static void CopyAssetBundlesTo(string outputPath) { // Clear streaming assets folder. FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(Application.streamingAssetsPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); string outputFolder = BaseLoader.GetPlatformFolderForAssetBundles(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget); // Setup the source folder for assetbundles. var source = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory, kAssetBundlesOutputPath), outputFolder); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(source)) { Debug.Log("No assetBundle output folder, try to build the assetBundles first."); } // Setup the destination folder for assetbundles. var destination = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputPath, outputFolder); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(destination)) { FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(destination); } FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory(source, destination); }
private void Load() { if (File.Exists(mFileName)) { mUserClassDefinitions = BaseLoader <UserClassDefinitions> .Load(mFileName); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { BaseLoader loader = LoaderManager.Load(ELoaderType.ResourceLoader, "Cube"); loader.onCompleted += (type, obj) => { Instantiate <GameObject>(obj as GameObject); }; loader = LoaderManager.Load(ELoaderType.ResourceLoader, "Sphere"); loader.onCompleted += (type, obj) => { Instantiate <GameObject>(obj as GameObject); }; for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { loader = LoaderManager.Load(ELoaderType.ResourceLoader, "Cylinder"); loader.onCompleted += (type, obj) => { GameObject go = Instantiate <GameObject>(obj as GameObject); = string.Format("Cylinder{0}", i); }; } }
private static void OnHEnd(BaseLoader baseLoader) { var proc = baseLoader as HSceneProc; var flags = proc?.flags ?? GameObject.FindObjectOfType <HFlag>(); foreach (var behaviour in _registeredHandlers) { try { if (proc != null) { behaviour.Key.OnEndH(proc, flags.isFreeH); } behaviour.Key.OnEndH(baseLoader, flags, ReferenceEquals(proc, null)); } catch (Exception e) { KoikatuAPI.Logger.LogError(e); } } try { EndH?.Invoke(KoikatuAPI.Instance, EventArgs.Empty); } catch (Exception e) { KoikatuAPI.Logger.LogError(e); } InsideHScene = false; }
private static IEnumerator OnHStart(BaseLoader baseLoader) { InsideHScene = true; yield return(null); var proc = baseLoader as HSceneProc; var flags = proc?.flags ?? GameObject.FindObjectOfType <HFlag>(); foreach (var behaviour in _registeredHandlers) { try { if (proc != null) { behaviour.Key.OnStartH(proc, flags.isFreeH); } behaviour.Key.OnStartH(baseLoader, flags, ReferenceEquals(proc, null)); } catch (Exception e) { KoikatuAPI.Logger.LogError(e); } } try { StartH?.Invoke(KoikatuAPI.Instance, EventArgs.Empty); } catch (Exception e) { KoikatuAPI.Logger.LogError(e); } }
public void LoadAssetBundleManifest() { assetBundleManifest = null; BaseLoader loader = BaseLoader.Init <AssetBundleManifestLoader> ("AssetBundleManifest"); _listSelfLoader.Add(loader); }
public void LoadAssetBundleCRC() { _dictAssetBundleCRC = null; BaseLoader loader = BaseLoader.Init <AssetBundleCRCLoader> ("AssetBundleCRC"); _listSelfLoader.Add(loader); }
public HintDatabasePage() { InitializeComponent(); //load db mFilename = CoreGlobals.getWorkPaths().mGameDataDirectory + "\\concepts.xml"; if (File.Exists(mFilename)) { mDatabase = BaseLoader <ProtoConceptDatabase> .Load(mFilename); } mConceptEditor = propertyList1; //set metadata //mConceptEditor.SetTypeEditor("ProtoConcept", "MessageStringID", typeof(LocStringIDProperty)); //mConceptEditor.AddMetaDataForProps("ProtoConcept", new string[] { "MessageStringID" }, "Compact", true); mConceptEditor.SetTypeEditor("ProtoConcept", "Prerequisites", typeof(TriggerPropConceptList2)); mConceptEditor.AddMetaDataForProp("ProtoConcept", "Prerequisites", "StringIntSource", GetConceptEnumeration()); mConceptEditor.AddMetaDataForProp("ProtoConcept", "Prerequisites", "AllowRepeats", false); mConceptEditor.AddMetaDataForProp("ProtoConcept", "Prerequisites", "AutoSort", true); mConceptEditor.AnyPropertyChanged += new ObjectEditorControl.PropertyChanged(mConceptEditor_AnyPropertyChanged); LoadUI(); }
