예제 #1
        private MetallicRoughness ConvertToMetallicRoughness(SpecularGlossiness specularGlossiness, bool displayPrints = false)
            // Hard coded points used to define the specular power to roughness curve.
            var P0 = new BabylonVector2(0f, 1f);
            var P1 = new BabylonVector2(0f, 0.1f);
            var P2 = new BabylonVector2(0f, 0.1f);
            var P3 = new BabylonVector2(1300f, 0.1f);

            var diffuse    = specularGlossiness.diffuse;
            var opacity    = specularGlossiness.opacity;
            var glossiness = specularGlossiness.glossiness;
            var metallic   = 0;
            var roughness  = _solveForRoughness(glossiness * 256, P0, P1, P2, P3); // Glossiness = specularPower / 256

            if (displayPrints)
                logger.RaiseVerbose("-----------------------", 3);
                logger.RaiseVerbose("diffuse=" + diffuse, 3);
                logger.RaiseVerbose("opacity=" + opacity, 3);
                logger.RaiseVerbose("glossiness=" + glossiness, 3);
                logger.RaiseVerbose("roughness=" + roughness, 3);
                logger.RaiseVerbose("metallic=" + metallic, 3);
                logger.RaiseVerbose("-----------------------", 3);

            return(new MetallicRoughness
                baseColor = diffuse,
                opacity = opacity,
                metallic = metallic,
                roughness = roughness
        private GLTFMesh ExportMesh(BabylonMesh babylonMesh, GLTF gltf, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Export mesh named: " + babylonMesh.name, 1);

            // --------------------------
            // --- Mesh from babylon ----
            // --------------------------

            if (babylonMesh.positions == null || babylonMesh.positions.Length == 0)
                RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Mesh is a dummy", 2);

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Mesh from babylon", 2);
            // Retreive general data from babylon mesh
            int  nbVertices    = babylonMesh.positions.Length / 3;
            bool hasTangents   = babylonMesh.tangents != null && babylonMesh.tangents.Length > 0;
            bool hasUV         = babylonMesh.uvs != null && babylonMesh.uvs.Length > 0;
            bool hasUV2        = babylonMesh.uvs2 != null && babylonMesh.uvs2.Length > 0;
            bool hasColor      = babylonMesh.colors != null && babylonMesh.colors.Length > 0;
            bool hasBones      = babylonMesh.matricesIndices != null && babylonMesh.matricesIndices.Length > 0;
            bool hasBonesExtra = babylonMesh.matricesIndicesExtra != null && babylonMesh.matricesIndicesExtra.Length > 0;

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | nbVertices=" + nbVertices, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasUV=" + hasUV, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasUV2=" + hasUV2, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasColor=" + hasColor, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasBones=" + hasBones, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasBonesExtra=" + hasBonesExtra, 3);

            // Retreive vertices data from babylon mesh
            List <GLTFGlobalVertex> globalVertices = new List <GLTFGlobalVertex>();

            for (int indexVertex = 0; indexVertex < nbVertices; indexVertex++)
                GLTFGlobalVertex globalVertex = new GLTFGlobalVertex();
                globalVertex.Position = BabylonVector3.FromArray(babylonMesh.positions, indexVertex);
                globalVertex.Normal   = BabylonVector3.FromArray(babylonMesh.normals, indexVertex);
                if (hasTangents)
                    globalVertex.Tangent = BabylonQuaternion.FromArray(babylonMesh.tangents, indexVertex);

                    // Switch coordinate system at object level
                    globalVertex.Tangent.Z *= -1;

                    // Invert W to switch to right handed system
                    globalVertex.Tangent.W *= -1;

