protected void btnSave_click(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { string strStat = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tblChkGroup.Items.Count(); ++i) { if (!tblChkGroup.Items[i].Checked) { strStat += tblChkGroup.Items[i].Tag.Trim() + ","; } } strStat = strStat.Length > 0 ? strStat.Substring(0, strStat.Length - 1) : strStat; if (Code.Text.Trim() == "") { div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , code can't be empty! </p>"; Code.Focus(); return; } else if (BaseCheckCode.Check("AIRLINE", Code.Text.ToUpper().Trim(), "", hidRowID.Text) == "N") { Code.Focus(true); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed ,the code already exists! </p>"; return; } DataFactory dal = new DataFactory(); bool bFlag = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_Airline_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "Update") .Append("User", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[0]) .Append("SYS", Request["sys"]) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) .Append("STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) .Append("Code", Code.Text.ToUpper().Trim()) .Append("Name", Name.Text.ToUpper().Trim()) .Append("Country", Country.Value) .Append("CallSign", txtCallSign.Text.ToUpper().Trim()) .Append("Active", chkActive.Checked?"1":"0") .Append("ROWID", hidRowID.Text) .Append("statstr", strStat) }).Update(); if (bFlag) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["control"])) { X.AddScript("window.parent.ChildCallBack(Request(\"control\"), $(\"#Code\").val());"); return; } if (i == 1) { hidRowID.Text = "0"; Code.Text = ""; Name.Text = ""; Country.Text = ""; txtCallSign.Text = ""; Code.Disabled = false; CheckGroupChecked(); } else { Code.Disabled = true; hidRowID.Text = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_Airline_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "List") .Append("STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) .Append("Code", Code.Text.ToUpper().Trim()) .Append("isGetId", 1) }).GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); } div_bottom.Html = "<p class='success'>Status: Saved successful . </p>"; } else { div_bottom.Html = "<p class='error'>Status: Saved failed , please check the data ! </p>"; } this.BindData(); Code.Focus(true); }
/// <summary> /// 修改时间2014-09-20 Grace /// </summary> public void btnSave_Click(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { string strStat = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tblChkGroup.Items.Count(); ++i) { if (!tblChkGroup.Items[i].Checked) { strStat += tblChkGroup.Items[i].Tag.Trim() + ","; } } strStat = strStat.Length > 0 ? strStat.Substring(0, strStat.Length - 1) : strStat; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Code.Text)) { Code.Focus(true); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , code can't be empty ! </p>"; return; } if (BaseCheckCode.Check("SALESMAN", Code.Text.ToUpper().Trim(), sys, hidRowID.Text) == "N") { Code.Focus(true); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed ,the code already exists ! </p>"; return; } DataTable dt = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_Sales_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "Update") .Append("User", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[0]) .Append("SYS", DBNull.Value) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) .Append("STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) .Append("Code", Code.Text.ToUpper().Trim()) .Append("Name", Name.Text.ToUpper().Trim()) .Append("Company", Company.Value) .Append("USGroup", chkUSGroup.Checked?"1":"0") .Append("Active", chkActive.Checked?"1":"0") .Append("ROWID", hidRowID.Text) .Append("statstr", strStat) }).GetTable(); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { hidRowID.Text = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["control"])) { X.AddScript("window.parent.ChildCallBack(Request(\"control\"), $(\"#Code\").val());"); return; } if (i == 1) { InitCotrol(); Code.Disabled = false; CheckGroupChecked(); } else { Code.Disabled = true; hidRowID.Text = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_Sales_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "List") .Append("STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) .Append("SYS", sys) .Append("Code", Code.Text.Trim()) .Append("isGetId", 1) }).GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); } //X.Msg.Alert("Status", " saved successful ! ").Show(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class='success'>Status: Saved successful . </p>"; } else { div_bottom.Html = "<p class='error'>Status: Saved failed , please check the data ! </p>"; } //X.Msg.Alert("Status", " Error, saved failed ! ").Show(); Code.Focus(true); this.BindData(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strStat = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tblChkGroup.Items.Count(); ++i) { if (!tblChkGroup.Items[i].Checked) { strStat += tblChkGroup.Items[i].Tag.Trim() + ","; } } strStat = strStat.Length > 0 ? strStat.Substring(0, strStat.Length - 1) : strStat; if (txtCode.Text.Trim() == "") { div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , code can't be empty! </p>"; } else if (BaseCheckCode.Check("SERVICEMODE", txtCode.Text.ToUpper().Trim(), "", txtRowID.Text) == "N") { txtCode.Focus(true); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed ,the code already exists! </p>"; return; } else { DataFactory dal = new DataFactory(); bool b = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_ServiceMode_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "Update") .Append("sm_CODE", txtCode.Text.Trim().ToUpper()) .Append("sm_Description", txtDes.Text.Trim().ToUpper()) .Append("sm_CalcUnit", CmbCalc.SelectedItem.Value) .Append("sm_Group", CmbGroup.SelectedItem.Value) .Append("sm_BLString", txtLine.Text.Trim().ToUpper()) .Append("sm_Active", ChbActive.Checked?"1":"0") .Append("sm_STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) .Append("sm_User", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[0]) .Append("sm_ROWID", txtRowID.Text) .Append("statstr", strStat) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) }).Update(); if (b) { //X.Msg.Alert("status", " Saved successfully").Show(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["control"])) { X.AddScript("window.parent.ChildCallBack(Request(\"control\"), txtCode.getValue());"); return; } if (i == 1) { txtRowID.Text = ""; txtCode.Text = ""; txtDes.Text = ""; txtLine.Text = ""; CmbCalc.SelectedItem.Value = ""; CmbGroup.SelectedItem.Value = ""; ChbActive.Checked = true; CheckGroupChecked(); txtCode.Focus(); txtCode.Disabled = false; } else { txtCode.Disabled = true; txtRowID.Text = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_ServiceMode_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields() .Append("Option", "List") .Append("sm_STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) .Append("sm_CODE", txtCode.Text) .Append("isGetId", 1) }).GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); } div_bottom.Html = "<p class='success'>Status: Saved successful . </p>"; } else { div_bottom.Html = "<p class='error'>Status: Saved failed , please check the data ! </p>"; } DataBinder(); txtCode.Focus(); } }
/// <summary> /// btnSave 保存事件 /// </summary> #region btnSave_Click(object, EventArgs) Author:Micro (2011-08-27) protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strStat = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tblChkGroup.Items.Count(); ++i) { if (!tblChkGroup.Items[i].Checked) { strStat += tblChkGroup.Items[i].Tag.Trim() + ","; } } strStat = strStat.Length > 0 ? strStat.Substring(0, strStat.Length - 1) : strStat; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCode.Text.Trim())) { div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , code can't be empty! </p>"; txtCode.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtShort.Text.Trim())) { div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , short can't be empty! </p>"; txtShort.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDes.Text.Trim())) { div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , Description can't be empty! </p>"; txtDes.Focus(); return; } if (BaseCheckCode.Check("DOMESTICSTATUS", txtCode.Text.ToUpper().Trim(), "", txtRowID.Text) == "N") { txtCode.Focus(true); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed ,the code already exists! </p>"; //X.Msg.Alert("Information", "The code already exists!").Show(); return; } bool b = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_DomesticKid_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "AddModify") .Append("dk_Code", txtCode.Text.Trim()) .Append("dk_Description", txtDes.Text.Trim()) .Append("dk_Short", txtShort.Text.Trim()) .Append("dk_Active", ChbActive.Checked == true?1:0) .Append("dk_ROWID", txtRowID.Text.Trim()) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) .Append("statstr", strStat) }).Update(); if (b) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["control"])) { X.AddScript("window.parent.ChildCallBack(Request(\"control\"), $(\"#txtCode\").val());"); return; } if (i == 1) { CotrolsInitial(); txtCode.Disabled = false; CheckGroupChecked(); } else { txtCode.Disabled = true; txtRowID.Text = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_DomesticKid_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "List") .