public void FromBase32StringInvalidArgs() { Assert.That(() => Base32Encoding.FromBase32String("A"), Throws.TypeOf <FormatException>().And.Property("Message").EqualTo("The input is not a valid Base32 string.")); Assert.That(() => Base32Encoding.FromBase32String("??"), Throws.TypeOf <FormatException>().And.Property("Message").EqualTo("The input is not a valid Base32 string. The character '?' does not exist in the Base32 alphabet.")); }
public void FromBase32StringTest(string input, byte[] output) { var bytes = Base32Encoding.FromBase32String(input); if (input == null) { Assert.IsNull(bytes, "The decoded array should be null"); } else { Assert.That(bytes, Is.EquivalentTo(output), "The decoded arrays strings do not match"); } }