                // Switch coordinate system at object level
                globalVertex.Position.Z *= -1;
                globalVertex.Normal.Z   *= -1;

                if (hasUV)
                    globalVertex.UV = BabylonVector2.FromArray(babylonMesh.uvs, indexVertex);
                    // For glTF, the origin of the UV coordinates (0, 0) corresponds to the upper left corner of a texture image
                    // While for Babylon, it corresponds to the lower left corner of a texture image
                    globalVertex.UV.Y = 1 - globalVertex.UV.Y;
                if (hasUV2)
                    globalVertex.UV2 = BabylonVector2.FromArray(babylonMesh.uvs2, indexVertex);
                    // For glTF, the origin of the UV coordinates (0, 0) corresponds to the upper left corner of a texture image
                    // While for Babylon, it corresponds to the lower left corner of a texture image
                    globalVertex.UV2.Y = 1 - globalVertex.UV2.Y;
                if (hasColor)
                    globalVertex.Color = Tools.SubArrayFromEntity(babylonMesh.colors, indexVertex, 4);
                if (hasBones)
                    // In babylon, the 4 bones indices are stored in a single int
                    // Each bone index is 8-bit offset from the next
                    int bonesIndicesMerged = babylonMesh.matricesIndices[indexVertex];
                    int bone3 = bonesIndicesMerged >> 24;
                    bonesIndicesMerged -= bone3 << 24;
                    int bone2 = bonesIndicesMerged >> 16;
                    bonesIndicesMerged -= bone2 << 16;
                    int bone1 = bonesIndicesMerged >> 8;
                    bonesIndicesMerged -= bone1 << 8;
                    int bone0 = bonesIndicesMerged >> 0;
                    bonesIndicesMerged -= bone0 << 0;
                    var bonesIndicesArray = new ushort[] { (ushort)bone0, (ushort)bone1, (ushort)bone2, (ushort)bone3 };
                    globalVertex.BonesIndices = bonesIndicesArray;
                    globalVertex.BonesWeights = Tools.SubArrayFromEntity(babylonMesh.matricesWeights, indexVertex, 4);


            var babylonMorphTargetManager = GetBabylonMorphTargetManager(babylonScene, babylonMesh);

            // Retrieve indices from babylon mesh
            List <int> babylonIndices = babylonMesh.indices.ToList();

            // --------------------------
            // ------- Init glTF --------
            // --------------------------

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Init glTF", 2);
            // Mesh
            var gltfMesh = new GLTFMesh {
                name = babylonMesh.name

            gltfMesh.index = gltf.MeshesList.Count;
            gltfMesh.idGroupInstance = babylonMesh.idGroupInstance;
            if (hasBones)
                gltfMesh.idBabylonSkeleton = babylonMesh.skeletonId;

            // --------------------------
            // ---- glTF primitives -----
            // --------------------------

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | glTF primitives", 2);
            var meshPrimitives = new List <GLTFMeshPrimitive>();

            foreach (BabylonSubMesh babylonSubMesh in babylonMesh.subMeshes)
                // --------------------------
                // ------ SubMesh data ------
                // --------------------------

                List <GLTFGlobalVertex> globalVerticesSubMesh = globalVertices.GetRange(babylonSubMesh.verticesStart, babylonSubMesh.verticesCount);

                var gltfIndices = babylonIndices.GetRange(babylonSubMesh.indexStart, babylonSubMesh.indexCount);
                // In gltf, indices of each mesh primitive are 0-based (ie: min value is 0)
                // Thus, the gltf indices list is a concatenation of sub lists all 0-based
                // Example for 2 triangles, each being a submesh:
                //      babylonIndices = {0,1,2, 3,4,5} gives as result gltfIndicies = {0,1,2, 0,1,2}
                var minIndiceValue = gltfIndices.Min(); // Should be equal to babylonSubMesh.indexStart
                for (int indexIndice = 0; indexIndice < gltfIndices.Count; indexIndice++)
                    gltfIndices[indexIndice] -= minIndiceValue;

                // --------------------------
                // ----- Mesh primitive -----
                // --------------------------

                // MeshPrimitive
                var meshPrimitive = new GLTFMeshPrimitive
                    attributes = new Dictionary <string, int>()

