUBMENUNAME); if (submenuIndex != -1) { newFilter.SubmenuName = filterCommandsLine.Substring(submenuIndex + 1); filterCommandsLine = filterCommandsLine.Substring(0, submenuIndex); } var filterCommands = filterCommandsLine.Split(SYMBOL_COMMANDSDIVIDE); var filterErrorParse = false; foreach (var command in filterCommands) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.Replace(" ", ""))) { continue; } if (command.Contains(SYMBOL_COMMAND_FILTER_OR)) { var orFilterCommands = command.Split(SYMBOL_COMMAND_FILTER_OR); var newOrFilter = new BaseFilter { BAny = true }; newFilter.Filters.Add(newOrFilter); foreach (var t in orFilterCommands) { if (ProcessCommand(newOrFilter, t)) { continue; } filterErrorParse = true; break; } if (filterErrorParse) { break; } } else { if (ProcessCommand(newFilter, command)) { continue; } filterErrorParse = true; break; } } if (!filterErrorParse) { allFilters.Add(newFilter); } } return(allFilters); }
private static bool ProcessCommand(BaseFilter newFilter, string command) { TrimName(ref command); if (command.Contains(PARAMETER_IDENTIFIED)) { var identCommand = new IdentifiedItemFilter { BIdentified = command[0] != SYMBOL_NOT }; newFilter.Filters.Add(identCommand); return(true); } if (command.Contains(PARAMETER_ISCORRUPTED)) { var corruptedCommand = new CorruptedItemFilter { BCorrupted = command[0] != SYMBOL_NOT }; newFilter.Filters.Add(corruptedCommand); return(true); } if (command.Contains(PARAMETER_ISELDER)) { var elderCommand = new ElderItemFiler { IsElder = command[0] != SYMBOL_NOT }; newFilter.Filters.Add(elderCommand); return(true); } if (command.Contains(PARAMETER_ISSHAPER)) { var shaperCommand = new ShaperItemFiler { IsShaper = command[0] != SYMBOL_NOT }; newFilter.Filters.Add(shaperCommand); return(true); } if (!ParseCommand(command, out var parameter, out var operation, out var value)) { BasePlugin.LogMessage("Filter parser: Can't parse filter part: " + command, 5); return(false); } var stringComp = new FilterParameterCompare { CompareString = value }; var isNumeric = int.TryParse(value, out var n); if (isNumeric) { stringComp.CompareInt = n; } switch (parameter.ToLower( )) { case PARAMETER_CLASSNAME: stringComp.StringParameter = data => data.ClassName; break; case PARAMETER_NAME: stringComp.StringParameter = data => data.Name; break; case PARAMETER_BASENAME: stringComp.StringParameter = data => data.BaseName; break; case PARAMETER_PATH: stringComp.StringParameter = data => data.Path; break; case PARAMETER_RARITY: stringComp.StringParameter = data => data.Rarity.ToString( ); break; case PARAMETER_QUALITY: stringComp.IntParameter = data => data.ItemQuality; stringComp.StringParameter = data => data.ItemQuality.ToString( ); break; case PARAMETER_MAP_TIER: stringComp.IntParameter = data => data.MapTier; stringComp.StringParameter = data => data.MapTier.ToString( ); break; case PARAMETER_ILVL: stringComp.IntParameter = data => data.ItemLevel; stringComp.StringParameter = data => data.ItemLevel.ToString( ); break; default: BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Filter parser: Parameter is not defined in code: {parameter}", 10); return(false); } switch (operation.ToLower( )) { case OPERATION_EQUALITY: stringComp.CompDeleg = data => stringComp.StringParameter(data).Equals(stringComp.CompareString); break; case OPERATION_NONEQUALITY: stringComp.CompDeleg = data => !stringComp.StringParameter(data).Equals(stringComp.CompareString); break; case OPERATION_CONTAINS: stringComp.CompDeleg = data => stringComp.StringParameter(data).Contains(stringComp.CompareString); break; case OPERATION_NOTCONTAINS: stringComp.CompDeleg = data => !stringComp.StringParameter(data).Contains(stringComp.CompareString); break; case OPERATION_BIGGER: if (stringComp.IntParameter == null) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Filter parser error: Can't compare string parameter with {OPERATION_BIGGER} (numerical) operation. Statement: {command}", 10); return(false); } stringComp.CompDeleg = data => stringComp.IntParameter(data) > stringComp.CompareInt; break; case OPERATION_LESS: if (stringComp.IntParameter == null) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Filter parser error: Can't compare string parameter with {OPERATION_LESS} (numerical) operation. Statement: {command}", 10); return(false); } stringComp.CompDeleg = data => stringComp.IntParameter(data) < stringComp.CompareInt; break; case OPERATION_LESSEQUAL: if (stringComp.IntParameter == null) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Filter parser error: Can't compare string parameter with {OPERATION_LESSEQUAL} (numerical) operation. Statement: {command}", 10); return(false); } stringComp.CompDeleg = data => stringComp.IntParameter(data) <= stringComp.CompareInt; break; case OPERATION_BIGGERQUAL: if (stringComp.IntParameter == null) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Filter parser error: Can't compare string parameter with {OPERATION_BIGGERQUAL} (numerical) operation. Statement: {command}", 10); return(false); } stringComp.CompDeleg = data => stringComp.IntParameter(data) >= stringComp.CompareInt; break; default: BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Filter parser: Operation is not defined in code: {operation}", 10); return(false); } newFilter.Filters.Add(stringComp); return(true); }
public static void Parse(PluginToUpdate plugVariant) { try { var gitConfigFilePath = Path.Combine(plugVariant.PluginDirectory, ConfigFileName); if (File.Exists(gitConfigFilePath)) { plugVariant.bHasGitConfig = true; var configLines = File.ReadAllLines(gitConfigFilePath); var handleIgnore = false; for (var i = 0; i < configLines.Length; i++) { var line = configLines[i]; if (line.StartsWith("#")) { continue; } var spacelessLine = line.Replace(" ", ""); if (spacelessLine.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "").Length == 0) { continue; } if (handleIgnore) { plugVariant.IgnoredEntities.Add(line); continue; } if (spacelessLine == OPTION_FILESIGNORE) { handleIgnore = true; continue; } //Repository owner var ownerIndex = line.IndexOf(OPTION_OWNER); if (ownerIndex != -1) { plugVariant.RepoOwner = line.Substring(ownerIndex + OPTION_OWNER.Length); TrimName(ref plugVariant.RepoOwner); continue; } //Repository name var reposNameIndex = line.IndexOf(OPTION_REPONAME); if (reposNameIndex != -1) { plugVariant.RepoName = line.Substring(reposNameIndex + OPTION_REPONAME.Length); TrimName(ref plugVariant.RepoName); continue; } //Only from release if (spacelessLine == OPTION_RELEASE) { if (plugVariant.UpdateVariant != ePluginSourceOfUpdate.Undefined) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( "PluginUpdater: " + plugVariant.PluginName + ", both update variants (Release and Commit) is not allowed. Check GitUpdateConfig. Current update variant is: " + plugVariant.UpdateVariant, 10); } else { plugVariant.UpdateVariant = ePluginSourceOfUpdate.Release; } continue; } //Only from repository if (spacelessLine == OPTION_REPOONLY) { if (plugVariant.UpdateVariant != ePluginSourceOfUpdate.Undefined) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( "PluginUpdater: " + plugVariant.PluginName + ", both update variants (Release and Commit) is not allowed. Check GitUpdateConfig. Current update variant is: " + plugVariant.UpdateVariant, 10); } else { plugVariant.UpdateVariant = ePluginSourceOfUpdate.RepoBranch; } continue; } //Release tag regex filter var tagIndex = line.IndexOf(OPTION_RELEASETAGREGEXFILTER); if (tagIndex != -1) { plugVariant.ReleaseRegexTag = line.Substring(tagIndex + OPTION_RELEASETAGREGEXFILTER.Length); TrimName(ref plugVariant.ReleaseRegexTag); plugVariant.bCustomTag = true; } var branchNameIndex = line.IndexOf(OPTION_REPOBRANCH); if (branchNameIndex != -1) { plugVariant.BranchName = line.Substring(branchNameIndex + OPTION_REPOBRANCH.Length); TrimName(ref