예제 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!EX_Admin.Power("servicepanel_config", "编辑客服面板配置"))
            B_ServicePanel config = new B_ServicePanel();

            model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig();

            string con = model.ServicePanel;

            sp = B_ServicePanel.GetModel(con);

            //string con = "[{\"x\":\"111\",\"y\":\"112\".....}]";
            //Shop.Model.ServicePanel sp = B_ServicePanel.GetModel(con);

            //例如   sp.x

            //Model.ServicePanel sp = new Model.ServicePanel();
            //sp.x = "";
            //sp.y = "";
            //sp.theme = "";

            //string json = B_ServicePanel.ToJson(sp);
예제 #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Power("supplier_servicepanel_list", "客服面板"))
            model = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetModel(CurrentSupplier.id);
            if (model == null)
                model = new Lebi_Supplier();
            string con = model.ServicePanel;

            sp = B_ServicePanel.GetModel(con);

            //string con = "[{\"x\":\"111\",\"y\":\"112\".....}]";
            //Shop.Model.ServicePanel sp = B_ServicePanel.GetModel(con);

            //例如   sp.x

            //Model.ServicePanel sp = new Model.ServicePanel();
            //sp.x = "";
            //sp.y = "";
            //sp.theme = "";

            //string json = B_ServicePanel.ToJson(sp);
예제 #3
        protected override void LoadPage(string themecode, int siteid, string languagecode, string pcode)
            pcode = "P_ShopIndex";
            LoadTheme(themecode, siteid, languagecode, pcode);
            id        = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0);          //商家ID
            cid       = RequestTool.RequestInt("cid", 0);         //商品分类
            list      = RequestTool.RequestString("list");        //列表或网格
            sort      = RequestTool.RequestString("sort");        //排序
            key       = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("keyword"); //关键词
            pageindex = RequestTool.RequestInt("page", 1);
            parentcid = 0;
            supplier  = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetModel("id = " + id);
            if (supplier == null)
                Response.Redirect(URL("P_404", ""));
            int Supplier_id = supplier.User_id;

            if (cid != 0)
                producttype = B_Lebi_Supplier_ProductType.GetModel(cid);
                if (producttype.parentid > 0)
                    parentcid = producttype.parentid;
                    parentcid = cid;
            path = "<a href=\"" + URL("P_Index", "") + "\" class=\"home\" title=\"" + Tag("首页") + "\"><span>" + Tag("首页") + "</span></a><em class=\"home\">&raquo;</em><a href=\"" + URL("P_ShopIndex", id) + "\"><span>" + Lang(supplier.Name) + "</span></a>";

            where = ProductWhere + " and Supplier_id = " + id + "";
            if (cid > 0)
                if (DataBase.DBType == "sqlserver")
                    where += " and Charindex('," + cid + ",',','+Supplier_ProductType_ids+',')>0";
                if (DataBase.DBType == "access")
                    where += " and Instr(','+Supplier_ProductType_ids+',','," + cid + ",')>0";
            if (key != "")
                where += " and Name like '%" + key + "%'";
            if (sort == "")
                sort = "1";
            if (sort == "1")
                order = " Count_Sales_Show desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "1a")
                order = " Count_Sales_Show asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "2")
                order = " Price desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "2a")
                order = " Price asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "3")
                order = " Count_Comment desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "3a")
                order = " Count_Comment asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "4")
                order = " Time_Add desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "4a")
                order = " Time_Add asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "5")
                order = " Count_Views_Show desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "5a")
                order = " Count_Views_Show asc"; ordertmp = "";
                order = " Count_Sales_Show desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            products    = B_Lebi_Product.GetList(where, order, PageSize, pageindex);
            recordCount = B_Lebi_Product.Counts(where);
            string url = URL("P_ShopIndex", id + "," + cid + "," + list + "," + sort + ",{0}," + key + "");