                // Material
                if (babylonMesh.materialId != null)
                    RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Material", 3);
                    // Retreive the babylon material
                    BabylonMaterial babylonMaterial;
                    var             babylonMaterialId = babylonMesh.materialId;
                    // From multi materials first, if any
                    // Loop recursively even though it shouldn't be a real use case
                    var babylonMultiMaterials = new List <BabylonMultiMaterial>(babylonScene.multiMaterials);
                    BabylonMultiMaterial babylonMultiMaterial;
                        babylonMultiMaterial = babylonMultiMaterials.Find(_babylonMultiMaterial => _babylonMultiMaterial.id == babylonMaterialId);
                        if (babylonMultiMaterial != null)
                            babylonMaterialId = babylonMultiMaterial.materials[babylonSubMesh.materialIndex];
                    }while (babylonMultiMaterial != null);
                    // Then from materials
                    var babylonMaterials = new List <BabylonMaterial>(babylonScene.materials);
                    babylonMaterial = babylonMaterials.Find(_babylonMaterial => _babylonMaterial.id == babylonMaterialId);

                    // If babylon material was exported successfully
                    if (babylonMaterial != null)
                        // Update primitive material index
                        var indexMaterial = babylonMaterialsToExport.FindIndex(_babylonMaterial => _babylonMaterial == babylonMaterial);
                        if (indexMaterial == -1)
                            // Store material for export
                            indexMaterial = babylonMaterialsToExport.Count;
                        meshPrimitive.material = indexMaterial;

                    // TODO - Add and retreive info from babylon material
                    meshPrimitive.mode = GLTFMeshPrimitive.FillMode.TRIANGLES;

                // --------------------------
                // ------- Accessors --------
                // --------------------------

                RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Geometry", 3);

                // Buffer
                var buffer = GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBuffer(gltf);

                // --- Indices ---
                var componentType = GLTFAccessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
                if (nbVertices >= 65536)
                    componentType = GLTFAccessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT;
                var accessorIndices = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                    GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewScalar(gltf, buffer),
                meshPrimitive.indices = accessorIndices.index;
                // Populate accessor
                if (componentType == GLTFAccessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT)
                    gltfIndices.ForEach(n => accessorIndices.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    var gltfIndicesShort = gltfIndices.ConvertAll(new Converter <int, ushort>(n => (ushort)n));
                    gltfIndicesShort.ForEach(n => accessorIndices.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                accessorIndices.count = gltfIndices.Count;

                // --- Positions ---
                var accessorPositions = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                    GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec3(gltf, buffer),
                meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.POSITION.ToString(), accessorPositions.index);
                // Populate accessor
                accessorPositions.min = new float[] { float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue };
                accessorPositions.max = new float[] { float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue };
                globalVerticesSubMesh.ForEach((globalVertex) =>
                    var positions = globalVertex.Position.ToArray();
                    // Store values as bytes
                    foreach (var position in positions)
                    // Update min and max values
                    GLTFBufferService.UpdateMinMaxAccessor(accessorPositions, positions);
                accessorPositions.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                // --- Normals ---
                var accessorNormals = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                    GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec3(gltf, buffer),
                meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.NORMAL.ToString(), accessorNormals.index);
                // Populate accessor
                List <float> normals = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.Normal.ToArray()).ToList();
                normals.ForEach(n => accessorNormals.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                accessorNormals.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                // --- Tangents ---
                if (hasTangents)
                    var accessorTangents = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.TANGENT.ToString(), accessorTangents.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    List <float> tangents = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.Tangent.ToArray()).ToList();
                    tangents.ForEach(n => accessorTangents.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorTangents.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                // --- Colors ---
                if (hasColor)
                    var accessorColors = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.COLOR_0.ToString(), accessorColors.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    List <float> colors = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Color[0], v.Color[1], v.Color[2], v.Color[3] }).ToList();
                    colors.ForEach(n => accessorColors.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorColors.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                // --- UV ---
                if (hasUV)
                    var accessorUVs = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec2(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.TEXCOORD_0.ToString(), accessorUVs.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    List <float> uvs = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.UV.ToArray()).ToList();
                    uvs.ForEach(n => accessorUVs.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorUVs.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                // --- UV2 ---
                if (hasUV2)
                    var accessorUV2s = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec2(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.TEXCOORD_1.ToString(), accessorUV2s.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    List <float> uvs2 = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.UV2.ToArray()).ToList();
                    uvs2.ForEach(n => accessorUV2s.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorUV2s.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                // --- Bones ---
                if (hasBones)
                    RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Bones", 3);
                    // --- Joints ---
                    var accessorJoints = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewUnsignedShortVec4(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_0.ToString(), accessorJoints.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    List <ushort> joints = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.BonesIndices[0], v.BonesIndices[1], v.BonesIndices[2], v.BonesIndices[3] }).ToList();
                    joints.ForEach(n => accessorJoints.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorJoints.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- Weights ---
                    var accessorWeights = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_0.ToString(), accessorWeights.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    List <float> weightBones = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.BonesWeights[0], v.BonesWeights[1], v.BonesWeights[2], v.BonesWeights[3] }).ToList();
                    weightBones.ForEach(n => accessorWeights.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorWeights.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                if (hasBonesExtra)
                    RaiseWarning("Too many bones influences per vertex. glTF only support up to 4 bones influences per vertex. The result may not be as expected.", 3);

