예제 #1
 public static List <string> FilterByBaseCurency(
     this List <string> symbols,
     ExchangerEnum exchanger   = ExchangerEnum.Bittrex,
     BaseCurrencyEnum currency = BaseCurrencyEnum.BTC)
     return(symbols.Where(s => s.ToUpper().StartsWith(currency.ToString())).ToList());
예제 #2
        public async Task <List <ExchangeSymbol> > GetExchangeSymbols(BaseCurrencyEnum currency = BaseCurrencyEnum.BTC)
            var ignoreCoinSettings = this.options.Value.IgnoreCoinSettings;
            var cachedSymbols      = this.memoryCache.Get <List <ExchangeSymbol> >(SymbolsKey);

            if (cachedSymbols != null)

            var binanceSymbols = (await this.binanceApi.GetSymbolsAsync()).ToList().FilterByBaseCurency(currency);

            var bittrexSymbols = this.enableOptions.Value.Binance
                ? (await this.bittrexApi.GetSymbolsAsync()).ToList().FilterByBaseCurency(ExchangerEnum.Bittrex, currency)
                : null;
            var kucoinSymbols = this.enableOptions.Value.Binance
                ? (await this.kucoinApi.GetSymbolsAsync()).ToList().FilterByBaseCurency(currency)
                : null;
            var cryptopiaSymbols = this.enableOptions.Value.Binance
                ? (await this.cryptopiaApi.GetSymbolsAsync()).ToList().FilterByBaseCurency(currency)
                : null;
            var okexSymbols = this.enableOptions.Value.Binance
                ? (await this.okexApi.GetSymbolsAsync()).ToList().FilterByBaseCurency(currency)
                : null;
            var gateSymbols = this.enableOptions.Value.Binance
                ? (await this.gateApi.GetSymbolsAsync()).ToList()
                : null;
            var huobiSymbols = this.enableOptions.Value.Binance
                ? (await this.huobiApi.GetSymbolsAsync()).ToList()
                : null;

            var globalSymbols = binanceSymbols.Select(
                x =>
                new ExchangeSymbol
                GlobalSymbol = SymbolHelper.ToGlobalSymbol(x, ExchangerEnum.Binance)

            if (ignoreCoinSettings != null)
                binanceSymbols   = binanceSymbols.FilterByIgnoreCoins(ignoreCoinSettings, ExchangerEnum.Binance);
                bittrexSymbols   = bittrexSymbols.FilterByIgnoreCoins(ignoreCoinSettings, ExchangerEnum.Bittrex);
                kucoinSymbols    = kucoinSymbols.FilterByIgnoreCoins(ignoreCoinSettings, ExchangerEnum.KuCoin);
                cryptopiaSymbols = cryptopiaSymbols.FilterByIgnoreCoins(ignoreCoinSettings, ExchangerEnum.Cryptopia);
                okexSymbols      = okexSymbols.FilterByIgnoreCoins(ignoreCoinSettings, ExchangerEnum.Okex);
                gateSymbols      = gateSymbols.FilterByIgnoreCoins(ignoreCoinSettings, ExchangerEnum.Gate);
                huobiSymbols     = huobiSymbols.FilterByIgnoreCoins(ignoreCoinSettings, ExchangerEnum.Huobi);

            globalSymbols = globalSymbols.FillExchangerSymbols(ExchangerEnum.Binance, binanceSymbols);
            globalSymbols = globalSymbols.FillExchangerSymbols(ExchangerEnum.Bittrex, bittrexSymbols);
            globalSymbols = globalSymbols.FillExchangerSymbols(ExchangerEnum.KuCoin, kucoinSymbols);
            globalSymbols = globalSymbols.FillExchangerSymbols(ExchangerEnum.Cryptopia, cryptopiaSymbols);
            globalSymbols = globalSymbols.FillExchangerSymbols(ExchangerEnum.Okex, okexSymbols);
            globalSymbols = globalSymbols.FillExchangerSymbols(ExchangerEnum.Gate, gateSymbols);
            globalSymbols = globalSymbols.FillExchangerSymbols(ExchangerEnum.Huobi, huobiSymbols);

            this.memoryCache.Set(SymbolsKey, globalSymbols);
예제 #3
 public static List <ExchangeSymbol> FilterByBaseCurency(
     this List <ExchangeSymbol> globalSymbols,
     BaseCurrencyEnum currency = BaseCurrencyEnum.BTC)
                s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Bittrex) ||
                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.HitBtc) ||
            .Where(s => s.GlobalSymbol.EndsWith(currency.ToString())).ToList());
예제 #4
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <IEnumerable <CoinInfo> > GetExchangerCoinInfoAsync(
            BaseCurrencyEnum currency = BaseCurrencyEnum.BTC)
            var coins = this.memoryCache.Get <List <CoinInfo> >(CoinInfoKey);

            if (coins != null)

            var binanceMarket   = this.enableOptions.Value.Binance ? (await this.binanceApi.GetTickersAsync()).ToList() : null;
            var bittrexMarket   = this.enableOptions.Value.Bittrex ? (await this.bittrexApi.GetTickersAsync()).ToList() : null;
            var kucoinMarket    = this.enableOptions.Value.KuCoin ? (await this.kucoinApi.GetTickersAsync()).ToList() : null;
            var cryptopiaMarket = this.enableOptions.Value.Cryptopia ? (await this.cryptopiaApi.GetTickersAsync()).ToList() : null;
            var okexMarket      = this.enableOptions.Value.Okex ? (await this.okexApi.GetTickersAsync()).ToList() : null;
            var gateMarket      = this.enableOptions.Value.Gate ? (await this.gateApi.GetTickersAsync()).ToList() : null;
            var huobiMarket     = this.enableOptions.Value.Huobi ? (await this.huobiApi.GetTickersAsync()).ToList() : null;