            HeadPage = Shop.Bussiness.Pager.GetPaginationStringForWebSimple(url, pageindex, PageSize, recordCount, CurrentLanguage);
            FootPage = Shop.Bussiness.Pager.GetPaginationStringForWeb(url, pageindex, PageSize, recordCount, CurrentLanguage);
            NextPage = URL("P_ShopIndex", id + "," + cid + "," + list + "," + sort + "," + (pageindex + 1) + "," + key + "");
            string supplierservicepannelcon = supplier.ServicePanel;

            supplierservicepannel = B_ServicePanel.GetModel(supplierservicepannelcon);

            headcontent = supplier.head;
            longbar     = supplier.longbar;
            shortbar    = supplier.shortbar;
            if (CurrentSite.IsMobile == 0)  //只针对PC站点 lebi.kingdge 2015-12-30
                Lebi_Supplier_Skin skin = B_Lebi_Supplier_Skin.GetModel(supplier.Supplier_Skin_id);
                if (skin != null)
                    string filename = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath.ToString().ToLower();
                    if (!filename.Contains("default" + skin.id + ".aspx"))
                        string tourl = Shop.Bussiness.Site.Instance.WebPath + "/" + CurrentLanguage.Path + "/shop/default" + skin.id + ".aspx?id=" + supplier.id + "&cid=" + cid + "&list=" + list + "&sort=" + sort + "&page=" + pageindex;
                        tourl = ThemeUrl.CheckPath(tourl);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 客服面板设置信息
        /// </summary>
        public void ServicePanel_Config()
            if (!Power("supplier_servicepanel_list", "客服面板"))
            Model.ServicePanel sp = new Model.ServicePanel();
            sp.X       = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("X");
            sp.Y       = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Y");
            sp.Theme   = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Theme");
            sp.Status  = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Status");
            sp.IsFloat = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("IsFloat");
            sp.Style   = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Style");
            string con = B_ServicePanel.ToJson(sp);
            //BaseConfig bconf = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig();
            Lebi_Supplier model = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetModel(CurrentSupplier.id);

            if (model == null)
            model.ServicePanel = con;
            Log.Add("配置客服面板", "ServicePanel", CurrentSupplier.id.ToString(), CurrentSupplier, "");
            string temp = "";

            temp += "var ShopstartX = document.body.clientWidth-" + RequestTool.RequestSafeString("X") + ";\n";
            if (RequestTool.RequestSafeString("IsFloat") == "1" && RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Style") == "1")
                temp += "var ShopstartY = " + RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Y") + ";\n";
            else if (RequestTool.RequestSafeString("IsFloat") == "0" && RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Style") == "1")
                temp += "var ShopstartY = " + RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Y") + ";\n";
            if (RequestTool.RequestSafeString("IsFloat") == "1" && RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Style") == "1")
                temp += "var verticalpos='fromtop';\n";
            else if (RequestTool.RequestSafeString("IsFloat") == "0" && RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Style") == "1")
                temp += "var verticalpos='frombottom';\n";
            temp += "var winWidth = 0;\n";
            temp += "function iecompattest(){\n";
            temp += "   return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!='BackCompat')? document.documentElement : document.body\n";
            temp += "}\n";

