예제 #1
        public void ClientRead(ServerNetObject type, IReadMessage message, float sendingTime)
            bool isBallastFloraUpdate = message.ReadBoolean();

            if (isBallastFloraUpdate)
                BallastFloraBehavior.NetworkHeader header = (BallastFloraBehavior.NetworkHeader)message.ReadByte();
                if (header == BallastFloraBehavior.NetworkHeader.Spawn)
                    string identifier = message.ReadString();
                    float  x          = message.ReadSingle();
                    float  y          = message.ReadSingle();
                    BallastFlora = new BallastFloraBehavior(this, BallastFloraPrefab.Find(identifier), new Vector2(x, y), firstGrowth: true)
                        PowerConsumptionTimer = message.ReadSingle()
                    BallastFlora?.ClientRead(message, header);
            remoteWaterVolume      = message.ReadRangedSingle(0.0f, 1.5f, 8) * Volume;
            remoteOxygenPercentage = message.ReadRangedSingle(0.0f, 100.0f, 8);

            bool hasFireSources = message.ReadBoolean();

            remoteFireSources = new List <Vector3>();
            if (hasFireSources)
                int fireSourceCount = message.ReadRangedInteger(0, 16);
                for (int i = 0; i < fireSourceCount; i++)
                    remoteFireSources.Add(new Vector3(
                                              MathHelper.Clamp(message.ReadRangedSingle(0.0f, 1.0f, 8), 0.05f, 0.95f),
                                              MathHelper.Clamp(message.ReadRangedSingle(0.0f, 1.0f, 8), 0.05f, 0.95f),
                                              message.ReadRangedSingle(0.0f, 1.0f, 8)));

            bool hasExtraData = message.ReadBoolean();

            if (hasExtraData)
                bool hasSectionUpdate = message.ReadBoolean();
                if (hasSectionUpdate)
                    int sectorToUpdate = message.ReadRangedInteger(0, BackgroundSections.Count - 1);
                    int start          = sectorToUpdate * BackgroundSectionsPerNetworkEvent;
                    int end            = Math.Min((sectorToUpdate + 1) * BackgroundSectionsPerNetworkEvent, BackgroundSections.Count - 1);
                    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
                        float colorStrength           = message.ReadRangedSingle(0.0f, 1.0f, 8);
                        Color color                   = new Color(message.ReadUInt32());
                        var   remoteBackgroundSection = remoteBackgroundSections.Find(s => s.Index == i);
                        if (remoteBackgroundSection != null)
                            remoteBackgroundSections.Add(new BackgroundSection(new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), i, colorStrength, color, 0));
                    paintAmount = BackgroundSections.Sum(s => s.ColorStrength);
                    int decalCount = message.ReadRangedInteger(0, MaxDecalsPerHull);
                    if (decalCount == 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < decalCount; i++)
                        UInt32 decalId        = message.ReadUInt32();
                        int    spriteIndex    = message.ReadByte();
                        float  normalizedXPos = message.ReadRangedSingle(0.0f, 1.0f, 8);
                        float  normalizedYPos = message.ReadRangedSingle(0.0f, 1.0f, 8);
                        float  decalScale     = message.ReadRangedSingle(0.0f, 2.0f, 12);
                        remoteDecals.Add(new RemoteDecal(decalId, spriteIndex, new Vector2(normalizedXPos, normalizedYPos), decalScale));

            if (serverUpdateDelay > 0.0f)

예제 #2
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, bool editing, bool back = true)
            if (back && Screen.Selected != GameMain.SubEditorScreen)

            if (!ShowHulls && !GameMain.DebugDraw)

            if (!editing && (!GameMain.DebugDraw || Screen.Selected.Cam.Zoom < 0.1f))

            float alpha             = 1.0f;
            float hideTimeAfterEdit = 3.0f;

            if (lastAmbientLightEditTime > Timing.TotalTime - hideTimeAfterEdit * 2.0f)
                alpha = Math.Min((float)(Timing.TotalTime - lastAmbientLightEditTime) / hideTimeAfterEdit - 1.0f, 1.0f);

            Rectangle drawRect =
                Submarine == null ? rect : new Rectangle((int)(Submarine.DrawPosition.X + rect.X), (int)(Submarine.DrawPosition.Y + rect.Y), rect.Width, rect.Height);

            if ((IsSelected || IsHighlighted) && editing)
                                  new Vector2(drawRect.X, -drawRect.Y),
                                  new Vector2(rect.Width, rect.Height),
                                  (IsHighlighted ? Color.LightBlue * 0.8f : GUI.Style.Red * 0.5f) * alpha, false, 0, (int)Math.Max(5.0f / Screen.Selected.Cam.Zoom, 1.0f));

