protected override RuleOutcome EvaluateRule(VoatRuleContext context)
            string content = context.PropertyBag.CommentContent;

            //Check banned domains in submission content
            var containsBannedDomain = BanningUtility.ContentContainsBannedDomain(context.Subverse.Name, content);

            if (containsBannedDomain)
                return(CreateOutcome(RuleResult.Denied, "Comment contains banned domains"));

예제 #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> EditComment([Bind(Include = "ID, Content")] Comment commentModel)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var existingComment = _db.Comments.Find(commentModel.ID);

                if (existingComment != null)
                    if (existingComment.UserName.Trim() == User.Identity.Name && !existingComment.IsDeleted)
                        bool containsBannedDomain = BanningUtility.ContentContainsBannedDomain(existingComment.Submission.Subverse, commentModel.Content);
                        if (containsBannedDomain)
                            return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Comment contains links to banned domain(s)."));

                        existingComment.LastEditDate = DateTime.Now;
                        existingComment.Content      = commentModel.Content;

                        if (ContentProcessor.Instance.HasStage(ProcessingStage.InboundPreSave))
                            existingComment.Content = ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(existingComment.Content, ProcessingStage.InboundPreSave, existingComment);

                        //save fully formatted content
                        var formattedComment = Formatting.FormatMessage(existingComment.Content);
                        existingComment.FormattedContent = formattedComment;

                        await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                        if (ContentProcessor.Instance.HasStage(ProcessingStage.InboundPostSave))
                            ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(existingComment.Content, ProcessingStage.InboundPostSave, existingComment);

                        //return the formatted comment so that it can replace the existing html comment which just got modified
                        return(Json(new { response = formattedComment }));
                    return(Json("Unauthorized edit.", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            return(Json("Unauthorized edit or comment not found - comment ID was.", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #3
        protected override RuleOutcome EvaluateRule(VoatRuleContext context)
            ChatMessage message     = context.PropertyBag.ChatMessage;
            var         currentDate = Data.Repository.CurrentDate;

            if (message == null)
                return(CreateOutcome(RuleResult.Denied, "Rule needs chat message contexarstt"));

            if (BanningUtility.ContentContainsBannedDomain(null, message.Message))
                return(CreateOutcome(RuleResult.Denied, "Content contains banned domain"));

            var history      = ChatHistory.History(message.RoomID);
            var historyArray = history.ToArray();

            //Copy Pasta
            //check full history
            var duplicateFound = false;
            //duplicateFound = historyArray.Any(x => x.UserName == message.UserName && x.Message.IsEqual(message.Message.TrimSafe()));

            var lastMessage = historyArray.LastOrDefault(x => x.User.UserName == message.User.UserName);

            if (lastMessage != null)
                duplicateFound = lastMessage.Message.IsEqual(message.Message.TrimSafe());

            if (duplicateFound)
                return(CreateOutcome(RuleResult.Denied, "Chat message considered copy/paste spam"));

            var countInWindow = historyArray.Count(x => x.User.UserName == message.User.UserName && currentDate.Subtract(x.CreationDate) <= _timeSpanWindow);

            if (countInWindow >= _count)
                return(CreateOutcome(RuleResult.Denied, "Chat message considered spamming by user"));

예제 #4
        protected override RuleOutcome EvaluateRule(VoatRuleContext context)
            UserSubmission submission = context.PropertyBag.UserSubmission;

            //Check banned domains in submission content
            var containsBannedDomain = false;

            switch (submission.Type)
            case SubmissionType.Link:
                containsBannedDomain = BanningUtility.ContentContainsBannedDomain(context.Subverse.Name, $"{submission.Title} {submission.Url}");

            case SubmissionType.Text:
                containsBannedDomain = BanningUtility.ContentContainsBannedDomain(context.Subverse.Name, $"{submission.Title} {submission.Content}");
            if (containsBannedDomain)
                return(CreateOutcome(RuleResult.Denied, "Submission contains banned domains"));

예제 #5
        public ActionResult Submit([Bind(Include = "Id,Votes,Name,Date,Type,Linkdescription,Title,Rank,MessageContent,Subverse")] Message message)
            // abort if model state is invalid
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // save temp values for the view in case submission fails
            ViewBag.selectedSubverse = message.Subverse;
            ViewBag.message          = message.MessageContent;
            ViewBag.title            = message.Title;
            ViewBag.linkDescription  = message.Linkdescription;