            var symbols = await GetExchangeSymbols();

            coins = symbols.Select(
                x => new CoinInfo
                ExchangeSymbol = x,
                Currency       = BaseCurrencyEnum.BTC,
                ExchangePrices = new List <ExchangePrice>()

            coins = coins.FillCoinPrices(ExchangerEnum.Binance, binanceMarket);
            coins = coins.FillCoinPrices(ExchangerEnum.Bittrex, bittrexMarket);
            coins = coins.FillCoinPrices(ExchangerEnum.KuCoin, kucoinMarket);
            coins = coins.FillCoinPrices(ExchangerEnum.Cryptopia, cryptopiaMarket);
            coins = coins.FillCoinPrices(ExchangerEnum.Okex, okexMarket);
            coins = coins.FillCoinPrices(ExchangerEnum.Gate, gateMarket);
            coins = coins.FillCoinPrices(ExchangerEnum.Huobi, huobiMarket);

            coins = coins.ToAnalizedExchangePrice();
            coins = coins
                    .OrderByDescending(opt => opt.ExchangePrices.Max(price => price.Percent))

            this.memoryCache.Set(CoinInfoKey, coins);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Instrument" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quoteCurrency">The currency in which the instrument prices are quoted. (required).</param>
        /// <param name="kind">Instrument kind, &#x60;\&quot;future\&quot;&#x60; or &#x60;\&quot;option\&quot;&#x60; (required).</param>
        /// <param name="tickSize">specifies minimal price change and, as follows, the number of decimal places for instrument prices (required).</param>
        /// <param name="contractSize">Contract size for instrument (required).</param>
        /// <param name="isActive">Indicates if the instrument can currently be traded. (required).</param>
        /// <param name="optionType">The option type (only for options).</param>
        /// <param name="minTradeAmount">Minimum amount for trading. For perpetual and futures - in USD units, for options it is amount of corresponding cryptocurrency contracts, e.g., BTC or ETH. (required).</param>
        /// <param name="instrumentName">Unique instrument identifier (required).</param>
        /// <param name="settlementPeriod">The settlement period. (required).</param>
        /// <param name="strike">The strike value. (only for options).</param>
        /// <param name="baseCurrency">The underlying currency being traded. (required).</param>
        /// <param name="creationTimestamp">The time when the instrument was first created (milliseconds) (required).</param>
        /// <param name="expirationTimestamp">The time when the instrument will expire (milliseconds) (required).</param>
        public Instrument(QuoteCurrencyEnum quoteCurrency = default(QuoteCurrencyEnum), KindEnum kind = default(KindEnum), decimal?tickSize = default(decimal?), int?contractSize = default(int?), bool?isActive = default(bool?), OptionTypeEnum?optionType = default(OptionTypeEnum?), decimal?minTradeAmount = default(decimal?), string instrumentName = default(string), SettlementPeriodEnum settlementPeriod = default(SettlementPeriodEnum), decimal?strike = default(decimal?), BaseCurrencyEnum baseCurrency = default(BaseCurrencyEnum), int?creationTimestamp = default(int?), int?expirationTimestamp = default(int?))
            // to ensure "quoteCurrency" is required (not null)
            if (quoteCurrency == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("quoteCurrency is a required property for Instrument and cannot be null");
                this.QuoteCurrency = quoteCurrency;

            // to ensure "kind" is required (not null)
            if (kind == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("kind is a required property for Instrument and cannot be null");
                this.Kind = kind;

            // to ensure "tickSize" is required (not null)
            if (tickSize == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("tickSize is a required property for Instrument and cannot be null");
                this.TickSize = tickSize;

            // to ensure "contractSize" is required (not null)
            if (contractSize == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("contractSize is a required property for Instrument and cannot be null");
                this.ContractSize = contractSize;

            // to ensure "isActive" is required (not null)
            if (isActive == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("isActive is a required property for Instrument and cannot be null");
                this.IsActive = isActive;

            // to ensure "minTradeAmount" is required (not null)
            if (minTradeAmount == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("minTradeAmount is a required property for Instrument and cannot be null");
                this.MinTradeAmount = minTradeAmount;

            // to ensure "instrumentName" is required (not null)
            if (instrumentName == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("instrumentName is a required property for Instrument and cannot be null");
                this.InstrumentName = instrumentName;

            // to ensure "settlementPeriod" is required (not null)
            if (settlementPeriod == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("settlementPeriod is a required property for Instrument and cannot be null");
                this.SettlementPeriod = settlementPeriod;

            // to ensure "baseCurrency" is required (not null)
            if (baseCurrency == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("baseCurrency is a required property for Instrument and cannot be null");
                this.BaseCurrency = baseCurrency;

            // to ensure "creationTimestamp" is required (not null)
            if (creationTimestamp == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("creationTimestamp is a required property for Instrument and cannot be null");
                this.CreationTimestamp = creationTimestamp;

            // to ensure "expirationTimestamp" is required (not null)
            if (expirationTimestamp == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("expirationTimestamp is a required property for Instrument and cannot be null");
                this.ExpirationTimestamp = expirationTimestamp;

            this.OptionType = optionType;
            this.Strike     = strike;
예제 #6
 public static List <string> FilterByBaseCurency(
     this List <string> symbols,
     BaseCurrencyEnum currency = BaseCurrencyEnum.BTC)
     return(symbols.Where(s => s.ToUpper().EndsWith(currency.ToString())).ToList());