public static Task <string> GetFirmwareVersionTaskAsync(this BandClient client)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <string> ();

        public NotificationsPage(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient, BandTile tile)
            : base(info, bandClient)

            ViewModel = new NotificationsViewModel(info, bandClient, tile);
		async partial void ConnectToBandClick (UIButton sender)
			if (client == null) {
				// get the client
				client = manager.AttachedClients.FirstOrDefault ();

				if (client == null) {
					Output ("Failed! No Bands attached.");
				} else {

					// attach event handlers
					client.ButtonPressed += (_, e) => {
						Output (string.Format ("Button {0} Pressed: {1}", e.TileButtonEvent.ElementId, e.TileButtonEvent.TileName));
					client.TileOpened += (_, e) => {
						Output (string.Format ("Tile Opened: {0}", e.TileEvent.TileName));
					client.TileClosed += (_, e) => {
						Output (string.Format ("Tile Closed: {0}", e.TileEvent.TileName));

					try {
						Output ("Please wait. Connecting to Band...");
						await manager.ConnectTaskAsync (client);
					} catch (BandException ex) {
						Output ("Failed to connect to Band:");
						Output (ex.Message);
			} else {
				Output ("Please wait. Disconnecting from Band...");
				await manager.DisconnectTaskAsync (client);
				client = null;
예제 #4
        protected override void StopListening()
            // disconnect the contact event for non-contact probes. this probe has already been marked as non-running, so
            // there's no risk of a race condition in which the contact state changes to worn and the change event attempts
            // to restart this probe after it has been stopped (we check Running during the change event).
            if (!(this is MicrosoftBandContactProbe))
                MicrosoftBandContactProbe contactProbe = Protocol.Probes.Single(probe => probe is MicrosoftBandContactProbe) as MicrosoftBandContactProbe;
                contactProbe.ContactStateChanged -= ContactStateChanged;


            // only cancel the static health test if none of the band probes should be running.
            if (BandProbesThatShouldBeRunning.Count == 0)

            // disconnect the client if no band probes are actually running.
            if (BandProbesThatAreRunning.Count == 0 && (BandClient?.IsConnected ?? false))
                    SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("All Band probes have stopped. Disconnecting client.", LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());
                    BandClient = null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("Failed to disconnect client:  " + ex.Message, LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());
 public SensorsPage(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
     : base(info, bandClient)
     ViewModel = new SensorsViewModel(BandInfo, BandClient);
예제 #6
        protected override void StopListening()

            // only cancel the static health test if none of the band probes should be running.
            if (BandProbesThatShouldBeRunning.Count == 0)

            // disconnect the client if no band probes are actually running.
            if (BandProbesThatAreRunning.Count == 0 && (BandClient?.IsConnected ?? false))
                    SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("All Band probes have stopped. Disconnecting client.", LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());
                    BandClient = null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("Failed to disconnect client:  " + ex.Message, LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());
예제 #7
        public SensorsPage(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)

            ViewModel = new SensorsViewModel(BandInfo, BandClient);
예제 #8
파일: Sdk.cs 프로젝트: AvivHaliva/ehealth19
        public async Task <String> ConnectToBand(BandDeviceInfo b)
            band       = b;
            bandClient = await bandClientManager.ConnectAsync(band);

            return(String.Format("connected to {0} !", band.Name));
예제 #9
        public async Task <OAuth2AccessToken> RefreshTokenAsync(BandClient client)
            string postUrl = BandOauthPostUrl;

            var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[]
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("grant_type", "refresh_token"),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("refresh_token", client.AccessToken.RefreshToken),

            HttpClient httpClient;

            if (client.HttpClient == null)
                httpClient = new HttpClient();
                httpClient = client.HttpClient;

            var clientIdConcatSecret = OAuth2Helper.Base64Encode(client.AppCredentials.ClientId + ":" + client.AppCredentials.ClientSecret);

            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", clientIdConcatSecret);

            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.PostAsync(postUrl, content);

            string responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

        async partial void ConnectToBandClick(UIButton sender)
            if (client == null)
                // get the client
                client = manager.AttachedClients.FirstOrDefault();
                if (client == null)
                    Output("Failed! No Bands attached.");
                    try {
                        Output("Please wait. Connecting to Band...");
                        await manager.ConnectTaskAsync(client);

                        Output("Band connected.");
                    } catch (BandException ex) {
                        Output("Failed to connect to Band:");
                Output("Please wait. Disconnecting from Band...");
                await manager.DisconnectTaskAsync(client);