            // check if user is banned
            if (Utils.User.IsUserGloballyBanned(message.Name) || Utils.User.IsUserBannedFromSubverse(User.Identity.Name, message.Subverse))
                ViewBag.SelectedSubverse = message.Subverse;
                return(View("~/Views/Home/Comments.cshtml", message));

            // check if user has reached hourly posting quota for target subverse
            if (Utils.User.UserHourlyPostingQuotaForSubUsed(User.Identity.Name, message.Subverse))
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "You have reached your hourly submission quota for this subverse.");

            // check if user has reached daily posting quota for target subverse
            if (Utils.User.UserDailyPostingQuotaForSubUsed(User.Identity.Name, message.Subverse))
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "You have reached your daily submission quota for this subverse.");

            // verify recaptcha if user has less than 25 CCP
            var userCcp = Karma.CommentKarma(User.Identity.Name);

            if (userCcp < 25)
                string encodedResponse    = Request.Form["g-Recaptcha-Response"];
                bool   isCaptchaCodeValid = (ReCaptchaUtility.Validate(encodedResponse) == "True" ? true : false);

                if (!isCaptchaCodeValid)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Incorrect recaptcha answer.");

                    // TODO
                    // SET PREVENT SPAM DELAY TO 0


            // if user CCP or SCP is less than -50, allow only X submissions per 24 hours
            var userScp = Karma.LinkKarma(User.Identity.Name);

            if (userCcp <= -50 || userScp <= -50)
                var quotaUsed = Utils.User.UserDailyPostingQuotaForNegativeScoreUsed(User.Identity.Name);
                if (quotaUsed)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "You have reached your daily submission quota. Your current quota is " + Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dailyPostingQuotaForNegativeScore"]) + " submission(s) per 24 hours.");

            // abort if model state is invalid
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // check if subverse exists
            var targetSubverse = _db.Subverses.Find(message.Subverse.Trim());

            if (targetSubverse == null || message.Subverse.Equals("all", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, The subverse you are trying to post to does not exist.");

            // check if subverse has "authorized_submitters_only" set and dissalow submission if user is not allowed submitter
            if (targetSubverse.authorized_submitters_only)
                if (!Utils.User.IsUserSubverseModerator(User.Identity.Name,
                    // user is not a moderator, check if user is an administrator
                    if (!Utils.User.IsUserSubverseAdmin(User.Identity.Name,
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "You are not authorized to submit links or start discussions in this subverse. Please contact subverse moderators for authorization.");

            // everything was okay, process incoming submission

            // submission is a link post
            // generate a thumbnail if submission is a direct link to image or video
            if (message.Type == 2 && message.MessageContent != null && message.Linkdescription != null)
                // strip unicode if title contains unicode
                if (Submissions.ContainsUnicode(message.Linkdescription))
                    message.Linkdescription = Submissions.StripUnicode(message.Linkdescription);
                // abort if title less than 10 characters
                if (message.Linkdescription.Length < 10)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, the title may not be less than 10 characters.");

                var domain = UrlUtility.GetDomainFromUri(message.MessageContent);

                // check if target subvere allows submissions from globally banned hostnames
                if (!targetSubverse.exclude_sitewide_bans)
                    // check if hostname is banned before accepting submission
                    if (BanningUtility.IsHostnameBanned(domain))
                        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, the hostname you are trying to submit is banned.");

                // check if same link was submitted before and deny submission
                var existingSubmission = _db.Messages.FirstOrDefault(s => s.MessageContent.Equals(message.MessageContent, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && s.Subverse.Equals(message.Subverse, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                // submission is a repost, discard it and inform the user
                if (existingSubmission != null)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, this link has already been submitted by someone else.");

                    // todo: offer the option to repost after informing the user about it
                        controller = "Comment",
                        action = "Comments",
                        id = existingSubmission.Id,
                        subversetoshow = existingSubmission.Subverse

                // check if user has reached daily crossposting quota
                if (Utils.User.DailyCrossPostingQuotaUsed(User.Identity.Name, message.MessageContent))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "You have reached your daily crossposting quota for this URL.");

                // check if target subverse has thumbnails setting enabled before generating a thumbnail
                if (targetSubverse.enable_thumbnails)
                    // try to generate and assign a thumbnail to submission model
                    message.Thumbnail = ThumbGenerator.ThumbnailFromSubmissionModel(message);