public static void BuildAssetBundlesBatch() { // Choose the output path according to the build target. string outputPath = Path.Combine(kAssetBundlesOutputPath, BaseLoader.GetPlatformFolderForAssetBundles(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget)); if (!Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); } string [] args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); Debug.Log("ARGS:" + args[9]); int startRatio = int.Parse(args[9]); int endRatio = int.Parse(args[10]); string [] allAssetBundleNames = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetBundleNames(); int counter = allAssetBundleNames.Length * startRatio / 100; int counter_end = allAssetBundleNames.Length * endRatio / 100; Debug.Log("Build " + counter + "/" + allAssetBundleNames.Length + " -> " + (counter_end - 1) + "/" + allAssetBundleNames.Length); AssetBundleBuild[] buildMap = new AssetBundleBuild[counter_end - counter]; int num = 0; for (int i = counter; i < counter_end; i++) { string abname = allAssetBundleNames[i]; buildMap[num].assetBundleName = abname; buildMap[num].assetNames = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathsFromAssetBundle(abname); num++; } BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(outputPath, buildMap, 0, EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget); }
internal static void HScene_PostStart(BaseLoader __instance) { hSceneProc = __instance; hSceneProcTraverse = Traverse.Create(__instance); hSceneStarted = true; inHScene = false; }
public static void DeleteOldAsset() { string outputPath = Path.Combine(kAssetBundlesOutputPath, BaseLoader.GetPlatformFolderForAssetBundles(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget)); if (Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { Directory.Delete(outputPath, true); } }
public bool RegisterRequestSet(string label, ResourceRequestSet resourceSet) { if (_dictRequestSet.ContainsKey(label) == true) { return(false); } foreach (var requestItem in resourceSet.GetList()) { BaseLoader loader = null; if (_dictLoader.ContainsKey(requestItem.url) == true) { continue; } ResourceItem resourceItem = null; switch (requestItem.type) { case ResourceType.Asset: if (_dictResourceAsset.TryGetValue(requestItem.url, out resourceItem) == false) { loader = BaseLoader.Init <AssetLoader> (requestItem.url); } break; case ResourceType.AssetBundle: if (_dictResourceAssetBundle.TryGetValue(requestItem.url, out resourceItem) == false) { loader = BaseLoader.Init <AssetBundleLoader> (requestItem.url); } break; case ResourceType.Texture: if (_dictResourceTexture.TryGetValue(requestItem.url, out resourceItem) == false) { loader = BaseLoader.Init <TextureLoader> (requestItem.url); } break; default: Debug.LogErrorFormat("{0} {1} NotFound {2}", typeof(ResourceManager).Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, requestItem.type); break; } if (resourceItem != null) { resourceItem.IncRef(); } if (loader != null) { _dictLoader.Add(requestItem.url, loader); } } _dictRequestSet.Add(label, resourceSet); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor sets the defaults. /// </summary> public ClientDependencyLoader() { Paths = new ClientDependencyPathCollection(); _base = new BaseLoader(new HttpContextWrapper(Context)) { //by default the provider is the default provider Provider = ClientDependencySettings.Instance.DefaultFileRegistrationProvider }; }
public static void SetRepogitory(string _url) { PatchURL = _url; #if UNITY_EDITOR PatchURL = PatchURL + BaseLoader.GetPlatformFolderForAssetBundles(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget) + "/"; #else PatchURL = PatchURL + BaseLoader.GetPlatformFolderForAssetBundles(Application.platform) + "/"; #endif AssetBundleManager.BaseDownloadingURL = PatchURL + CommonPatcherData.lastVersionRepo + "/"; }
//加载流程中有 asset 加载完毕 public void OnLoadAssetFinish(BaseLoader loader) { //AssetLoader assetLoader = (AssetLoader)loader; //AssetCache cache = new AssetCache(); //cache.path = assetLoader.path; //cache.asset = assetLoader.asset; //cache.finishLoadCallback = assetLoader.finishLoadCallback; //EventManager.Broadcast((int)GameEvent.LoadAssetTaskFinish, cache); }
public static void BuildAssetBundles() { // Choose the output path according to the build target. string outputPath = Path.Combine(kAssetBundlesOutputPath, BaseLoader.GetPlatformFolderForAssetBundles(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget)); if (!Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); } BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(outputPath, 0, EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget); }
//加载流程中有 ab 加载完毕 public void OnLoadABFinish(BaseLoader loader) { //AssetBundleLoader abLoader = (AssetBundleLoader)loader; //AssetBundleCache cache = new AssetBundleCache(); //cache.path = abLoader.path; //cache.assetBundle = abLoader.assetBundle; //cache.finishLoadCallback = abLoader.finishLoadCallback; //cache.refCount = abLoader.refCount; //EventManager.Broadcast((int)GameEvent.LoadABTaskFinish, cache); }
