예제 #1
        void saveBarButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //save property to db
            svc = new Service1Client();
            string guid      = Functions.CreateGuid();
            string companyID = App.Setting.CompanyGuid;

            svc.AddPropertyAsync(guid, streetTxtBox.Text, cityTxtBox.Text, postcodeTxtBox.Text, HouseType, Bedrooms, Parking, Pets, companyID);
            svc.AddPropertyCompleted += svc_AddPropertyCompleted;
예제 #2
        void saveBarButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //save tenant to db
            svc = new Service1Client();
            string guid      = Functions.CreateGuid();
            string companyID = App.Setting.CompanyGuid;

            svc.AddTenantAsync(guid, firstnameTxtBox.Text, lastnameTxtBox.Text, emailTxtBox.Text, companyID);
            svc.AddTenantCompleted += svc_AddTenantCompleted;