            temp += "function ShopServicePannelstaticbar(){\n";
            temp += "	if (window.innerWidth)\n";
            temp += "	winWidth = window.innerWidth;\n";
            temp += "	else if ((document.body) && (document.body.clientWidth))\n";
            temp += "	winWidth = document.body.clientWidth;\n";
            temp += "	if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth){winWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;}\n";
            temp += "	ShopstartX = winWidth-"+ RequestTool.RequestSafeString("X") + ";\n";
            temp += "	barheight=document.getElementById('divShopServicePannel').offsetHeight\n";
            temp += "	var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape') != -1) || window.opera;\n";
            temp += "	var d = document;\n";
            temp += "	function ml(id){\n";
            temp += "		var el=d.getElementById(id);\n";
            temp += "		el.style.visibility='visible'\n";
            temp += "		if(d.layers)el.style=el;\n";
            temp += "		el.sP=function(x,y){this.style.left=x+'px';this.style.top=y+'px';};\n";
            temp += "		el.x = ShopstartX;\n";
            temp += "		if (verticalpos=='fromtop')\n";
            temp += "		el.y = ShopstartY;\n";
            temp += "		else{\n";
            temp += "		el.y = ns ? pageYOffset + innerHeight : iecompattest().scrollTop + iecompattest().clientHeight;\n";
            temp += "		el.y -= ShopstartY;\n";
            temp += "		}\n";
            temp += "		return el;\n";
            temp += "	}\n";
            temp += "	window.ShopServicePannel=function(){\n";
            temp += "		if (verticalpos=='fromtop'){\n";
            temp += "		var pY = ns ? pageYOffset : iecompattest().scrollTop;\n";
            temp += "		ftlObj.y += (pY + ShopstartY - ftlObj.y)/8;\n";
            temp += "		}\n";
            temp += "		else{\n";
            temp += "		var pY = ns ? pageYOffset + innerHeight - barheight: iecompattest().scrollTop + iecompattest().clientHeight - barheight;\n";
            temp += "		ftlObj.y += (pY - ShopstartY - ftlObj.y)/8;\n";
            temp += "		}\n";
            temp += "		ftlObj.sP(ftlObj.x, ftlObj.y);\n";
            temp += "		setTimeout('stayTopLeft()', 10);\n";
            temp += "	}\n";
            temp += "	ftlObj = ml('ShopServicePannel');\n";
            temp += "	ShopServicePannel();\n";
            temp += "}\n";
            temp += "if(typeof(HTMLElement)!='undefined'){\n";
            temp += "  HTMLElement.prototype.contains=function (obj)\n";
            temp += "  {\n";
            temp += "	  while(obj!=null&&typeof(obj.tagName)!='undefind'){\n";
            temp += "    if(obj==this) return true;\n";
            temp += "  	 obj=obj.parentNode;\n";
            temp += " 	  }\n";
            temp += "	  return false;\n";
            temp += "  }\n";
            temp += "}\n";
            temp += "if (window.addEventListener)\n";
            temp += "window.addEventListener('load', ShopServicePannelstaticbar, false)\n";
            temp += "else if (window.attachEvent)\n";
            temp += "window.attachEvent('onload', ShopServicePannelstaticbar)\n";
            temp += "else if (document.getElementById)\n";
            temp += "window.onload=ShopServicePannelstaticbar;\n";
            temp += "window.onresize=ShopServicePannelstaticbar;\n";
            temp += "function ShopServicePannelOver(){\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelMenu').style.display = 'none';\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelOnline').style.display = 'block';\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('divShopServicePannel').style.width = '170px';\n";
            temp += "}\n";
            temp += "function ShopServicePannelOut(){\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelMenu').style.display = 'block';\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelOnline').style.display = 'none';\n";
            temp += "}\n";
            temp += "if(typeof(HTMLElement)!='undefined') \n";
            temp += "{\n";
            temp += "   HTMLElement.prototype.contains=function(obj)\n";
            temp += "   {\n";
            temp += "       while(obj!=null&&typeof(obj.tagName)!='undefind'){\n";
            temp += "       if(obj==this) return true;\n";
            temp += "       obj=obj.parentNode;\n";
            temp += "     }\n";
            temp += "          return false;\n";
            temp += "   };\n";
            temp += "}\n";
            temp += "function ShowShopServicePannel(theEvent){\n";
            temp += "  if (theEvent){\n";
            temp += "     var browser=navigator.userAgent;\n";
            temp += " 	if (browser.indexOf('Firefox')>0){\n";
            temp += "       if (document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelOnline').contains(theEvent.relatedTarget)) {\n";
            temp += "           return;\n";
            temp += "         }\n";
            temp += "      }\n";
            temp += "	    if (browser.indexOf('MSIE')>0 || browser.indexOf('Safari')>0){ //IE Safari\n";
            temp += "          if (document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelOnline').contains(event.toElement)) {\n";
            temp += "	          return;\n";
            temp += "          }\n";
            temp += "      }\n";
            temp += "   }\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelMenu').style.display = 'block';\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelOnline').style.display = 'none';\n";
            temp += "}";
            HtmlEngine save = new HtmlEngine();