                // flag the submission as anonymized if it was submitted to a subverse with active anonymized_mode
                if (targetSubverse.anonymized_mode)
                    message.Anonymized = true;
                    message.Name = User.Identity.Name;

                // accept submission and save it to the database
                message.Subverse =;

                // grab server timestamp and modify submission timestamp to have posting time instead of "started writing submission" time
                message.Date  = DateTime.Now;
                message.Likes = 1;

                // update last submission received date for target subverse
                targetSubverse.last_submission_received = DateTime.Now;
            else if (message.Type == 1 && message.Title != null)
                // submission is a self post

                // strip unicode if message contains unicode
                if (Submissions.ContainsUnicode(message.Title))
                    message.Title = Submissions.StripUnicode(message.Title);
                // abort if title less than 10 characters
                if (message.Title.Length < 10)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, the the message title may not be less than 10 characters.");

                // accept submission and save it to the database
                // trim trailing blanks from subverse name if a user mistakenly types them
                message.Subverse =;

                // flag the submission as anonymized if it was submitted to a subverse with active anonymized_mode
                if (targetSubverse.anonymized_mode)
                    message.Anonymized = true;
                    message.Name = User.Identity.Name;
                // grab server timestamp and modify submission timestamp to have posting time instead of "started writing submission" time
                message.Date  = DateTime.Now;
                message.Likes = 1;
                // update last submission received date for target subverse
                targetSubverse.last_submission_received = DateTime.Now;

                if (ContentProcessor.Instance.HasStage(ProcessingStage.InboundPreSave))
                    message.MessageContent = ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(message.MessageContent, ProcessingStage.InboundPreSave, message);


                if (ContentProcessor.Instance.HasStage(ProcessingStage.InboundPostSave))
                    ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(message.MessageContent, ProcessingStage.InboundPostSave, message);

                controller = "Comment",
                action = "Comments",
                id = message.Id,
                subversetoshow = message.Subverse
예제 #6
        public async Task <ActionResult> Submit([Bind(Include = "Id,Votes,Name,Date,Type,Linkdescription,Title,Rank,MessageContent,Subverse")] Message message)
            // check if user is banned
            if (Utils.User.IsUserBanned(message.Name))
                ViewBag.SelectedSubverse = message.Subverse;
                return(View("~/Views/Home/Comments.cshtml", message));

            // verify recaptcha if user has less than 25 CCP
            if (Karma.CommentKarma(User.Identity.Name) < 25)
                const string captchaMessage     = "";
                var          isCaptchaCodeValid = ReCaptchaUtility.GetCaptchaResponse(captchaMessage, Request);

                if (!isCaptchaCodeValid)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Incorrect recaptcha answer.");

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // check if subverse exists
            var targetSubverse = _db.Subverses.Find(message.Subverse.Trim());

            if (targetSubverse != null && !message.Subverse.Equals("all", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // check if subverse has "authorized_submitters_only" set and dissalow submission if user is not allowed submitter
                if (targetSubverse.authorized_submitters_only)
                    if (!Utils.User.IsUserSubverseModerator(User.Identity.Name,
                        // user is not a moderator, check if user is an administrator
                        if (!Utils.User.IsUserSubverseAdmin(User.Identity.Name,
                            ModelState.AddModelError("", "You are not authorized to submit links or start discussions in this subverse. Please contact subverse moderators for authorization.");

                // submission is a link post
                // generate a thumbnail if submission is a direct link to image or video
                if (message.Type == 2 && message.MessageContent != null && message.Linkdescription != null)
                    var domain = UrlUtility.GetDomainFromUri(message.MessageContent);

                    // check if hostname is banned before accepting submission
                    if (BanningUtility.IsHostnameBanned(domain))
                        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, the hostname you are trying to submit is banned.");

                    // check if same link was submitted before and deny submission
                    var existingSubmission = _db.Messages.FirstOrDefault(s => s.MessageContent.Equals(message.MessageContent, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && s.Subverse == message.Subverse);

                    // submission is a repost, discard it and inform the user
                    if (existingSubmission != null)
                        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, this link has already been submitted by someone else.");

                        // todo: offer the option to repost after informing the user about it
                            controller = "Comment",
                            action = "Comments",
                            id = existingSubmission.Id,
                            subversetoshow = existingSubmission.Subverse