                Output("Band disconnected.");
        public PersonalizationPage(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)

            personalizationViewModel = new PersonalizationViewModel(info, bandClient);
            ViewModel = personalizationViewModel;
        public SensorsViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)
            sensorManager = bandClient.SensorManager;
            Sensors       = new ObservableCollection <BaseViewModel>();

        public PersonalizationPage(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)

			personalizationViewModel = new PersonalizationViewModel(info, bandClient);
			ViewModel = personalizationViewModel;
        public override async Task Destroy()
            await base.Destroy();

            await BandClient.TileManager.StopEventListenersAsync();

            await BandClient.DisconnectAsync();
예제 #15
        public async Task <int> StartBandMonitor()
            _waveGesture.WaveDetected += (sender, e) => {
                var eh = MoveNextGesture;
                if (eh != null)
                    eh(sender, e);
            _waveGesture.ReverseWaveDetected += (sender, e) => {
                var eh = MovePrevGesture;
                if (eh != null)
                    eh(sender, e);

            // Get the list of Microsoft Bands paired to the phone.
            var pairedBands = await BandClientManager.Instance.GetPairedBandsAsync();

            if (pairedBands.Count() < 1)
                await _parentPage.DisplayAlert("No Bands", "Unable to find a Band to connect to.", "Ok");


            // Connect to Microsoft Band.
            _bandClient = await BandClientManager.Instance.ConnectAsync(pairedBands.First());

            Debug.WriteLine("Band found");

            var sensors = _bandClient.SensorManager;

            //sensors.Gyroscope.ReportingInterval = sensors.Gyroscope.SupportedReportingIntervals.Min();

            sensors.Accelerometer.ReadingChanged += (s, args) =>

            sensors.Gyroscope.ReadingChanged += (sender, e) =>

            //SensorStatusTextBlock.Text = "Initialized!";
            //Background = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Green);
            await sensors.Accelerometer.StartReadingsAsync(Microsoft.Band.Portable.Sensors.BandSensorSampleRate.Ms16);

            //await sensors.Gyroscope.StartReadingsAsync (Microsoft.Band.Portable.Sensors.BandSensorSampleRate.Ms16);

            Debug.WriteLine("Sensor reads requested");

		public VibrationsViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)
            notifiactionManager = bandClient.NotificationManager;

            VibrateCommand = new Command(async () =>
                await notifiactionManager.VibrateAsync((VibrationType)vibrationIndex);
        public VibrationsViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)
            notifiactionManager = bandClient.NotificationManager;

            VibrateCommand = new Command(async() =>
                await notifiactionManager.VibrateAsync((VibrationType)vibrationIndex);
        public static Task ConnectTaskAsync(this BandClientManager manager, BandClient client)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object> ();

            EventHandler <ClientManagerConnectedEventArgs>       onConnected  = null;
            EventHandler <ClientManagerDisconnectedEventArgs>    onDisconnect = null;
            EventHandler <ClientManagerFailedToConnectEventArgs> onFailed     = null;

            // setup the completed event
            onConnected = (sender, args) => {
                if (args.Client == client)
                    manager.Connected        -= onConnected;
                    manager.Disconnected     -= onDisconnect;
                    manager.ConnectionFailed -= onFailed;

                    // we are finished
            manager.Connected += onConnected;

            // setup the canceled event
            onDisconnect = (sender, args) => {
                if (args.Client == client)
                    manager.Connected        -= onConnected;
                    manager.Disconnected     -= onDisconnect;
                    manager.ConnectionFailed -= onFailed;

                    // we were canceled
            manager.Disconnected += onDisconnect;

            // setup the failed event
            onFailed = (sender, args) => {
                if (args.Client == client)
                    manager.Connected        -= onConnected;
                    manager.Disconnected     -= onDisconnect;
                    manager.ConnectionFailed -= onFailed;

                    // we failed
                    tcs.SetException(new BandException(args.Error));
            manager.ConnectionFailed += onFailed;

            // run async

        public AddTilePage(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient, BandTile tile)
            : base(info, bandClient)

            addTileViewModel = new AddTileViewModel(info, bandClient, tile);


            ViewModel = addTileViewModel;
        public AddTilePage(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient, BandTile tile)
            : base(info, bandClient)

			addTileViewModel = new AddTileViewModel(info, bandClient, tile);


			ViewModel = addTileViewModel;
        public VibrationsPage(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)