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) .Append("dk_Code", txtCode.Text.Trim()) .Append("isGetId", 1) }).GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); } //X.Msg.Alert("Status", " Saved successfully !!!", new JFunction { Fn = "TextFocus" }).Show(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class='success'>Status: Saved successful . </p>"; } else { //X.Msg.Alert("Status", " Save failed !!! ", new JFunction { Fn = "TextFocus" }).Show(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class='error'>Status: Saved failed , please check the data ! </p>"; } txtCode.Focus(true); DataBinder(); }
//protected void Binding(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) //{ // BindData(); //} protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { string strStat = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tblChkGroup.Items.Count(); ++i) { if (!tblChkGroup.Items[i].Checked) { strStat += tblChkGroup.Items[i].Tag.Trim() + ","; } } strStat = strStat.Length > 0 ? strStat.Substring(0, strStat.Length - 1) : strStat; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Code.Text)) { Code.Text = ""; Code.Focus(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , code can't be empty ! </p>"; //X.Msg.Alert("Status", "Code can't be null", "Code.focus();").Show(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Short.Text)) { //X.Msg.Alert("Status", "Short can't be null", "Code.focus();").Show(); Short.Text = ""; Short.Focus(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , short can't be empty ! </p>"; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEDI.Text)) { //X.Msg.Alert("Status", "Short can't be null", "Code.focus();").Show(); txtEDI.Text = ""; txtEDI.Focus(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , EDI can't be empty ! </p>"; return; } if (BaseCheckCode.Check("UNIT", Code.Text.ToUpper().Trim(), "", hidRowID.Text) == "N") { Code.Focus(true); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed ,the code already exists! </p>"; //X.Msg.Alert("Information", "The code already exists!").Show(); return; } bool bFlag = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_Unit_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "Update") .Append("User", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[0]) .Append("SYS", DBNull.Value) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) .Append("STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) .Append("Code", Code.Text.ToUpper().Trim()) .Append("EDI", txtEDI.Text.ToUpper().Trim()) .Append("Short", Short.Text.ToUpper().Trim()) .Append("Description", Description.Text.ToUpper().Trim()) .Append("Active", chkActive.Checked?"1":"0") .Append("ROWID", hidRowID.Text.Trim()) .Append("statstr", strStat) }).Update(); if (bFlag) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["control"])) { X.AddScript("window.parent.ChildCallBack(Request(\"control\"), Code.getValue().toUpperCase(),'');"); return; } if (i == 1) { Code.Text = ""; txtEDI.Text = ""; Short.Text = ""; Description.Text = ""; hidRowID.Text = "0"; chkActive.Checked = true; CheckGroupChecked(); Code.Disabled = false; Code.Focus(true); } else { Code.Disabled = true; Short.Focus(true); hidRowID.Text = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_Unit_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "List") .Append("STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) .Append("Code", Code.Text.Trim()) .Append("isGetId", 1) }).GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); } //X.Msg.Alert("Status", "saved successful", "Code.focus();").Show(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class='success'>Status: Saved successful . </p>"; } else { div_bottom.Html = "<p class='error'>Status: Saved failed , please check the data ! </p>"; } this.BindData(); Code.Focus(true); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { string strStat = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ChkGrpStat.Items.Count(); ++i) { if (!ChkGrpStat.Items[i].Checked) { strStat += ChkGrpStat.Items[i].Tag.Trim() + ","; } } strStat = strStat.Length > 0 ? strStat.Substring(0, strStat.Length - 1) : strStat; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Code.Text)) { this.Code.Text = ""; this.Code.Focus(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Error message, The code can't for empty . </p>"; //X.Msg.Alert("Status", "Code can't be null", "Code.focus();").Show(); return; } if (BaseCheckCode.Check("currency", Code.Text.Trim(), sys, hidRowID.Text) == "N" && hidRowID.Text == "0") { div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Error message, The code already exists. </p>"; return; } int f = 0, l = 0, b = 0; if (Checkforeign.Checked) { f = 1; b = 1; } if (chkLocal.Checked) { l = 1; b = 1; } DataSet ds = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_Currency_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "Update") .Append("User", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[0]) .Append("dept", dept) .Append("SYS", sys) .Append("STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) //.Append("statstr",string.IsNullOrEmpty(strStat)?FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]:strStat) .Append("statstr", strStat) .Append("Code", Code.Text.ToUpper()) .Append("Description", Description.Text.ToUpper()) .Append("Country", Country.Text) .Append("Rate", string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtRate.Text.Trim()) ? DBNull.Value : (object)txtRate.Text.Trim()) .Append("Sell", string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSell.Text.Trim()) ? DBNull.Value : (object)txtSell.Text.Trim()) .Append("Buy", string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBuy.Text.Trim()) ? DBNull.Value : (object)txtBuy.Text.Trim()) .Append("Active", chkActive.Checked?"1":"0") .Append("ROWID", hidRowID.Text) .Append("cur_BuildIn", b) .Append("cur_isForeign", f) .Append("cur_isLocal", l) }).GetList(); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { hidRowID.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); Code.Disabled = true; if (dept != "ACCOUNT") { txtBuy.Disabled = true; txtSell.Disabled = true; txtRate.Disabled = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["control"])) { X.AddScript("window.parent.ChildCallBack(Request(\"control\"), $(\"#Code\").val());"); return; } if (i == 1) { Code.Text = ""; Description.Text = ""; Country.Text = ""; txtRate.Clear(); txtSell.Clear(); txtBuy.Clear(); chkLocal.Checked = false; Checkforeign.Checked = true; hidRowID.Text = "0"; chkActive.Checked = true; Code.Disabled = false; CheckGroupClear(); txtBuy.Disabled = false; txtSell.Disabled = false; txtRate.Disabled = false; } div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"success\">Status : saved successful. </p>"; } else { div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Error message, saved failed. </p>"; } this.BindData(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { string strStat = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tblChkGroup.Items.Count(); ++i) { if (!tblChkGroup.Items[i].Checked) { strStat += tblChkGroup.Items[i].Tag.Trim() + ","; } } strStat = strStat.Length > 0 ? strStat.Substring(0, strStat.Length - 1) : strStat; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Code.Text)) { Code.Focus(true); div_bottom.Html = "<p class='error'>Status : The code can't be empty .</p>"; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name.Text)) { Name.Focus(true); div_bottom.Html = "<p class='error'>Status : The description can't be empty .</p>"; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Country.Text)) { Country.Focus(true); div_bottom.Html = "<p class='error'>Status : The country can't be empty .</p>"; return; } if (Code.Text.Trim().Length < 3) { Code.Focus(true); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : The Code length can not be less than 3 . </p>"; return; } if (BaseCheckCode.Check("location", Code.Text.ToUpper().Trim(), sys, hidRowID.Text) == "N") { Code.Focus(true); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed ,the code already exists! </p>"; return; } bool bFlag = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_Location_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "Update") .Append("User", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[0]) .Append("SYS", sys) .Append("STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) .Append("Code", Code.Text.ToUpper().Trim()) .Append("Name", Name.Text.Trim().ToUpper()) .Append("Country", Country.Value) .Append("City", City.Text.ToUpper().Trim()) .Append("Currency", Currency.Value) .Append("AirAgent", AirAgent.Value) .Append("OceanAgent", OceanAgent.Value) .Append("Active", chkActive.Checked?"1":"0") .Append("ROWID", hidRowID.Text) .Append("statstr", strStat) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) }).Update(); if (bFlag) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["control"])) { X.AddScript("window.parent.ChildCallBack(Request(\"control\"), $(\"#Code\").val());"); return; } if (i == 1) { Code.Text = ""; Name.Text = ""; Country.Text = ""; City.Text = ""; Currency.Text = ""; AirAgent.setValue(""); OceanAgent.setValue(""); hidRowID.Text = "0"; chkActive.Checked = true; Code.Disabled = false; Code.Focus(true); CheckGroupChecked(); } else { Code.Disabled = true; hidRowID.Text = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_Location_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "List") .Append("SYS", sys) .Append("code", Code.Text) .Append("STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28]) .Append("num", 1) }).GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); } div_bottom.Html = "<p class='success'>Status: Saved successful . </p>"; //next = true; this.BindData(); } else { // X.Msg.Alert("Status", "saved failed", "Code.focus();").Show(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class='error'>Status: Saved failed , please check the data ! </p>"; Code.Focus(); //next = false; } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strStat = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tblChkGroup.Items.Count(); ++i) { if (!tblChkGroup.Items[i].Checked) { strStat += tblChkGroup.Items[i].Tag.Trim() + ","; } } strStat = strStat.Length > 0 ? strStat.Substring(0, strStat.Length - 1) : strStat; if (txtCode.Text.Trim() == "") { //X.Msg.Alert("Information", "Code can't be empty!").Show(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , code can't be empty ! </p>"; txtCode.Focus(); } if (txtisocode.Text.Trim() == "") { //X.Msg.Alert("Information", "Code can't be empty!").Show(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , EDI Code can't be empty ! </p>"; txtisocode.Focus(); } else if (CmbGroup.SelectedItem.Value == null) { //X.Msg.Alert("Information", "Group can't be empty!").Show(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , group can't be empty ! </p>"; CmbGroup.Focus(); } else if (BaseCheckCode.Check("CONTAINER SIZE", txtCode.Text.ToUpper().Trim(), sys, txtRowID.Text) == "N") { txtCode.Focus(true); div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Saved failed , the code already exists ! </p>"; //X.Msg.Alert("Information", "The code already exists!").Show(); return; } else { string a = FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12].ToString(); DataFactory dal = new DataFactory(); bool b = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_ContainerSize_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "Update") .Append("ctnr_Code", txtCode.Text.Trim().ToUpper()) .Append("ctnr_EDI", txtisocode.Text.Trim().ToUpper()) .Append("ctnr_Description", txtDes.Text.Trim().ToUpper()) .Append("ctnr_ContainerType", CmbCalc.SelectedItem.Value) .Append("ctnr_Group", CmbGroup.SelectedItem.Value) .Append("ctnr_Length", string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLong.Text.Trim().ToUpper()) ? DBNull.Value : (object)txtLong.Text.Trim().ToUpper()) .Append("ctnr_Active", ChbActive.Checked?"1":"0") .Append("ctnr_STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) .Append("ctnr_User", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[0]) .Append("ctnr_ROWID", txtRowID.Text) .Append("statstr", strStat) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) }).Update(); if (b) { //X.Msg.Alert("status", " Saved successfully").Show(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["control"])) { X.AddScript("window.parent.ChildCallBack(Request(\"control\"), $(\"#txtCode\").val());"); return; } if (i == 1) { InitCotrol(); txtCode.Disabled = false; CheckGroupChecked(); } else { txtCode.Disabled = true; txtRowID.Text = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_BasicData_ContainerSize_SP", new List <IFields>() { dal.CreateIFields() .Append("Option", "List") .Append("ctnr_STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12]) .Append("dept", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[28].ToUpper()) .Append("ctnr_Code", txtCode.Text) .Append("isGetId", 1) }).GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); } //X.Msg.Alert("Status", " saved successful ! ").Show(); div_bottom.Html = "<p class='success'>Status: Saved successful . </p>"; } else { div_bottom.Html = "<p class='error'>Status: Saved failed , please check the data ! </p>"; //X.Msg.Alert("status", " Save failed ").Show(); } DataBinder(); txtCode.Focus(); } }