                    // check if target subverse has thumbnails setting enabled before generating a thumbnail
                    if (targetSubverse.enable_thumbnails)
                        // try to generate and assign a thumbnail to submission model
                        message.Thumbnail = ThumbGenerator.ThumbnailFromSubmissionModel(message);

                    // flag the submission as anonymized if it was submitted to a subverse with active anonymized_mode
                    if (targetSubverse.anonymized_mode)
                        message.Anonymized = true;
                        message.Name = User.Identity.Name;

                    // accept submission and save it to the database
                    message.Subverse =;
                    // grab server timestamp and modify submission timestamp to have posting time instead of "started writing submission" time
                    message.Date  = DateTime.Now;
                    message.Likes = 1;

                    // update last submission received date for target subverse
                    targetSubverse.last_submission_received = DateTime.Now;
                    await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
                else if (message.Type == 1 && message.Title != null)
                    // submission is a self post
                    // accept submission and save it to the database
                    // trim trailing blanks from subverse name if a user mistakenly types them
                    message.Subverse =;
                    // flag the submission as anonymized if it was submitted to a subverse with active anonymized_mode
                    if (targetSubverse.anonymized_mode)
                        message.Anonymized = true;
                        message.Name = User.Identity.Name;
                    // grab server timestamp and modify submission timestamp to have posting time instead of "started writing submission" time
                    message.Date  = DateTime.Now;
                    message.Likes = 1;
                    // update last submission received date for target subverse
                    targetSubverse.last_submission_received = DateTime.Now;

                    if (ContentProcessor.Instance.HasStage(ProcessingStage.InboundPreSave))
                        message.MessageContent = ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(message.MessageContent, ProcessingStage.InboundPreSave, message);

                    await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                    if (ContentProcessor.Instance.HasStage(ProcessingStage.InboundPostSave))
                        ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(message.MessageContent, ProcessingStage.InboundPostSave, message);

                    controller = "Comment",
                    action = "Comments",
                    id = message.Id,
                    subversetoshow = message.Subverse
            ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, The subverse you are trying to post to does not exist.");
        public async Task <ActionResult> Update(SubverseSettingsViewModel updatedModel)
                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    return(View("~/Views/Subverses/Admin/SubverseSettings.cshtml", updatedModel));
                var existingSubverse = _db.Subverse.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == updatedModel.Name.ToUpper());

                // check if subverse exists before attempting to edit it
                if (existingSubverse != null)

                    // check if user requesting edit is authorized to do so for current subverse
                    if (!ModeratorPermission.HasPermission(User, updatedModel.Name, Domain.Models.ModeratorAction.ModifySettings))
                        return(new EmptyResult());
                    //check description for banned domains
                    if (BanningUtility.ContentContainsBannedDomain(existingSubverse.Name, updatedModel.Description))
                        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, description text contains banned domains.");
                        return(View("~/Views/Subverses/Admin/SubverseSettings.cshtml", updatedModel));
                    //check sidebar for banned domains
                    if (BanningUtility.ContentContainsBannedDomain(existingSubverse.Name, updatedModel.SideBar))
                        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, sidebar text contains banned domains.");
                        return(View("~/Views/Subverses/Admin/SubverseSettings.cshtml", updatedModel));

                    // TODO investigate if EntityState is applicable here and use that instead
                    // db.Entry(updatedModel).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    existingSubverse.Title       = updatedModel.Title;
                    existingSubverse.Description = updatedModel.Description;
                    existingSubverse.SideBar     = updatedModel.SideBar;

                    //if (updatedModel.Stylesheet != null)
                    //    if (updatedModel.Stylesheet.Length < 50001)
                    //    {
                    //        existingSubverse.Stylesheet = updatedModel.Stylesheet;
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, custom CSS limit is set to 50000 characters.");
                    //        return View("~/Views/Subverses/Admin/SubverseSettings.cshtml", updatedModel);
                    //    }
                    //    existingSubverse.Stylesheet = updatedModel.Stylesheet;

                    existingSubverse.IsAdult = updatedModel.IsAdult;

                    existingSubverse.IsThumbnailEnabled  = updatedModel.IsThumbnailEnabled;
                    existingSubverse.IsAuthorizedOnly    = updatedModel.IsAuthorizedOnly;
                    existingSubverse.ExcludeSitewideBans = updatedModel.ExcludeSitewideBans;