            ViewModel = new VibrationsViewModel(info, bandClient);

            foreach (var type in VibrationsViewModel.GetVibrationTypes())
		public VibrationsPage(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
			: base(info, bandClient)

			ViewModel = new VibrationsViewModel(info, bandClient);

			foreach (var type in VibrationsViewModel.GetVibrationTypes())
		public static Task ConnectTaskAsync (this BandClientManager manager, BandClient client)
			var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object> ();

			EventHandler<ClientManagerConnectedEventArgs> onConnected = null;
			EventHandler<ClientManagerDisconnectedEventArgs> onDisconnect = null;
			EventHandler<ClientManagerFailedToConnectEventArgs> onFailed = null;

			// setup the completed event
			onConnected = (sender, args) => {
				if (args.Client == client) {
					manager.Connected -= onConnected;
					manager.Disconnected -= onDisconnect;
					manager.ConnectionFailed -= onFailed;

					// we are finished
					tcs.SetResult (null);
			manager.Connected += onConnected;

			// setup the canceled event
			onDisconnect = (sender, args) => {
				if (args.Client == client) {
					manager.Connected -= onConnected;
					manager.Disconnected -= onDisconnect;
					manager.ConnectionFailed -= onFailed;

					// we were canceled
			manager.Disconnected += onDisconnect;

			// setup the failed event
			onFailed = (sender, args) => {
				if (args.Client == client) {
					manager.Connected -= onConnected;
					manager.Disconnected -= onDisconnect;
					manager.ConnectionFailed -= onFailed;

					// we failed
					tcs.SetException (new BandException(args.Error));
			manager.ConnectionFailed += onFailed;

			// run async
			manager.ConnectAsync (client);

			return tcs.Task;
예제 #24
        async public override void ReceivedRemoteNotification(UIApplication application, NSDictionary userInfo)
            if (null != userInfo && userInfo.ContainsKey(new NSString("aps")))
                NSDictionary aps = userInfo.ObjectForKey(new NSString("aps")) as NSDictionary;

                string alert = string.Empty;
                if (aps.ContainsKey(new NSString("alert")))
                    var nsString = aps[new NSString("alert")] as NSString;
                    if (nsString != null)
                        alert = nsString.ToString();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alert))
                    //Show a pop-up if the application is open
                    UIAlertView avAlert = new UIAlertView("CRM Item", alert, null, "OK", null);

                    BandClient client = MainViewController.GetClient();

                    //Connect to Band if not already connected
                    if (client == null)
                            BandClientManager manager = MainViewController.GetManager();
                            client = manager.AttachedClients.FirstOrDefault();
                            if (client == null)

                            client = MainViewController.GetClient();
                        catch (BandException) { }

                    if (client == null)

                    //Send to Band
                    await client.NotificationManager.SendMessageTaskAsync(MainViewController.GetTileId(), "CRM Item",
                                                                          alert, DateTime.Now, true);
예제 #25
        public async Task <ActionResult> Callback(string code)
            var authenticator = new OAuth2Helper(_appCredentials, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BaseUrl"] + "/band/callback");

            OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = await authenticator.ExchangeAuthCodeForAccessTokenAsync(code);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken.Token))
                _bandClient = GetBandClient(accessToken);

예제 #26
        public StartTimeService(DiscordSocketClient client, BandClient band, DatabaseService database, ClashClient clash)
            _client      = client;
            _band        = band;
            _database    = database;
            _clash       = clash;
            _tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _client.ReactionAdded += async(cache, channel, reaction) =>
                if (cache.Id != _lastMessage?.Id || reaction.UserId == _client.CurrentUser.Id)

                var user = await _client.GetOrFetchUserAsync(reaction.UserId);

                switch (reaction.Emote.Name)
                case "✅":
                    await channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, embed : new EmbedBuilder
                        Description = $"{user.Mention} can start war",
                        Color       = Color.Green


                case "❌":
                    await channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, embed : new EmbedBuilder
                        Description = $"{user.Mention} cannot start war",
                        Color       = Color.Red


                case "⚠":
                    await channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, embed : new EmbedBuilder
                        Description = $"{user.Mention} can maybe start war",
                        Color       = Color.Orange

        internal BandSensorManager(BandClient client, NativeBandSensorManager sensorManager)
            this.Native = sensorManager;

            this.client = client;