                // Morph targets positions and normals
                if (babylonMorphTargetManager != null)
                    RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Morph targets", 3);
                    _exportMorphTargets(babylonMesh, babylonSubMesh, babylonMorphTargetManager, gltf, buffer, meshPrimitive);
            gltfMesh.primitives = meshPrimitives.ToArray();

            // Morph targets weights
            if (babylonMorphTargetManager != null)
                var weights = new List <float>();
                foreach (BabylonMorphTarget babylonMorphTarget in babylonMorphTargetManager.targets)
                gltfMesh.weights = weights.ToArray();

예제 #3
        private MetallicRoughness ConvertToMetallicRoughness(SpecularGlossiness specularGlossiness, bool displayPrints = false)
            // Hard coded points used to define the specular power to roughness curve.
            var P0 = new BabylonVector2(0f, 1f);
            var P1 = new BabylonVector2(0f, 0.1f);
            var P2 = new BabylonVector2(0f, 0.1f);
            var P3 = new BabylonVector2(1300f, 0.1f);

             * Helper function that defines the bezier curve as well. Given the control points, solve for x based on a given t for a cubic bezier curve
             * @param t a value between 0 and 1
             * @param p0 first control point
             * @param p1 second control point
             * @param p2 third control point
             * @param p3 fourth control point
             * @returns number result of cubic bezier curve at the specified t
            float _cubicBezierCurve(float t, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3)
                    (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * p0 +
                    3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * p1 +
                    3 * (1 - t) * t * t * p2 +
                    t * t * t * p3

             * Helper function that calculates a roughness coefficient given a blinn-phong specular power coefficient
             * @param specularPower the blinn-phong specular power coefficient
             * @returns number result of specularPower -> roughness conversion curve.
            float _solveForRoughness(float specularPower)
                var t = Math.Pow(specularPower / P3.X, 0.333333);

                return(_cubicBezierCurve((float)t, P0.Y, P1.Y, P2.Y, P3.Y));

            var diffuse    = specularGlossiness.diffuse;
            var opacity    = specularGlossiness.opacity;
            var glossiness = specularGlossiness.glossiness;
            var metallic   = 0;
            var roughness  = _solveForRoughness(glossiness * 256); // Glossiness = specularPower / 256

            if (displayPrints)
                RaiseVerbose("-----------------------", 3);
                RaiseVerbose("diffuse=" + diffuse, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("opacity=" + opacity, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("glossiness=" + glossiness, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("roughness=" + roughness, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("metallic=" + metallic, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("-----------------------", 3);

            return(new MetallicRoughness
                baseColor = diffuse,
                opacity = opacity,
                metallic = metallic,
                roughness = roughness
예제 #4
         * Helper function that calculates a roughness coefficient given a blinn-phong specular power coefficient
         * @param specularPower the blinn-phong specular power coefficient
         * @returns number result of specularPower -> roughness conversion curve.
        private static float _solveForRoughness(float specularPower, BabylonVector2 P0, BabylonVector2 P1, BabylonVector2 P2, BabylonVector2 P3)
            var t = Math.Pow(specularPower / P3.X, 0.333333);

            return(_cubicBezierCurve((float)t, P0.Y, P1.Y, P2.Y, P3.Y));
예제 #5
        private GLTFMesh ExportMesh(BabylonMesh babylonMesh, GLTF gltf, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Export mesh named: " + babylonMesh.name, 1);