            save.CreateFile("/supplier/js/user/ServicePanel" + CurrentSupplier.id + ".js", temp);
예제 #5
        protected override void LoadPage(string themecode, int siteid, string languagecode, string pcode)
            pcode = "P_ShopProductCategory";
            LoadTheme(themecode, siteid, languagecode, pcode);
            id        = Rint_Para("0");    //商家ID
            cid       = Rint_Para("1");    //商品分类
            list      = Rstring_Para("2"); //列表或网格
            sort      = Rstring_Para("3"); //排序
            key       = Rstring_Para("5"); //关键词
            pageindex = RequestTool.RequestInt("page", 1);
            parentcid = 0;
            supplier  = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetModel("id = " + id);
            if (supplier == null)
                Response.Redirect(URL("P_404", ""));
            int Supplier_id = supplier.User_id;

            if (cid != 0)
                producttype = B_Lebi_Supplier_ProductType.GetModel(cid);
                if (producttype.parentid > 0)
                    parentcid = producttype.parentid;
                    parentcid = cid;
            path = "<a href=\"" + URL("P_Index", "") + "\" class=\"home\" title=\"" + Tag("首页") + "\"><span>" + Tag("首页") + "</span></a><em class=\"home\">&raquo;</em><a href=\"" + URL("P_ShopIndex", id) + "\"><span>" + Lang(supplier.Name) + "</span></a>";
            if (key != "")
                path += " > " + key;

            where = "Type_id_ProductStatus = 101 and Product_id=0 and Supplier_id = " + id + "";
            if (cid > 0)
                if (DataBase.DBType == "sqlserver")
                    where += " and Charindex('," + cid + ",',','+Supplier_ProductType_ids+',')>0";
                if (DataBase.DBType == "access")
                    where += " and Instr(','+Supplier_ProductType_ids+',','," + cid + ",')>0";
            if (key != "")
                where += " and Name like '%" + key + "%'";
            if (sort == "")
                sort = "1";
            if (sort == "1")
                order = " Count_Sales_Show desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "1a")
                order = " Count_Sales_Show asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "2")
                order = " Price desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "2a")
                order = " Price asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "3")
                order = " Count_Comment desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "3a")
                order = " Count_Comment asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "4")
                order = " Time_Add desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "4a")
                order = " Time_Add asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "5")
                order = " Count_Views_Show desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "5a")
                order = " Count_Views_Show asc"; ordertmp = "";
                order = " Count_Sales_Show desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            products    = B_Lebi_Product.GetList(where, order, PageSize, pageindex);
            recordCount = B_Lebi_Product.Counts(where);
            string url = URL("P_ShopProductCategory", id + "," + cid + "," + list + "," + sort + ",{0}," + key + "");

            HeadPage = Shop.Bussiness.Pager.GetPaginationStringForWebSimple(url, pageindex, PageSize, recordCount, CurrentLanguage);
            FootPage = Shop.Bussiness.Pager.GetPaginationStringForWeb(url, pageindex, PageSize, recordCount, CurrentLanguage);
            string supplierservicepannelcon = supplier.ServicePanel;

            supplierservicepannel = B_ServicePanel.GetModel(supplierservicepannelcon);

            headcontent = supplier.head;
            longbar     = supplier.longbar;
            shortbar    = supplier.shortbar;
예제 #6
        protected override void LoadPage(string themecode, int siteid, string languagecode, string pcode)
            pcode = "P_ShopProductCategory";
            LoadTheme(themecode, siteid, languagecode, pcode);
            id        = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0);          //商家ID
            cid       = RequestTool.RequestInt("cid", 0);         //商品分类
            list      = RequestTool.RequestString("list");        //列表或网格
            sort      = RequestTool.RequestString("sort");        //排序
            keyword   = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("keyword"); //关键词
            pageindex = RequestTool.RequestInt("page", 1);
            parentcid = 0;
            supplier  = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetModel("id = " + id);
            if (supplier == null)
                Response.Redirect(URL("P_404", ""));
            int Supplier_id = supplier.User_id;