plugVariant.BranchName); } } plugVariant.bAllowCheckUpdate = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(plugVariant.RepoOwner)) { BasePlugin.LogError("PluginUpdater: Repository Owner is not defined in plugin: " + plugVariant.PluginName, 10); plugVariant.UpdateState = ePluginUpdateState.WrongConfig; plugVariant.bAllowCheckUpdate = false; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(plugVariant.RepoName)) { BasePlugin.LogError("PluginUpdater: Repository Name is not defined in plugin: " + plugVariant.PluginName, 10); plugVariant.UpdateState = ePluginUpdateState.WrongConfig; plugVariant.bAllowCheckUpdate = false; } if (plugVariant.UpdateVariant == ePluginSourceOfUpdate.Undefined) { BasePlugin.LogError("PluginUpdater: Update type (Release or Repository) is not defined in plugin: " + plugVariant.PluginName, 10); plugVariant.UpdateState = ePluginUpdateState.WrongConfig; plugVariant.bAllowCheckUpdate = false; } } } catch { BasePlugin.LogError("PluginUpdater: Error while parsing git update config for plugin: " + plugVariant.PluginName, 10); } }
public bool SwitchToTab(int tabIndex, FullRareSetManagerSettings Settings) { var latency = (int)GameController.Game.IngameState.CurLatency; // We don't want to Switch to a tab that we are already on var openLeftPanel = GameController.Game.IngameState.IngameUi.OpenLeftPanel; try { var stashTabToGoTo = GameController.Game.IngameState.ServerData.StashPanel.GetStashInventoryByIndex(tabIndex) .InventoryUiElement; if (stashTabToGoTo.IsVisible) { return(true); } } catch { // Nothing to see here officer. } var _clickWindowOffset = GameController.Window.GetWindowRectangle().TopLeft; // We want to maximum wait 20 times the Current Latency before giving up in our while loops. var maxNumberOfTries = latency * 20 > 2000 ? latency * 20 / WHILE_DELAY : 2000 / WHILE_DELAY; if (tabIndex > 30) { return(SwitchToTabViaArrowKeys(tabIndex)); } var stashPanel = GameController.Game.IngameState.ServerData.StashPanel; try { var viewAllTabsButton = GameController.Game.IngameState.ServerData.StashPanel.ViewAllStashButton; if (stashPanel.IsVisible && !viewAllTabsButton.IsVisible) { // The user doesn't have a view all tabs button, eg. 4 tabs. return(SwitchToTabViaArrowKeys(tabIndex)); } var dropDownTabElements = GameController.Game.IngameState.ServerData.StashPanel.ViewAllStashPanel; if (!dropDownTabElements.IsVisible) { var pos = viewAllTabsButton.GetClientRect(); Mouse.SetCursorPosAndLeftClick(pos.Center + _clickWindowOffset, Settings.ExtraDelay); //Thread.Sleep(200); Thread.Sleep(latency + Settings.ExtraDelay); var brCounter = 0; while (1 == 2 && !dropDownTabElements.IsVisible) { Thread.Sleep(WHILE_DELAY); if (brCounter++ <= maxNumberOfTries) { continue; } BasePlugin.LogMessage($"1. Error in SwitchToTab: {tabIndex}.", 5); return(false); } if (GameController.Game.IngameState.ServerData.StashPanel.TotalStashes > 30) { // TODO:Zafaar implemented something that allows us to get in contact with the ScrollBar. Mouse.VerticalScroll(true, 5); Thread.Sleep(latency + Settings.ExtraDelay); } } // Dropdown menu have the following children: 0, 1, 2. // Where: // 0 is the icon (fx. chaos orb). // 1 is the name of the tab. // 2 is the slider. var totalStashes = GameController.Game.IngameState.ServerData.StashPanel.TotalStashes; var slider = dropDownTabElements.Children[1].ChildCount == totalStashes; var noSlider = dropDownTabElements.Children[2].ChildCount == totalStashes; RectangleF tabPos; if (slider) { tabPos = dropDownTabElements.GetChildAtIndex(1).GetChildAtIndex(tabIndex).GetClientRect(); } else if (noSlider) { tabPos = dropDownTabElements.GetChildAtIndex(2).GetChildAtIndex(tabIndex).GetClientRect(); } else { BasePlugin.LogError("Couldn't detect slider/non-slider, contact Preaches [Stashie]", 3); return(false); } Mouse.SetCursorPosAndLeftClick(tabPos.Center + _clickWindowOffset, Settings.ExtraDelay); Thread.Sleep(latency + Settings.ExtraDelay); } catch (Exception e) { BasePlugin.LogError($"Error in GoToTab {tabIndex}: {e.Message}", 5); return(false); } Inventory stash; var counter = 0; do { Thread.Sleep(WHILE_DELAY); stash = stashPanel.VisibleStash; if (counter++ <= maxNumberOfTries) { continue; } BasePlugin.LogMessage("2. Error opening stash: " + tabIndex, 5); return(true); } while (stash?.VisibleInventoryItems == null); return(true); }