            // --------------------------
            // --- Mesh from babylon ----
            // --------------------------
            // get direct access to mesh data or use geometryId to do so
            IBabylonMeshData meshData = babylonMesh.geometryId == null ? babylonMesh : (IBabylonMeshData)babylonScene.geometries.Get(babylonMesh.geometryId) ?? babylonMesh;

            if (meshData.positions == null || meshData.positions.Length == 0)
                logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Mesh is a dummy", 2);

            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Mesh from babylon", 2);
            // Retreive general data from babylon mesh
            int  nbVertices  = meshData.positions.Length / 3;
            bool hasUV       = meshData.uvs != null && meshData.uvs.Length > 0;
            bool hasUV2      = meshData.uvs2 != null && meshData.uvs2.Length > 0;
            bool hasColor    = meshData.colors != null && meshData.colors.Length > 0;
            bool hasBones    = meshData.matricesIndices != null && meshData.matricesIndices.Length > 0;
            bool hasTangents = meshData.tangents != null && meshData.tangents.Length > 0;
            bool hasNormals  = meshData.normals != null && meshData.normals.Length > 0;

            bool hasBonesExtra = babylonMesh.matricesIndicesExtra != null && babylonMesh.matricesIndicesExtra.Length > 0;
            bool hasMetadata   = babylonMesh.metadata != null && babylonMesh.metadata.Count > 0;

            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | nbVertices=" + nbVertices, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasUV=" + hasUV, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasUV2=" + hasUV2, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasColor=" + hasColor, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasBones=" + hasBones, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasBonesExtra=" + hasBonesExtra, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasMetadata=" + hasMetadata, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasNormals=" + hasNormals, 3);

            // Retreive vertices data from babylon mesh
            List <GLTFGlobalVertex> globalVertices = new List <GLTFGlobalVertex>();

            for (int indexVertex = 0; indexVertex < nbVertices; indexVertex++)
                GLTFGlobalVertex globalVertex = new GLTFGlobalVertex();
                globalVertex.Position = BabylonVector3.FromArray(meshData.positions, indexVertex);

                // Switch coordinate system at object level
                globalVertex.Position.Z *= -1;
                globalVertex.Position   *= exportParameters.scaleFactor;

                if (hasNormals)
                    globalVertex.Normal    = BabylonVector3.FromArray(meshData.normals, indexVertex);
                    globalVertex.Normal.Z *= -1;

                if (hasTangents)
                    globalVertex.Tangent = BabylonQuaternion.FromArray(meshData.tangents, indexVertex);

                    // Switch coordinate system at object level
                    globalVertex.Tangent.Z *= -1;

                    // Invert W to switch to right handed system
                    globalVertex.Tangent.W *= -1;

                if (hasUV)
                    globalVertex.UV = BabylonVector2.FromArray(meshData.uvs, indexVertex);
                    // For glTF, the origin of the UV coordinates (0, 0) corresponds to the upper left corner of a texture image
                    // While for Babylon, it corresponds to the lower left corner of a texture image
                    globalVertex.UV.Y = 1 - globalVertex.UV.Y;
                if (hasUV2)
                    globalVertex.UV2 = BabylonVector2.FromArray(meshData.uvs2, indexVertex);
                    // For glTF, the origin of the UV coordinates (0, 0) corresponds to the upper left corner of a texture image
                    // While for Babylon, it corresponds to the lower left corner of a texture image
                    globalVertex.UV2.Y = 1 - globalVertex.UV2.Y;
                if (hasColor)
                    globalVertex.Color = ArrayExtension.SubArrayFromEntity(meshData.colors, indexVertex, 4);
                if (hasBones)
                    // In babylon, the 4 bones indices are stored in a single int
                    // Each bone index is 8-bit offset from the next
                    ushort[] unpackBabylonBonesToArray(uint babylonBoneIndices)
                        uint bone3 = babylonBoneIndices >> 24;
                        uint bone2 = (babylonBoneIndices << 8) >> 24;
                        uint bone1 = (babylonBoneIndices << 16) >> 24;
                        uint bone0 = (babylonBoneIndices << 24) >> 24;

