예제 #1
    IEnumerator WaitCompletion(string text, Transform speaker, Vector3 position, BalloonDirection dir)
        while (typing)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f));
        tl.gameObject.SetActive(dir == BalloonDirection.TL);
        tr.gameObject.SetActive(dir == BalloonDirection.TR);
        bl.gameObject.SetActive(dir == BalloonDirection.BL);
        br.gameObject.SetActive(dir == BalloonDirection.BR);

        int numLines = 1;

        foreach (char c in text)
            if (c == '\n')

        RectTransform   ContentRT = null;
        TextMeshProUGUI Words     = null;
        RectTransform   WordsRT   = null;

        switch (dir)
        case BalloonDirection.TL:
            ContentRT = ContentTLrt;
            Words     = WordsTL;
            WordsRT   = WordsTLrt;

        case BalloonDirection.TR:
            ContentRT = ContentTRrt;
            Words     = WordsTR;
            WordsRT   = WordsTRrt;

        case BalloonDirection.BL:
            ContentRT = ContentBLrt;
            Words     = WordsBL;
            WordsRT   = WordsBLrt;

        case BalloonDirection.BR:
            ContentRT = ContentBRrt;
            Words     = WordsBR;
            WordsRT   = WordsBRrt;
        transform.position = position;
        previousPosition   = speaker.position;

        if (typingCoroutine != null)
        typingCoroutine = StartCoroutine(TypeText(text, Words, WordsRT, ContentRT, speaker));
예제 #2
    IEnumerator SayLater(int pos, string text, BalloonDirection dir)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(pos + Random.Range(.5f, 1.5f)));

        Say(text, dir);
        sayLaterCoroutine = null;
        yield return(null);
예제 #3
    public void Say(string text, BalloonDirection dir)
        if (balloon == null) // Check if we have a balloon, if not instantiate one
            balloon = Instantiate(BalloonTemplate, BalloonTemplate.transform.parent).GetComponent <Balloon>();

        Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[4];
        gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>().GetWorldCorners(corners);
        Vector3 center = Vector3.zero;
        float   minx   = corners[0].x;

        if (corners[0].x > corners[1].x)
            minx = corners[1].x;
        if (corners[1].x > corners[2].x)
            minx = corners[2].x;
        float maxx = corners[0].x;

        if (corners[0].x < corners[1].x)
            maxx = corners[1].x;
        if (corners[1].x < corners[2].x)
            maxx = corners[2].x;
        float miny = corners[0].y;

        if (corners[0].y > corners[1].y)
            miny = corners[1].y;
        if (corners[1].y > corners[2].y)
            miny = corners[2].y;
        float maxy = corners[0].y;

        if (corners[0].y < corners[1].y)
            maxy = corners[1].y;
        if (corners[1].y < corners[2].y)
            maxy = corners[2].y;

        center.x = (maxx + minx) / 2;
        center.y = (maxy + miny) / 2;
        balloon.Say(text, transform, center, dir);
예제 #4
    public void SetMood(Mood m, bool silent = false, BalloonDirection dir = BalloonDirection.TL)
        if (player.def.type == PlayerDef.Type.Defeated || player.def.type != PlayerDef.Type.AI)
        mood  = m;
        eyes  = ((int)m) % 6;
        mouth = ((int)m) / 6;
        SetExpression(eyes, mouth);

        timeOut     = 0;
        moodTimeout = Random.Range(5, 10);

        if (!silent)
            Say(GetIntroMessage(), dir);
예제 #5
 // Constructor to create a CBalloon object
 public HelpBalloon(string text, Icon icon, Control control, bool showCloseButton, BalloonDirection direction, BalloonEffect effect)
     MyBalloon = CreateBalloon(control.Handle, 0, 0, text, showCloseButton, icon.Handle, (uint)direction, (uint)effect, 0, 0, 0);
예제 #6
 public HelpBalloon(string text, Icon icon, Control control, bool showCloseButton, BalloonDirection direction, BalloonEffect effect, Color start, Color mid, Color end)
     MyBalloon = CreateBalloon(control.Handle, 0, 0, text, showCloseButton, icon.Handle, (uint)direction, (uint)effect, (uint)start.ToArgb(), (uint)mid.ToArgb(), (uint)end.ToArgb());
예제 #7
 internal void Say(string text, Transform speaker, Vector3 position, BalloonDirection dir)
     StartCoroutine(WaitCompletion(text, speaker, position, dir));