            if (cid != 0)
                producttype = B_Lebi_Supplier_ProductType.GetModel(cid);
                if (producttype.parentid > 0)
                    parentcid = producttype.parentid;
                    parentcid = cid;
            path = "<a href=\"" + URL("P_Index", "") + "\" class=\"home\" title=\"" + Tag("首页") + "\"><span>" + Tag("首页") + "</span></a><em class=\"home\">&raquo;</em><a href=\"" + URL("P_ShopIndex", id) + "\"><span>" + Lang(supplier.Name) + "</span></a><em>&raquo;</em><a href=\"" + URL("P_ShopProductCategory", "" + id + "," + cid + "," + list + "," + sort + ",1," + keyword + "") + "\"><span>" + Tag("商品列表") + "</span></a>";

            where = ProductWhere + " and Type_id_ProductType = 320 and Supplier_id = " + id + "";
            if (cid > 0)
                where += " and " + ShopCategoryWhere(cid);
            if (keyword != "")
                //增加空格划词搜索 by kingdge 2013-09-18
                string wherekeyword = "";
                if (keyword.IndexOf(" ") > -1)
                    string[] keywordsArr;
                    keywordsArr = keyword.Split(new char[1] {
                        ' '
                    foreach (string keywords in keywordsArr)
                        if (keywords != "")
                            if (wherekeyword == "")
                                wherekeyword = "Name like lbsql{'%" + keywords + "%'}";
                                wherekeyword += " and Name like lbsql{'%" + keywords + "%'}";
                    wherekeyword = "Name like lbsql{'%" + keyword + "%'}";
                where += " and ((" + wherekeyword + ") or Number like lbsql{'%" + keyword + "%'} or Code like lbsql{'%" + keyword + "%'})";
                path  += "<em>&raquo;</em><a class=\"text\"><span>“" + keyword + "”</span></a>";
            if (sort == "")
                sort = "1";
            if (sort == "1")
                order = " Count_Sales_Show desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "1a")
                order = " Count_Sales_Show asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "2")
                order = " Price desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "2a")
                order = " Price asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "3")
                order = " Count_Comment desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "3a")
                order = " Count_Comment asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "4")
                order = " Time_Add desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "4a")
                order = " Time_Add asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "5")
                order = " Count_Views_Show desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "5a")
                order = " Count_Views_Show asc"; ordertmp = "";
                order = " Count_Sales_Show desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            products    = B_Lebi_Product.GetList(where, order, PageSize, pageindex);
            recordCount = B_Lebi_Product.Counts(where);
            string url = URL("P_ShopProductCategory", id + "," + cid + "," + list + "," + sort + ",{0}," + keyword + "");

            HeadPage = Shop.Bussiness.Pager.GetPaginationStringForWebSimple(url, pageindex, PageSize, recordCount, CurrentLanguage);
            FootPage = Shop.Bussiness.Pager.GetPaginationStringForWeb(url, pageindex, PageSize, recordCount, CurrentLanguage);
            NextPage = URL("P_ShopProductCategory", id + "," + cid + "," + list + "," + sort + "," + (pageindex + 1) + "," + keyword + "");
            string supplierservicepannelcon = supplier.ServicePanel;

            supplierservicepannel = B_ServicePanel.GetModel(supplierservicepannelcon);

            headcontent = supplier.head;
            longbar     = supplier.longbar;
            shortbar    = supplier.shortbar;
            Lebi_Supplier_Skin skin = B_Lebi_Supplier_Skin.GetModel(supplier.Supplier_Skin_id);

            if (skin != null)
                string filename = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath.ToString().ToLower();
                if (!filename.Contains("default" + skin.id + ".aspx") && filename.Contains("default.aspx"))
                    string tourl = Shop.Bussiness.Site.Instance.WebPath + "/" + CurrentLanguage.Path + "/shop/default" + skin.id + ".aspx?id=" + supplier.id + "&cid=" + cid + "&list=" + list + "&sort=" + sort + "&page=" + pageindex + "&keyword=" + keyword;
                    tourl = ThemeUrl.CheckPath(tourl);