                        babylonBoneIndices -= bone0 << 0;
                        return(new ushort[] { (ushort)bone0, (ushort)bone1, (ushort)bone2, (ushort)bone3 });

                    uint bonesIndicesMerged = (uint)meshData.matricesIndices[indexVertex];
                    globalVertex.BonesIndices = unpackBabylonBonesToArray(bonesIndicesMerged);
                    globalVertex.BonesWeights = ArrayExtension.SubArrayFromEntity(meshData.matricesWeights, indexVertex, 4);
                    void clearBoneUnusedIndices(ushort[] indices, float[] weights)
                        for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; ++i)
                            // Zero out indices of unused joint weights to avoid ACCESSOR_JOINTS_USED_ZERO_WEIGHT.
                            if (MathUtilities.IsAlmostEqualTo(weights[i], 0, float.Epsilon))
                                indices[i] = 0;

                    clearBoneUnusedIndices(globalVertex.BonesIndices, globalVertex.BonesWeights);

                    if (hasBonesExtra)
                        uint bonesIndicesExtraMerged = (uint)meshData.matricesIndicesExtra[indexVertex];
                        globalVertex.BonesIndicesExtra = unpackBabylonBonesToArray(bonesIndicesExtraMerged);
                        globalVertex.BonesWeightsExtra = ArrayExtension.SubArrayFromEntity(meshData.matricesWeightsExtra, indexVertex, 4);

                        clearBoneUnusedIndices(globalVertex.BonesIndicesExtra, globalVertex.BonesWeightsExtra);


            var babylonMorphTargetManager = GetBabylonMorphTargetManager(babylonScene, babylonMesh);

            // Retreive indices from babylon mesh
            List <int> babylonIndices = meshData.indices.ToList();

            // --------------------------
            // ------- Init glTF --------
            // --------------------------

            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Init glTF", 2);
            // Mesh
            var gltfMesh = new GLTFMesh {
                name = babylonMesh.name

            gltfMesh.index = gltf.MeshesList.Count;
            gltfMesh.idGroupInstance = babylonMesh.idGroupInstance;
            if (hasBones)
                gltfMesh.idBabylonSkeleton = babylonMesh.skeletonId;

            // --------------------------
            // ---- glTF primitives -----
            // --------------------------
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | glTF primitives", 2);
            List <GLTFMeshPrimitive> meshPrimitives = new List <GLTFMeshPrimitive>();

            if (meshData != babylonMesh && primitivesCache.TryGetValue(babylonMesh.geometryId, out List <GLTFMeshPrimitive> result))
                // this is a clone, indexing the same geometry
                // so we just need to retreive the primitive object and copy attributes and indices
                meshPrimitives.AddRange(result.Select((p, i) =>
                    var meshPrimitive = new GLTFMeshPrimitive()
                        indices    = p.indices,
                        attributes = p.attributes

                    // Material
                    if (babylonMesh.materialId != null)
                        logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Material", 3);
                        // according we have a clone, then submeshes are of the same count and order.
                        SetBabylonMaterial(babylonMesh, babylonMesh.subMeshes[i], meshPrimitive);
                foreach (BabylonSubMesh babylonSubMesh in babylonMesh.subMeshes)
                    // --------------------------
                    // ------ SubMesh data ------
                    // --------------------------

                    List <GLTFGlobalVertex> globalVerticesSubMesh = globalVertices.GetRange(babylonSubMesh.verticesStart, babylonSubMesh.verticesCount);

                    var gltfIndices = babylonIndices.GetRange(babylonSubMesh.indexStart, babylonSubMesh.indexCount);
                    // In gltf, indices of each mesh primitive are 0-based (ie: min value is 0)
                    // Thus, the gltf indices list is a concatenation of sub lists all 0-based
                    // Example for 2 triangles, each being a submesh:
                    // babylonIndices = {0,1,2, 3,4,5} gives as result gltfIndicies = {0,1,2, 0,1,2}
                    var minIndiceValue = gltfIndices.Min(); // Should be equal to babylonSubMesh.indexStart
                    if (minIndiceValue != 0)
                        for (int indexIndice = 0; indexIndice < gltfIndices.Count; indexIndice++)
                            gltfIndices[indexIndice] -= minIndiceValue;