void Awake() { if (Instance != null) { GameObject.Destroy(Instance.gameObject); } Instance = this; // Don't destroy the game object as we base on it to run the loading script. DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); }
public static void BuildAssetBundles() { string outputPath = Path.Combine(kAssetBundlesOutputPath, BaseLoader.GetPlatformFolderForAssetBundles(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget)); if (!Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); } BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(outputPath, 0, EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget); Md5MenuItems.GenMd5(); }
private void CollectAssetFromLoader(BaseLoader loader) { if (loader is AssetBundleLoader) { if (_dictResourceAssetBundle.ContainsKey(loader.path) == true) { return; } AssetBundleLoader assetBundleLoader = loader as AssetBundleLoader; if (assetBundleLoader.asset != null) { _dictResourceAssetBundle.Add(loader.path, new ResourceItem(assetBundleLoader.asset)); } foreach (var sub in assetBundleLoader.assetDependencies) { if (sub.asset != null) { _dictResourceAsset.Add(sub.path, new ResourceItem(sub.asset)); } } } else if (loader is AssetBundleManifestLoader) { assetBundleManifest = ((AssetBundleManifestLoader)loader).assetBundleManifest; } else if (loader is AssetBundleCRCLoader) { _dictAssetBundleCRC = ((AssetBundleCRCLoader)loader).crcDict; } else if (loader is TextureLoader) { if (_dictResourceTexture.ContainsKey(loader.path) == true) { return; } ResourceItem r = new ResourceItem(((TextureLoader)loader).texture); _dictResourceTexture.Add(loader.path, r); } else if (loader is AssetLoader) { if (_dictResourceAsset.ContainsKey(loader.path) == true) { return; } ResourceItem r = new ResourceItem(((AssetLoader)loader).asset); _dictResourceAsset.Add(loader.path, r); } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Loader Error {0}", loader.GetType()); } }
protected override void OnEndH(BaseLoader proc, HFlag hFlag, bool vr) { InsideHScene = false; Destroy(proc.GetComponent <LactationController>()); // Figure out if conception happened at end of h scene // bug Don't know which character is which if (hFlag.mode == HFlag.EMode.houshi3P || hFlag.mode == HFlag.EMode.sonyu3P) { return; } var heroine = hFlag.lstHeroine.First(x => x != null); var isDangerousDay = HFlag.GetMenstruation(heroine.MenstruationDay) == HFlag.MenstruationType.危険日; if (!isDangerousDay) { return; } var cameInside = PregnancyPlugin.ConceptionEnabled.Value && hFlag.count.sonyuInside > 0; var cameInsideAnal = PregnancyPlugin.AnalConceptionEnabled.Value && hFlag.count.sonyuAnalInside > 0; if (cameInside || cameInsideAnal) { var controller = heroine.chaCtrl.GetComponent <PregnancyCharaController>(); if (controller == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(controller)); } //Allow pregnancy if enabled, or overridden, and is not currently pregnant if (!controller.Data.GameplayEnabled || controller.Data.IsPregnant) { return; } var fertility = Mathf.Max(PregnancyPlugin.FertilityOverride.Value, controller.Data.Fertility); var winThreshold = Mathf.RoundToInt(fertility * 100); var childLottery = Random.Range(1, 100); //Logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"Preg - OnEndH calc pregnancy chance {childLottery} to {winThreshold}"); var wonAChild = winThreshold >= childLottery; if (wonAChild) { //Logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Preg - child lottery won, pregnancy will start"); StartPregnancy(heroine); } } }
//public void SetUserClasses(List<UserClassDefinition> userClasses) //{ // mUserClassDefinitions = userClasses;// new List<UserClassDefinition>(); // LoadUI(); //} private void Load() { if (File.Exists(mFileName)) { mUserClassDefinitions = BaseLoader <UserClassDefinitions> .Load(mFileName); TriggerSystemMain.mTriggerDefinitions.mUserClassDefinitions = mUserClassDefinitions; LoadUI(); } else { mUserClassDefinitions = new UserClassDefinitions(); } }
public override void OnLoadFinish(BaseLoader loader) { var assetBundleLoader = (AssetBundleLoader)loader; ////Logx.Logz("AssetBundleLoadProcess OnLoadFinish : " + assetBundleLoader.path); //通知 正在准备的所有 loader 在这里指的是正在等依赖加载的 loader for (int i = 0; i < this.preparingList.Count; i++) { var prepareLoader = (AssetBundleLoader)this.preparingList[i]; prepareLoader.OnLoadOtherABFinish(assetBundleLoader.path); } abLoaderDic.Remove(assetBundleLoader.path); base.OnLoadFinish(loader); }