                              new Vector2(drawRect.X, -drawRect.Y),
                              new Vector2(rect.Width, rect.Height),
                              Color.Blue * alpha, false, (ID % 255) * 0.000001f, (int)Math.Max(1.5f / Screen.Selected.Cam.Zoom, 1.0f));

                              new Rectangle(drawRect.X, -drawRect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height),
                              GUI.Style.Red * ((100.0f - OxygenPercentage) / 400.0f) * alpha, true, 0, (int)Math.Max(1.5f / Screen.Selected.Cam.Zoom, 1.0f));

            if (GameMain.DebugDraw)
                GUI.SmallFont.DrawString(spriteBatch, "Pressure: " + ((int)pressure - rect.Y).ToString() +
                                         " - Oxygen: " + ((int)OxygenPercentage), new Vector2(drawRect.X + 5, -drawRect.Y + 5), Color.White);
                GUI.SmallFont.DrawString(spriteBatch, waterVolume + " / " + Volume, new Vector2(drawRect.X + 5, -drawRect.Y + 20), Color.White);

                GUI.DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, new Rectangle(drawRect.Center.X, -drawRect.Y + drawRect.Height / 2, 10, (int)(100 * Math.Min(waterVolume / Volume, 1.0f))), Color.Cyan, true);
                if (WaterVolume > Volume)
                    float maxExcessWater = Volume * MaxCompress;
                    GUI.DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, new Rectangle(drawRect.Center.X, -drawRect.Y + drawRect.Height / 2, 10, (int)(100 * (waterVolume - Volume) / maxExcessWater)), GUI.Style.Red, true);
                GUI.DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, new Rectangle(drawRect.Center.X, -drawRect.Y + drawRect.Height / 2, 10, 100), Color.Black);

                foreach (FireSource fs in FireSources)
                    Rectangle fireSourceRect = new Rectangle((int)fs.WorldPosition.X, -(int)fs.WorldPosition.Y, (int)fs.Size.X, (int)fs.Size.Y);
                    GUI.DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, fireSourceRect, GUI.Style.Red, false, 0, 5);
                    GUI.DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, new Rectangle(fireSourceRect.X - (int)fs.DamageRange, fireSourceRect.Y, fireSourceRect.Width + (int)fs.DamageRange * 2, fireSourceRect.Height), GUI.Style.Orange, false, 0, 5);
                    //GUI.DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, new Rectangle((int)fs.LastExtinguishPos.X, (int)-fs.LastExtinguishPos.Y, 5,5), Color.Yellow, true);
                foreach (FireSource fs in FakeFireSources)
                    Rectangle fireSourceRect = new Rectangle((int)fs.WorldPosition.X, -(int)fs.WorldPosition.Y, (int)fs.Size.X, (int)fs.Size.Y);
                    GUI.DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, fireSourceRect, GUI.Style.Red, false, 0, 5);
                    GUI.DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, new Rectangle(fireSourceRect.X - (int)fs.DamageRange, fireSourceRect.Y, fireSourceRect.Width + (int)fs.DamageRange * 2, fireSourceRect.Height), GUI.Style.Orange, false, 0, 5);
                    //GUI.DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, new Rectangle((int)fs.LastExtinguishPos.X, (int)-fs.LastExtinguishPos.Y, 5,5), Color.Yellow, true);

                /*GUI.DrawLine(spriteBatch, new Vector2(drawRect.X, -WorldSurface), new Vector2(drawRect.Right, -WorldSurface), Color.Cyan * 0.5f);
                 * for (int i = 0; i < waveY.Length - 1; i++)
                 * {
                 *  GUI.DrawLine(spriteBatch,
                 *      new Vector2(drawRect.X + WaveWidth * i, -WorldSurface - waveY[i] - 10),
                 *      new Vector2(drawRect.X + WaveWidth * (i + 1), -WorldSurface - waveY[i + 1] - 10), Color.Blue * 0.5f);
                 * }*/

            foreach (MapEntity e in linkedTo)
                if (e is Hull linkedHull)
                    Rectangle connectedHullRect = e.Submarine == null ?
                                                  linkedHull.rect :
                                                  new Rectangle(
                        (int)(Submarine.DrawPosition.X + linkedHull.WorldPosition.X),
                        (int)(Submarine.DrawPosition.Y + linkedHull.WorldPosition.Y),
                        linkedHull.WorldRect.Width, linkedHull.WorldRect.Height);

                    //center of the hull
                    Rectangle currentHullRect = Submarine == null ?
                                                WorldRect :
                                                new Rectangle(
                        (int)(Submarine.DrawPosition.X + WorldPosition.X),
                        (int)(Submarine.DrawPosition.Y + WorldPosition.Y),
                        WorldRect.Width, WorldRect.Height);

                                 new Vector2(currentHullRect.X, -currentHullRect.Y),
                                 new Vector2(connectedHullRect.X, -connectedHullRect.Y),
                                 GUI.Style.Green, width: 2);