public async void UpdatePlugin() { if (FilesToDownload.Count == 0) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( "Plugin don't have download information (changed files or release zip is not found)", 10); return; } var updateDirectory = Path.Combine(PluginDirectory, PoeHUD_PluginsUpdater.UpdateTempDir); if (Directory.Exists(updateDirectory)) { Directory.Delete(updateDirectory, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(updateDirectory); if (UpdateVariant == ePluginSourceOfUpdate.Release) { #region Release InstallProgress = "Preparing to download..."; try { using (var webClient = new WebClient()) { webClient.DownloadProgressChanged += (s, e) => { InstallProgress = "Downloading: " + e.ProgressPercentage + "%"; }; var downloadFile = FilesToDownload[0]; var filename = downloadFile.Path; await webClient.DownloadFileTaskAsync(downloadFile.Url, downloadFile.Path); InstallProgress = "Extracting zip..."; ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(filename, updateDirectory); InstallProgress = "Extracting: Ok"; File.Delete(filename); var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(updateDirectory); var dirInfoDirs = dirInfo.GetDirectories(); var dirInfoFiles = dirInfo.GetFiles(); if (dirInfoDirs.Length == 1 && dirInfoFiles.Length == 0) { InstallProgress = "Fixing files hierarchy.."; var subDir = dirInfoDirs[0]; foreach (var file in subDir.GetFiles()) { var destFile = Path.Combine(updateDirectory, file.Name); File.Move(file.FullName, destFile); } foreach (var directory in subDir.GetDirectories()) { var destDir = Path.Combine(updateDirectory, directory.Name); Directory.Move(directory.FullName, destDir); } Directory.Delete(subDir.FullName); } foreach (var ignoreFile in IgnoredEntities) { var ignorePath = Path.Combine(updateDirectory, ignoreFile); if (File.Exists(ignorePath)) { File.Delete(ignorePath); BasePlugin.LogMessage("Ignore File: " + ignorePath, 5); } else if (Directory.Exists(ignorePath)) { Directory.Delete(ignorePath, true); BasePlugin.LogMessage("Ignore Directory: " + ignorePath, 5); } } InstallProgress = ""; var versionFilePath = Path.Combine(updateDirectory, PoeHUD_PluginsUpdater.VersionFileName); File.WriteAllText(versionFilePath, RemoteVersion + Environment.NewLine + RemoteTag); UpdateState = ePluginUpdateState.ReadyToInstal; } } catch (Exception ex) { InstallProgress = "Error updating"; BasePlugin.LogError( "Plugins Updater: Error while updating plugin: " + PluginName + ", Error: " + ex.Message, 10); } DoAfterUpdate(this); #endregion } else if (UpdateVariant == ePluginSourceOfUpdate.RepoBranch) { InstallProgress = "Preparing to download..."; try { var downloadCount = FilesToDownload.Count; var downloadedCount = 0; using (var webClient = new WebClient()) { webClient.DownloadProgressChanged += (s, e) => { InstallProgress = "Downloading: " + downloadedCount + "/" + downloadCount + " (" + e.ProgressPercentage + "%)"; }; foreach (var downloadFile in FilesToDownload) { var downloadDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(downloadFile.Path); if (!Directory.Exists(downloadDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(downloadDir); } await webClient.DownloadFileTaskAsync(downloadFile.Url, downloadFile.Path); InstallProgress = "Downloading: " + downloadedCount + "/" + downloadCount; downloadedCount++; } InstallProgress = ""; UpdateState = ePluginUpdateState.ReadyToInstal; } } catch (Exception ex) { InstallProgress = "Error updating"; BasePlugin.LogError( "Plugins Updater: Error while updating plugin: " + PluginName + ", Error: " + ex.Message, 10); } DoAfterUpdate(this); } else { BasePlugin.LogMessage("Update type is not supported in code: " + UpdateVariant, 5); } }