public bool Contains(string path, ResourceType type) { if (IsLoadedExist(path, type) == true) { return(true); } BaseLoader loader = null; if (_dictLoader.TryGetValue(path, out loader) == true) { return(true); } return(loader.Contains(path)); }
/// <summary> /// Typically not used, but it is possible to create a <see ref="ShopifyClient">ShopifyClient </see> by passing an instance /// that implements <see ref="BaseLoader">BaseLoader </see>. <see ref="BaseLoader">BaseLoaders </see> handle network communicationication with /// the Storefront API. This functionality is useful if you'd like to use the Shopify SDK for Unity in a C# environment /// outside of Unity. The <c>domain</c> string used to access specific initialized clients is inferred from /// <see ref="BaseLoader">BaseLoader.Domain</see> which can be used to request a specific client. /// </summary> /// <param name="loader">a loader which will handle network communicationication with the Storefront API</param> /// \code /// // Mock example using a custom loader for another C# platform /// string accessToken = "b8d417759a62f7b342f3735dbe86b322"; /// string shopDomain = ""; /// /// CustomLoaderForNonUnityPlatform loader = new CustomLoaderForNonUnityPlatform(accessToken, shopDomain); /// /// // Init only needs to be called once /// ShopifyBuy.Init(loader); /// \endcode public static ShopifyClient Init(BaseLoader loader) { string domain = loader.Domain; if (!ClientByDomain.ContainsKey(domain)) { ClientByDomain[domain] = new ShopifyClient(loader); if (DefaultClient == null) { DefaultClient = ClientByDomain[domain]; } } return(ClientByDomain[domain]); }
/// <summary> /// Download large file request /// </summary> /// <param name="uris"></param> /// <param name="downLoadPath">Local download path</param> /// <param name="onLoadingUpdate"></param> /// <param name="loader">Text, to show progress</param> /// <param name="stringFormat">String format for progress {0}:File name {1}:Downloaded bytes {2}: File length</param> public RequestDownLoad(List <string> uris, string downLoadPath, LoaderAdapter.ProgressUpdate onLoadingUpdate, BaseLoader loader = null, string stringFormat = null) { Uri = uris.ToString(); _uris = uris; _loader = loader; _stringFormat = stringFormat; _downLoadPath = downLoadPath; _onLoadingUpdate = onLoadingUpdate; OnUpdate += Update; Response = new ResponseDownLoad { LocalFilesPathes = new List <string>(), DownLoadedData = new Dictionary <string, List <byte> >() }; RequestManager.AddRequest(this); }
public RequestDownLoad(string uri, string downLoadPath, BaseLoader loader = null, string stringFormat = null) { Uri = uri; _uris = new List <string> { uri }; _loader = loader; _stringFormat = stringFormat; _downLoadPath = downLoadPath; OnUpdate += Update; Response = new ResponseDownLoad { LocalFilesPathes = new List <string>(), DownLoadedData = new Dictionary <string, List <byte> >() }; RequestManager.AddRequest(this); }
private BaseLoader GetLoader(Def.ModulesType type) { BaseLoader loader = null; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Main.Inst.UseABLoad) { loader = new AssetBundleLoader(type); } else { loader = new EditorLoader(type); } #else loader = new AssetBundleLoader(type); #endif return(loader); }
private bool IsCompleteLoader(BaseLoader loader) { if (loader.isComplete == false) { return(false); } if (loader.isSuccessed == true) { CollectAssetFromLoader(loader); } else { Debug.LogError("Error"); } return(true); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { scenarioDetails = new List <ScenarioDetail>(); scenesFolderPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine("AssetBundles", BaseLoader.GetPlatformFolderForAssetBundles(Application.platform)), "scenario"); sceneBundlePaths = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, scenesFolderPath)) .Where(file => file.Substring(file.Length - 8) != "manifest" && file.Substring(file.Length - 4) != "meta").ToList(); int i = 0; foreach (var sceneBundlePath in sceneBundlePaths) { var sceneListItem = (GameObject)Instantiate(listItemPrefab, transform, false); var path = sceneBundlePath.Replace('\\', '/').Split('/'); var sceneName = path[path.Length - 1]; var detail = ScenarioParser.ParseScenario(sceneName); sceneListItem.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = detail.Phobia + " : " + detail.Name; scenarioDetails.Add(detail); //The first scene is selected by default if (i == 0) { selectedSceneName = sceneName; } int currentIndex = i; sceneListItem.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => { selectedSceneName = sceneName; detailPanel.ShowScenarioDetail(scenarioDetails[currentIndex]); }); i++; } if (scenarioDetails.Count > 0) { detailPanel.ShowScenarioDetail(scenarioDetails[0]); } }