            this.accelerometer    = new Lazy <BandAccelerometerSensor>(() => new BandAccelerometerSensor(this));
            = new Lazy <BandContactSensor>(() => new BandContactSensor(this));
            this.distance         = new Lazy <BandDistanceSensor>(() => new BandDistanceSensor(this));
            this.gyroscope        = new Lazy <BandGyroscopeSensor>(() => new BandGyroscopeSensor(this));
            this.heartRate        = new Lazy <BandHeartRateSensor>(() => new BandHeartRateSensor(this));
            this.pedometer        = new Lazy <BandPedometerSensor>(() => new BandPedometerSensor(this));
            this.skinTemperature  = new Lazy <BandSkinTemperatureSensor>(() => new BandSkinTemperatureSensor(this));
            this.ultravioletLight = new Lazy <BandUltravioletLightSensor>(() => new BandUltravioletLightSensor(this));
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// HttpClient and hence FitbitClient are designed to be long-lived for the duration of the session. This method ensures only one client is created for the duration of the session.
 /// More info at:
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private BandClient GetBandClient(OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = null)
     if (Session["BandClient"] == null)
         if (accessToken != null)
             BandClient client = new BandClient(_appCredentials, accessToken);
             Session["BandClient"] = client;
         //throw new Exception("First time requesting a BandClient from the session you must pass the AccessToken.");
        internal BandSensorManager(BandClient client, NativeBandSensorManager sensorManager)
            this.Native = sensorManager;

            this.client = client;

            this.accelerometer = new Lazy<BandAccelerometerSensor>(() => new BandAccelerometerSensor(this));
            this.calories = new Lazy<BandCaloriesSensor>(() => new BandCaloriesSensor(this));
   = new Lazy<BandContactSensor>(() => new BandContactSensor(this));
            this.distance = new Lazy<BandDistanceSensor>(() => new BandDistanceSensor(this));
            this.gyroscope = new Lazy<BandGyroscopeSensor>(() => new BandGyroscopeSensor(this));
            this.heartRate = new Lazy<BandHeartRateSensor>(() => new BandHeartRateSensor(this));
            this.pedometer = new Lazy<BandPedometerSensor>(() => new BandPedometerSensor(this));
            this.skinTemperature = new Lazy<BandSkinTemperatureSensor>(() => new BandSkinTemperatureSensor(this));
            this.ultravioletLight = new Lazy<BandUltravioletLightSensor>(() => new BandUltravioletLightSensor(this));
        private async Task setupBand()
            band = clientViewModel.BandClient;
            var newTiles = (await band.TileManager.GetTilesAsync());

            foreach (var item in newTiles)
                if (item.Name == "New Tile")
                    tile = item;
            //Debug.WriteLine("loading tiles");
            //tile = newTiles.Where(n => newTiles.All(o => o.Name == "New Tile")).First();
            //Debug.WriteLine("found tile");
예제 #31
        public override async Task Prepare()
            if (BandClient == null)
                BandClient = await BandClientManager.Instance.ConnectAsync(BandInfo);

            await base.Prepare();

            FirmwareVersion = await BandClient.GetFirmwareVersionAsync();


            HardwareVersion = await BandClient.GetHardwareVersionAsync();

        public static Task DisconnectTaskAsync(this BandClientManager manager, BandClient client)
            // short circuit becuase if we are already disconnected
            // then the delegate won't get fired
            if (!client.IsConnected)
                return(Task.FromResult <object> (null));

            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object> ();

            EventHandler <ClientManagerDisconnectedEventArgs>    onDisconnect = null;
            EventHandler <ClientManagerFailedToConnectEventArgs> onFailed     = null;

            // setup the disconnected event
            onDisconnect = (sender, args) => {
                if (args.Client == client)
                    manager.Disconnected     -= onDisconnect;
                    manager.ConnectionFailed -= onFailed;

                    // we were disconnected (success)
            manager.Disconnected += onDisconnect;

            // setup the failed event
            onFailed = (sender, args) => {
                if (args.Client == client)
                    manager.Disconnected     -= onDisconnect;
                    manager.ConnectionFailed -= onFailed;

                    // we failed
                    tcs.SetException(new BandException(args.Error));
            manager.ConnectionFailed += onFailed;