                    // --------------------------
                    // ----- Mesh primitive -----
                    // --------------------------
                    // MeshPrimitive
                    var meshPrimitive = new GLTFMeshPrimitive
                        attributes = new Dictionary <string, int>()

                    // Material
                    if (babylonMesh.materialId != null)
                        logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Material", 3);
                        SetBabylonMaterial(babylonMesh, babylonSubMesh, meshPrimitive);

                    // --------------------------
                    // ------- Accessors --------
                    // --------------------------

                    logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Geometry", 3);

                    // Buffer
                    var buffer = GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBuffer(gltf);

                    // --- Indices ---
                    var componentType = GLTFAccessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
                    if (nbVertices >= 65536)
                        componentType = GLTFAccessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT;
                    var accessorIndices = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewScalar(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.indices = accessorIndices.index;
                    // Populate accessor
                    if (componentType == GLTFAccessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT)
                        gltfIndices.ForEach(n => accessorIndices.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                        var gltfIndicesShort = gltfIndices.ConvertAll(new Converter <int, ushort>(n => (ushort)n));
                        gltfIndicesShort.ForEach(n => accessorIndices.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorIndices.count = gltfIndices.Count;

                    // --- Positions ---
                    var accessorPositions = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec3(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.POSITION.ToString(), accessorPositions.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    accessorPositions.min = new float[] { float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue };
                    accessorPositions.max = new float[] { float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue };
                    globalVerticesSubMesh.ForEach((globalVertex) =>
                        var positions = globalVertex.Position.ToArray();
                        // Store values as bytes
                        foreach (var position in positions)
                        // Update min and max values
                        GLTFBufferService.UpdateMinMaxAccessor(accessorPositions, positions);
                    accessorPositions.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- Tangents ---
                    if (hasTangents)
                        var accessorTangents = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                            GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                        meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.TANGENT.ToString(), accessorTangents.index);
                        // Populate accessor
                        List <float> tangents = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.Tangent.ToArray()).ToList();
                        tangents.ForEach(n => accessorTangents.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                        accessorTangents.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- Normals ---
                    if (hasNormals)
                        var accessorNormals = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                            GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec3(gltf, buffer),
                        meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.NORMAL.ToString(), accessorNormals.index);

                        // Populate accessor
                        List <float> normals = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.Normal.ToArray()).ToList();
                        normals.ForEach(n => accessorNormals.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                        accessorNormals.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- Colors ---
                    if (hasColor)
                        var accessorColors = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                            GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                        meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.COLOR_0.ToString(), accessorColors.index);
                        // Populate accessor
                        List <float> colors = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Color[0], v.Color[1], v.Color[2], v.Color[3] }).ToList();
                        colors.ForEach(n => accessorColors.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                        accessorColors.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- UV ---
                    if (hasUV)
                        var accessorUVs = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                            GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec2(gltf, buffer),
                        meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.TEXCOORD_0.ToString(), accessorUVs.index);
                        // Populate accessor
                        List <float> uvs = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.UV.ToArray()).ToList();
                        uvs.ForEach(n => accessorUVs.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                        accessorUVs.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- UV2 ---
                    if (hasUV2)
                        var accessorUV2s = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                            GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec2(gltf, buffer),
                        meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.TEXCOORD_1.ToString(), accessorUV2s.index);
                        // Populate accessor
                        List <float> uvs2 = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.UV2.ToArray()).ToList();
                        uvs2.ForEach(n => accessorUV2s.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                        accessorUV2s.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- Bones ---
                    if (hasBones)
                        logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Bones", 3);