                    //Only update if time lock has expired
                    if (existingSubverse.LastUpdateDate == null || (Repository.CurrentDate.Subtract(existingSubverse.LastUpdateDate.Value) > TimeSpan.FromHours(VoatSettings.Instance.SubverseUpdateTimeLockInHours)))
                        existingSubverse.MinCCPForDownvote = updatedModel.MinCCPForDownvote;
                        existingSubverse.IsPrivate         = updatedModel.IsPrivate;

                    // these properties are currently not implemented but they can be saved and edited for future use
                    //existingSubverse.Type = updatedModel.Type;
                    //existingSubverse.SubmitLinkLabel = updatedModel.SubmitLinkLabel;
                    //existingSubverse.SubmitPostLabel = updatedModel.SubmitPostLabel;
                    //existingSubverse.SubmissionText = updatedModel.SubmissionText;
                    //existingSubverse.IsDefaultAllowed = updatedModel.IsDefaultAllowed;

                    //if (existingSubverse.IsAnonymized == true && updatedModel.IsAnonymized == false)
                    //    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, this subverse is permanently locked to anonymized mode.");
                    //    return View("~/Views/Subverses/Admin/SubverseSettings.cshtml", updatedModel);

                    // only subverse owners should be able to convert a sub to anonymized mode
                    if (ModeratorPermission.IsLevel(User, updatedModel.Name, Domain.Models.ModeratorLevel.Owner))
                        existingSubverse.IsAnonymized = updatedModel.IsAnonymized;

                    existingSubverse.LastUpdateDate = Repository.CurrentDate;
                    await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                    //purge new minified CSS

                    //purge subvere

                    // go back to this subverse
                    return(RedirectToRoute(Models.ROUTE_NAMES.SUBVERSE_INDEX, new { subverse = updatedModel.Name }));

                    // user was not authorized to commit the changes, drop attempt
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, The subverse you are trying to edit does not exist.");
                return(View("~/Views/Subverses/Admin/SubverseSettings.cshtml", updatedModel));
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Something bad happened.");
                return(View("~/Views/Subverses/Admin/SubverseSettings.cshtml", updatedModel));
예제 #8
        public async Task <ActionResult> SubmitComment([Bind(Include = "ID, Content, SubmissionID, ParentID")] Comment commentModel)
            commentModel.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
            commentModel.UserName     = User.Identity.Name;
            commentModel.Votes        = 0;
            commentModel.UpCount      = 0;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // flag the comment as anonymized if it was submitted to a sub which has active anonymized_mode
                var submission = DataCache.Submission.Retrieve(commentModel.SubmissionID.Value);
                var subverse   = DataCache.Subverse.Retrieve(submission.Subverse);
                commentModel.IsAnonymized = submission.IsAnonymized || subverse.IsAnonymized;

                // if user CCP is < 50, allow only X comment submissions per 24 hours
                var userCcp = Karma.CommentKarma(User.Identity.Name);
                if (userCcp <= -50)
                    var quotaUsed = UserHelper.UserDailyCommentPostingQuotaForNegativeScoreUsed(User.Identity.Name);
                    if (quotaUsed)
                        return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "You have reached your daily comment quota. Your current quota is " + Settings.DailyCommentPostingQuotaForNegativeScore.ToString() + " comment(s) per 24 hours."));
                        //ModelState.AddModelError("", "You have reached your daily comment quota. Your current quota is " + Settings.DailyCommentPostingQuotaForNegativeScore + " comment(s) per 24 hours.");
                        //return View();

                // check if author is banned, don't save the comment or send notifications if true
                if (!UserHelper.IsUserGloballyBanned(User.Identity.Name) && !UserHelper.IsUserBannedFromSubverse(User.Identity.Name, submission.Subverse))
                    bool containsBannedDomain = BanningUtility.ContentContainsBannedDomain(subverse.Name, commentModel.Content);
                    if (containsBannedDomain)
                        return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Comment contains links to banned domain(s)."));

                    if (ContentProcessor.Instance.HasStage(ProcessingStage.InboundPreSave))
                        commentModel.Content = ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(commentModel.Content, ProcessingStage.InboundPreSave, commentModel);

                    //save fully formatted content
                    var formattedComment = Formatting.FormatMessage(commentModel.Content);
                    commentModel.FormattedContent = formattedComment;


                    await _db.SaveChangesAsync();


                    if (ContentProcessor.Instance.HasStage(ProcessingStage.InboundPostSave))
                        ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(commentModel.Content, ProcessingStage.InboundPostSave, commentModel);