            // run async

 public AddTileViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient, BandTile tile)
     : this(info, bandClient)
     TileId       = tile.Id.ToString("D");
     TileName     = tile.Name;
     TileIcon     = tile.Icon;
     AllowBadging = tile.SmallIcon != null;
     TileBadge    = tile.SmallIcon;
     if (tile.Theme != default(BandTheme))
         UseCustomTheme = true;
         TileTheme      = tile.Theme;
         TileTheme = App.DefaultTheme;
        public TilesPage(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)

			var addTile = new ToolbarItem
				Text = "Add",
                Icon = OnPlatform(
                    iOS: (FileImageSource)FileImageSource.FromFile("Icons/Add.png"),
                    Android: (FileImageSource)FileImageSource.FromFile("Add.png"),
                    Windows: (FileImageSource)FileImageSource.FromFile("Assets/Icons/Add.png"))
			addTile.Clicked += AddTileButtonClicked;

            ViewModel = new TilesViewModel(info, bandClient);
예제 #35
 public AddTileViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient, BandTile tile)
     : this(info, bandClient)
     TileId = tile.Id.ToString("D");
     TileName = tile.Name;
     TileIcon = tile.Icon;
     TileBadge = tile.SmallIcon;
     DisableScreenTimeout = tile.IsScreenTimeoutDisabled;
     if (tile.Theme != BandTheme.Empty) 
         UseCustomTheme = true;
         TileTheme = tile.Theme;
         TileTheme = App.DefaultTheme;
        public NotificationsViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient, BandTile tile)
            : base(info, bandClient)
            notifiactionManager = bandClient.NotificationManager;
            this.tile = tile;

            SendMessageCommand = new Command(async () =>
                await notifiactionManager.SendMessageAsync(tile.Id, Title, Body, DateTime.Now);
            SendMessageWithDialogCommand = new Command(async () =>
                await notifiactionManager.SendMessageAsync(tile.Id, Title, Body, DateTime.Now, true);
            ShowDialogCommand = new Command(async () =>
                await notifiactionManager.ShowDialogAsync(tile.Id, Title, Body);
예제 #37
        public static async Task Init()
            var BandClientManager = Microsoft.Band.Portable.BandClientManager.Instance;
            var pairedBands       = await BandClientManager.GetPairedBandsAsync();

                BandClient = await BandClientManager.ConnectAsync(pairedBands.First());

                    await RequestConsent();

            catch (Exception ex)
        public TilesPage(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)

            var addTile = new ToolbarItem
                Text = "Add",
                Icon = OnPlatform(
                    iOS: (FileImageSource)FileImageSource.FromFile("Icons/Add.png"),
                    Android: (FileImageSource)FileImageSource.FromFile("Add.png"),
                    Windows: (FileImageSource)FileImageSource.FromFile("Assets/Icons/Add.png"))

            addTile.Clicked += AddTileButtonClicked;

            ViewModel = new TilesViewModel(info, bandClient);
        public NotificationsViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient, BandTile tile)
            : base(info, bandClient)
            notifiactionManager = bandClient.NotificationManager;
            this.tile           = tile;

            SendMessageCommand = new Command(async() =>
                await notifiactionManager.SendMessageAsync(tile.Id, Title, Body, DateTime.Now);
            SendMessageWithDialogCommand = new Command(async() =>
                await notifiactionManager.SendMessageAsync(tile.Id, Title, Body, DateTime.Now, true);
            ShowDialogCommand = new Command(async() =>
                await notifiactionManager.ShowDialogAsync(tile.Id, Title, Body);
예제 #40
        public async Task <bool> ConnectToBand(BandDeviceInfo b, User user)
            band = b;
                this.user  = user;
                bandClient = await bandClientManager.ConnectAsync(band);
            catch (Exception ex)
                String.Format("Exception: " + ex);

            if (bandClient != null)
        public PersonalizationViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)
            personalizationManager = bandClient.PersonalizationManager;

            GetBandThemeCommand = new Command(async () =>
                BandTheme = await personalizationManager.GetThemeAsync();
            DefaultBandThemeCommand = new Command(() =>
                BandTheme = App.DefaultTheme;
            SetBandThemeCommand = new Command(async () =>
                await personalizationManager.SetThemeAsync(BandTheme);

