public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.Open: if (base.SPObject != null) { OpenActionResult oar = new OpenActionResult(); oar.Source = this.SPObject.ToString(); oar.Language = "csharp"; return(oar); } else { return(null); } case NodeActions.ExternalOpen: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Url)) { return(base.RootNode.NodeConnector.Endpoint + base.Url); } else { return(null); } default: return(null); } }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.Open: OpenActionResult oar = new OpenActionResult(); oar.Source = File.ReadAllText(this.Url); oar.Url = this.Url; var els = this.Url.Split('.'); oar.Language = els[els.Length - 1]; return(oar); case NodeActions.ExternalOpen: //for this we only need the path return(this.Url); //for plugins always return the real object case NodeActions.Plugin: if (_file != null) { return(_file); } else { return(null); } default: return(null); } }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { GithubConnector connector = (GithubConnector)this.RootNode.NodeConnector; switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.Open: OpenActionResult oar = new OpenActionResult(); oar.Source = connector.GetSource(this.Url); var els = this.Url.Split('.'); oar.Language = els[els.Length - 1]; return(oar); case NodeActions.Save: return(connector.GetSource(this.Url)); case NodeActions.Copy: if (actionItem.Name == "Copy link") { return(this._file.html_url); } else { return(null); } default: return(null); } }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { var realObj = GetRealSPObject(); Web realWeb = realObj as Web; realWeb.EnsureProperties(w => w.Url); switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.ExternalOpen: if (realObj != null) { return(realWeb.Url); } else { return(null); } case NodeActions.Copy: if (realObj != null && actionItem.Name == "Copy link") { string url = realWeb.Url; return(url); } else { return(null); } case NodeActions.Refresh: Site site = RootNode.SPObject as Site; Web web = site.OpenWeb(base.Url); web.Context.Load(web); web.Context.ExecuteQuery(); realObject = web; return(this); //for plugins always return the real object case NodeActions.Plugin: if (realObj != null) { return(realObj); } else { return(null); } default: return(null); } }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.ExternalOpen: return(this.Url); default: return(null); } }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { var realObj = GetRealSPObject(); switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.ExternalOpen: if (realObj != null) { Web objWeb = (Web)base.ParentNode.SPObject; List list = (List)realObj; list.EnsureProperties(l => l.DefaultView.ServerRelativeUrl); return(WebUtils.MakeAbsoluteUrl(objWeb, list.DefaultView.ServerRelativeUrl)); } else { return(null); } case NodeActions.Copy: if (realObj != null && actionItem.Name == "Copy link") { Web objWeb = (Web)base.ParentNode.SPObject; List list = (List)realObj; list.EnsureProperties(l => l.DefaultView.ServerRelativeUrl); return(WebUtils.MakeAbsoluteUrl(objWeb, list.DefaultView.ServerRelativeUrl)); } else { return(null); } //for plugins always return the real object case NodeActions.Plugin: if (realObj != null) { return(realObj); } else { return(null); } default: return(null); } }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { var realObj = GetRealSPObject(); switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.ExternalOpen: if (realObj != null) { SPWeb objWeb = (SPWeb)base.ParentNode.SPObject; string url = objWeb.Url.Replace(objWeb.ServerRelativeUrl, ((SPList)realObj).DefaultView.ServerRelativeUrl); return(url); } else { return(null); } case NodeActions.Copy: if (realObj != null && actionItem.Name == "Copy link") { SPWeb objWeb = (SPWeb)base.ParentNode.SPObject; string url = objWeb.Url.Replace(objWeb.ServerRelativeUrl, ((SPList)realObj).DefaultView.ServerRelativeUrl); return(url); } else { return(null); } //for plugins always return the real object case NodeActions.Plugin: if (realObj != null) { return(realObj); } else { return(null); } default: return(null); } }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.ExternalOpen: if (realObject != null) { return(((Site)realObject).Url); } else { return(null); } case NodeActions.Copy: if (realObject != null && actionItem.Name == "Copy link") { string url = ((Site)realObject).Url; return(url); } else { return(null); } case NodeActions.Refresh: //Site site = realObject; realObject.Context.Load(realObject); realObject.Context.ExecuteQuery(); return(this); case NodeActions.Close: //clean //this.NodeConnector. Clean(); return(this); default: return(null); } }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { var realObj = this.realObject; switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.ExternalOpen: if (realObj != null) { return(realObj.Context.Url); } else { return(null); } case NodeActions.Copy: if (realObj != null && actionItem.Name == "Copy link") { return(realObj.Context.Url); } else { return(null); } //for plugins always return the real object case NodeActions.Plugin: if (realObj != null) { return(realObj); } else { return(null); } default: return(null); } }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { var realObj = GetRealSPObject(); switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.ExternalOpen: if (realObj != null) { return(((SPWeb)realObj).Url); } else { return(null); } case NodeActions.Copy: if (realObj != null && actionItem.Name == "Copy link") { string url = ((SPWeb)realObj).Url; return(url); } else { return(null); } case NodeActions.Refresh: //check this SPSite site = RootNode.SPObject as SPSite; SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(base.Url); realObject = web; return(this); default: return(null); } }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.ExternalOpen: return(this._folder.html_url); case NodeActions.Copy: if (actionItem.Name == "Copy link") { return(this._folder.html_url); } else { return(null); } default: return(null); } }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.Open: if (base.SPObject != null) { HtmlNode node = (HtmlNode)base.SPObject; OpenActionResult oar = new OpenActionResult(); oar.Source = node.OuterHtml; oar.Language = "html"; return(oar); } else { return(null); } default: return(null); } }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { var realObj = this.SPObject; File thisFile = ((File)realObj); thisFile.EnsureProperties(f => f.ServerRelativeUrl); switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.ExternalOpen: if (realObj != null) { Web objWeb = (Web)base.ParentNode.SPObject; string url = objWeb.Url.Replace(objWeb.ServerRelativeUrl, thisFile.ServerRelativeUrl); return(url); } else { return(null); } case NodeActions.Copy: if (realObj != null && actionItem.Name == "Copy link") { if (base.ParentNode.SPObject is Folder) { // Parent is a folder Folder parentFolder = (Folder)base.ParentNode.SPObject; Web objWeb = parentFolder.ListItemAllFields.ParentList.ParentWeb; return(WebUtils.MakeAbsoluteUrl(objWeb, thisFile.ServerRelativeUrl)); } else if (base.ParentNode.SPObject is List) { // Parent list a list List parentList = (List)base.ParentNode.SPObject; ClientContext ctx = parentList.Context as ClientContext; File file = parentList.RootFolder.GetFile(this.Title); file.EnsureProperties(f => f.ServerRelativeUrl); return(WebUtils.MakeAbsoluteUrl(ctx.Web, file.ServerRelativeUrl)); } else { // Parent is a web Web objParent = (Web)base.ParentNode.SPObject; return(WebUtils.MakeAbsoluteUrl(objParent, thisFile.ServerRelativeUrl)); } } else { return(null); } //for plugins always return the real object case NodeActions.Plugin: if (realObj != null) { return(realObj); } else { return(null); } default: return(null); } }
public AbortRequestItem(Item innerItem) : base(innerItem) { _BaseActionItem = new BaseActionItem(innerItem); }
public virtual object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { return(null); }
public CustomResponseItem(Item innerItem) : base(innerItem) { _BaseActionItem = new BaseActionItem(innerItem); }
public override object ExecuteAction(BaseActionItem actionItem) { var realObj = GetRealSPObject(); switch (actionItem.Action) { case NodeActions.ExternalOpen: if (realObj != null) { Web objWeb = (Web)base.ParentNode.SPObject; return(WebUtils.MakeAbsoluteUrl(objWeb, ((Folder)realObj).ServerRelativeUrl)); } else { return(null); } case NodeActions.Copy: if (realObj != null && actionItem.Name == "Copy link") { Folder thisfolder = (Folder)realObj; thisfolder.EnsureProperties(f => f.ServerRelativeUrl); if (base.ParentNode.SPObject is List) { // Parent is a List List objList = (List)base.ParentNode.SPObject; Web parentWeb = objList.ParentWeb; return(WebUtils.MakeAbsoluteUrl(parentWeb, thisfolder.ServerRelativeUrl)); } else if (base.ParentNode.SPObject is Web) { // Parent is a web Web objParent = (Web)base.ParentNode.SPObject; return(WebUtils.MakeAbsoluteUrl(objParent, thisfolder.ServerRelativeUrl)); } else { // Parent is a folder Folder parentFolder = (Folder)base.ParentNode.SPObject; Web objWeb = parentFolder.ListItemAllFields.ParentList.ParentWeb; return(WebUtils.MakeAbsoluteUrl(objWeb, thisfolder.ServerRelativeUrl)); } } else { return(null); } //for plugins always return the real object case NodeActions.Plugin: if (realObj != null) { return(realObj); } else { return(null); } default: return(null); } }