public BallApi CreateBall(Player player, IBallCreationPosition ballCreator, float radius, float mass) { // calculate mass and scale var m = player.TableToWorld; var localPos = ballCreator.GetBallCreationPosition(_table).ToUnityFloat3(); var localVel = ballCreator.GetBallCreationVelocity(_table).ToUnityFloat3(); localPos.z += radius; //float4x4 model = player.TableToWorld * Matrix4x4.TRS(localPos, Quaternion.identity, new float3(radius)); var worldPos = m.MultiplyPoint(localPos); var scale3 = new Vector3( m.GetColumn(0).magnitude, m.GetColumn(1).magnitude, m.GetColumn(2).magnitude ); var scale = (scale3.x + scale3.y + scale3.z) / 3.0f; // scale is only scale (without radiusfloat now, not vector. var material = BallMaterial.CreateMaterial(); var mesh = GetSphereMesh(); // create ball entity EngineProvider<IPhysicsEngine>.Get() .BallCreate(mesh, material, worldPos, localPos, localVel, scale, mass, radius); return null; }
void Awake() { sidePosition = new Vector3(10, 7, 0); abovePosition = new Vector3(0, 10, 0); behindPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, -10); currentCamPosition = CameraPosition.Side; currentMaterial = BallMaterial.Rubber; Size = PlayerSizes.Small; }
public void AddBot(bool useRandomColor) { string name = nameGenerator.GetRandomName(); if (!ballDictionary.ContainsKey(name)) { //Create ball GameObject ball = Instantiate(botPrefab); ball.transform.parent = parent; = name; ball.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Ball>().gameController = gameObject; //not for bots //ball.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<BallCollision>().ballConfig = ballConfig; ball.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <BallCollision>().InitializeConfig(); //Add to dictionary if (unusedSpawnpoints.Count == 0) { GenerateSpawnPoints(); Debug.Log("Ran out of spawnpoints, reused them"); } ball.transform.position = GetSpawnPoint(); ballDictionary.Add(name, ball); GetComponent <PlayerCount>().AddPlayer(); if (GetComponent <PlayerCount>() == null) { Debug.LogError("ERROR! PlayerCount's text is not set in GameController. Did you apply it in this scene?"); } if (useRandomColor) { MeshRenderer meshRenderer = ball.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); Debug.Log(ball.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).name); BallMaterial rand = (BallMaterial)(ballDictionary.Count % materialDictionary.Count) + 1; if (materialDictionary.ContainsKey("BallMaterial" + rand.ToString())) { meshRenderer.material = materialDictionary["BallMaterial" + rand.ToString()]; } else { Debug.LogError("Error! Attempted to load a random material (" + rand + ")which could not be found!"); } } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Error! Attempted to create ball using a name that already exists"); } }
public void Fly(Quaternion rotation, float impulseForce, BallMaterial ballMaterial, BallLayer ballLayer, bool trail = true) { if (_rb2D.bodyType == RigidbodyType2D.Static) { SetRigidbodyType(RigidbodyType2D.Dynamic); } SetColliderMaterial(ballMaterial); SetLayer(ballLayer); ActiveTrail(trail); this.gameObject.transform.rotation = rotation; _rb2D.AddForce(this.transform.up * impulseForce, ForceMode2D.Impulse); }
private void SetColliderMaterial(BallMaterial ballMaterial) { switch (ballMaterial) { case BallMaterial.Standard: _collider2D.sharedMaterial = solidMat; break; case BallMaterial.Bouncing: _collider2D.sharedMaterial = bouncingMat; break; default: break; } }
public GameObject AddBall(string name, BallMaterial ballMaterial) { Debug.Log(ballMaterial); if (!ballDictionary.ContainsKey(name)) { //Create ball GameObject ball = Instantiate(ballPrefab); ball.transform.parent = parent; = name; ball.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Ball>().gameController = gameObject; ball.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <BallCollision>().ballConfig = ballConfig; ball.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <BallCollision>().InitializeConfig(); //Add to dictionary if (unusedSpawnpoints.Count == 0) { GenerateSpawnPoints(); Debug.Log("Ran out of spawnpoints, reused them"); } ball.transform.position = GetSpawnPoint(); ballDictionary.Add(name, ball); GetComponent <PlayerCount>().AddPlayer(); if (GetComponent <PlayerCount>() == null) { Debug.LogError("ERROR! PlayerCount's text is not set in GameController. Did you apply it in this scene?"); } MeshRenderer meshRenderer = ball.