            GetMeTileImageCommand = new Command(async () =>
                MeTileImage = await personalizationManager.GetMeTileImageAsync();
            DefaultMeTileImageCommand = new Command(async () =>
                MeTileImage = await App.LoadImageResourceAsync("Resources/metile.png");
            SelectMeTileImageCommand = new Command(async () =>
                var photo = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
                if (photo != null)
                    MeTileImage = await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(photo.GetStream());
            }, () => CrossMedia.Current.IsPickPhotoSupported);
            SetMeTileImageCommand = new Command(async () =>
                await personalizationManager.SetMeTileImageAsync(MeTileImage);

        internal BandTileManager(BandClient client, NativeBandTileManager tileManager)
            this.Native = tileManager;

            this.client = client;
#if __ANDROID__
            this.tileReceiver = new BandTileBroadcastReceiver(
                e => OnTileOpened(new BandTileOpenedEventArgs(e)), 
                e => OnTileClosed(new BandTileClosedEventArgs(e)),
                e => OnTileButtonPressed(new BandTileButtonPressedEventArgs(e)));
#elif __IOS__
            this.tileDelegate = new BandTileDelegate(
                e => OnTileOpened(new BandTileOpenedEventArgs(e)),
                e => OnTileClosed(new BandTileClosedEventArgs(e)),
                e => OnTileButtonPressed(new BandTileButtonPressedEventArgs(e)));
            this.Native.TileButtonPressed += OnNativeTileButtonPressed;
            this.Native.TileOpened += OnNativeTileOpened;
            this.Native.TileClosed += OnNativeTileClosed;
		async partial void ConnectToBandClick (UIButton sender)
			if (client == null) {
				// get the client
				client = manager.AttachedClients.FirstOrDefault ();
				if (client == null) {
					Output ("Failed! No Bands attached.");
				} else {
					try {
						Output ("Please wait. Connecting to Band...");
						await manager.ConnectTaskAsync (client);
						Output ("Band connected.");
					} catch (BandException ex) {
						Output ("Failed to connect to Band:");
						Output (ex.Message);
			} else {
				Output ("Please wait. Disconnecting from Band...");
				await manager.DisconnectTaskAsync (client);
				Output ("Band disconnected.");
예제 #44
		public async void StartConnecting()
			if (client != null) {

			// get the client
			client = manager.AttachedClients.FirstOrDefault ();

			if (client == null) {
				Console.WriteLine ("Failed! No Bands attached.");
			} else {
				try {

					Console.WriteLine ("Please wait. Connecting to Band...");
					await manager.ConnectTaskAsync (client);
				} catch (BandException ex) {
					Console.WriteLine ("Failed to connect to Band:");
					Console.WriteLine (ex.Message);
        internal BandPersonalizationManager(BandClient client, NativeBandPersonalizationManager personalizationManager)
            this.Native = personalizationManager;

            this.client = client;
 public TilesViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
     : base(info, bandClient)
     tileManager = bandClient.TileManager;
     Tiles = new ObservableCollection<TileViewModel>();
 public BaseClientContentPage(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
     BandInfo = info;
     BandClient = bandClient;
        internal BandNotificationManager(BandClient client, NativeBandNotificationManager notificationManager)
            this.Native = notificationManager;

            this.client = client;
 public BaseClientViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
     BandClient = bandClient;
     BandInfo = info;
        public AddTileViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)
            tileManager = bandClient.TileManager;
            tileTheme = App.DefaultTheme;
            tileId = Guid.NewGuid();
            tileName = "New Tile";

            GenerateTileIdCommand = new Command(() =>
                TileId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");

            DefaultTileIconCommand = new Command(async () =>
                TileIcon = await App.LoadImageResourceAsync("Resources/tile.png");
            SelectTileIconCommand = new Command(async () =>
                var photo = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
                if (photo != null)
                    TileIcon = await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(photo.GetStream());
            }, () => CrossMedia.Current.IsPickPhotoSupported);

            DefaultTileBadgeCommand = new Command(async () =>
                TileBadge = await App.LoadImageResourceAsync("Resources/badge.png");
            SelectTileBadgeCommand = new Command(async () =>
                var photo = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
                if (photo != null)
                    TileBadge = await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(photo.GetStream());
            }, () => CrossMedia.Current.IsPickPhotoSupported);

            DefaultThemeCommand = new Command(() => 
                TileTheme = App.DefaultTheme;

            AddTileCommand = new Command(async () =>
                var tile = new BandTile(tileId)
                    Icon = TileIcon,
                    Name = TileName,
                    SmallIcon = TileBadge,
                    IsScreenTimeoutDisabled = DisableScreenTimeout
                if (UseCustomTheme)
                    tile.Theme = TileTheme;
                    await App.LoadImageResourceAsync("Resources/star.png")
                var layouts = CreatePageLayouts();
                await tileManager.AddTileAsync(tile);
                var datas = CreatePageDatas();
                await tileManager.SetTilePageDataAsync(tile.Id, datas);
            RemoveTileCommand = new Command(async () =>
                await tileManager.RemoveTileAsync(tileId);