예제 #1
파일: MainForm.cs 프로젝트: Y2JB/Bittorrent
    }    // END CoreProcessEventProcessor

    private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        mBandwidthGraph = new BandwidthGraph(mZedGraphControl);

         * // Column sorter...
         * ColumnHeader columnheader;		// Used for creating column headers.
         * ListViewItem listviewitem;		// Used for creating listview items.
         * // Ensure that the view is set to show details.
         * //mListView.View = View.Details;
         * // Create some listview items consisting of first and last names.
         * listviewitem = new ListViewItem("John");
         * listviewitem.SubItems.Add("Smith");
         * this.mListView.Items.Add(listviewitem);
         * listviewitem = new ListViewItem("Bob");
         * listviewitem.SubItems.Add("Taylor");
         * this.mListView.Items.Add(listviewitem);
         * listviewitem = new ListViewItem("Kim");
         * listviewitem.SubItems.Add("Zimmerman");
         * this.mListView.Items.Add(listviewitem);
         * listviewitem = new ListViewItem("Olivia");
         * listviewitem.SubItems.Add("Johnson");
         * this.mListView.Items.Add(listviewitem);
         * // Create some column headers for the data.
         * columnheader = new ColumnHeader();
         * columnheader.Text = "First Name";
         * this.mListView.Columns.Add(columnheader);
         * columnheader = new ColumnHeader();
         * columnheader.Text = "Last Name";
         * this.mListView.Columns.Add(columnheader);
         * // Loop through and size each column header to fit the column header text.
         * foreach (ColumnHeader ch in this.mListView.Columns)
         * {
         *      ch.Width = -2;
         * }
    }    // END MainForm_Load
예제 #2
        private void RefreshGraph()

            if (Cores.Count == 0)

            // get all core averages
            float netAvg = 0;

            foreach (CoreItem item in CoresList.Items)
                float coreAvg = 0;

                coreAvg += item.Core.Network.UdpControl.Bandwidth.InOutAvg(AverageSeconds);

                foreach (TcpConnect tcp in item.Core.Network.TcpControl.SocketList)
                    coreAvg += tcp.Bandwidth.InOutAvg(AverageSeconds);

                item.SubItems[1].Text = AvgFormat(coreAvg);

                netAvg += coreAvg;

            CoresLabel.Text = "Cores: " + AvgFormat(netAvg);

            // get selected core averages
            double[] inBytes  = new double[RecordSeconds];
            double[] outBytes = new double[RecordSeconds];

            float tcpAvg  = 0;
            float udpAvg  = 0;
            float rudpAvg = 0;

            foreach (ServiceItem service in ServiceList.Items)
                service.BandwidthAverage = 0;

            foreach (CoreItem item in CoresList.SelectedItems)
                if (item.Core.RecordBandwidthSeconds != RecordSeconds)

                // averages summed
                udpAvg += item.Core.Network.UdpControl.Bandwidth.InOutAvg(AverageSeconds);

                foreach (TcpConnect tcp in item.Core.Network.TcpControl.SocketList)
                    tcpAvg += tcp.Bandwidth.InOutAvg(AverageSeconds);

                foreach (RudpSession session in item.Core.Network.RudpControl.SessionMap.Values)
                    rudpAvg += session.Comm.Bandwidth.InOutAvg(AverageSeconds);

                foreach (ServiceItem service in ServiceList.Items)
                    if (item.Core.ServiceBandwidth.ContainsKey(service.ID))
                        service.BandwidthAverage += item.Core.ServiceBandwidth[service.ID].InOutAvg(AverageSeconds);

                // graphs
                if (TransportRadio.Checked)
                    if (UdpBox.Checked)
                        AddtoArrays(inBytes, outBytes, item.Core.Network.UdpControl.Bandwidth);

                    if (TcpBox.Checked)
                        foreach (TcpConnect tcp in item.Core.Network.TcpControl.SocketList)
                            AddtoArrays(inBytes, outBytes, tcp.Bandwidth);

                else if (RudpRadio.Checked)
                    foreach (RudpSession session in item.Core.Network.RudpControl.SessionMap.Values)
                        AddtoArrays(inBytes, outBytes, session.Comm.Bandwidth);

                else if (ServiceRadio.Checked)
                    foreach (ServiceItem selected in ServiceList.SelectedItems)
                        if (item.Core.ServiceBandwidth.ContainsKey(selected.ID))
                            AddtoArrays(inBytes, outBytes, item.Core.ServiceBandwidth[selected.ID]);

            float transAvg = tcpAvg + udpAvg;

            TransportRadio.Text = "Transport: " + AvgFormat(transAvg);
            TcpBox.Text         = "TCP: " + AvgFormat(tcpAvg);
            UdpBox.Text         = "UDP: " + AvgFormat(udpAvg);
            RudpRadio.Text      = "RUDP: " + AvgFormat(rudpAvg);

            float serviceAvg = 0;

            foreach (ServiceItem service in ServiceList.Items)
                service.SubItems[1].Text = AvgFormat(service.BandwidthAverage);
                serviceAvg += service.BandwidthAverage;

            ServiceRadio.Text = "Services: " + AvgFormat(serviceAvg);

            // title
            string title = "Bandwidth of " + CoresList.SelectedItems.Count + " Cores: ";

            if (TransportRadio.Checked)
                if (TcpBox.Checked)
                    title += "TCP ";
                if (UdpBox.Checked)
                    title += "UDP ";

            if (RudpRadio.Checked)
                title += "RUDP ";

            if (ServiceRadio.Checked)
                title += "Selected Services";

            BandwidthGraph.GraphPane.Title.Text = title;

            // older old to new

            double[] xAxis = new double[RecordSeconds];
            for (int i = 0; i < RecordSeconds; i++)
                xAxis[i] = -1 * i;

            PointPairList inPoints  = new PointPairList(xAxis, inBytes);
            PointPairList outPoints = new PointPairList(xAxis, outBytes);

            BandwidthGraph.GraphPane.AddCurve("In", inPoints, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);
            BandwidthGraph.GraphPane.AddCurve("Out", outPoints, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);

            BandwidthGraph.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = 1 - RecordSeconds;
            BandwidthGraph.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 0;

            BandwidthGraph.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = 0;
            BandwidthGraph.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale.Max = Math.Max(GetMaxAxis(inBytes), GetMaxAxis(outBytes));