                    // send comment reply notification to parent comment author if the comment is not a new root comment
                    await NotificationManager.SendCommentNotification(commentModel,
                                                                      new Action <string>(recipient => {
                        //get count of unread notifications
                        int unreadNotifications = UserHelper.UnreadTotalNotificationsCount(recipient);
                        // send SignalR realtime notification to recipient
                        var hubContext = Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <MessagingHub>();
                if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    var comment = commentModel;

                    ViewBag.CommentId   = comment.ID;               //why?
                    ViewBag.rootComment = comment.ParentID == null; //why?

                    if (submission.IsAnonymized || subverse.IsAnonymized)
                        comment.UserName = comment.ID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    var model = new CommentBucketViewModel(comment);

                    return(PartialView("~/Views/Shared/Submissions/_SubmissionComment.cshtml", model));
                    //return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK);
                if (Request.UrlReferrer != null)
                    var url = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath;
            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Sorry, you are either banned from this sub or doing that too fast. Please try again in 2 minutes.");
예제 #9
        public async Task <ActionResult> Submit([Bind(Include = "ID,Votes,Name,CreationDate,Type,LinkDescription,Title,Rank,Content,Subverse")] Submission submission)
            // abort if model state is invalid
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // save temp values for the view in case submission fails
            ViewBag.selectedSubverse = submission.Subverse;
            ViewBag.message          = submission.Content;
            ViewBag.title            = submission.Title;
            ViewBag.linkDescription  = submission.LinkDescription;

            // grab server timestamp and modify submission timestamp to have posting time instead of "started writing submission" time
            submission.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;

            // check if user is banned
            if (UserHelper.IsUserGloballyBanned(User.Identity.Name) || UserHelper.IsUserBannedFromSubverse(User.Identity.Name, submission.Subverse))
                ViewBag.SelectedSubverse = submission.Subverse;
                return(View("~/Views/Home/Comments.cshtml", submission));
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(submission.Subverse))
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Please enter a subverse.");
            // check if subverse exists
            var targetSubverse = _db.Subverses.Find(submission.Subverse.Trim());

            if (targetSubverse == null || submission.Subverse.Equals("all", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, The subverse you are trying to post to does not exist.");

            //wrap captcha check in anon method as following method is in non UI dll
            var captchaCheck = new Func <HttpRequestBase, Task <bool> >(request => {

            // check if this submission is valid and good to go
            var preProcessCheckResult = await Submissions.PreAddSubmissionCheck(submission, Request, User.Identity.Name, targetSubverse, captchaCheck);

            if (preProcessCheckResult != null)
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, preProcessCheckResult);

            // submission is a link post
            if (submission.Type == 2 && submission.Content != null && submission.LinkDescription != null)
                // check if same link was submitted before and deny submission
                var existingSubmission = _db.Submissions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Content.Equals(submission.Content, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && s.Subverse.Equals(submission.Subverse, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                // submission is a repost, discard it and inform the user
                if (existingSubmission != null)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, this link has already been submitted by someone else.");

                    // todo: offer the option to repost after informing the user about it
                        controller = "Comment",
                        action = "Comments",
                        id = existingSubmission.ID,
                        subversetoshow = existingSubmission.Subverse

                // process new link submission
                var addLinkSubmissionResult = await Submissions.AddNewSubmission(submission, targetSubverse, User.Identity.Name);

                if (addLinkSubmissionResult != null)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, addLinkSubmissionResult);
                // update last submission received date for target subverse
                targetSubverse.LastSubmissionDate = DateTime.Now;
                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
            // submission is a message type submission
            else if (submission.Type == 1 && submission.Title != null)
                var containsBannedDomain = BanningUtility.ContentContainsBannedDomain(targetSubverse.Name, submission.Content);
                if (containsBannedDomain)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, this post contains links to banned domains.");

                // process new message type submission
                var addMessageSubmissionResult = await Submissions.AddNewSubmission(submission, targetSubverse, User.Identity.Name);

                if (addMessageSubmissionResult != null)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, addMessageSubmissionResult);
                // update last submission received date for target subverse
                targetSubverse.LastSubmissionDate = DateTime.Now;
                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            // redirect to comments section of newly posted submission
                controller = "Comment",
                action = "Comments",
                id = submission.ID,
                subversetoshow = submission.Subverse