                        // if we've already exported this mesh's skeleton, check if the skins match,
                        // if so then export this mesh primitive to share joint and weight accessors.
                        var matchingSkinnedMesh = alreadyExportedSkinnedMeshes.FirstOrDefault(skinnedMesh => skinnedMesh.skeletonId == babylonMesh.skeletonId);
                        if (matchingSkinnedMesh != null && BabylonMesh.MeshesShareSkin(matchingSkinnedMesh, babylonMesh))
                            var tmpGltfMesh          = gltf.MeshesList.FirstOrDefault(mesh => matchingSkinnedMesh.name == mesh.name);
                            var tmpGltfMeshPrimitive = tmpGltfMesh.primitives.First();

                            meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_0.ToString(), tmpGltfMeshPrimitive.attributes[GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_0.ToString()]);
                            meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_0.ToString(), tmpGltfMeshPrimitive.attributes[GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_0.ToString()]);
                            if (hasBonesExtra)
                                meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_1.ToString(), tmpGltfMeshPrimitive.attributes[GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_1.ToString()]);
                                meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_1.ToString(), tmpGltfMeshPrimitive.attributes[GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_1.ToString()]);
                            // Create new joint and weight accessors for this mesh's skinning.
                            // --- Joints ---
                            sharedSkinnedMeshesByOriginal[gltfMesh] = new List <GLTFMesh>();
                            var accessorJoints = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                                GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewUnsignedShortVec4(gltf, buffer),
                            meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_0.ToString(), accessorJoints.index);
                            // Populate accessor
                            List <ushort> joints = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.BonesIndices[0], v.BonesIndices[1], v.BonesIndices[2], v.BonesIndices[3] }).ToList();
                            joints.ForEach(n => accessorJoints.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                            accessorJoints.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                            if (hasBonesExtra)
                                // --- Joints Extra ---
                                var accessorJointsExtra = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                                    GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewUnsignedShortVec4(gltf, buffer),
                                meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_1.ToString(), accessorJointsExtra.index);
                                // Populate accessor
                                List <ushort> jointsExtra = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.BonesIndicesExtra[0], v.BonesIndicesExtra[1], v.BonesIndicesExtra[2], v.BonesIndicesExtra[3] }).ToList();
                                jointsExtra.ForEach(n => accessorJointsExtra.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                                accessorJointsExtra.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                            // --- Weights ---
                            var accessorWeights = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                                GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                            meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_0.ToString(), accessorWeights.index);
                            // Populate accessor
                            List <float> weightBones = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.BonesWeights[0], v.BonesWeights[1], v.BonesWeights[2], v.BonesWeights[3] }).ToList();
                            weightBones.ForEach(n => accessorWeights.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                            accessorWeights.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                            if (hasBonesExtra)
                                // --- Weights Extra ---
                                var accessorWeightsExtra = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                                    GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                                meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_1.ToString(), accessorWeightsExtra.index);
                                // Populate accessor
                                List <float> weightBonesExtra = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.BonesWeightsExtra[0], v.BonesWeightsExtra[1], v.BonesWeightsExtra[2], v.BonesWeightsExtra[3] }).ToList();
                                weightBonesExtra.ForEach(n => accessorWeightsExtra.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                                accessorWeightsExtra.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // Morph targets positions and normals
                    if (babylonMorphTargetManager != null)
                        logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Morph targets", 3);
                        _exportMorphTargets(babylonMesh, babylonSubMesh, babylonMorphTargetManager, gltf, buffer, meshPrimitive);

                // this is a "master" mesh so save the primitives into dictionary
                if (babylonMesh.geometryId != null && meshPrimitives != null)
                    primitivesCache.Add(babylonMesh.geometryId, meshPrimitives);
            gltfMesh.primitives = meshPrimitives.ToArray();

            // Morph targets weights and names
            if (babylonMorphTargetManager != null && babylonMorphTargetManager.targets != null)
                var weights     = new List <float>();
                var targetNames = new List <String>();
                foreach (BabylonMorphTarget babylonMorphTarget in babylonMorphTargetManager.targets)
                gltfMesh.weights = weights.ToArray();

                if (gltfMesh.extras == null)
                    gltfMesh.extras = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                gltfMesh.extras["targetNames"] = targetNames.ToArray();

            if (hasBones)

            ExportGLTFExtension(babylonMesh, ref gltfMesh, gltf);