public void LogMessage(object message, float displayTime) { BasePlugin.LogMessage(message, displayTime); }
public static List <RefillProcessor> Parse(string pluginDir) { var refills = new List <RefillProcessor>(); var refillConfigPath = Path.Combine(pluginDir, REFILL_CONFIG); if (!File.Exists(refillConfigPath)) { return(refills); } var configLines = File.ReadAllLines(refillConfigPath); for (var i = 0; i < configLines.Length; i++) { var configLine = configLines[i]; configLine = configLine.Replace("\t", ""); if (configLine.Replace(" ", "").Length == 0) { continue; } if (configLine.StartsWith(SYMBOL_IGNORE) || configLine.StartsWith(SYMBOL_IGNORE2)) { continue; } var newRefill = new RefillProcessor(); var nameIndex = configLine.IndexOf(SYMBOL_NAMEDIVIDER, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (nameIndex == -1) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Refill parser: Can't find refill name in line: {configLine}. Name should have \":\" divider.", 10); continue; } newRefill.MenuName = configLine.Substring(0, nameIndex); TrimName(ref newRefill.MenuName); configLine = configLine.Substring(nameIndex + SYMBOL_NAMEDIVIDER.Length); var configLineParams = configLine.Split(SYMBOL_PARAMETERSDIVIDER); if (configLineParams.Length != 4) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Refill parser: Config line should have 4 parameters (ClassName,StackSize,InventoryX,InventoryY): {configLine}, Ignoring refill..", 10); continue; } newRefill.CurrencyClass = configLineParams[0]; TrimName(ref newRefill.CurrencyClass); if (!int.TryParse(configLineParams[1], out newRefill.StackSize)) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Refill parser: Can't parse StackSize from 2nd parameter in line: {configLine} (line num: {i + 1}), Ignoring refill..", 10); continue; } if (!int.TryParse(configLineParams[2], out newRefill.InventPos.X)) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Refill parser: Can't parse InventoryX from 3rd parameter in line: {configLine} (line num: {i + 1}), Ignoring refill..", 10); continue; } if (newRefill.InventPos.X < 1 || newRefill.InventPos.X > 12) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Refill parser: InventoryX should be in range 1-12, current value: {newRefill.InventPos.X} (line num: {i + 1}), Ignoring refill..", 10); continue; } if (!int.TryParse(configLineParams[3], out newRefill.InventPos.Y)) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Refill parser: Can't parse InventoryY from 4th parameter in line: {configLine} (line num: {i + 1}), Ignoring refill..", 10); continue; } if (newRefill.InventPos.Y < 1 || newRefill.InventPos.Y > 5) { BasePlugin.LogMessage( $"Refill parser: InventPosY should be in range 1-5, current value: {newRefill.InventPos.Y} (line num: {i + 1}), Ignoring refill..", 10); continue; } // Convert to zero based index. newRefill.InventPos.X--; newRefill.InventPos.Y--; refills.Add(newRefill); } return(refills); }
public bool SwitchToTab(int tabIndex) { var latency = (int)GameController.Game.IngameState.CurLatency; // We don't want to Switch to a tab that we are already on var openLeftPanel = GameController.Game.IngameState.IngameUi.OpenLeftPanel; try { var stashTabToGoTo = GameController.Game.IngameState.ServerData.StashPanel.GetStashInventoryByIndex(tabIndex) .InventoryUiElement; if (stashTabToGoTo.IsVisible) { return(true); } } catch { // Nothing to see here officer. } // We want to maximum wait 20 times the Current Latency before giving up in our while loops. var maxNumberOfTries = latency * 20 > 2000 ? latency * 20 / WHILE_DELAY : 2000 / WHILE_DELAY; var clickWindowOffset = GameController.Window.GetWindowRectangle().TopLeft; if (tabIndex > 30) { return(SwitchToTabViaArrowKeys(tabIndex)); } var stashPanel = GameController.Game.IngameState.ServerData.StashPanel; try { // Obs, this method only works with 31 stashtabs on 1920x1080, since you have to scroll at 32 tabs, and the frame stays in place. var viewAllTabsButton = GameController.Game.IngameState.ServerData.StashPanel.ViewAllStashButton; if (stashPanel.IsVisible && !viewAllTabsButton.IsVisible) { // The user doesn't have a view all tabs button, eg. 4 tabs. return(SwitchToTabViaArrowKeys(tabIndex)); } var parent = openLeftPanel.Children[2].Children[0].Children[1].Children[3]; var dropDownTabElements = parent.Children[2]; var totalStashes = GameController.Game.IngameState.ServerData.StashPanel.TotalStashes; if (totalStashes > 30) { dropDownTabElements = parent.Children[1]; } if (!dropDownTabElements.IsVisible) { var pos = viewAllTabsButton.GetClientRect(); Mouse.SetCursorPosAndLeftClick(pos.Center + clickWindowOffset); var brCounter = 0; while (!dropDownTabElements.IsVisible) { Thread.Sleep(WHILE_DELAY); if (brCounter++ <= maxNumberOfTries) { continue; } BasePlugin.LogMessage($"1. Error in SwitchToTab: {tabIndex}.", 5); return(false); } if (totalStashes > 30) { // TODO:Zafaar implemented something that allows us to get in contact with the ScrollBar. Mouse.VerticalScroll(true, 5); Thread.Sleep(latency + 50); } } var tabPos = dropDownTabElements.Children[tabIndex].GetClientRect(); Mouse.SetCursorPosAndLeftClick(tabPos.Center + clickWindowOffset); Thread.Sleep(latency); } catch (Exception e) { BasePlugin.LogError($"Error in GoToTab {tabIndex}: {e.Message}", 5); return(false); } Inventory stash; var counter = 0; do { Thread.Sleep(WHILE_DELAY); stash = stashPanel.VisibleStash; if (counter++ <= maxNumberOfTries) { continue; } BasePlugin.LogMessage("2. Error opening stash: " + tabIndex, 5); return(false); } while (stash?.VisibleInventoryItems == null); return(true); }
public void ReloadPlugin(bool actualyReload) { if (BPlugin != null) { BPlugin._OnClose(); //saving settings, closing opened threads (on plugin side) API.eRender -= BPlugin._Render; API.eEntityAdded -= BPlugin._EntityAdded; API.eEntityRemoved -= BPlugin._EntityRemoved; API.eClose -= BPlugin._OnClose; API.eAreaChange -= BPlugin._AreaChange; API.eInitialise -= BPlugin._Initialise; BPlugin._OnPluginDestroyForHotReload(); BPlugin = null; SettingPropertyDrawers.Clear(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } Assembly asmToLoad; var debugCymboldFilePath = _dllPath.Replace(".dll", ".pdb"); if (File.Exists(debugCymboldFilePath)) { var dbgCymboldBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(debugCymboldFilePath); asmToLoad = Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(_dllPath), dbgCymboldBytes); } else { asmToLoad = Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(_dllPath)); } if (asmToLoad == null) { State = PluginState.Reload_DllNotFound; return; } var pluginType = asmToLoad.GetType(_fullTypeName); if (pluginType == null) { State = PluginState.Reload_ClassNotFound; return; } //Spawning a new plugin class instance object pluginClassObj = null; try { pluginClassObj = Activator.CreateInstance(pluginType); } catch (Exception ex) { BasePlugin.LogMessage($"Error loading plugin {Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_dllPath)}: " + ex.Message, 3); State = PluginState.ErrorClassInstance; return; } BPlugin = pluginClassObj as BasePlugin; BPlugin.InitPlugin(this); Settings = BPlugin._LoadSettings(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BPlugin.PluginName)) { PluginName = BPlugin.PluginName; } API.eRender += BPlugin._Render; API.eEntityAdded += BPlugin._EntityAdded; API.eEntityRemoved += BPlugin._EntityRemoved; API.eClose += BPlugin._OnClose; API.eInitialise += BPlugin._Initialise; API.eAreaChange += BPlugin._AreaChange; BPlugin._Initialise(); if (actualyReload) { BPlugin._AreaChange(GameController.Instance.Area); } foreach (var entity in GameController.Instance.EntityListWrapper.Entities.ToList()) { BPlugin._EntityAdded(entity); } }