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); //Set material switch (ballMaterial) { case BallMaterial.RANDOM: BallMaterial rand = (BallMaterial)(ballDictionary.Count % materialDictionary.Count) + 1; if (materialDictionary.ContainsKey("BallMaterial" + rand.ToString())) { meshRenderer.material = materialDictionary["BallMaterial" + rand.ToString()]; Debug.Log(meshRenderer.material); } else { Debug.LogError("Error! Attempted to load a random material (" + rand + ")which could not be found!"); } break; default: if (materialDictionary.ContainsKey("BallMaterial" + ballMaterial.ToString())) { meshRenderer.material = materialDictionary["BallMaterial" + ballMaterial.ToString()]; } else { Debug.LogError("Error! Attempted to load the material " + ballMaterial.ToString() + " which could not be found!"); } break; } if (name == "Ragntard") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialRagntard", ball); } else if (name == "Mickster_man") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialMickster_man", ball); } else if (name == "Jellyfranky") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialJellyFranky", ball); } else if (name == "Lofi_lime") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialLofi_Lime", ball); } else if (name == "Ksmoonblast") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialKsmoonblast", ball); } else if (name == "Scoutovich") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialScoutovich", ball); } else if (name == "Streamspinners") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialStreamSpinners", ball); } else if (name == "Felix_time") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialFelix_Time", ball); } else if (name == "Droopygoop") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialDroopygoop", ball); } else if (name == "Swarmsurvivor") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialSwarmsurvivor", ball); } else if (name == "Mariliez") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialMariliez", ball); } else if (name == "Torthom") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialTorthom", ball); } else if (name == "Obagovo") { EquipImageMaterial("Materials/BallIcons/BallMaterialObagovo", ball); } return(ball); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Error! Attempted to create ball using a name that already exists"); return(null); } }
// Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { if(!Input.anyKey) currentKey = KeyCode.None; if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.PageUp)) { currentKey = KeyCode.PageUp; if(previousKey != currentKey) GrowPlayer(); } if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.PageDown)) { currentKey = KeyCode.PageDown; if(previousKey != currentKey) ShrinkPlayer(); } /* if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { rigidbody.AddForce (-Vector3.forward*(speed/2)); currentKey = KeyCode.DownArrow; } if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { rigidbody.AddForce (Vector3.forward*speed); currentKey = KeyCode.UpArrow; } if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)) { rigidbody.AddForce (Vector3.right*speed); currentKey = KeyCode.RightArrow; } if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { rigidbody.AddForce (Vector3.left*speed); currentKey = KeyCode.LeftArrow; } */ HandleMovement(); if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q)) { currentKey = KeyCode.Space; if(previousKey != currentKey) { if(currentMaterial == BallMaterial.Rubber) { currentMaterial = BallMaterial.Metal; collider.material = Metal; renderer.material.color = new Color32(81,81,81,255); } else if(currentMaterial == BallMaterial.Sandpaper) { currentMaterial = BallMaterial.Rubber; collider.material = Bouncer; renderer.material.color = new Color32(255,156,255,255); } else { currentMaterial = BallMaterial.Sandpaper; collider.material = Paper; renderer.material.color = new Color32(241,255,112,255); } } } if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space)) { currentKey = KeyCode.Space; if(previousKey != currentKey) { if((int)currentCamPosition == Enum.GetValues(typeof(CameraPosition)).Length-1) currentCamPosition = (CameraPosition)0; else currentCamPosition = (CameraPosition)((int)currentCamPosition+1); } } previousKey = currentKey; }